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Project Evalua on Rubrics (Guide Name [Examiner]: )

Project Title : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Project Group PRN Number Name of Student Sign of Student

Number Member

Marks to be allocated to respec ve students depends on following parameter levels Group Members
Sr. Parameter (3 Mark) (2 Mark) (1 mark) 1 2 3 4
1 Literature Survey Referred to more than SIX Referred to more than THREE NO references included
ar cles; appropriately ar cles; appropriately summarized;
summarized; includes recent NO recent references
2 Problem Problem statement is clear, can Problem statement clear, NOT Problem statement NOT
statement be implemented and tested, feasible for implementa on, and clear
and addresses one of the does NOT address the Engineering
Engineering Grand Challenge Grand Challenge
3 Contribu on to The community that shall Community clearly specified; Hazard to society and to
society, concern benefit clearly specified; however, safety measures not environment
for environment ensures safety to environment specified
4 Compliance to Clear statement of exis ng Clear statement, but does not Standards/Norms NOT
Standards Standards/ Norms, with include compliance stated
5 Project Scheduling Proposed and implemented Proposed Gan chart included; Gan chart NOT
and work Gan chart included; with clear without clear distribu on of provided; NO distribu on
delega on distribu on of workload among workload of workload
the team members
6 Iden fica on of Clear list, descrip on and SOME essen al Mathema cal, There is NO men on of
essen al concepts jus fica on of MOST essen al Science, Engineering and any of the essen al
Mathema cal, Science, Management Concepts included, Concepts
Engineering and Management without necessary details/
Concepts included jus fica on
Project Evalua on Rubrics (Guide Name [Examiner]: )
7 Preparing the An Exhaus ve list of possible A list of possible Modern Only list of modern
equipment/ Modern Tools/Components Tools/Components that may be used tool(s) and components
component list that may be used to implement to implement the project is being used is provided
the project is provided, provided, without the brief
together with a brief compara ve study
compara ve study
8 The Modern Tool Clear jus fica on in selec ng There is no jus fica on for the No idea of
the TOOL/Components being tool/components being used tool/components to be
used is provided used
9 Design(s) More than ONE design solu on Only ONE design solu on NO design included
provided and implemented, implemented
with a compara ve study
10 Analyse the Included clear analysis, along Included analysis, without the NO analysis
results from with advantages and advantages and disadvantages
literature referred disadvantages
11 Budget Analysis Budget analysis provided for Budget analysis not provided for NO budget analysis
most of the resources major resources included
12 The Project Report well organized, clear objec ves NOT well organized NOT submi ed by the
and outcomes for every chapter deadline
13 The Poster The Poster is well designed and The Poster is NOT well organized, The Poster is NOT
Presenta on includes the aim, the outcome, and includes few details included
the results and conclusion
14 Viva-Voce Fair knowledge of MOST Demonstrates fair knowledge of NO knowledge of any of
concepts related to the project SOME concepts the concepts
(8 Mark) (4 Mark) (0 mark)
15 Performance in Contributes to the team, cooperates in the team, but does Does NOT cooperate in
the Team cooperates in the team, and NOT contribute to the team the team
mentors/leads the team
Total ICA Marks

Comments if any: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Name and Signature of guide with Date

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