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Std. VII 2022 – 2023

L 1-Three Questions - Leo Tolstoy WS 02 (AK)
Name: __________________________ Std / Sec: _______ Roll No:______ Date__________
A. Read the following extract and answer the questions:

❖ The king went up to the hermit and said, "I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to
answer three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the
people I need most? And what affairs are the most important?

1. Where did the king go?

The king went to the forest, to the hut of a hermit.

2. Why did the king go to the hermit?

The king went to the hermit to get answers for three questions.

3. What was the second question?

The second question was who the people he needs most are.

4. Find an adjective from the passage which describes the hermit.


❖ “Now if I live, I will serve you as your most faithful servant and will order my sons to do the
same. Forgive me!” The king was so happy he had made peace with his enemy so easily,
and to have won him over as a friend.

1. “Now if I live, I will serve you as your most faithful servant and will order my sons to
do the same. Forgive me!” who said this line to whom?
The bearded man said this line to the king.

2. Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?

He asked for the king's forgiveness as the king had saved his life. He had come there to take
revenge on the king, instead the king treated him well and saved his life.

3. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘won him over’?

It means to succeed in gaining the favour or support of someone.

4. Mention the author and title of the lesson from which the above lines have been
The author is Leo Tolstoy, and the title of the lesson is ‘Three Questions’.
5. From the above lines what do you understand about the man’s character?
The above lines spoken by the man confirm that he is a thankful human being and is ready
to repay for his wrong doings.
❖ “You don’t know me, but I know you, I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge
on you.”

1. Who said the above words, to whom?

The wounded man said the above words to the King.
2. What had the man sworn and why?

Std. VII English – (WS 02) 2022 – 2023 / Page 1 of 2
The man had sworn to take revenge because the king had put the man’s brother to death
and seized his property.

3. From the above extract, pick out a word that means the same as ‘vengeance’.
❖ “You have already been answered!”
1. Who said the above words, to whom?
The hermit said the above words to the King.

2. What is referred to as ‘answered’ in the above lines?

The above lines refer to the answers of the three questions that the King had asked the

B. Answer the following questions:

1. What had compelled the king to leave his guards and horse?
The king knew that the hermit met only simple people, so he left behind his horse and
bodyguards to meet the hermit in his hut in the woods all alone.

2. Why did the king send messengers throughout his kingdom?

The king sent messengers throughout his kingdom to find anyone to answer to his

3. Why was the king not satisfied with the answers?

The king was not satisfied with the answers because they all were different.

4. Why did the king dig the beds?

The king dug the bed to help the hermit.

5. What would have happened to the king if he had not helped the hermit?
The bearded man would have attacked him.

C. Find words from the chapter which means the same as:
1. take hold of something in a forceful way: seize
2. the aim that someone wants to achieve : purpose
3. injured: wounded
4. sympathy or sorrow caused by another’s pain or suffering: pity
5. attempt to find : seek

D. Who said these lines and to whom?

1. “Let me take the spade and work in your place.”

The king said to the hermit.

2. “I do not know you and have nothing to forgive you.”

The king said to the bearded man.

3. “You have already been answered.”

The hermit said to the king.

Std. VII English – (WS 02) 2022 – 2023 / Page 2 of 2

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