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Supplying Organization Detail

Organization Name :
Address :
Contact Name :
Telephone :
E-mail :
Products or services Provided to Maersk :

APMTC Contact:

Please share a copy of the Business Continuity Certifications, against internationally recognized standards, if any.

# Classification: Internal
Supplying Organization Detail

Cosmos Agencia Marítima SAC

Jr. Mariscal Miller 450, piso 8 Callao
Julio Lacherre / Cesar Contreras
943164448 / 994014292
Port services / Stevedoring services / Maritime Services / Diving Support Services

Claudia Olivos

ntinuity Certifications, against internationally recognized standards, if any.

# Classification: Internal
Supplier Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Assessment Checklist

A supplier’s business continuity program serves as a critical mechanism to gauge the overall preparedness and resiliency of the
to maintain critical business operations necessary to fulfill the supplier’s obligations to Maersk. We recognize that each suppli
own methodology for developing, monitoring and testing plans appropriate for their operations, at a minimum we expect our su
include the elements identified in this assessment checklist.

What are we trying to accomplish ?

- Understand the risks with respect to the supplier resiliency.
- Improve supplier response to Maersk in case of an contingency / incident.
- Increase supplier awareness on Business Continuity.

Supplier Instructions
- Populate the Supplier Details.
- Complete each section's question using the drop down response option.
- Add comments to explain your response.
- Send back the completed assessment document.

How can we get there ?

- Supplier completes the BCP assessment.
- Maersk will perform an internal evaluation of the completed assessment.
- Maersk will review the results with the supplier.
- Conduct follow up discussion and develop an action plan (if required).

# Classification: Internal
Supplier Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Assessment Checklist

business continuity program serves as a critical mechanism to gauge the overall preparedness and resiliency of the supplier’s ability
ritical business operations necessary to fulfill the supplier’s obligations to Maersk. We recognize that each supplier will have their
ology for developing, monitoring and testing plans appropriate for their operations, at a minimum we expect our suppliers’ plans to
ements identified in this assessment checklist.

e trying to accomplish ?
rstand the risks with respect to the supplier resiliency.
ove supplier response to Maersk in case of an contingency / incident.
ase supplier awareness on Business Continuity.

late the Supplier Details.
plete each section's question using the drop down response option.
comments to explain your response.
back the completed assessment document.

get there ?
lier completes the BCP assessment.
sk will perform an internal evaluation of the completed assessment.
sk will review the results with the supplier.
uct follow up discussion and develop an action plan (if required).

# Classification: Internal
# Question

SECTION 1 - Program Overview (Governance & Executive Sponsorship)

1 Does your company have a formal business continuity planning program?
2 Does your company have a Corporate Policy for business continuity?
3 Does your company measure itself against any business continuity standards?

4 Is there a formal annual BC training program for the planning and response teams?

5 Is there a formal process to ensure plans are updated and exercised regularly?

Do you have dedicated staff assigned to undertake Business Continuity Management

(BCM) with clearly defined and documented roles & responsibilities?

SECTION 2 - Business Continuity Plans

Have you identified and documented all critical processes (as it relates to your ability to
serve Maersk)?
Do you have BC plans in place to address the identified critical operations, processes
and facilities?
Do your plans identify the dependencies/interdependencies necessary to execute each
critical operation/process?

Do your plans address short term continuity strategies and long term recovery strategies
including restoration, relocation and alternate site options?

SECTION 3 – Risks Identification & Mitigation

Have you done a risk assessment for all probable threats to critical operations / services
offered to Maersk ?
12 Have mitigation strategies been developed for all the identified risks ?
SECTION 4 – Plan Maintenance and Exercises
Are your plans reviewed/updated at least annually or more often when significant
organization or process changes occur?
14 Are your plans exercised / tested at least annually?
Do you conduct post-exercise reviews at the conclusion of all exercises and plan
15 invocations (review of exercise, gap identification, actions identified and owners
assigned to resolve gaps)?
SECTION 5 – Emergency Response & Crisis Management
16 Do you have emergency response procedures (ERP) documented for your sites?

Are your Emergency response personnel trained & experienced in managing

18 Can you provide an evidence of a recent successful use of your ERP?
Do the plans define roles and responsibilities including who has the authority to invoke
the plan?
Do the plans provide a point of contact responsible for communicating with and
notification criteria including the triggers for contacting ?
Do you have controls in place to minimize threats & risks to your employees &

# Classification: Internal
Supplier Response
(Yes / No / NA / Partial)

# Classification: Internal
Supporting Evidence / Comments

# Classification: Internal

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