Hidajat, Et Al. - 2004 - Study of Vuggy Carbonates Using NMR and X-Ray CT Scanning

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Study of Vuggy Carbonates Using NMR

and X-Ray CT Scanning

I. Hidajat, SPE, and K.K. Mohanty, SPE, U. of Houston, and M. Flaum, SPE, and G. Hirasaki, SPE, Rice U.

Summary In this paper, we study six vuggy carbonate samples from a

Most existing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) permeability west Texas field using NMR, X-ray CT scanning, and routine core
correlations for carbonates assume that vugs do not contribute to analysis (porosity, air permeability, mercury capillary pressure,
permeability. The objective of this work is to improve permeability thin-section imaging, and formation factor). The paper is orga-
estimation from NMR responses for carbonates by including vug nized into four main sections: core-characterization procedure,
connectivity. Six carbonate samples from a west Texas field were core-analysis results, permeability correlations from capillary pres-
studied. NMR T2 measurement, mercury porosimetry, thin-section sure and NMR, and conclusions.
imaging [using optical microscopy and a scanning electron micro-
Core-Characterization Procedure
scope (SEM)], computerized tomography (CT) scanning, and elec-
trical measurements were conducted. The permeability of the Sample Selection. Six vuggy carbonate rock samples from a west
samples studied is controlled by the channels that connect vugs. Texas field were selected. Before the samples were plugged and
Capillary pressure and NMR T2 measurements show multimodal cleaned, they were scanned by an X-ray CT scanner to identify
pore-throat and pore-body-size distributions. A modified Chang regions to be plugged. The samples were cleaned with toluene, chlo-
model, which includes the tortuosity factor, is proposed and proven to roform/methanol azeotrope, and methanol in a Dean Stark extraction
yield a better permeability prediction than the original Chang model. apparatus. The diameters of the plugs were 1 to 1.5 in. The porosity
It is also shown that for the samples studied, the tortuosity can be and air permeability for the cleaned plugs were measured.
estimated from NMR T2 distribution, hence allowing permeability
prediction from the NMR T2 distribution alone. Mercury Capillary Pressure. Endpieces of the samples were
dried at approximately 100°C. They were evacuated to less than 50
microns vacuum, and mercury was injected over 117 pressure
Introduction steps ranging from 1.64 to 60,000 psia.
More than 50% of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves are in car-
bonate formations.1 However, estimating petrophysical properties Thin Section. The thin section was viewed by using an optical
from NMR measurements in carbonate rocks has always been a microscope. The picture was captured by using a CCD camera, and
bigger challenge than in sandstone formations. Carbonates are the video output signal was sent to a PC computer by using a
characterized by different types of porosity and complex pore-size frame-grabber card. The picture was then segmented into pore
distributions. Because of their reactive nature, carbonates undergo space and solid by using Crabtree’s algorithm.6 Several contiguous
a more complicated post-depositional diagenesis compared to si- images were taken for the same sample and then composed to-
liciclastic sandstones. The diagenesis process includes cementa- gether to form a larger image of approximately 1 to 2 cm coverage.
tion, dissolution, dolomitization, recrystallization, and evaporite The resolution of each pixel is 10 ␮m. The endpieces or the stubs
mineralization.2 Carbonates are also sensitive to the microorgan- of the thin sections were also studied by using SEM in the back-
ism activity in their depositional environment. Depending on scattered electron (BSE) mode.
whether they are grain- or mud-supported, carbonates can be clas-
sified into grainstone (no mud), packstone, wackstone, and mud- NMR T2 Measurement. The NMR T2 measurement was conducted
stone (mud-dominated).2,3 in a Maran Ultra* low field NMR spectrometer using the Carr-
Porosity in carbonate rocks can be categorized into three dif- Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence. The following pa-
ferent types of porosity: intragranular porosity, intergranular po- rameters were used: number of scans⳱32, echo spacing⳱600
rosity, and vugs.2 Intragranular porosity is the porosity inside the ␮s, and number of echoes⳱10,240. The samples were saturated
grain, and intergranular porosity is the porosity between the grains. with 1 wt% NaCl brine.
A vug is defined as the pore space that is significantly larger than
grains or crystals (or that is within grains or crystals).2 In more 3D Porosity Distribution From CT Scanner. The dry and brine-
popular terms, a vug is a pore that is large enough to be visible to saturated samples were CT scanned at 2-mm intervals in the z-
the naked eye. Vuggy pore space can be subdivided into separate direction. Then, the porosity distribution was calculated from the
vugs and touching vugs based on vug interconnections.2,4 CT-number difference between brine-saturated and dry core. The
A permeability correlation from NMR T2 measurement is given CT scanner used was a Technicare Deltascan** 2060, and the
by Chang et al.5: scanner was mounted vertically. The pixel resolution is 254×254
␮m in the xy plane and 2 mm in the z-direction. The parameters
k = 4.75 共␾750兲4 共T2lm,750兲2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) used were 8-second scanning time, 120 kV, 75 mA, and 12.5 cm
scan diameter.
where ␾750 is the porosity and T2lm,750 is the logarithmic mean of
T2 of the pore space consisting of pores with T2 less than 750 ms. Tracer Experiment. A 12 wt% NaI in 1 wt% NaCl brine was
The correlation assumes that vugs do not contribute to the flow injected from the bottom into the brine-saturated core. CT scans
and, hence, the contribution of the vugs in the T2 (which is above 750 were taken during brine displacement. The NaI outlet concentra-
ms) is not used. This may not always be the case; in some instances, tion was measured by using an online microconductivity meter.
vugs may be connected and may contribute to the permeability.
Swr Experiment. A 15 wt% iodo-decane in decane solution was
injected from the top into the brine-saturated core. CT scans were
done only at the end of the experiment. The brine and oil satura-
Copyright © 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers
tions inside the core were calculated from the mass balance.
This paper (SPE 88995) was revised for publication from paper SPE 77396, first presented
at the 2002 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 29
September–2 October. Original manuscript received for review 14 January 2003. Revised *Trademark of Resonance Instruments Ltd., Witney, U.K.
manuscript received 7 June 2004. Paper peer approved 12 July 2004. **Trademark of Johnson & Johnson USA.

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 365

Sor Experiment. Brine was injected from the bottom into the core are from the same well, as are samples 4a and 4b. The core
at residual water conditions. CT scans were taken only at the end samples can be divided into two groups: low permeability and high
of the experiment. The final brine and oil saturations inside the permeability. The porosity range for low-permeability samples is 6
core were calculated from the mass balance. to 7.4%, and the permeability is less than 0.1 md. The porosity
range for high-permeability samples is 15.2 to 21.8%, with per-
Formation Factor. Electrical conductivity of brine-saturated samples meability in the range of 56 md to more than 2,000 md. Fig. 1
was measured, from which formation factors were calculated. shows the 3D porosity distribution from CT scanning. The cross-
sectional average porosity was calculated, and Fig. 2 shows the
Core Analysis average porosity variation along each core length. There is signifi-
Porosity and Permeability. Table 1 lists the measured perme- cant porosity variation along the core length for each sample com-
ability, porosity, porosity from CT scans, rock descriptions, and pared to a Berea sample (Fig. 2). Hicks et al.7 also observed
binarized thin-section images of the six cores. Samples 2a and 2b similar porosity variation for different carbonate rocks.

366 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 2—Porosity variation along core length.

Samples 2a and 2b have very large crystals. The crystals are so

large that they grow very tight, leaving almost no intercrystalline
porosity. The SEM image (Fig. 4) shows that in between the large
crystals, there are sucrosic (or sugar-like) crystals, which have
significant pore openings. Both samples are very vuggy, and vugs
of the size between 1 and 5 mm are present in these two samples.
Vugs are interconnected through the intercrystalline porosity.
Thus, the microporosity in the matrix controls the permeability for
samples 1, 2a, and 2b.
Sample 3 is a peloid/fusulinid packstone/wackstone dolomite.
The matrix has very little intergranular porosity. The matrix is also
quite heterogeneous. As seen from the SEM image (Fig. 4), the
matrix also has very large crystals with sucrosic crystals in be-
tween. Also as seen in Fig. 1, there are patches of the lower-
porosity region in the matrix system. Some touching vugs and
fractures are observed from the thin section. Some vugs are con-
nected by microfractures. Anhydride occurs in the matrix and in
the fractures. This sample has several moldic vugs; the vug sizes
are approximately 1 to 3 mm. The vugs are distributed more or less
uniformly throughout the sample.
Samples 4a and 4b are very clumpy in appearance; the depo-
Fig. 1—Cross-sectional porosity distribution from CT scans. sitional texture cannot be seen. They look like breccia or an ag-
glomerate of different rocks. They may have been formed from
cave debris that recrystallized. From SEM images (Fig. 4), it is
The spatial dependence of the porosity is characterized by found that the matrix of sample 4a is surprisingly tight, but both
the semivariogram samples have a large amount of intergranular porosity that forms
an interconnecting flow network (as observed from the thin-

兺共␾ − ␾
1 section images) leading to high permeability. The intergranular
SV共h兲 = i+h 兲 ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
2N共h兲 i pore space controls the flow path in these two samples. Both
samples are also quite vuggy, with vug sizes approximately 1 to 5
where SV is the semivariogram, h is the lag, N(h) is the number of mm. Sample 4b seems to be more heterogeneous than 4a. In Fig.
pairs of observed data points separated by a lag of h, and ␾ is the 1, sample 4b has patches of both high and low porosity.
porosity. The semivariograms were calculated from the x-z plane (the
middle slice in the flow direction) of the CT images and are plotted Mercury Capillary Pressure. Fig. 5 shows the mercury capillary
in Fig. 3. The semivariograms are fitted by an exponential model: pressure curves for all samples. Assuming the capillary bundle
model, the pore-throat size can be related to capillary pressure

SV共h兲 = c 1 − exp − 冉 冊册 3h
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
injection by
2␴ cos ␪
Pc = , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4)
where c is the sill and a is the range at which the semivariogram
reaches 95% of the sill.8 The fitting parameters c and a are given where Pc is the capillary pressure, ␴ is the surface tension (480
in Table 2. Samples 3 and 4b have the highest sill or variance. The dynes/cm), ␪ is the contact angle (40°), and rt is the pore-throat
heterogeneity of these samples is found to be in the range of 0.5 to radius. This model neglects the issue of pore accessibility. The
1.5 cm. pore-throat-size distributions calculated from Eq. 4 are shown in
Fig. 6.
Rock Descriptions From the Thin Section. Sample 1 is a fine Sample 4b has the lowest capillary pressure, and sample 1 has
peloidal wackstone/packstone dolomite. The matrix is filled with the highest capillary pressure, which correspond to the highest and
anhydride, which reduces the permeability. From the SEM image lowest permeability samples, respectively (Fig. 5). The capillary
(Fig. 4), the matrix has fine and rather uniform crystals, with a pressure curves for those two samples are also similar to those of
pore opening between the crystals. The vugs are small and mostly monomodal-porosity rocks. Fig. 6 shows that sample 1 actually
less than 0.5 mm. A few vugs have a size of approximately 1 mm. has a monomodal pore-throat-size distribution, and the throat sizes
Vugs occur only in some layers, and the other layers are almost are very small, in the range of 0.01 to 1 ␮m. Sample 4b has a broad
free of vugs. pore-throat-size distribution that also can be interpreted as a bi-

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 367

Fig. 3—Porosity semivariograms.

modal size distribution, in which the two modes almost overlap ability; hence, the vugs in these two samples do not contribute to
with each other (Fig. 6). The pore throats in sample 4b are large (in the flow conductance. There are two distinct modes in the pore-
the range of 1 to 100 ␮m). throat-size distribution; the smaller is on the order of 0.1 ␮m, and
The capillary pressure curves for samples 2a and 2b show the the larger is on the order of 100 ␮m (Fig. 6).
existence of vugs that are connected to the surface (corresponding The capillary pressure curve for sample 3 is similar to those of
to low capillary pressure), and then the curves steeply increase to samples 2a and 2b. Access to 50% of the pore volume is controlled
a high-capillary-pressure region, which corresponds to small throat by large pore throats or pore throats located at the surface (Fig. 6).
sizes in the matrix (Fig. 5). Both samples have very low perme-
NMR T2 Response. NMR T2 response provides the pore-body-
size distribution of brine-saturated samples (Fig. 7). Assuming the
fast diffusion regime and cylindrical pore shapes, the T2 response
is related to the pore body size by9

1 1 2
= + ␳ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
T2 T2B rb

where T2B is the brine bulk T2, ␳ is the surface relaxivity, and rb
is the pore-body radius.
The surface relaxivity (Table 3) is estimated by matching the
median of the cumulative distribution of rt computed from Pc and
rb computed from NMR T2. This method does not account for the
pore-body-to-throat ratio. The average value for samples 4a and 4b
is taken as the best estimate because these samples have the best
pore-throat/body correlation. This average surface relaxivity is
6.75 ␮m/s.

368 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 4—SEM images of matrix.

All the samples exhibit a multimodal T2 response, including the

bulk brine response, meaning that all the samples have large vugs
(Fig. 7). By comparing pore-body-size distributions with pore-
throat-size distributions (Fig. 8), it is observed that in higher-
permeability samples (samples 3, 4a, and 4b), the body and the
throat are better correlated than in lower-permeability samples
(samples 1, 2a, and 2b).

Tracer Experiment. Fig. 9 shows the in-situ tracer-concentration Fig. 5—Mercury capillary pressure curves.
profile for some of the samples after 1 PV tracer injection. Sample
2a has a preferential flow path at 45° to the horizontal in the
vertical plane. Sample 3 has a very distinct preferential flow path; sample has the longest mixing zone because of its heterogeneity.
the tracer transport into the other areas is more of a diffusive The small mass-transfer coefficient for sample 3 seems to indicate
transport. Sample 4a has a more uniform profile at the bottom part that this sample has long and narrow dead-end pores.
of the core; the flow then tends to go through the center at the top
part of the core. Sample 4b also has unswept areas at the bottom Swr and Sor. Fig. 11a shows the oil saturation (Soi) at Swr after the
left corner and top right corner. All these confirm the heterogeneity drainage process, and Fig. 11b shows the residual oil saturation
of the carbonate rocks we studied at the centimeter scale. (Sor) after the imbibition experiment for some of the samples.
The tracer effluent concentration profiles for the high- Table 5 gives Soi , Sor, and the percentage of oil recovered by
permeability samples are plotted in Fig. 10. The very early break- waterflooding. For samples 2a, 4a, and 4b, oil fills the area outside
through followed by a long tail is characteristic of heterogeneous preferential flow paths seen in Fig. 9 at Soi because the oil injection
carbonate systems. This behavior also seems to indicate the exis- is from the top. In brine injection, oil is recovered mostly from the
tence of a sample-spanning high-permeability streak in a tight preferential flow path. For sample 3, oil fills mostly the preferen-
matrix.10 This also explains the early water breakthrough with high tial flow path area at Soi. Sample 4b shows low oil recovery,
oil saturation remaining in large unswept areas, which is usually although it has the highest porosity and permeability. Both mass-
observed in many of the carbonate systems.10–13 balance and oil-saturation calculations from the CT number give
The Coats and Smith14 dead-end pore model was used to ac- approximately 20% oil recovery consistently. We suspect that this
count for early breakthrough and long tail on experimentally ob- sample is more oil-wet than the other samples.
served effluent concentration profiles. The model divides the pore
space of the porous medium into flowing and nonflowing (or stag- Formation Factor. The formation factor is obtained by measuring
nant) fractions. The model is described as the resistivity of a brine-saturated rock and comparing it with the
resistivity of the brine itself. Assuming a bundle-of-tube model,
⭸C ⭸C* ⭸2C ⭸C the tortuosity also can be estimated from formation factor
fd + 共1 − fd兲 = Kl 2 − u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) as follows:
⭸t ⭸t ⭸x ⭸x
Rrock+brine 1 ␶
and F= = m = , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
Rbrine ␾ ␾
共1 − fd兲 = K⬘共C − C*兲, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) where R is the resistivity, ␾ is the porosity, m is Archie’s cemen-
tation factor, and ␶ is the tortuosity.
where fd is the flowing fraction, C is the tracer concentration in the Table 6 shows the measured formation factor, the cementation
flowing part, C* is the tracer concentration in the stagnant part, Kl factor, and the calculated tortuosity. The cementation factors are
is the longitudinal dispersivity, u is the Darcy velocity, and K⬘ is larger than 2, which is the expected value for carbonates. It is also
the mass-transfer coefficient. The analytical solution is given by observed that the formation factor and the tortuosity correlate well
Brigham15 in an integral form. The experimental result is fitted by with the permeability. The intergranular porosity and the vuggy
three parameters: fd, Kl, and K⬘.16 The fitting parameters are listed porosity can be estimated by using Myers’ pore-combination
in Table 4. model (PCM),17 which is given as

冉 冊 冉 冊
Sample 3 has the largest stagnant fraction, which is consistent
with the CT images shown in Fig. 9. Sample 4b has the largest 1 1.91 ␾int 1.11
F= , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
longitudinal dispersivity coefficient, which also means that this ␾int ␾

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 369

Fig. 6—Pore-throat-size distribution from capillary pressure.

where ␾int⳱␾–␾vug is the intergranular porosity. The intragranu- samples. The permeability models based on capillary pressure use
lar porosity is absent in these samples. The calculated results are a characteristic throat size that governs the flow at the percolation
tabulated in Table 7. The results agree very well with the esti- threshold of the porous medium, but each model uses a different
mated vuggy porosity calculated by using a 750-ms vugular cutoff method to estimate that characteristic throat size. Winland devel-
value in the NMR T2 distribution. Hence, it also means that the oped a power-law model that relates permeability with porosity
formation factor of these samples can be estimated from the NMR and pore-throat radius:18
T2 distribution. Fig. 12 shows the relationship between the cemen-
tation factor and the ratio of vuggy porosity to the total porosity. k = 17.6␾1.470r351.701, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
The cementation factor m increases with increasing vuggy poros- where r35 is the pore radius corresponding to 35% mercury satu-
ity. The relationship obtained from the linear regression is ration. Swanson19 proposed the following correlation between the

m = 0.51 冉 冊
+ 1.91. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10)
permeability and mercury capillary pressure:

Permeability Correlation From

k = 399 冉冊Sb

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12)

Capillary Pressure where Sb is the mercury saturation in percent bulk volume and Pc
The existing correlations to predict permeability by Winland- is the mercury capillary pressure. The maximum is taken over all
Pittman,18 Swanson,19 and Katz-Thompson20 are tested for these possible values of Sb. Starting with the percolation concept, Katz

370 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 7—NMR T2 distribution and trimodal Weibull distribution fit. The dots are NMR experimental data. The solid line is trimodal
Weibull distribution. The dashed line with the lowest T2 is the first mode, the dashed line with the medium T2 is the second mode,
and the dashed line with the highest T2 is the third mode of the trimodal Weibull distribution.

and Thompson20 have related the permeability of a porous medium where lc is the size of the smallest throat invaded by a nonwetting
to a length scale lc: phase at the percolation threshold; lc can be estimated from the
inflection point of the mercury-injection curve.
1 l c2 The predicted permeabilities from Eqs. 11 through 13 are tabu-
k= , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
226 F lated in Table 8. The Winland-Pittman model18 gives the best
prediction, within a factor of 9 on average. The Katz-Thompson
model20 always underpredicts the permeability. The Swanson
model19 does not work for the west Texas samples because it is not
developed for rocks with multimodal porosity.
The Katz-Thompson model is modified by changing its con-
stant value from 1/226 to 32.336. The new constant is obtained by
plotting the measured permeability and lc2/F. The prediction is
improved (Table 9), but it is still not as good as the original
Winland-Pittman model. The Winland-Pittman model is modified
as follows:

k = 102.36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14)

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 371

Fig. 8—Pore-body and pore-throat sizes from NMR (assuming ␳=6.75 µm/s) and capillary pressure measurements.

However, on average, the original Winland-Pittman model gives a T2

slightly better prediction than the modified one. x = ln , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)
Permeability Correlation From NMR where T2,0 is the smallest T2 used in the T2 distribution (0.1 ms in
Trimodal Weibull Distribution Fit. The T2 response of most of this case). There are nine parameters to fit, and this becomes a
our samples exhibits multimodal behavior. To better estimate the constrained nonlinear least-squares problem.
contribution of each mode, the T2 response was fitted with a tri- The trimodal Weibull distribution can fit the T2 response very
modal Weibull distribution. Weibull distribution was selected be- well, as shown in Fig. 7. The fitting parameters are given in Table
cause it is a versatile distribution that can take on the character- 10. Mode 1 is associated with the intragranular pores or the small-
istics of other types of distributions based on the value of the est T2, mode 2 is associated with the intergranular pores or the
shape parameter. The trimodal Weibull cumulative distribution is intermediate T2, and mode 3 is associated with the vugs at the
given as21 largest T2. The fitting provides a better picture of the contribution
of each mode and their overlap, especially for samples 4a and 4b.

兺␣ 再1 − exp冋−冉 m 冊 册冎
3 ␤i
x The vuggy porosity is estimated from the mode 3 fraction and
P共x兲 = i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) agrees well with the calculated value from the PCM model and
i=1 i
from the vugular 750-ms cutoff (see Table 7). The vuggy porosity
where ␣i is the fraction of each mode, ␤i is the shape parameter, mi estimation from the vugular 750-ms cutoff is slightly better than
is the scale parameter, and x is defined as the estimation from the Weibull distribution.

372 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Fig. 10—Experimental and model fit of tracer effluent concentrations.

assumed as the BVI. The Coates model to estimate the permeabil-

ity from BVI is given as22

k = 104␾4 冉 冊FFI
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)

where ␾ is the porosity and FFI is the free fluid volume

(FFI⳱␾–BVI). Table 11 shows that the permeability prediction
using Coates’ correlation works better for the high-permeability
samples and overpredicts the low-permeability samples by two
orders of magnitude.
Fig. 9—Tracer-concentration profiles after 1 PV injection. It is observed from the above exercise that Chang’s model is
more suitable for low-permeability samples; on the other hand, the
SDR model is more suitable for high-permeability samples. Be-
NMR Models. First, the existing NMR models (e.g., SDR,9 cause the tortuosity is a good indicator to differentiate between the
Chang,5 and Coates22) are tested against the measured air perme- low- and high-permeability samples, we propose to include the
ability. The standard Schlumberger Doll Research (SDR) model is tortuosity information in the NMR correlation as follows:
given by

k = 4␾4T2lm2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) k = 4.75 冋冉 冊 册 冋冉

4 T2lm
T2lm,750 冊 a
册 2
T2lm,750 , . . . . . . . . . . (19)
where T2lm is the logarithmic mean of T2 distribution. The whole
T2 is used to calculate the permeability. The estimated permeabil- where a is defined as
ity using SDR correlation is given in Table 11. The correlation
works well for high-permeability samples but does not work for ␶
a=1− , 0 ⱕ a ⱕ 1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20)
low-permeability samples. ␶max
Chang’s correlation (Eq. 1) assumes that the intergranular po-
rosity controls the permeability, and its pore volume may be ap- where ␶ is the tortuosity and ␶max is an adjustable parameter.
proximated by excluding components with T2 values above a cer- For the west Texas samples studied, ␶max is assumed to be 30.
tain cutoff value.5 Both porosity and logarithmic mean of T2 are The calculated permeability from this modified Chang’s model is
calculated from the T2 fraction below the cutoff value.5 The 750- given in Table 12. The tortuosity is obtained from the resistivity
ms cutoff value was selected based on the comparison of the measurement. On average, the modified Chang’s model predicts
correlation with the data of more than 24 samples.5 The estimated the permeability within a factor of 5.6. As shown in the earlier
permeabilities using this correlation for our samples are given in section, the formation factor can be estimated from the NMR T2 by
Table 11. The correlation works well for low-permeability using Myers’ PCM model; hence, the tortuosity also can be cal-
samples. For higher-permeability samples, the correlation esti- culated from NMR T2. Table 12 shows the predicted permeability
mates are too low; hence, the assumption that vugs do not con- from the modified Chang’s model with tortuosity calculated from
tribute to permeability is not always true. Most of the samples used NMR T2. The vuggy porosity is estimated by using the vugular
by Chang et al.5 in their study had low permeability. 750-ms cutoff, and the intergranular porosity is calculated by sub-
Another approach to estimating permeability is using bound tracting the vuggy porosity from the total porosity. This model (on
volume of irreducible water (BVI) in a formation. In the absence average) predicts the permeability within a factor of 4.8.
of centrifuge data, a value of 92 ms is used to estimate the T2 cutoff The Coates model (Eq. 18) was modified by changing its con-
for carbonate formations. The pore volume below the T2 cutoff is stant from 104 to 504. The error in permeability estimation is
reduced only slightly from 36.2 to 32.3, and the predicted per-
meabilities are still not satisfactory. Other models, which in-
clude formation factor, were also tested. The models tested are
as follows:23–25

k = 81 冉 冊
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21)

k = 9.5 冉 冊
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22)

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 373

Fig. 11—(a) Initial-oil-saturation distribution at Swr. (b) Residual-oil-saturation distributions.

T2lm,7502 because the crystals are grown very close to each other. These
k = 2.7 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) three samples have very low permeability, although they are vuggy
samples. Sample 3 is rather unusual; the intergranular pore space
T2lm2 is very small, but the permeability is rather high. The microfrac-
and k = 2.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24) tures that connect the vugs play an important role here. Samples 4a
F and 4b have a large intergranular pore size that interconnects the
The predicted values are tabulated in Table 12; the results are not vugs. If the T2 signal above the 750-ms signal is neglected, then
satisfactory because the error ratio is approximately two orders the contribution of the intergranular porosity or microfractures to
of magnitude. flow is underpredicted in these three samples.
Deconvoluting the multimodal NMR T2 response into trimodal
Conclusions Weibull distribution gives a better insight into the actual contri-
The rock fabric varies significantly between the samples studied bution of each mode to porosity. It is found that the vuggy porosity
from a single field. Both pore-throat distribution and pore-body estimated from the Myers PCM model agrees very well with the
distribution show multimodal behavior. The pore-throat and pore- value calculated from NMR using the vugular 750-ms cutoff and
body sizes are better correlated in higher-permeability samples. from the fraction of the largest mode of trimodal Weibull distri-
The tracer effluent concentration profiles and CT scans indicate bution. The formation factor or the tortuosity for fully brine-
preferential flow paths and large porosity variation within the saturated core can be estimated from the NMR T2 response.
cores. Different length scales of heterogeneity, from microscopic The existing permeability correlations from capillary pres-
to macroscopic level, make the property prediction for carbonate sure curves were tested. The Winland-Pittman model gives the
formations very challenging.26 best prediction.
Sample 1 has a very fine grain size; hence, the intergranular A modification to Chang’s NMR permeability model is pro-
pore space is also very small. Although samples 2a and 2b have posed. The new model interpolates between the SDR model and
very big crystal sizes, the intergranular pore space is very small Chang’s model on the basis of tortuosity. The new model is based
on NMR T2 distribution alone and improves the permeability
predicition for the west Texas samples studied.

374 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

a ⳱ semivariogram fitting parameter
c ⳱ semivariogram fitting parameter
C ⳱ flowing concentration
C* ⳱ stagnant concentration Fig. 12—Relationship between Archie’s m factor and the vuggy
fd ⳱ flowing fraction porosity/total porosity ratio.
fm ⳱ matrix volume fraction
fv ⳱ vug volume fraction
F ⳱ formation factor ␾CT ⳱ porosity by CT scanning
k ⳱ permeability ␾m ⳱ matrix porosity
keff ⳱ effective permeability ␪ ⳱ contact angle
kmatrix ⳱ matrix permeability ␴ ⳱ surface tension
kv ⳱ vug permeability ␶ ⳱ tortuosity
Kl ⳱ longitudinal dispersivity
K⬘ ⳱ mass-transfer coefficient Acknowledgments
lc ⳱ throat size at percolation threshold This research is funded and supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy
mi ⳱ scale factor in Weibull distribution under Contract DE-AC26-99BC15201 and Rice U. Consortium
Pc ⳱ capillary pressure members: Baker Atlas, Chevron, Deepstar, Exxon Mobil, Norsk
P(x) ⳱ Weibull distribution Hydro, Halliburton-NUMAR, Kerr-McGee, Marathon, Ondeo
rb ⳱ pore-body radius Nalco, Phillips, PTS, Schlumberger, and Shell. Special thanks to
rt ⳱ pore-throat radius Marathon, Shell, and PTS for providing core samples and core-
analysis measurements. The authors also would like to acknowl-
R ⳱ resistivity
edge Charlotte Sullivan from the Geosciences Dept., U. of Hous-
Sb ⳱ mercury saturation ton, for assisting with the thin-section analysis.
Soi ⳱ initial oil saturation
Sor ⳱ residual oil saturation References
Swr ⳱ residual water saturation
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376 October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New clude improved oil recovery, transport in porous media, and
Orleans, 30 September–3 October. formation evaluation. He holds a BTech degree from IIT, Kan-
pur, and a PhD degree from the U. of Minnesota, both in
chemical engineering. He was the Executive Editor of SPE Jour-
nal from 2002–2003. Mark Flaum is currently pursuing a doctor-
SI Metric Conversion Factors ate in chemical engineering at Rice U. e-mail: mflaum@
dyne × 1.0* E–02 ⳱ mN rice.edu. His research focuses on the use of NMR diffusion-
based measurements for characterization of porous media.
°F (°F – 32)/1.8 ⳱ °C He holds a BEng degree in chemical engineering from MacGill
in. × 2.54* E+00 ⳱ cm U. George J. Hirasaki had a 26-year career with Shell Devel-
psi × 6.894 757 E+00 ⳱ kPa opment and Shell Oil Cos. before joining the Chemical Engi-
neering faculty at Rice U. in 1993. e-mail: gjh@rice.edu. His
*Conversion factor is exact. research interests are in NMR well-logging, reservoir wettability,
enhanced oil recovery, gas hydrate recovery, asphaltene de-
position, emulsion coalescence, and surfactant/foam aquifer
Irwan Hidajat is a research engineer at GE Advanced Materi- remediation. He is a member of the Natl. Academy of Engi-
als. e-mail: Irawn.hidajat@ge.com. His research interests in- neering. Hirasaki holds a BS degree from Lamar U. and a PhD
clude advanced materials, flow through porous media, and degree from Rice U., both in chemical engineering. He was
NMR. He holds a PhD degree in chemical engineering from the named an Improved Oil Recovery Pioneer at the 1998 SPE/
U. of Houston. Kishore K. Mohanty is a professor at the U. of DOE IOR Symposium and was the 1989 recipient of the Lester
Houston. e-mail: mohanty@uh.edu. His research interests in- C. Uren Award.

October 2004 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 377

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