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agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

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Effects of N fertilization on root development and activity of

water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants

Rui-Xian Liu a, Zhi-Guo Zhou a,b,*, Wen-Qi Guo a, Bing-Lin Chen a, Derrick M. Oosterhuis b
Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University,
Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu Province, PR China
Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, United States

article info abstract

Article history: The objective of this investigation was to study effects of nitrogen on drought resistance in
Received 15 January 2008 terms of changes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root dry matter accumulation, N con-
Accepted 8 May 2008 centration, antioxidant enzyme activities and root vigor during short-duration water stress
Published on line 24 June 2008 (withholding water for 8 days and then permitting to 10 days recover by re-watering). Cotton
plants were grown in pots with three N levels (0, 240, and 480 kg N ha1). Soil-relative water
Keywords: content decreased with increasing N supply during the soil water stress period, while leaf
Nitrogen area, dry matter production and N accumulation were enhanced. The root/shoot ratio and
Water stress root-N/shoot-N ratio increased with water stress, and were smallest at 240 kg N ha1.
Cotton Application of N increased the activities of peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) of cotton
Root development root, but decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity during water stress as well as
Antioxidant enzyme activity during recovery. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content was significantly ( p < 0.05) increased, and
Root vigor was lowest in the 240 kg N ha1 N treatment during water stress. At the 10th day after soil
re-watering, MDA content of 240 kg N ha1 was similar to that of 480 kg N ha1, but less than
that of 0 kg N ha1. The root vigor, which was debased by water stress, was the highest at
240 kg N ha1. After soil re-watering, N application promoted root vigor. The trends of net
photosynthetic rate were the same as that of root vigor during water stress. These results
suggest that appropriate N supply (240 kg N ha1 in this investigation) may contribute to
drought resistance of cotton plants by adjusting the antioxidant enzyme activities of root,
debasing lipid peroxidation and boosting root vigor during short-duration water stress
(withholding water for 8 days in this investigation), however, excessive N supply
(480 kg N ha1) had a deleterious effect on plant drought resistance.
# 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction during this stage significantly affects various physiological

and biochemical characters in cotton plants, such as leaf
The flowering and boll development stage is the key yield expansion, photosynthesis, carbon and nitrogen metabolism,
determinant period of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and antioxidant metabolism (Ball et al., 1994; Potikha et al.,
(Han and Kang, 2001). Short-duration water stress occurring 1999; Pettigrew, 2001; Ennahli and Earl, 2005), which leads to a

* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Agronomy, Nanjing Agricultural University, Weigang Road 1, Nanjing 210095,
Jiangsu Province, PR China. Tel.: +86 25 84396813; fax: +86 25 84396813.
E-mail addresses: giscott@njau.edu.cn, lrxjll@163.com (Z.-G. Zhou).
0378-3774/$ – see front matter # 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1262 agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

reduction in cotton development and final productivity. is complicated and probably involves both nutrition meta-
Irrigation is a key agricultural solution to this problem, but bolism and osmotic adjustment.
water supplies are limited due to human increased demands, To our knowledge, there is little shown on the root
and high financial and environmental costs (Wu and Cosgrove, physiological and biochemical changes in N metabolism,
2000). Hence, it is important to consider alternative strategies protein synthesis, and antioxidant metabolism under low soil
for ameliorating the detrimental effects of water deficit, such water availability. Previous studies have shown that N
as by improving the drought resistance of crop plants (Apse significantly affects the responses of plants to soil water
et al., 1999). stress (Halvoson and Reule, 1994; Fife and Nambiar, 1997;
Nitrogen is an essential mineral nutrient required in large Latiri-Souki et al., 1998; Shangguan et al., 2000; Stroup et al.,
amounts by plants (Feil et al., 2005). N application could 2003). However, related research on root growth is scarce, and
improve drought resistance in plants (Halvoson and Reule, the effects of N on root physiological and biochemical
1994; Fife and Nambiar, 1997). Halvoson and Reule (1994) characters needs to be examined. This investigation was
found that wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and designed to study the physiological and biochemical mechan-
barley (Horrdeum vulgare L.) yield in dry lands were increased ism of cotton root in response to soil N status with short-
with increased N supply. For wheat, N fertilizer increased dry duration water shortage. The goal was to ascertain whether
matter, grain production and water use efficiency under high levels of N supply are beneficial or deleterious to drought
drought, and the effect was due to increased leaf area index resistance of cotton plants.
and the maintenance of leaf area duration (Latiri-Souki et al.,
1998). Saneoka et al. (2004) found that malondialdehyde
(MDA) content in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) 2. Materials and methods
leaves was greater in water-stressed treatments than in the
control and decreased with increasing N supply. This showed 2.1. Plant materials and growth conditions
that higher levels of N contributed to drought resistance of
bentgrass by preventing cell membrane damage and enhan- Pot experiments were conducted in the summer seasons of
cing osmoregulation. However, in contrast, Stroup et al. (2003) 2005 and 2006 in the field at the experimental station of the
showed that switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) plants grown Nanjing Agricultural University, located at Nanjing (328020 N
with high N showed a greater reduction in photosynthesis and 1188500 E), Jiangsu Province of China. Cotton seeds (cv.
and leaf water potential under water stress. In winter wheat, NuCOTN 33B) were planted on 25 April 2005 and 23 April 2006,
Shangguan et al. (2000) found that water use efficiency of the respectively. When the seedlings had three true leaves,
plants in the high-N treatment was decreased by a larger individual healthy, uniform plants were transplanted into
value than that of the plants in the low-N treatment due to a plastic pots, 55 cm high and 60 cm wide, filled with 40 kg soil.
larger decrease in photosynthetic rate than in transpiration The yellow brown soil (Dystrudept) was collected from 0 to
rate under drought conditions. Increasing soil N supply 30 cm topsoil layer from the experimental station. The
decreased pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) growth chemical properties of the soil are shown in Table 1. The
under soil water deficit (Ashraf et al., 2001). In view of these field water capacity (FWC) of the soil was 0.31 g water g1 dried
reports it is clear that N does not always play a positive role in soil in 2005 and 0.30 g water g1 dried soil in 2006. The pots
alleviating the adverse effects of dry soil on plant develop- were randomly rearranged fortnightly to minimize possible
ment. positional effects.
Root plays an important role in the plant’s ability to
explore the available soil volume for water and nutrients. 2.2. Experimental designs and experimental treatments
Several researchers (Sharp et al., 1988; Spollen and Sharp,
1991) have hypothesized that the ability of a plant to change 2.2.1. Experimental designs
root physiological and biochemical processes is an impor- The experiment was arranged in a completely random design,
tant mechanism for drought resistance. Benjamin and with two levels of soil water management and three levels of
Nielsen (2006) showed that chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) applied N fertilizer. Each treatment had 15 replications where
was able to change root distribution in the soil because of one pot with single plant represented one replication.
soil water deficit stress and, therefore, extract water to
deeper depths. It is common for the root/shoot ratio of 2.2.2. Soil water stress treatments
plants to increase when water availability is limiting (Ball Two soil water management treatments were maintained: (i)
et al., 1994; Noctor et al., 2002). Wu and Cosgrove (2000) the well-watered control with soil-relative water content of
found maize seedlings adapted to low soil water potential by 70–80%, and (ii) the slowly applied soil water stress where
increasing flexibility of cell walls in the apical part of root. plants were watered to FWC, after which water was
Compared with well-watered plants, drought-sensitive withhold for 8 days. Plants were re-watered on the evening
spring wheat increased root respiration rate (used a of the 8th day, and watered daily for a ten days recovery
relatively higher amount of glucose) in order to absorb period. The drying soil treatments were begun at the
water in a dry soil treatment, especially with severely dry flowering stage (83 days after planting in 2005, 88 days after
soils (Liu et al., 2004). However, few studies have focused on planting in 2006).
the root response of plants to lowered water content (Adda Soil water content was monitored daily by weighing and
et al., 2005), because the basis for the relative drought watering the pots. When soil water content of the well-
resistance of root growth, in comparison with shoot growth, watered control was smaller than the lower limit (soil-relative
agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270 1263

Table 1 – Chemical properties of soil used for the 2.6. Determination of antioxidant enzyme activity and
experiment in 2005 and 2006 MDA content
2005 (mg kg1) 2006 (mg kg1)
Frozen root segments (0.5 g) were crushed into fine power in a
Organic matter (g kg1) 15.3  0.1 17.8  0.1
Total N (g kg1) 0.80  0.0 0.92  0.1
mortar in an ice-bath. 5.0 ml of 0.05 mol l1 phosphate buffer
Alkali hydrolysable N 63.5  1.1 74.6  1.7 (pH 7.8) with 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) was used as an
Available P 40.0  0.7 37.1  0.5 extraction buffer. The homogenate was centrifuged at
Available K 238  3 214  4 15,000  g for 15 min at 4 8C, then the liquid were used to
measure antioxidant enzyme activities and malondialdehyde
The data given are mean  S.E. of three replicates.
(MDA) content.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was assayed accord-
water content of 70%), water was added to the upper limit (soil- ing the method of Li (2000). One unit of SOD activity was
relative water content of 80%). defined as the amount of enzyme required to cause 50%
inhibition of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction, mea-
2.2.3. Nitrogen treatment sured with a UV–vis recording spectrophotometer (UV-2401,
The three N levels were 0 kg N ha1 (N0), 240 kg N ha1 (N1), Shimadzu Corporation, Japan) at 560 nm. Catalase (CAT)
480 kg N ha1 (N2), equivalent to 0, 4.5, 9.0 g N pot1, respec- activity was determined by potassium permanganate
tively. N fertilization was split into two equal applications as titration (Gisnnopolitis and Nries, 1977). The action mixture
urea and applied before transplanting and at the early contained 2.9 ml of 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0),
flowering stage (15 days before the drying soil treatment) in 1.0 ml 10 mM H2O2 and 100 ml enzyme extract in tubes.
every treatment. Peroxidase (POD) activity was analyzed in 2.9 ml of
0.05 mol l1 phosphate buffer containing 1.0 ml of
2.3. Soil-relative water content assays 0.05 mol l1 guaiacol and 1.0 ml 2% H2O2 (Amalo et al.,
1994). The increase in absorbance at 470 nm was recorded
Soil water content (SWC) was measured according the method after adding 2.0 ml 20% chloroacetic acid. All the above
of Liang et al. (1997). Soil samples at 0–30 cm depth were procedures of enzyme extraction were carried out at 0–4 8C.
harvested daily with a punch from the three plants of every Measurement of MDA content was according to the method
treatment during water stress period. The fresh weight of soil of Zhang (1992).
samples was determined then samples were oven-dried at
80 8C for 12 h. SWC was expressed as g water g1 dried soil. 2.7. Root vigor assays
The soil-relative water content (SRWC) = SWC/FWC.
Measurement of root vigor was according to the triphenylte-
2.4. Measurements of photosynthesis trazolium chloride (TTC) method (Li, 2000). The surface liquid
of white young root was blotted with tissue paper and their
At the end of water stress period and 10th day after soil re- fresh weights measured. Root with weights <0.5 g were
watering, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance placed in tubes, filled with 5 ml of 0.4% triphenyltetrazolium
(Gs) and internal CO2 concentration (Ci) of leaves were chloride (TTC), 5 ml phosphate buffer (0.06 mol l1, pH 7.0).
measured with a photosynthesis system (Li-6400, Li-COR The tubes were incubated at 37 8C for up to 3 h. The chemical
Inc., NE, USA) under 1500 mmol m2 s2 light intensity at 9:30– reaction was stopped by adding 2 ml of 1 mol l1 sulfuric acid
11:00 h. Photosynthesis measurements were taken on five in the tubes. This step was followed by extraction with
fully expanded main-stem leaves, fourth node from the triphenylformazan (TPF), which consisted of taking the root
terminal, per treatment. out of the tubes and placing them in a pestle, filled with 3–4 ml
of ethyl acetate and a little quartz sand and ground. The liquid
2.5. Determination of plant dry matter partition and N phase was removed into a test tube. Ethyl acetate was added
accumulation to the 10 ml level and recorded OD values with a UV–vis
recording spectrophotometer at 485 nm. The OD values were
After measurement of photosynthesis, three plants from used to calculate equivalent TPF concentrations with which
every treatment were cut at the cotyledonary node. The root the root activity was determined for each fresh root weight as
was separated from the soil by washing. Samples of 0.5 g of follows:
white young root were used to assay root activity immedi-
ately, and samples of 2.0 g of white young root were root vigorðTPF mg g1 FW hour1 Þ
immediately frozen in liquid N2 and stored at 70 8C for ¼ TPF reductionðmgÞ=fresh weight ðgÞ=time ðhÞ
enzyme activity analysis. Leaf area was measured with a
portable area meter (Li 3000-A, Li-COR Inc., NE, USA), then
root, leaves, stems, branches, flowers and bolls were dried in 2.8. Statistical analysis
an oven at 80 8C to a constant weight, and the dry matter was
determined. Each determination was carried out with three or four
N content was measured on samples of root, leaf, stem, replicates. Statistical analysis was performed using the
branch, flower and boll for each replicate using the Kjeldahl GLM analysis of variance from the SAS Institute and Inc.
method (Feil et al., 2005). (1999).
1264 agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

3. Results dry weight of root and shoot were increased with increasing N
application in both water stress treatments and the control,
3.1. Soil-relative water content (SRWC) of cotton with but the R/S ratio in N1 was the smallest under water stress.
different N levels during the soil water stress period
3.3. N accumulation of plants with different N levels
The soil-relative water content (SRWC) was measured every during water stress and re-watering
day from the third day to the end of water stress period (Fig. 1).
Because there was no difference of SRWC among three N Cotton plants exhibited a significant ( p < 0.05) reduction of N
levels, only the SRWC of N1 was shown and ranged from 70% accumulation in root, shoots and total plant under water stress
to 75% in the well-watered control. The SRWC of the water- (Table 3). There were significant ( p < 0.05) differences in N
stressed plants declined gradually in a similar fashion during accumulation among the three N levels for root, shoots and total
water stress period to 34.1% (N0), 30.3% (N1), 27.3% (N2) in 2005 plant. N application resulted in increasing N accumulation. The
and 38.9% (N0), 33.8% (N1), 30.0% (N2) in 2006 at the end of root-N/shoot-N ratio (RN/SN) was markedly ( p < 0.05) increased
water stress period, respectively. The SRWC was markedly under water stress. At the end of water stress period, the RN/SN
different among three N levels. The reduction of SRWC were 0.16 and 0.01 lower in N1 than in N0 and N2 in 2005, and
increased with enhancing N levels, indicating that the 0.24 and 0.02 lower in N1 than in N0 and N2 in 2006, respectively.
application of N decreased the available water for cotton At the 10th day after soil re-watering, the root N
plants during water stress. accumulation during the soil water stress period was
dramatically ( p < 0.05) higher, but the shoot N accumulation
3.2. Plants growth and dry matter partitioning with was still lower than in the soil well-watered control, which
different N levels during water stress and re-watering was the reason that RN/SN was higher during the soil water
stress period. The effects of N treatment on N accumulation in
At the end of water stress period, leaf area, root dry weight and root and shoots were not changed with N2 > N1 > N0, but the
shoot dry weight were significantly ( p < 0.05) lower during RN/SN of N1 was similar to that of N2, and significantly
water stress compared to the control (Table 2). Leaf area was ( p < 0.05) smaller than that of N0.
increased with increasing N under both water stress and the
control. The root dry weight and shoot dry weight were higher 3.4. Antioxidant enzyme activity of root with different N
in N2 than in N1 and N0 during water stress, but the root/shoot levels during water stress and re-watering
ratio (R/S) was smaller in N1 than in N0 and N2.
Soil water affected plant growth not only during the soil The activities of SOD and POD in water-stressed cotton root
water stress period but also after relief of the stress. At the 10th were decreased compared to soil well-watered treatments,
day after soil re-watering, the root dry weight showed a quick while the CAT activity behaved contrarily (Fig. 2). N application
recovery in water stress treatments, and exceeded the root played a significant role in adjusting the antioxidant enzyme
weight of the well-watered control. Root dry weight in the activity. As shown in Fig. 2, N application significantly
water stress treatments were 0.5, 0.5 and 1.3 g more than the ( p < 0.05) increased the activities of POD and CAT, but
well-watered control in N0, N1, and N2 in 2005, and 0.3, 0.9 and decreased the SOD activity in both the water-stressed and
2.1 g in 2006, respectively. However, the leaf area and shoot dry well-watered control.
weight during the soil water stress period were still sig- At the 10th day after soil re-watering, there was no
nificantly ( p < 0.05) lower compared to the control. Leaf area, difference of SOD activity between water-stressed root and

Fig. 1 – Changes in soil-relative water content of cotton with different N levels during water stress.
Table 2 – Leaf area and dry matter partitioning of cotton plants with different N levels during water stress period and re-watering in 2005 and 2006
Year Water regimes Nitrogen levels The end of water stress period The 10th day after soil re-watering

Leaf area Dry weight (g plant1) Root/ Leaf area Dry weight (g plant1) Root/shoot
(m2 plant1) shoot (m2 plant1)
Root Shoot Total plant Root Shoot Total plant

2005 Water stress N0 0.19 e 12.6 c 59.4 c 72.0 c 0.21 a 0.19 e 14.1 d 61.9 c 76.1 c 0.23 a
N1 0.21 de 14.5 b 77.9 b 92.3 b 0.19 b 0.20 e 18.3 c 96.2 b 115 b 0.19 b
N2 0.23 cd 15.5 ab 77.6 bc 93.1 b 0.20 a 0.27 d 20.1 a 102 b 123 b 0.20 b
Control N0 0.25 c 13.8 bc 70.4 bc 84.1 bc 0.20 a 0.30 c 13.6 d 80.3 b 93.9 b 0.17 c
N1 0.30 b 16.5 a 103 a 119 a 0.16 c 0.38 b 17.8 b 123 a 141 a 0.14 e

agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

N2 0.40 a 17.2 a 109 a 126 a 0.16 c 0.42 a 18.8 b 130 a 149 a 0.14 e

2006 Water stress N0 0.24 f 14.1 d 31.0 c 45.1 d 0.45 a 0.26 e 17.3 d 38.8 d 56.1 c 0.45 a
N1 0.32 d 15.1 cd 51.4 b 66.4 c 0.29 bc 0.33 cd 23.3 ab 90.3 c 114 b 0.26 c
N2 0.34 c 16.4 c 54.5 b 70.9 c 0.30 b 0.35 c 24.6 a 87.7 bc 112 ab 0.28 c
Control N0 0.28 e 15.3 cd 35.1 c 50.4 d 0.43 a 0.30 de 17.0 d 48.8 d 65.8 c 0.35 b
N1 0.40 b 18.9 b 66.6 ab 85.5 b 0.28 c 0.42 b 21.4 c 111 ab 132 ab 0.19 d
N2 0.48 a 20.9 a 77.7 a 98.6 a 0.27 c 0.52 a 22.5 bc 116 a 139 a 0.19 d

Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05. Values are mean of three replicates.

Table 3 – N accumulation of plants with different N levels during the soil water stress period and re-watering in 2005 and 2006
Year Water regimes Nitrogen levels The end of water stress period The 10th day after soil re-watering
N accumulation (g plant ) Root-N/shoot-N N accumulation (g plant1) Root-N/shoot-N

Root Shoot Total plant RN/SN Root Shoot Total plant RN/SN

2005 Water stress N0 0.16 b 0.42 e 0.58 d 0.39 a 0.19 d 0.44 e 0.63 d 0.44 a
N1 0.23 a 1.00 d 1.22 c 0.23 c 0.26 c 1.09 c 1.35 c 0.24 b
N2 0.28 a 1.15 c 1.42 b 0.24 c 0.35 a 1.34 b 1.68 b 0.26 b
Control N0 0.17 b 0.48 e 0.65 d 0.35 b 0.15 e 0.53 d 0.69 d 0.28 b
N1 0.26 a 1.30 b 1.55 b 0.20 d 0.26 c 1.28 bc 1.54 b 0.21 c
N2 0.28 a 1.66 a 1.94 a 0.17 e 0.30 b 1.67 a 1.97 a 0.18 c

2006 Water stress N0 0.11 d 0.22 d 0.33 e 0.49 a 0.11 e 0.26 e 0.37 d 0.42 a
N1 0.15 c 0.59 c 0.74 d 0.25 c 0.20 b 0.88 c 1.08 b 0.23 b
N2 0.21 a 0.77 b 0.98 b 0.27 b 0.26 a 1.09 a 1.35 a 0.24 b
Control N0 0.10 d 0.23 d 0.34 e 0.45 a 0.10 e 0.33 d 0.43 c 0.29 b
N1 0.17 b 0.68 bc 0.84 c 0.25 c 0.16 d 0.97 b 1.13 b 0.16 c
N2 0.22 a 0.97 a 1.18 a 0.23 c 0.19 c 1.25 a 1.44 a 0.15 c

Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05. Values are mean of three replicates.

1266 agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

Fig. 2 – Antioxidant enzyme activity of roots with different N levels during the soil water stress period and re-watering.

the well-watered control, whereas the POD activity of water- same as that of N2 under both water stress and control
stressed root were smaller than that of the well-watered condition, but less than that of N0, indicating that N
control, and the CAT activity of water-stressed root were application reduced the rates of lipid peroxidation of cotton
significantly ( p < 0.05) increased. N application notably root.
( p < 0.05) enhanced the POD and CAT activities, whereas
the SOD activity of the N1 treatment was similar to that of N2, 3.6. Root vigor of cotton plants with different N levels
but markedly ( p < 0.05) smaller than that of N0. during water stress and re-watering

3.5. MDA content of root with different N levels during the Root vigor decreased significantly ( p < 0.05) during the soil
soil water stress and re-watering water stress period (Fig. 4), with decreases of 39.5%, 31.7%,
60.2% for N0, N1, N2 in 2005, and 44.7%, 45.3%, 62.1% for N0, N1,
The MDA content of the water-stressed cotton root at the end N2 in 2006, respectively. However, the root vigor of the water-
of water stress period increased by 48.6%, 64.7%, 214.9% for N0, stressed cotton plants in N1 was the highest among the three
N1, N2 in 2005, and 16.5%, 37.2%, 98.6% for N0, N1, N2 in 2006, N levels, but the root vigor of the control increased with
respectively (Fig. 3). However, the MDA content was greatest in increasing N levels.
N2 and least in N1, indicating that the rates of lipid At the 10th day after soil re-watering, the root vigor showed
peroxidation in water stress were N1 < N0 < N2. a quick recovery in the water-stressed treatments which
At the 10th day after soil re-watering, the MDA content of markedly ( p < 0.05) exceeded root vigor in the well-watered
water-stressed cotton root was similar to that of the well- control. Root vigor of the stressed cotton were enhanced by
watered control (Fig. 3). The MDA content of N1 was the 5.7%, 33.4%, 35.7% for N0, N1, N2 in 2005, and 30.7%, 42.6%,
agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270 1267

Fig. 3 – MDA content of cotton roots with different N levels during the soil water stress period and re-watering.

Fig. 4 – Roots vigor of cotton plants with different N levels during water stress and re-watering.

44.2% for N0, N1, N2 in 2006, respectively, illustrating that N were markedly ( p < 0.05) decreased under water stress
promoted root vigor. condition (Table 4). At the end of water stress period, the Pn
in N1 was the highest among the three N levels during water
3.7. Photosynthesis of cotton plants with different N levels stress, however, Pn increased with enhancing N levels in the
during water stress and re-watering well-watered control. This trend was the same as that for root
vigor (Fig. 4).
Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs) and At the 10th day after soil re-watering, there were no
internal CO2 concentration (Ci) of water-stressed cotton plants significant ( p < 0.05) difference between water-stressed and

Table 4 – Photosynthesis of cotton plants with different N levels during the soil water stress period and re-watering in
2005 and 2006
Year Water Nitrogen The end of water The 10th day after soil re-watering
regimes levels stress period

Pna (mmol CO2 Gs (mmol Ci (mmol CO2 Pn (mmol CO2 Gs (mmol Ci (mmol CO2
m2 s2) m2 s2) mol2) m2 s2) m2 s2) mol2)

2005 Water stress N0 9.4cb 0.32 b 223 bc 15.5 b 0.51 a 266 a

N1 12.1bc 0.26 bc 225 bc 18.2 a 0.52 a 250 a
N2 8.6c 0.22 c 214 c 20.1 a 0.55 a 253 a
Control N0 15.7 ab 0.56 a 263 a 14.3 b 0.50 a 270 a
N1 18.5 a 0.63 a 270 a 18.8 a 0.56 a 252 a
N2 19.8 a 0.59 a 259 ab 19.4 a 0.57 a 248 a

2006 Water stress N0 13.4 c 0.52 b 250 c 18.1 b 0.85 a 256 a

N1 15.7 b 0.43 c 258 bc 22.1 a 0.82 a 260 a
N2 12.5 c 0.43 c 237 d 22.1 a 0.85 a 263 a
Control N0 16.3 b 0.90 a 265 ab 17.0 b 0.90 a 260 a
N1 20.6 a 0.95 a 274 a 22.9 a 0.86 a 262 a
N2 23.1 a 0.94 a 266 ab 22.6 a 0.87 a 257 a
Pn, net photosynthetic rate; Gs, stomatal conductance; Ci, internal CO2 concentration.
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05. Values are mean of three replicates.
1268 agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270

well-watered control plants for Pn, Gs and Ci. Pn of N1 was the period. Shao et al. (2005) reported that wheat with higher
same as that of N2, but markedly ( p < 0.05) higher than that of activities of SOD, POD, and CAT displayed higher antioxidative
N0. No significant N effect was noticed for Gs and Ci. ability, reflecting higher drought resistance. In this investiga-
tion, SOD and POD activities were increased and CAT activity
was decreased during the soil water stress period (Fig. 2).
4. Discussion Similar results were reported by Iturbe-Ormaetxe et al. (1998).
The effects of N on antioxidant enzymes activity have been
Numerous studies have shown that N can alter drought previously reported By Zhang et al. (2002). These researchers
resistance of plants (Halvoson and Reule, 1994; Fife and found that activities of SOD, POD, CAT and soluble protein
Nambiar, 1997; Latiri-Souki et al., 1998; Shangguan et al., 2000; content in the ear leaf of maize were higher in the treatment
Ashraf et al., 2001; Stroup et al., 2003; Saneoka et al., 2004). This with added N than in the treatment without N, which
investigation was designed to study the responses of cotton enhanced drought resistance. In this study, it was found that
root with different N levels to gradually developing water N increased the activities of POD and CAT in cotton root, but
stress and re-watering. decreased the activity of SOD under water stress (Fig. 2).
The different soil-relative water content lost for each water Cell membrane stability has been shown to be affected by
stress treatment (Fig. 1) supported the idea that the effect of lipid peroxidation caused by ROS under stress conditions
water stress was related to the intensity of the N treatment (Sudhakar et al., 2001). In our study, lipid peroxidation
(Bradford and Hsiao, 1982). Adding N fertilizer increased evaluated by the MDA content in root tissue increased with
biomass and leaf area. But during water stress, the high water stress, which suggested that active oxygen species
demand for transpiration water in the large canopy cultivar accumulated in root during the soil water stress period (Fig. 3).
resulted in reduced water status (Prasertsak and Fukai, 1997). Saneoka et al. (2004) reported that MDA decreased with
Smaller leaf area and shorter crop duration are desirable to increased N in the leaf of water-stressed plants. However,
decrease water transpiration by a crop. In this study, the leaf MDA content was the lowest in 240 kg N ha1 and the most in
area increased with increasing N levels (Table 2), which caused 480 kg N ha1 in our experiment, indicating that appropriate N
the soil-relative water content to decrease more rapidly supply (240 kg N ha1 in this investigation) reduce, but
(Fig. 1). excessive N supply (480 kg N ha1) aggravate, lipid peroxida-
When the soil dries, plants respond in different ways. One tion under water stress. After soil re-watering, the MDA
response could be to shed leaves to decrease water transpira- content of 240 kg N ha1 was similar to that of 480 kg N ha1,
tion and transfer a larger relative proportion of assimilates to but less than that of 0 kg N ha1. This suggested that lipid
the root to enhance the water and nutrient uptake capacity, peroxidation was smaller in 240 and 480 kg N ha1 than in
thereby increasing the R/S ratio to maintain the water balance 0 kg N ha1.
in plants (Passioura, 1983; Shangguan et al., 2000; Liu et al., Root vigor has been shown to be a reliable and sensitive
2004). This was observed in this study where leaf area, shoot indicator to evaluate drought resistance (Wang et al., 2006),
dry matter, root dry matter, shoot N accumulation and root N and reflects water and nutrition absorbing abilities of drought-
accumulation were all decreased under water-stressed con- stressed plants. Zhai et al. (2003) suggested that root vigor was
dition, but the R/S and RN/SN were all increased. N nutrition has affected by relative enzyme activity, and appropriate N levels
been shown to have significant effects on the relationship enhanced root growth. In our study, drought decreased root
between root and shoots of plants (Lioert et al., 1999). Maranov vigor during the water stress period, and the root vigor at
et al. (1998) found that increasing N application increased root 240 kg N ha1 was the highest among the three N levels (Fig. 4).
growth, but decreased shoots growth when plants grew during However, root vigor in water-stressed plants was higher than
severe water stress because the limited water extracted by that of the well-watered control after soil re-watering, and
root was mainly consumed by the root system itself and only a increased with increasing N levels. All results indicated that
small amount of water was transported to shoots. However, in appropriate N was beneficial to the drought resistance of
the present study, the R/S and RN/SN of the water-stressed cotton plants, however excessive N was deleterious. After
cotton plants were smaller at 240 kg N ha1 than at 0 and relief of water stress, root vigor recovered quickly and
480 kg N ha1 (Tables 2 and 3). This may be due to the increased with increasing N levels.
restricted amount of shoot biomass relative to root biomass The extent to which photosynthetic capability is main-
under water stress which was greater at 480 kg N ha1 than at tained during soil water stress plays an important role in a
240 kg N ha1. This indicated that cotton plants suffered more plants’ acclimation to a dry environment (Niu et al., 2005). The
water stress at 480 kg N ha1 than at 240 kg N ha1. After re- root and shoot systems are interdependent and because the
watering, the trends were not changed. root are the source for water and all inorganic nutrients, an
Drying soils have been reported to trigger increased adjustment of cotton root to drying soil would change the
radicals and reactive oxygen species (O2, 1O2, H2O2, OH) response of shoot physiological functions, such as photo-
formation in plants (Foryer and Noctor, 2000), which affect synthesis. In our results, the trends in net photosynthetic rate
plant metabolism in a variety of ways and result in cellular were the same as that of root vigor under water stress
damage. The abilities of crops to resist drought have been (Table 4). It appeared that appropriate N may have contributed
connected to the activity of antioxidant enzymes scavenging to the extraction of more water and mineral nutrients to
reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Ge et al., 2006). These maintain photosynthesis. The photosynthesis of cotton plant
mechanisms may be the main physiological action and with increased soil N under soil water stress might be
defense from injury of crops during the soil water stress associated with increases in activity of photosynthetic carbon
agricultural water management 95 (2008) 1261–1270 1269

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