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  

 
  
     

Pages Table of Contents

2 Description, Building a Elementalist, Quick Build
3-5 Elementalist Table, Class Features
6 Elemental Traits
7-8 Spell List
8-10 Spell Descriptions
10 Optional Rules, Dedications and Thanks

    
No element can stand alone without the others. The world
A crackling white bolt of lightning sears into the ground and
is defined by the balance of all four elements, and no-one
a thundering blast of superheated air tosses a gang of
knows the importance of their interplay better than an
goblins to the ground. Flashing out of the space between
Elementalist. When one element predominates over the
sparks, a single ancient elf strides forth with ozone boiling
other, the wielder of that element can become dangerously
out of his eyes.
skewed. An inexperienced fire mage may find themselves
Flowing and weaving through the waves, a goliath scoops
developing an awful temper, while one that wields the
downwards through the water with powerful strokes. Fish
power of freezing ice too readily may lose joy and vigor,
of a dozen colors and ancient blooming strands of sea kelp
sinking into a cold depression.
dance all around her.
Some masters choose to embrace this imbalance, taking
Flickering flames leap and dance from a tabaxi trader’s
advantage of a certain element’s most powerful aspects and
golden claws, casting glimmering reflections on the eyes of
checking the downsides with rigorous discipline. Others
a dozen fascinated strangers as he regales them with tales
cultivate an equal dominion over all the elements, dancing
of his wares, hard won from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
from one to the next with perfect grace.
The world is composed of four elements. Earth, Air, Fire,
and Water. Their constant intermingling, coexistence, and   
conflict generates the fundamental energy of existence and
life. An Elementalist embraces this energy, bonding Elementalists are defined by their experience of the world
intimately with the very fabric of the world, twisting and around them. Looking upon a grazing horse, one might feel
shaping earth, sea, sun and sky to their will. the presence of the earth in its hard hooves and the grass it
plucks from the ground to sustain itself. Another might see
   its steaming breath, and the flash of flaming pride in its
eyes. The breeze through its mane might conjure the
Elementalists spend their time in constant meditation and
memory of freedom as it gallops across rolling hills chasing
learning, but not from scrolls or dusty tomes. The elements
the wind, or the flowing ripples of its limbs might recall the
are best understood in their rawest form, as they appear in
beating tide of life that sustains all creatures. How does
nature. An Elementalist might spend a lifetime absorbed in
your character experience the elements?
the way water tumbles over a great fall, or travel to a far-off
volcano in search of its fiery secrets. These pursuits often  
bring them to wild frontiers, where the elements are still You can make an Elementalist quickly by following these
untamed by civilization. Many become wanderers and suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability
hermits, ever seeking new manifestations of elemental score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Second,
energy in ever more remote bastions of wilderness. choose the hermit background.

• a dagger
The Elementalist ---Spell Slots Per Spell Level---
Level Bonus Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +2 Elemental Entwinement, Elemental Magic 2 -- -- -- -- --
2nd +2 Elemental Traits (Adept), Swirling Elements 3 -- -- -- -- --
3rd +2 Embrace the Elements 4 -- -- -- -- --
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 2 -- -- -- --
5th +3 Elemental Entwinement Improvement 4 3 -- -- -- --
6th +3 Elemental Traits (Master) 4 4 -- -- -- --
7th +3 ----- 6 4 2 -- -- --
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 -- -- --
9th +4 Chaotic Entwinement 6 4 4 -- -- --
10th +4 ----- 6 4 4 2 -- --
11th +4 Elemental Entwinement Improvement 6 4 4 3 -- --
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 4 4 -- --
13th +5 ----- 6 4 4 4 2 --
14th +5 Elemental Traits (Grandmaster) 6 4 4 4 2 --
15th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 4 4 3 --
16th +5 ----- 6 4 4 4 4 1
17th +6 Elemental Entwinement Improvement 6 4 4 4 4 2
18th +6 Elemental Overload 6 4 4 4 4 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 4 4 4 3
20th +6 Singularity 6 4 4 4 4 4

   

As an Elementalist, you gain the following class features. At 1st level, you have learned to align your mind and body
with a particular element, bringing that element’s magic to
  the forefront of your awareness. You have four separate
Hit Dice: 1d6 per Elementalist level entwinement dice which represent the four elements: 1d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier for Fire, 1d8 for Water, 1d10 for Air, and 1d12 for Earth.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution As a bonus action, you may spend any one of those dice to
modifier per Elementalist level after 1st become entwined with the corresponding element.
Being entwined with an element is a lasting condition.
Your entwinement with an element ends when you entwine
Armor: None
with a different element. When you entwine with a new
Weapons: Quarterstaffs, Daggers, Maces, Shortswords
element, you also regain one expended entwinement die of
Tools: None
your choice. You may not choose to regain the die of either
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
the element you are leaving or the element you are entering
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,
entwinement with.
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
Whenever you entwine with a new element, you may
 produce an instant magical effect related to that element:
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: Fire: Sunspot Flames surge out from your body. All other
• (a) any simple weapon or (b) a shortsword creatures within 15 feet of you must make a Dexterity
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 1d6 fire
• a dagger, a quarterstaff, and an elemental focus damage on a failure or half as much on a success.

Water: Soothing Mist A puff of cool mist bursts out from  
your body, lingering to soothe away minor wounds. All
You can use an elemental focus as your spellcasting focus
creatures within 15 feet of you, other than yourself, gain
for your Elementalist spells. An elemental focus is a small
1d8 temporary hit points which last until you lose
token or artifact which helps an Elementalist deepen their
entwinement with Water or until one minute passes.
bond with elements and the physical world. A glowing coal
Air: Electric Discharge A lightning bolt flashes down,
held at the end of a staff, a pendent vial filled with ever-
striking at a single creature you can see within 100 feet of
frozen ice, or a dark gem hewn from the heart of a forgotten
you. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
cave may all serve as elemental foci.
against your spell save DC, taking 1d10 lightning damage
on a failure or half as much if it passes.  
Earth: Armor of Earth Pebbles and stones wrap around
As an Elementalist deepens their connection with the bare
you, moving to absorb strikes directed at you. When you are
aspects of the natural world, they may take on some of the
hit by an attack while entwined with Earth you may reduce
the damage you take by 1d12. You have one use of this signature characteristics of the four elements. These traits
feature and regain all uses when you entwine with Earth. are reflected in an Elementalist’s personality, thoughts,
demeanor, and the magic they wield. At 2nd level, you are
an Adept in the ways of elemental magic. You may choose
The magnitude of these effects is increased by an additional
an Adept tier trait of any element. At 6th level you will
corresponding entwinement die when you achieve your 5th,
11th, and 17th levels in this class. become a Master, and at 14th level you will become a
Grandmaster. You can choose any trait at each tier,
  whether of a consistent theme with or differing completely
from the traits you selected previously.
An Elementalist is capable of wielding magic at 1st level to
exert their mastery over the base components of the world.  
Elemental magic is volatile and unique, governed by
special rules described in this section. See chapter 10 in Also at 2nd level, your bond to the elements manifests
visibly. When you are entwined with an element, a minor
the PHB for the general rules of spellcasting and page 7 of
manifestation of that element springs up around your body
this resource for the Elementalist spell list.
and follows you. For example, flames might flicker out of
    your eyes, or small crystals may wrap around your wrists
At 1st level, you know all the cantrips and 1st level spells like bracelets. Icy mist could swirl in your path, or a gentle
on the Elementalist spell list. When you first gain a spell breeze loft through your hair. The precise nature of this
slot of a certain spell level, you also learn all the effect is up to your conscious choice and you can suppress
Elementalist spells of that spell level. this occurrence at your will.
You must have a spell prepared to cast it, and you prepare
spells by entwining with elements using the Elemental
Entwinement feature as follows:
While you are entwined with an element, you have all
of the spells you know from that element’s section of the
Elementalist spell list prepared to cast, and you lose
access to any others. While you are not entwined with an
element, you do not have any spells of that element
You may maintain your concentration on a spell even if
you lose access to it by entwining with a different element.
 
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Elementalist
spells, as their power derives from your awareness of and
connection with the elements and their properties. You use
your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when
setting the saving throw DC for an Elementalist spell you
cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier

  
At 3rd level, when you entwine with an element your bond
with it bolsters your physical form. You gain certain
resistances when entwined:
Fire: Resistance to Fire and Radiant damage.
Water: Resistance to Cold and Bludgeoning damage.
Air: Resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage.
Earth: Resistance to Piercing and Slashing damage.

  

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 15th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above
20 using this feature.

 
The moment of entwinement is an instant of shifting,
unformed potential. By 9th level you have learned to take
advantage of this moment to reshape the elements as you
desire. If you cast a spell immediately after entwining with a
new element, then you may replace the damage type of that
cast with the damage type of another spell you know, from
either the previous element or the new one.

 
Upon reaching 18th level, you have strengthened your bond
with the elements to the point that you can channel
catastrophic power. When you entwine with an element,
you may choose to overload yourself instead of losing your
previous entwinement. For the next hour your existing
entwinements are not ended by entwining with a new
element, you may activate any of Elemental Entwinement’s
magical effects as a bonus action without entwining, and
you may use Chaotic Entwinement at any time, selecting
from the damage types of any spell you have prepared.
Channeling the elements this way takes a terrible toll, and
you cannot easily close yourself to this power. You cannot
leave this state until it ends. At the end of the hour you gain
one level of exhaustion and lose all your entwinements,
regaining all spent entwinement dice.

At 20th level, you are an unsurpassed grandmaster of the
elements. Channeling the four elements comes as easily to
you as breathing, and the scale of your powers can only be
described as cataclysmic. Elemental Overload no longer
exhausts you. When you are entwined with all four
elements, you may expend any number of spell slots to
trigger some monumental elemental event. Work with your
DM to determine an appropriate contextual occurrence.
The scale of this event should depend on the number of
slots expended. An Elementalist unleashing all their power
can accomplish feats like raising a river to flood, triggering
a volcanic eruption, or turning a mountain into a valley.

   
When a creature fails a saving throw imposed by a spell or
When you reach 2nd level you may select one Adept tier effect of yours that deals fire damage, you may take a
trait to learn. At 6th level you may select one trait of Master reaction to blind it until the end of its next turn.
tier or lower learn. At 14th level you may select one trait of
Grandmaster tier or lower to learn.  
At the end of a long rest, you can replace any trait you When you grant a creature hit points or temporary hit
have with a different one. You cannot have traits from a points, you may also grant it advantage on weapon attacks
certain tier unless you have at least 1 trait from each lower and resistance to fire, cold, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing,
tier. For example, at level 6 you can have 1 Adept trait and and slashing damage, until the end of its next turn.
1 Master trait or 2 Adept traits and no Master traits, but you
may not have 2 Master traits and no Adept traits.  
When one of your spells or magical effects causes one or
  more creatures to become restrained, paralyzed, stunned,
pushed, or prone, you may choose one of those creatures to
  be immediately struck by an Electric Discharge.
When you entwine with a new element, you are no longer
restricted from regaining the entwinement die of the  
element that you just ended your entwinement with. You gain two additional uses of Armor of Earth. Uses of
Armor of Earth that you grant to yourself or others become
  reactive. When used against an attack, all creatures within
When one of your spells deals fire damage to two or more 10 feet of the attack’s target other than the target must
creatures at the same time, you may choose one of those make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC.
creatures and have the effect of your Sunspot (see the Creatures that fail are knocked prone and take bludgeoning
Elemental Entwinement feature) instantly emanate from it. damage equal to the damage reduction value, or only take
half the damage and are not knocked prone if they pass.
 
When you magically restore hit points or grant temporary
hit points to one or more creatures, you may choose one of
 
those creatures and have your water magic burst into a   
Frost Nova around that target. All creatures within 15 feet You learn the Conjure Elemental spell, always have it
of the target, other than the target, must make a Dexterity prepared, and maintain control of it without concentrating.
saving throw against your spell-save DC. Creatures who fail
are pushed 5 feet directly away from the target and have  
their speed set to 0 until the end of their next turn. When a spell you cast ends, if it had a duration longer than
instantaneous and dealt fire damage, it leaves behind a 3rd
    level Lava Font. The lava condenses from the flames of the
When you cast an instantaneous spell of 1st level or higher dying spell, at a target location you choose on the ground
and damage only one creature, it must make a Constitution within the previous spell’s area.
saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, your
spell is a shocking critical hit, which deals no extra damage  
but does stun the target until the end of their next turn. When you grant a creature hit points or temporary hit
points, if it is charmed, frightened, blinded, deafened,
  poisoned, diseased, petrified, paralyzed, or stunned, you
You gain an additional use of Armor of Earth, and when you may take a reaction to end any or all of those effects on it.
entwine with Earth you may grant two more uses of Armor
of Earth to one other creature you can see within 30 feet of  
you. Other creatures granted uses of the Armor of Earth When you critically hit with a spell you regain your Air
feature by this effect do not need to be entwined with Earth entwinement die. While entwined with Air you may spend
to benefit from them, lose all uses after one minute, and an Air entwinement die as a bonus action to create an
cannot have more than two uses from this effect at a time. Electric Discharge. You have a special chance to take an
extra bonus action in addition to the normal one each turn,
  which you may only use to spend an Air entwinement die.

   

Immediately after using a bonus action to trigger Elemental When you would fail a saving throw while entwined with
Entwinement, you may instantly cast a cantrip within the Earth you may ignore that and pass instead. You can use
same bonus action. Treat its casting time as a bonus action, this feature once, and you regain the ability to do so when
per rules regarding bonus action spells on PHB pg.202. you entwine with Earth again.

    
Sleet Storm
The Elementalist spell list is divided into four sections, Water Walk
representing the four elements. If a spell is listed under one Upswell *
element’s section, it is considered a spell of that element for
the purpose of Elementalist class features and traits.  
Spells marked with an asterisk * are new, Elementalist- Control Water
exclusive spells, described on the next page of this Watery Sphere (xge 170)
supplement. This spell list includes supplemental spells Ice Storm
from the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide and Xanathar’s
Guide to Everything. The inclusion of these supplemental  
spells is highly recommended. Cone of Cold
Maelstrom (xge 160)
Mass Cure Wounds
   
 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere
Create Bonfire (xge 152) Heal
Control Flames (xge 152)
Fire Bolt
 
 
Burning Hands 
Hellish Rebuke Shocking Grasp
Lightning Lure (scag 143)
  Gust
Burning Speed *
Flaming Sphere  
Pyrotechnics (xge 163) Feather Fall
Arc Trap *
 
Fireball  
Lava Font * Gust of Wind
Ride the Lightning *
 
Fire Shield  
Wall of Fire Fly
Gaseous Form
  Wind Wall
Immolation (xge 158) Lightning Bolt
Dawn (xge 153)
 
  Freedom of Movement
Investiture of Flame (xge 159) Storm Sphere (xge 166)
Phoenix Fire *
 
Far Step (xge 155)
  Control Winds (xge 152)

  

Ray of Frost Wind Walk
Shape Water (xge 164) Chain Lightning

 
Create or Destroy Water  
Cure Wounds
  Magic Stone (xge 160)
Aid Mold Earth (xge 162)
Cleansing Wave *

   
Earth Tremor (xge 155) 2nd level Evocation
Mage Armor Casting Time: 1 action
Shield Range: Self (30-foot range, 15-foot radius)
Components: V S M (a charred boot sole)
  Duration: Instantaneous
Dust Devil (xge 154) Manifest searing jets of flame which push you up to 30 feet
Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp (xge 161) in any direction you choose. This movement doesn’t trigger
Ring of Earth * opportunity attacks. If this movement pushes you through
  space occupied by another creature, they must make a
Erupting Earth (xge 155) Dexterity saving throw or suffer 2d6 fire damage. If there is
Meld into Stone insufficient unoccupied space for you at the end of the
movement, you stop early in the furthest unoccupied space
  along the line. At the end of your movement the propelling
Stoneskin flames flare out and explode. All creatures in a 15-foot
Stone Shape radius spherical area around you besides yourself must
Shock Wave * make a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d6 fire damage
on a failure or half as much if they pass.
  At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Wall of Stone slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage of the final explosion
Sandstorm * is increased by 1d6 and the movement range is increased
  by 10 feet for each slot level above 2nd.
Bones of the Earth (xge 150)   
Move Earth 2nd level Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Range: Self
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous
  As you deal lightning damage to one or more creatures, you
may take a reaction to cast this spell. Teleport to an
unoccupied location within 5 feet of one of those creatures,
  and this spell deals 2d10 lightning damage to it. If you can
1st level Evocation see any of the area around your target you may choose a
Casting Time: 10 minutes destination inside that area, but if you cannot then the
Range: 5 feet destination is determined randomly from the available area.
Components: V S M (two small copper tacks) If no such location is available at all, then you fail to
Duration: Up to 8 hours teleport, and you take this spell’s lightning damage.
Choose two points you can see within range as you cast this At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
spell. A thin electric arc leaps through the air, suspending slot of 3rd level or higher the damage is increased by 1d10
itself between the two target points. As long as it persists it for each slot level above 2nd.
gives off a subtly audible crackle and sheds dim light across   
a 5-foot radius around itself. If a creature or conductive
2nd level Transmutation
object intersects with the arc, they must make a
Casting Time: 1 action
Constitution saving throw. They suffer 2d10 lightning
Range: Self
damage and become stunned until the end of their next
Components: V S M (a clay armband)
turn if they fail or take half the damage and are not stunned
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.
if they pass. Pass or fail, the arc snaps out of existence with
Raise up the ground from beneath your feet. For one hour,
a loud thunderclap audible from as far away as 300 feet. If
while you are within 5 feet of stone or dirt ground, the
the duration expires before the trap is triggered, it fizzles
ground around your space rises up into a low circular wall
away silently, leaving no trace.
of hard earth. The wall constantly rises and falls to follow
At Higer Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
your movement and adjusts in height and diameter to
of 3rd level or higher, the damage is increased by 1d10 for
match your stature. It grants half cover to standing
each slot level above 1st.
creatures of your size, or 3/4 cover to prone creatures. You
are covered from all sides within the ring, and the outside
of the ring may also be used as cover by other creatures.

  feet of lava it crosses, and if a creature ends its turn in the
2nd level Conjuration lava it takes 10d10 fire damage. Lava is unimaginably hot
Casting Time: 1 action and heavy. This volume of molten rock weighs 5000
Range: Self (15-foot radius sphere) pounds. It ignites flammable objects and structures near it
Components: V S M (a drop of water) and will slowly melt stone and metal it remains in contact
Duration: Instantaneous with. This lava magically cools into a smooth, glassy black
A wave of refreshing water splashes out from you, healing stone when this spell ends.
wounds and washing away filth. All creatures in a 15-foot At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
radius sphere centered on yourself regain hit points equal slot of 4th level or higher another identical volume of lava is
to 1d8 + your spellcasting modifier. If any creatures in the created in an adjacent location you choose for each slot
area are poisoned or diseased, you may end one of those level above 3rd.
ailments on each of those creatures. This spell does not  
restore hit points to undead or constructs.
4th level Transmutation
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Casting Time: 1 action
slot of 3rd level or higher, the healing is increased by 1d8
Range: Self (120-foot line)
for each slot level above 2nd.
Components: V S M (an angular clump of mud)
 Duration: Instantaneous
3rd level Conjuration Tear the ground in a line in front of yourself into jagged
Casting Time: 1 action peaks that clasp at foes. Send a rippling wave out from
Range: 60 feet (15-foot radius, 15-foot range) yourself, which is five feet wide and travels rapidly along
Components: V S M (a tiny bucket of water) the ground for 120 feet. The ground in the area of this spell
Duration: Instantaneous buckles and tears apart, becoming difficult terrain which
Call on a massive upswelling of enchanted water to surge lasts until cleared. A creature struck by this spell makes a
up from a point you choose on the ground within range. Dexterity saving throw. Those that fail are knocked prone,
The water mounds up into a 15-foot high, 15-foot radius restrained, and take 3d12 bludgeoning damage. Creatures
hemi-spherical dome. Creatures in the area are rejuvenated that pass take half the damage and are neither knocked
by the rising water, regaining hit points equal to 4d8 + your prone nor restrained. A restrained target can use its action
spellcasting modifier. The mass of water then collapses to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a
downwards, washing outwards along the ground to success, the target shatters the stones pinning it and is no
extinguish unprotected flames and carry away loose longer restrained.
objects. Creatures in the area must pass a Strength saving 
throw or be knocked prone and pushed a distance of up to
5th level Conjuration
15 feet, directly away from the origin. A creature may freely
Casting Time: 1 action
choose to fail this saving throw and be carried twice as far.
Range: Self (30-foot radius, 30-foot height cylinder)
If the movement of a creature pushed by this spell is
Components: V S M (a fistful of fine sand)
interrupted by a hard surface or obstacle, that creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage from the collision. This
Fine sand swirls out from you, churning through the air
spell does not restore hit points to undead or constructs.
throughout a cylindrical area of 30-foot radius and 30-foot
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
height. The area is heavily obscured, and creatures within
slot of 4th level or higher the healing is increased by 1d8 for
also have disadvantage on perception checks made using
each slot level above 3rd.
hearing or smell. Unprotected air-breathing creatures
  within the area must hold their breath or begin to suffocate.
3rd level Conjuration A creature attempting to fly in the area must spend four feet
Casting Time: 1 action of movement for each foot it moves. When a creature enters
Range: 120 feet the area on its turn or starts its turn there, it must make a
Components: V S M (a round piece of obsidian) Constitution saving throw, taking 1d6 slashing and 1d6
Duration: 1 minute piercing damage on a failure or half as much if it passes.
Call forth the roiling heat of the earth to create a magical The swirling area of the storm excludes a central eye,
gout of lava. Choose a point on the ground within range, which is a 5-foot radius cylinder of the same height as the
and lava surges up to the surface. A volume of lava storm centered on you. The eye of the storm is perfectly
sufficient to occupy the base of a five-foot cube to one-foot calm and not subject to any of the effects of this spell. Both
depth flows out as a thick liquid, remaining in a single the storm and the eye move with you.
location if the ground is flat or flowing in a cohesive globule At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
at a rate of up to 5-feet per round on a slope. A creature that slot of 6th level or higher the exterior radius and height
moves across the lava takes 3d6 fire damage for every five increase by 20 feet for each slot level above 5th.

   
6th level Transmutation
Emphasizes the wild and unrestrained nature of the
Casting Time: 1 action
elements. The range and radii of effects produced by your
Range: Self (10-foot radius, 300-foot height cylinder)
Elemental Entwinement feature are doubled, but you
Components: V S M (a singed piece of down)
cannot choose not to produce them when you entwine.
Duration: Instantaneous
Ignite yourself, turning your body to flame. You take 16d6
fire damage as you fuel a searing jet of flame, flaring up into
the sky. Each creature in a 10-foot radius, 300-foot high In a game following the multi-classing rules (PHB pg.163),
cylinder centered on you must make a Dexterity saving these additional rules apply to the Elementalist.
throw, taking the same damage on a failure or half as much
on a success. The pillar of flame ignites objects and burns Multiclassing Prerequisites: To qualify for a level in this
through flammable obstacles such as wooden structures or class, you must have a Wisdom score of 13 or higher.
thin metals. If this damage reduces you to 0 hit points, your
unconscious body remains wreathed in mundane fire and Multiclassing Proficiencies: When you gain your first level
you regain 1 hit point at the end of your next turn unless the in this class, if it wasn’t your initial class, you don’t gain any
flames are extinguished before that time or you die. of its starting proficiencies.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 7th level or higher the damage increases by 1d6 for Spellcasting: Elemental magic is primal and unique.
each slot level above 6th. Elementalist levels are not considered when determining
how many spell slots a character otherwise has. A
character has Elementalist-specific spell slots determined
  according to its Elementalist level, and knows and prepares
spells as an Elementalist independently of any other
These rules are optional additions or tweaks. Choose these
method by which it could know or prepare spells. If a
carefully, in consultation with your DM, to best suit the
character knows or prepares a spell only due to having
nature of your table and game.
Elementalist levels and the Elemental Entwinement
 feature, those spells cannot be considered for any other
purpose other than to be cast using Elementalist spell slots.
The Elementalist offers the choice of three traits rather Elementalist spell slots and features which refer to casting
than a traditional subclass choice. If you prefer a more rigid spells cannot be used for any purpose other than as
structure, organize the traits into subclass lines by the pertains to casting spells prepared by the Elemental
order in which they appear. For example, if a player Entwinement feature.
chooses the second Adept trait Burning Fire at level 2, at
level 6 they would receive the second Master trait Blinding
Ashes and at level 14 they would receive the second
Grandmaster trait Persisting Flames.

  Pages Table of Contents

2 Description, Building an Elementalist, Quick Build
Demands careful planning and strategy, and heavily
3-5 Elementalist Table, Class Features
reduces the power level of the Elementalist overall. You
can’t entwine if you entwined during your last turn. 6 Elemental Traits
7-8 Spell List
 8-10 Spell Descriptions
Offers great potential for flexibility and creativity but may 10 Optional Rules, Dedications and Thanks
also enable repetitive use of the same elements. When you
entwine with a new element, you don’t lose entwinement
with the previous element until the end of that turn.

   

Encourages players to be immersed and appreciate the Written by dmforeva 3/5/2020. Dedicated to Syliara, the best roaming
duelist of an ele any player could ask to play. Much credit for inspiration to
world around them. When you cast a spell from within a the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist profession, owned by ArenaNet. Concept art
matching natural environment, such as casting an air spell owned by ArenaNet and NCSoft. Fonts are by /u/Solbera, of which
on a high cliff during a thunderstorm, your corresponding /u/Barkalot modified Bookinsanity. Great thanks to zeek0 for the formatting
template, heavily modified by him from a document by Akshat Bhatnagar.
spells are cast as if you had spent a spell slot of one level
Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for their player content policy and for the
higher than the level of the slot you actually expended. DND 5th edition system. (v2.2, 08/13/2020)


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