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Effective Date: ________ The recipient of Confidential Information ("Recipient") shall be bound to
protect the Confidential Information being disclosed by the other Party
The Company: ("Discloser"). The Recipient undertakes not to make improper use of the
__________________________________________________ Confidential Information, being understood such as to a different use for
____ which it was delivered, either for its own benefit and/or for the benefit of
third parties, and the referred use shall be limited to the "Purpose" of this
This Non-Disclosure Agreement is entered into and between Agreement.
Company (the "Parties"). For purposes of protecting certain 3. Term of the Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective from
confidential information (the "Confidential Information") that _____ 2023, (“Effective Date”) and be in force thereafter for a term of
may be disclosed between LAP and the Company, both twenty-four (24) months (“Term”). The Recipient will keep the
parties hereby agree as follows: Confidential Information of the Discloser in confidence during the
effective term of this Agreement.
1. Contact Information: The main contacts of the Parties under this
Agreement are: 4. Protection of Confidential Information. The Recipient will
protect the Confidential Information with the same degree of care,
On behalf of LAP: but not less than a reasonable standard of care, as would be used
Name: by the Recipient to protect its own confidential information of similar
Position: nature in order to prevent the disclosure or publication of
Address: Av. Elmer Faucett S/N, Callao. unauthorized Confidential Information. The Recipient’s obligation of
E-mail: Confidentiality extends to all personnel, officials and/or third parties at its
service who have access to such information and / or documents.
In the event that the Recipient discovers that the Confidential
Information has been misused, it shall immediately: (a) serve a notice
Address: Av. Elmer Faucett S/N, Callao.
to the other Party; (b) take all reasonable steps to minimize the impact
of use, dissemination and/or publication; and (c) take steps to prevent
further disclosure of confidential information.
On behalf of the Company:
5. Excluded Information. This Agreement does not impose any
obligation on the Recipient in relation to Confidential Information
that (a) was in the Recipient's possession prior to being received by
the Developer; (b) is or becomes public knowledge through no fault
of the Recipient; (c) is lawfully received by the Recipient from a third
2. Description of Confidential Information . "Confidential
party, without any obligation of confidentiality; (d) is disclosed by the
Information" is any non-public information and/or documentation,
Recipient under the prior written consent of the Discloser; or; (e) is
whether oral, written, graphic or electronic, provided by any party
information whose disclosure has been required by a court, and
or exchanged between the Parties, or provided by their officers,
shall be communicate to the other Party prior to such disclosure taking
employees, consultants and/or advisors, in connection with the
purpose of discussing any commercial opportunities or
commercial strategy the parties would set forth on its respective
6. Intellectual Property Rights and Personal Data. Neither Party
business at the Jorge Chavez International Airport (the
acquires intellectual property rights in any Confidential Information
"Purpose"). The details of the information to be shared are
disclosed under this Agreement. The Parties shall not use any
included in the Single Annex, which is not limitative, but may be
Confidential Information to create any property, product, service, or
expanded by the Discloser, in which case such additional
intellectual technology based on, developed with, derived from, uses,
information shall also be treated as Confidential Information.
input, or incorporation of any Confidential Information.

Likewise, the Parties will comply with the regulations in force related to
personal protection data as applicable.
10. Applicable Law. The validity, interpretation and enforcement of this
7. Independent Development and Non-Exclusivity. Neither Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
Party shall be obligated under this Agreement to purchase, or Peruvian Law. Any dispute arising out of between the Parties, which cannot
otherwise acquire services or products and/or in general, to engage be settled by mutual agreement, shall be submitted to national arbitration-at-
commercially with the other Party, . The Parties do not intend to law, conducted by a sole arbitrator under a proceeding managed and
create any agency, association or joint venture relationship under coordinated under with the National and International Arbitration Center of
this Agreement between them. the Chamber of Commerce of Lima and its regulations in force, being a
supplemental application the Legislative Decree No. 1071, which rules an
The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement does not confer any arbitration and its amendments under whose arbitral jurisdiction the Parties
exclusivity rights between them. Nothing in this Agreement shall are submitted.
ban either Party from any conversation, discussion or negotiation
with any third party for any reason related to any product, service or 11. General provisions. Any notice or consent under this Agreement shall
business relationship that does not include nor refer to confidential be filed in writing. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement related to
information disclosed by any Party under this Agreement. the Confidential Information disclosed herein and supersedes any and all
prior agreements whether in written or oral form regarding such Confidential
8. Liability. Each Party undertakes to indemnify for and to hold the Information. Any annex or amendment thereto shall be made in writing and
other party harmless from any damages occurred as a result of any signed by authorized representatives of both Parties. If any term or provision
breach of this Agreement. of this Agreement becomes null or void, the validity of the remaining
provisions thereto shall not be affected.
9. Return of Confidential Information. At the request of the
Neither Party may assign or transfer this Agreement or the rights and
Discloser, all Confidential Information provided to the Receiver shall
obligations arising therefrom to any third party without the prior consent of
be returned and/or destroyed as well as all copies thereof, the
the other Party.
same which shall be certified in writing by an affidavit. The return
and/or destruction of any confidential information shall not mean a
waiver of the confidentiality obligations set forth herein.

In witness whereof, this Agreement is signed on this ____ day of ___________, _____.


Authorized signature: Authorized signature:

Name: Name:

Authorized signature: Authorized signature:

Name: Name:

For purposes of this Agreement, the Recipient shall be_

The Discloser Lima Airport Partners S.R.L will provide the following Confidential Information:

1. Documentation “REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION F&B business concession at Lima International Airport - NEWLIM.” And respective annexes.
2. Additional information on the commercial business strategy and vision related to the “Jorge Chávez” International Airport expansion project.

The detail of this information is not limitative and may be expanded by the Discloser, in which case such additional information shall also be treated as
Confidential Information.

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