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IPTC 10308

Underbalanced Coiled-Tubing Drilling Practices in a Deep, Low-Pressure

Gas Reservoir
T. Kavanagh, SPE, Schlumberger; R. Pruitt, SPE, M. Reynolds, and R. Ortiz, BP Sharjah; M. Shotenski, Schlumberger;
R. Coe, Baker Hughes Inteq; and P. Davis and R. Bergum, Halliburton

Copyright 2005, International Petroleum Technology Conference

reserves were not being added or produced, and that additional
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology technology needed to be brought to this field to exploit these
Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 21–23 November 2005.
reserves. A peer-assist team composed of personnel from
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Alaska’s North Slope, Houston Engineering Technical
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference Practices (ETP), Sunbury, UK ETP, and Sharjah worked
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily
reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its officers, or through the various options and found coiled tubing to be the
members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society
Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
best option.
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Technology Downhole data transmission in underbalanced conditions
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous can be done with pulse telemetry (previous UBD campaigns in
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, IPTC, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Sharjah) or electromagnetic (EM) signals, but by 2003 the
bottomhole pressure would not support a fluid column and the
Abstract formations above the reservoir blocked EM transmission.
The Sajaa field in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, is a deep, Wired CT was therefore chosen to continuously transmit
low-pressure gas field that has been a prolific producer since pressures and temperatures inside and outside the tool,
the first wells were drilled in the 1980s. Initial field directional information, gamma ray, resistivity, and vibration.
development was through a series of vertical wells drilled As discussed by Pruitt et al.,1, a basis-of-design study
overbalanced with conventional drilling rigs. As field pressure identified tender requirements, and then contractors were
and production declined, it became necessary to access selected based on their capability to perform in the conditions
additional reserves not being drained efficiently by these older present in the field and their performance meeting quality,
wells. As a result of this need, a campaign to drill horizontal, health, safety, and environment (QHSE) standards.
multilateral sidetracks from the existing wellbores was started
in March 2003 using coiled tubing. From a standpoint of Surface Equipment – Injection Side
production, cost, health, safety, and environment, the results of The CT used for the project is 2-3/8–in. outside diameter (OD)
the program thus far have been excellent. tubing with 7/16–in. wireline heptacable inside for data
This paper examines the surface and downhole equipment transmission. The original CT string design on the first few
and operational best practices used in the Sajaa coiled tubing wells was a uniform 0.190-in. wall thickness HS-80 string.
(CT) underbalanced drilling (UBD) campaign. It also reviews HS-80 was chosen owing to concerns about hydrogen sulfide
some of the key details that make a safer, more efficient day- (H2S) embrittlement; the uniform wall thickness was chosen
to-day operation and created a highly successful project that for its versatility and because it could be swapped end-for-end
has drilled 27 wells, comprising more than 90 laterals and when reaching the fatigue limit of its life on one end. Several
more than 212,000 ft drilled. wells were drilled successfully using this type of CT; however,
concerns about high-pickup weights while drilling necessitated
Introduction a change in CT string design.
The Sajaa field was discovered in 1980 by Amoco Sharjah Oil This string design has since evolved to tapered HS-90
Company; since that time a total of 41 wells have been drilled strings, with a taper design that has been optimized for the
in the Sajaa field. Initial reservoir pressures were 7,500 psi or typical Sajaa well. Changing from HS-80 to HS-90 occurred
greater; these pressures have since declined substantially, with when it was determined that H2S embrittlement was not as
most wells now being drilled with equivalent circulating great a concern as first anticipated, and that the tapered strings
densities of 1.5 to 2.0 lb/gal. Initial completions were polished gave acceptable footage without being reversed. The tapered
bore receptacle tubing completions, but with corrosion and strings have greatly increased the amount of overpull available
packer leaks, these were changed to packerless 5-in. tubing at the bottomhole assembly (BHA) in stuck pipe situations and
completions with wells that have 7 -in. liners tied back and are also lighter on normal pickups. This minimizes the
cemented to surface in most cases. Production trees are, for the everyday work load on the injector head.
most part, 5-1/8-in., 10,000-psi sour-service trees. One weakness of tapered strings is less weight on bit
The initial drive to perform CT UBD in this field came (WOB) available for drilling compared to a straight wall string
about because data on the Sajaa field showed that valuable because the tapered string is lighter at the tool end. This has
not been a serious handicap because bit optimization and the
2 IPTC 10308

occurrence of soft formations in the field has meant that a lot stripper failure or leaking deployment rams. The BOP design
of WOB isn’t normally required to drill. Consequently, only a has been a success in that all of the common contingency
small percentage of the laterals are limited in length by situations that can occur during a CTD job have occurred and
running out of WOB to drill. Owing to the trajectories, the have been handled safely using a strict two-barrier approach at
depths of the kickoff points, and the low bottomhole pressure; all times.
the laterals are almost always limited by one of two reasons: The fluid and nitrogen pumps used on the project are
either the pickup weights at total depth (TD) become standard well-servicing pumps. Because the pump rate while
uncomfortably close to the coil working limit, or the length of drilling is much lower than during a standard well service, two
the lateral generates such an excessive amount of friction of these pumps have been modified with smaller plungers to
pressure while drilling that the degree of overbalance at the bit operate at very low rates, as low as 6 gal/min while drilling.
can no longer be tolerated. The fluid pumps also have a flowback line to the mixing tank
The coiled tubing drilling (CTD) tower used to support the with a choke to allow pumping at any rate and still remain
injector head while drilling is a four-piece modular tower that within their operating parameters.
was custom built locally for use in the Sajaa field. The tower The standard coiled tubing operations cab was also
provides support only for the injector; the string weight is modified before the project started to increase its size, which
supported by the wellhead and blowout preventer (BOP) while allowed the CT driller, directional driller, underbalanced
drilling. It was designed with close cooperation between the drilling engineer, and coiled tubing engineer to work in the
BHA provider and the coiled tubing provider to meet the same space comfortably.
spacing requirements of pressure deploying the BHA. The All of the important valves on location on both the
various work decks were positioned to provide easy access to injection and return side, more than 90, are identified with
the BOP deployment rams. It was also designed to withstand steel nameplates and tracked in the CT operations cab on a
maximum anticipated wind loading during sandstorms, yet large valve-layout schematic. When valves are operated there
lightweight for ease of rig-up. is a call either to or from the CT operations cab; also at the
beginning of every tour (twice daily), each service company
completes a status sheet for their valves and passes it to the
control cab to update the board.
This valve board has been very valuable for both routine
and non-routine processes, keeping all the surface equipment
with varied pressure ratings running smoothly together, and
keeping high pressure and wellbore gas away from where it is
not expected or wanted.

Surface Equipment – Returns Handling

Flow control and downhole pressure control during normal
drilling operations is achieved using a hydraulically operated
choke manifold on the return line. This manifold is fitted with
double isolation valves for each of the two chokes, which
allows constant flow if one side becomes plugged or
Upstream of the choke, a 5,000-psi maximum working
pressure, hydraulically operated, emergency shutdown (ESD)
valve is utilized for any emergency that occurs downstream of
this valve (see Fig. 2). The ESD valve is controlled by an
electric-over-pneumatic control panel and is programmed to
close automatically when the programmable logic control
(PLC) senses a process upset that is occurring above its preset
limits. The PLC will also give warning to the operators that a
process upset is occurring and often gives them time to
stabilize the system before a shut-in occurs. The ESD can also
be shut in manually at several ESD stations in various
locations around the rig site.

Fig. 1—BOP stack.

The BOP stack is configured as shown in Fig. 1. The

primary concern when configuring the stack was to ensure
double-barrier isolation during routine activities such as
pressure deployment, and to provide two mechanical barriers
at all times for non-routine or contingency operations such as
IPTC 10308 3

After a period of gravity separation, all fluids from the first

stage are sent through a piping and measurement skid to the
second-stage separation vessel that has a handling capacity of
14 MMcf/D at 100 psi—35,000 B/D of fluids. At this stage,
any residual gas is removed and sent to the flare. The fluids
then have a longer retention time in the second-stage vessel in
which the drilling fluids and condensate are separated by
means of gravity. All fluid is measured a second time when
exiting the second-stage vessel; the drill fluids and produced
water is measured separately from the condensate. The drilling
fluids are tested for chlorides and oil in water and then sent
directly to the land farm. The condensate is stored in a closed
tank with an atmospheric vent and then pumped back into the
production line to the production plant. Condensate is only
pumped away while gas is being compressed, to prevent fluid
from settling in the production line for any period of time. The
Fig. 2—Returns handling equipment and compressors. second-stage separator is also equipped with a sparge system
to flush any residual solids carried through from the first stage,
In the event of an ESD owing to spurious electronic signal out to the land farm.
or false alarm, a manual bypass system has been installed
downstream of the wellhead but upstream of the ESD. This Surface Equipment - Gas Compression
bypass consists of two manual valves and a manual adjustable Produced gas and nitrogen coming from the surface returns
choke with a line to a cold-flare pit. It can be opened quickly package is sent to the vertical flare stack or to the compression
to allow limited flow from the well if it is deemed necessary to system. Compression is required because if the produced gas
avoid getting stuck. was sent directly to the flowline, the relatively high flowline
Immediately downstream of the choke manifold is the pressure would prohibit UBD conditions on most of the wells
“hazardous area geological sampler” (HAGS). This allows the in the Sajaa field. Sending gas to the Sajaa plant while drilling
operator to retrieve a sample within a closed system without also minimizes deferred production.
interruption to the flow from the well. Double isolation valves The compressors are equipped with a number of automatic
from the flowline are present on the sampler to allow the safety shutdowns to guard against overpressure and
operator to safely remove a sample from the flow stream. overheating. When a compressor shutdown occurs, the PCV
When the H2S level becomes >50 parts per million (ppm) the valve will sense the overpressure on the suction side of the
operator is required to don breathing apparatus, with the compressor and open, sending all gas out to the flare stack.
cascade system provided on location, to take the sample. This The Sajaa gas plant ESD is tied into the compressor ESD,
cascade system provides constant breathing-quality air to the so that the compressors can be shut down and the CT UBD
operators, so that they can still perform their duties in a operation can be isolated from the plant if any problems occur
hazardous environment. The operators are continuously there. Drilling can still continue, with all gas returns going to
trained to be familiar with the cascade system and are required flare instead of to the plant.
to undergo a refresher course when coming back from field Both flare stack and compressor specifications were
break. identified in the “Basis of Design” for this field. 2
All drilling returns and gas from the well enter and are
separated in the first-stage primary vessel. The first-stage Data Acquisition
separator is a pressurized four-phase system, separating gas, The surface equipment data acquisition system (DAS) is the
condensate, drilling fluids, and solids. The first stage is central collection point for all data from sensors at the surface
capable of handling 50 MMcf/D at 250 psi—35,000 barrels and downhole. Prior to project initiation, work was done on
per day (B/D) of fluid and 1,800 B/D of solids (equivalent to the electronic interfaces between all the service companies to
drilling an 8.5-in. hole at 200 ft/hr). establish common protocols for data transmission; this proved
Gas from the first-stage separator is sent to the flare or gas to be easier than first anticipated.
compressors, often both at once. The flare line has a failsafe More than 80 signals from all surface and downhole
open pressure control valve (PCV) that is used on the flare sensors are collected and processed within the DAS
side to control gas pressure supplied to the compression laboratory. Once this information is collected in real time, it is
system. Any excess gas that can not be compressed is sent to then sent out to a number of remote computer screens around
the flare. location. Every computer screen can be set up to suit the
The coned bottom of the first vessel collects the drilling preference of each user’s requirements for information, and
solids and slurry. The solids are sparged (agitated) by pumping the information can be displayed graphically, numerically, or
clean drilling fluid or water back into the cone through jetting in a combined format.
rings and flushing them out the drains to the land farm for While drilling, viewing trends is more important than
bioremediation. The frequency of sparging depends on the rate values; therefore, the graphing feature (which can be scaled
of penetration (ROP) and the amount of cuttings returns. for any time period) is particularly useful. The software
4 IPTC 10308

system is robust and needs only common network cables and through the window, a round, molded cap made of composite
equipment to run. resin is now used on the bit, which guides it through the
window and then disintegrates within the first few minutes of
Downhole Equipment drilling.
The BHA is a 3-in. OD wired assembly, powered from Gauge bits are now used exclusively on this project, it was
surface. It has both upper and lower double ball valves with a found that gauge bits gave better ROPs, less vibration, and the
nonrotating connection between the two. This allows the tool slightly smaller hole size did not have much impact on
to be broken apart while maintaining double isolation from production.
both the wellbore pressure and the CT pressure. The upper
double ball valve eliminates the need to bleed off the CT each Pressure Deployments
time the tool is broken. Pressure deployment of the BHA in live well conditions is
The BHA’s data acquisition includes internal and external required because it is longer than the available height of the
pressure, external temperature, weight on bit, vibration, stick BOP stack above the swab valves. The procedure for pressure
slip, gamma, azimuth and inclination, and near-bit inclination. deployment has been changed 20 times since the start of the
Multiple propagation resistivity tools have also been utilized project, and the result has been a 62% reduction in pressure
on some of the wells. deployment and undeployment times.
Vibrations while drilling two-phase are severe; on the first Some of the key improvements made to the pressure
few wells, vibrations caused many low-hour tool failures. deployment procedure since the start of the project include:
Several things were done in order to minimize this: • Use of predrilled mouseholes. The original plan called for
• The electronic components of the BHA were spaced out assembling the BHA in three sections on the rig floor
from the motor with weight bars and flex joints as far as while deploying. Now, 100-ft mouseholes are drilled prior
reasonably possible. Moving the directional package to to the rig arriving on location, which allows the BHA to
the upper portion of the BHA caused more headaches for be made up offline and deployed as a single piece.
the directional driller, but it increased the life of the tool. • Gas testing the lubricator. The first deployments called for
• Bicenter bits are no longer used. Gauge bits provide a a hydro-test of the deployment lubricator, which was a
more balanced rotation and less wobbling of the motors. time-consuming process. Now a kill line below the swab
• Injection rates were reduced for the long wiper trips. Most valves allows the leak test to be done with reservoir gas.
of the vibration-related failures occurred while off-bottom • Bleeding off pressure during deployments. This was first
• The BHA included a vibration sensor that measured done with a ½-in. high-pressure hose run to the edge of
lateral and axial vibration, so that the effect on the BHA the location. Now it is done with a 2-in. hardline run to a
of changes in fluid and nitrogen pump rate could be seen cold-flare pit far from the wellhead. This bleeds off
in real time. deployment lubricator pressure in a few seconds
• The drilling team managed the wiper-trip strategy to compared to 5 min or longer using the high-pressure hose.
maximize on-bottom drilling time.
• Recommendations from the field were incorporated into A toolbox talk to review hazards and assign crew’s
the tool to make them more robust. responsibilities is still done prior to every undeployment and
deployment, even though more than 300 have been done over
These measures have improved BHA reliability a 2-year period. This is mainly done to guard against
considerably. Now BHA runs of several days are normal and a complacency during this operation, which is now quite routine
week or more not uncommon. but still presents risks.
The motors used are 2-7/8-in. air drill motors (ADMs) that
have given excellent performance, some lasting a week or Rig Moves
more on bottom drilling and the longest lasting more than 12 Rig moves are now done in 2.5 days, as compared to the first
days and drilling 9,763 ft. Trips due to motor failure are now well-to-well move, which took almost 9 days. Training of
rare. The rotor-stator clearance and material technology has team members and detailed planning and preparation are the
been optimized over the course of the project to extend motor biggest contributors to this improvement.
life in the harsh wellbore conditions that exist in the Sajaa In the planning stages before the rig move, a dedicated
field. A bit shank nozzle is often used to avoid over speeding move team plans the layout of equipment for the next location.
the motor when higher gas and liquid rates are needed for Surveys are used to fix equipment location, within an inch,
cleaning the well. The nozzle sizing is determined by following an established layout plan. This layout is then
anticipated bottomhole pressure and flow rates. marked with string lines on the ground to eliminate multiple
Initially all drilling was carried out with 4-1/8-in. bicenter lifts of the equipment. The move team will then prepare the
PDC bits because the larger gauge hole was perceived to be location well in advance of the rig move.
beneficial with respect to hole drag and production. In Duplicate equipment such as offices, major pipe work, and
addition, the early windows proved to be impassable with a security gate are installed and manned before the move to
conventional 3¾-in PDC bits. As the project has continued, save time. Critical-path equipment is identified and the move
there have been improvements in window milling techniques is then planned during a pre rig move meeting with
that have produced better windows which have allowed easy representatives of all the service companies, rig-site
passage of the 3¾-in gauge bits. Also, to assist in getting supervisors and the move team supervisor.
IPTC 10308 5

Every item that is lifted has a lift plan associated with it. However, it was known that some of the wells in the field
Included in this is the risk assessment for that particular lift, would not tolerate such excessive amounts of water.
certifications for slings and shackles used, and a copy of the Therefore, when it was time to drill these wells, two-phase
layout diagram that shows where that equipment goes and its window milling was again tried, with a couple of differences
orientation. A green-tag system is used with the tag signifying from the first time: there were no electronics in the BHA and a
that a piece of equipment is designated ready by the completely different mill design using PDC cutters was used.3
appropriate supervisor and the lift plan has been given to the As of this writing, two 3.8” windows have been milled
lift supervisor. Once tagged, the equipment is handed over to successfully in underbalanced conditions using two-phase
the lift supervisor for movement. This system eliminates the fluid without downhole pressure sensors.
problem with miscommunication and uncertainty whether
something is ready to be moved. Drilling and Sidetrack Initiation
Once the rig move has been initiated, manpower is tripled. The outstanding feature of drilling in the Sajaa field is the
Very strict job allocations and responsibilities are identified extremely low reservoir pressure. Underbalanced drilling has
and made. Risk assessments are all in place and discussed and been successful with bottomhole pressures equivalent to 1.2
appropriate toolbox meetings are held while the rig move is lb/gal; the average generally is 1.5 to 2.5 lb/gal. Drilling is
ongoing. done with nitrified drill water consisting of fresh water with
To ensure that the move is safe, one lift supervisor and friction reducer and a raised pH. The friction reducer is easily
assistant lift supervisor are assigned at each site. One truck biodegradable and reduces pickup weights and pump pressure.
boss at each site is also employed, and one overall supervisor All additives have been tested to satisfy stringent
is also appointed to each location. environmental requirements, so that the returned drill fluid
Immediately after the move, a lessons-learned meeting is plus cuttings can be pumped directly to a bioremediation pit
held to capture experience and action improvements. From without further processing. (The pit is later cleaned using
past lessons learned, some of the equipment has been modified bioremediation techniques.) Additives were also tested for
to become more modularised to reduce the amount of work motor stator and BHA compatibility in yard tests prior to
required to rig it up and down. being used.
In most cases the well is shut in long before rigging up to
Milling Windows allow the near-wellbore pressure to build up. On very low-
Window milling and windows, in general, have been the most pressure wells it is essential to get a long shut-in period to
challenging part of the project, and the one that has improved achieve underbalance conditions while drilling and to use the
the most. The pre-spud design called for milling the window choke to conserve what little pressure there is for as long as
underbalanced with water and nitrogen, which had never been possible while drilling.
done before. This was tried on the first well and briefly on the As the lateral is extended, additional pressure due to
second but abandoned after high attrition rates in the BHA friction is added with every foot drilled. Therefore, to maintain
inventory. The BHA used on this project is meant for underbalanced conditions it is necessary to continuously find
openhole drilling and is not able to survive for long the severe pressure in the reservoir at a faster rate than friction pressure is
vibration encountered during two-phase window milling. being added. In higher pressure reservoirs this is possible, and
Therefore, the first windows were milled single phase with Pwf (flowing bottomhole pressure while drilling) can be
water in a routine fashion and presented few difficulties. A manipulated using the choke to maintain the desired degree of
step change during this phase of the project was the use of a underbalance to satisfy hole-cleaning and hole-stability
choke sub above the motor to hold a fluid column in the CT criteria.
while milling. In this way, stalls could be detected at the Unfortunately this is seldom possible in a depleted field,
surface using pump pressure. This eliminated entirely the need Pwf will usually overtake reservoir pressure Pres at some point;
for any electronics in the BHA while milling and, as a result, it’s only a question of at what depth it will occur and if drilling
greatly improved the service life of the electronic components can continue past this depth. Figure 3 illustrates this point
in the toolstrings. with an idealized plot of Pwf, the flowing bottomhole pressure
A serious drawback to this method was the huge amount of while drilling, and reservoir pressure Pres vs. distance r from
water used, which was lost to the formation. The low BHP did the well. Although Pwf is dependent on many factors, in a
not allow any returns while window milling and, in fact, most horizontal well with constant surface flow rates and ROP, it is
of the windows and subsequent 10 ft of rathole were milled seen that Pwf increases linearly, which is the effect of adding
with the wells shut-in, always losing several thousand bbls of only friction pressure.
water to the formation in the process. This presented some
problems when it was time to start drilling the sidetrack. With
the motherbore and surrounding area saturated with water, it
was often difficult to start the well flowing again.
To mitigate this, nitrogen was bullheaded down the kill
line of the well while milling the window to energize the fluid
lost to formation or at least push it far enough down or away
from the motherbore so it wouldn’t be a problem. This
strategy was successful in allowing UBD to start in the near-
wellbore area.
6 IPTC 10308

Drilling can continue under these conditions if the

reservoir rock is tight enough to tolerate some degree of
overbalance, which holds true in the Sajaa field. While drilling
overbalanced, the ROP is limited, wiper trip intervals are
shortened, injection rates are minimized, and foam sweeps are
reduced or eliminated entirely. These last two measures of
Pres OB reducing pump rates and eliminating sweeps seem counter-
P intuitive when hole cleaning problems are faced, but the root
cause of the poor hole cleaning is the overbalance.
Drilling can continue then until the degree of overbalance
Pwf is too much, pickups get too heavy, or no forward progress is
made, and TD is called on the leg.
Pre-job and real-time 2-phase flow modeling is done with
a compositional, steady-state flow modeling software. This
software can model the effect of pump rate changes and choke
changes on downhole pressure and cuttings transport, and
model the effect of multilateral production. It is a steady-state
model, not a transient one; therefore, it only offers a
r “snapshot” view of the wellbore. This is not a great handicap
because steady-state conditions are desirable while drilling
Fig. 3—Idealized plot of pressure vs. distance drilled.
Overbalanced conditions (OB) are encountered at some point as and every effort is made to acheive this.
the leg is extended. The key parameters (pressures and rates) are tracked
hourly on a spreadsheet for day-to-day and leg-to-leg
Opening the choke fully is usually necessary as the end of comparison. After several legs have been drilled, this
the lateral is neared to reduce the degree of overbalance. parameter data is combined with the modeling to give some
However, in almost every leg there is a point at which opening idea of the degree of drilling underbalance (if any) and the
the choke further will not reduce Pwf. At this point, the length relative contribution of each leg. Hourly data tracking is also
of CT in the hole is providing the choke, and additional useful to estimate at what depth and in which formation the
surface choke manipulation has no effect. current leg being drilled actually starts producing. This occurs
Past this point, underbalance conditions can be maintained when the slope of the flowing bottomhole pressure vs depth
for as long as possible if steps are taken to minimize Pwf. curve deviates from the linear trend that is associated with
These steps include reducing injection rates, limiting ROP solely adding friction pressure.
(cuttings load has a significant effect on Pwf in low-pressure Foam sweeps are used sparingly while drilling when
wells), and further reducing surface pressure by dropping the additional cuttings transport help is needed. The foaming
first-stage separation vessel pressure. agent has proven to be competent in a dry gas environment
If drilling is continued, at some point, Pwf will exceed with some free condensate present, in temperatures up to
reservoir pressure, and drilling will be overbalanced from this 300° F. The foam sweeps are pumped while drilling ahead and
point forward. Determining at what point overbalance is are usually seen on both the internal and external pressure
reached while drilling is not obvious because underbalance gauges on the BHA when they come around. The size of foam
conditions still exist further back up the hole; therefore fluid sweeps is maintained at ½ to 1 bbl to limit the degree of
and gas returns are not an indicator. Also, the motherbore is overbalance they cause; if too large, a sweep can (and has) kill
still open and still producing low-chloride water that may have the well briefly, risking cuttings drop-out below the sweep.
been lost while window milling. Pre-job pressure plots are also Maintaining good quality control (QC) on foam mixing is
of little use at this point because drilling the lateral has made important, because too thick of a foam mixture will have the
these obsolete. same effect. Viscous sweeps were not found to be as effective
The most reliable indicators of overbalance are the drilling in sweeping the hole as foam sweeps.
conditions. Differential sticking effects are usually first seen It has been seen that the pressure surge caused by the foam
while drilling ahead as the lack of smooth weight transfer to sweep coming around the bit is often a reliable qualitative
bit. This often shows on the internal BHA pressure gauge as indicator of the permeability of the rock that is being drilled. A
pressure surges when the BHA slides forward unevenly and foam sweep in tight rock produces a noticeably sharper
produces variable motor work. This uneven weight transfer is pressure spike on the downhole external pressure gauge than
often evident from the vibration sensor also. in porous rock.
Overbalance conditions also change the pattern of cuttings Wiper trip schedules have been extended considerably
returns observed at the surface. Drilling in steady UB since the start of the project, as more confidence was gained
conditions generally produces a steady rate of cuttings; with the hole cleaning that was being achieved. Also it was
whereas, during overbalance drilling, the cuttings are mainly noticed that vibration and consequent BHA damage was
transported during wiper trips only. As a result, the person highest while off bottom doing wiper trips, even with reduced
taking samples may observe big slugs of sediment in some injection rates. Therefore, it is advantageous for the BHA and
samples and none in others. from a coil fatigue standpoint to extend (within reason) the
conventional wisdom of wiper trip schedules for a CTD job.
IPTC 10308 7

Currently it is standard practice (if well conditions allow) to and active on-location HSE recognition by senior
perform short wiper trips every 100 to 150 ft, and to perform a management from BP and the service companies helped
single long wiper trip back to the window midway through the to promote safety.
lateral. • BP and partners were committed to the project and to
The multilateral wells are typically drilled with 3 or 4 legs getting through the early learning curve. The early phase
of approximately 3,000 ft, producing through a single window. of the project had equipment and rig-up problems that
Sidetrack initiation in the open hole is achieved by troughing resulted in 79 days spent on the first well, as compared to
the hole section with a lowside toolface or simply time drilling 20 to 30 days currently. Everyone recognized that there
off the parent leg if the dogleg severity at the sidetrack point is would be a learning curve, and that it would take a
high enough. After a bit of trial and error it was found that the positive, problem-solving approach to get through the
keys for a successful openhole sidetrack are (in order) early days, and this is what happened.
patience, dogleg severity at the sidetrack point, and formation • Continuous improvement was achieved through lessons
characteristics at the sidetrack point. Other factors affecting learned. Knowledge sharing well-to-well used a “Lessons
the success of the sidetrack such as bit type, hole size, Learned” database, which captured all learnings from
inclination at the sidetrack point, and motor bend were found each contractor. This included everything to do with
to be of secondary importance. drilling, milling windows, rig moves, and rigging up.
After finishing the previous leg and while sidetracking for Extensive knowledge sharing occurred also with other
the new one, the choke is closed as much as possible to CTD locations in the startup phase, and drew on BP and
pressure up the motherbore and the area of the sidetrack contractor CTD expertise in other areas.
junction. This uses the pressure that was hopefully uncovered • An extensive pre-spud design and review of all operations
in the last leg to help achieve underbalance conditions in the was done. More than eight months were spent planning
new one. If the motherbore and sidetrack junction is and reviewing all surface and downhole equipment and
maintained at a higher pressure, losses will be minimized if a processes. The core team of operator and service company
higher pressure zone is later drilled into. personnel was in place several months prior to the spud
The order of the sidetracks and the sidetrack initiation date to resolve equipment interfaces and establish the
points are determined by geometric and hydraulic QHSE interface between the various contractors.
considerations. It is not desirable to drill the anticipated Procedures for all processes, more than 30 normal
strongest leg first, because a weaker (lower pressure) leg operating procedures and 20 emergency procedures, were
drilled after that will have a hard time flowing against the in place with enough time to be extensively reviewed by
stronger leg; consequently, poor hole cleaning may be everyone. Despite the fact that all these procedures have
experienced while drilling the weaker leg.4 Almost all changed extensively since the pre-spud (in fact none of
sidetracks are performed with the standard 0.8-degree motor them survived unchanged), the establishment of the
bend drilling BHA that is used to drill the horizontal sections; interface and review was one of the keys to the project’s
this eliminates tripping just to start a sidetrack. success.
Due to extensive faulting in the field and an overlying • A Basis of Design exhaustively modeled the feasibility
shale zone that is prone to sticking problems, a stratigraphic and underbalanced operability of the first well and set
control leg several hundred feet below the main leg is often some limits and guidelines for candidate selection as the
drilled first. This has sometimes detected faults that extend drilling program continued.2 This document provided an
upward that would have been problematic if drilled through on accurate idea of the UBD parameters to expect when
the upper leg. drilling started.
• Turnover was minimized, keeping the learning curve
Keys to the Project Success intact. Every effort was made to keep the crews consistent
The overall success of the project is attributed to many factors, as the project progressed.
but a few key points stand out: • The BP management team have taken a positive approach
• HSE performance has been excellent. In the 2 yr that this to manage difficulties with all the equipment on location
project has been in operation there have been more than but primarily the downhole tools. Instead of demanding
900,000 man-hours worked without a “Days-Away-From- 100% functionality at all times, if a downhole sensor
Work” Case (DAFWC). Empowerment of everyone on failed, the rig drilling team was empowered to evaluate
location is mainly responsible for this. Initially, the whether drilling could continue safely and effectively or
culture of the area made it difficult for a junior team not.
member to stop or even remark on a given task. With • BHA reliability has improved considerably. Since the
encouragement and by example, this attitude was changed start of the project, recommendations from the field and
so that every member of the team did not hesitate to stop a improvements from the manufacturing facility have been
job and discuss the risks, then resume it safely. One of the incorporated into the tool. Currently, BHA runs of several
major drivers of this performance was the “HSE incentive days are normal and a week or more, not uncommon.
bonus.” The bonus could only be earned after the rig team • The project was started sooner rather than later. It was
had achieved certain HSE goals, which included numbers
recognized that pressure decline throughout the field
of safety observations, drills, and first aid cases. Making it
would put an end limit on when the project could start. If
a team goal made everyone more aware of keeping each the project had been delayed even a year or two, the
other out of harm’s way. In addition, the high visibility
8 IPTC 10308

extremely low bottomhole pressure would have excluded

many of the candidates that have been successfully drilled
in the past two years.
• There is previous UBD experience in this field. In the
1990s some of the wells were sidetracked UB from rigs,
and that experience was one of the drivers for the CT
UBD campaign.
• A streamlined “Management of Change” (MOC) process
was in place once operations started. As stated above,
none of the procedures in use now are the same as when
the project began; it is not realistic to expect pre-spud
procedures to survive very long once operations start.
What has been an important for the success of this project
then is to have an MOC process that satisfies three

1. The changes to be made are thoroughly risk assessed

by all affected persons.
2. All deviations from procedure are approved and
implemented at the wellsite, which makes it a very
efficient process.
3. New procedures are signed off, documented, and
communicated to people returning from days off,
with the new procedure getting distributed by paper
copy with all changes from the old procedure noted.

• Low reservoir pressures, although creating more difficult

drilling conditions, have had a beneficial effect on coiled
tubing life by reducing coil pressure while drilling. The
average pump pressure observed while drilling is far less
than the 4,000 psi that is typical of an overbalanced CTD Fig. 4—Reel and tower.
job. This has resulted in a much greater lifespan for the
reels, and this positive impact on project economics has Sajaa CT UBD Project to Date
contributed to project success. As of this writing there have been 27 re-entries, with a
• Packerless completions allow some indication of pressure combined 90 sidetracks drilled for a total footage of
at the window by taking surface readings between the 212,000 ft. The longest single lateral drilled has been 3,885 ft,
casing and production tubing. This is especially valuable and the most footage drilled on a single re-entry has been
when drilling close to TD when the BHA is 3,000 ft or 14,204 ft with 8 laterals.
more from the window or when the BHA pressure sensor What all of this footage has done for the Sajaa field is to
isn’t working. In the latter case, the casing pressure gauge flatten a production decline that had averaged 20% per year
plus the hydrostatic pressure of the static gas column is prior to the CT UBD campaign. This has greatly extended the
the only indication of downhole pressure. life of the field and accessed new reserves not being drained
• A custom CTD Tower, built specifically for this project, by the existing wells.
has also been a key to its success. The work levels were Most importantly, this has been done without a single
designed for the average tree heights found in the Sajaa Days-Away-From-Work Case in over 2 years of drilling,
field and to provide access to the BOP stack used in the encompassing more than 900,000 man-hours of work.
field. The top work deck is much larger and all the work
decks safer and more user friendly than the typical generic Acknowledgments
CTD tower (see Fig. 4). The work window and ram stroke The authors thank the Sharjah Petroleum Council and BP
lengths for raising and lowering the injector table were Sharjah Oil Company for permission to publish this work. The
built to match the points of the BHA that needed to be authors are also grateful to the crews from British Petroleum,
accessed—the upper and lower double ball valves. Schlumberger, Blade Energy, Halliburton, Weatherford GSI,
Uniformity of tree height in the field is necessary and Baker Hughes INTEQ, Baker Oil Tools, Al-Faris, Marine
adding or subtracting swab valves prior to the rig move Industrial Services, Robertson Research, and Seal
achieves this. International for making it happen on location.
• An important lesson learned since the start of the project
was the value of having available backup equipment, and
to perform maintenance and pressure testing of this
equipment off-line.
IPTC 10308 9

1. Pruitt, R. et al.: “Sajaa Underbalance Coiled Tubing
Drilling, ‘Putting It All Together’,” paper SPE 89644
presented at the 2004 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.,
23–24 March.
2. Suryanarayana, P.V. et al.: “Basis of Design for
Coiled Tubing Underbalanced Through-Tubing
Drilling in the Sajaa Field,” paper SPE/IADC 87146
presented at the 2004 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference,
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 2–4 March.
3. McNicol, J. et al.: “First true, CT underbalanced
casing exit performed,” World Oil (March 2005) Vol.
226 No. 3
4. Rennox, J. et al.: “Problems and Solutions for the
Underbalance Coil Tubing Drilling of Multilateral
Wells in a Mature Field,” IADC paper presented at the
2004 SPE/IADC Underbalanced Technology
Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, U.A.E., 7–8

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