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State when a Hindu Marriage is void or voidable under the Hindu Marriage

Explain the various matrimonial relief which are provided under the Hindu Marriage Act
State the conditions of a valid Hindu Marriage. Explain the consequences of violation of
these conditions.
Discuss the capacity of the person giving in adoption and person taking in adopting under the
Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956
Explain the right to get maintenance under the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956
Explain the source of Hindu Law
Explain the sources of Muslim Law

Restitution of conjugal rights

Divorce and Divorce grounds
Judicial Seperation
Voidable Marriage
Prohibited Relationship
Sapindas Relationship
Maintenance of wife, widow daughter in law, children and aged parents
Natural Guardianship and their powers
Testamentary Guardianship
Dower and its kinds
Talaq ul ashan
Talak ul hasan
Talaq ul biddat
Maliki school of thought
Fasid Marriage
Sahih Marriage

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