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Professor: Ing.
Mayra Guadalupe Jacome Ruiz.

Subject: English II.

Topic: Homework #2

Full name Account number
Maria Galeas Mendoza 201410010894

Campus: San Pedro Sula

Telephone: 96900197


November 11, 2021

Evan: Hi Mary and jane, How are you?

Mary, Jane: Hi Evan, We are fine, How about you?

Evan: I’m fine, long time no see you the both of you.

Jane: Well that’s because I moved to New York.

Mary : And I moved to California, I’m on vacation and I missed this place

Jane: Me too I was considering about 2 years ago to visit my old home.

Evan: that’s great girls to see you around here again, would like to join me for
dinner tonight? If you don’t mind.

Mary: Oh! Im sorry Evan we’d love to, but we’re afraid we’re busy tonight.

Jane: Yes Evan, we are going to visit our grandmother, and also she’s start
cooking our dinner.

Evan: Ok, I understand

Jane: But now I remember tomorrow we are going to the beach an also my
grandmother is coming with us, I was just wondering if you would like to come
over to the beach with us?

Mary: that’s would be wonderful your going to enjoy it this beach is the most
beautiful beach on the state.

Evan: Of course, thank you. That would be wonderful.

Mary: Well Evan now that I remember we’ re gonna miss our favorite TV show.

Jane: Yes, You are right it almost begin, Evan would you mind if we see you
tomorrow morning about 7:00?

Evan: Sure I’ll be there, ok girls see you tomorrow Bye.

Mary/ Jane: bye Evan it’s a pleasure to see you.

Evan: The pleasure it’s mine, bye

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