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Name: ____________ Teachers' Names:

Grade: 4 (A, B, C) AKKS Mrs. Amale Issa

Mark: / 20 &
Date: / /2023 Mrs. Huda Zaatar
Duration: 120 minutes

English Language Final Exam


Part One: Reading Comprehension (score:13\20)

Read the following story about a soccer player named Sara, and then answer the questions that
Sara, the Soccer Player

1. Once upon a time there was a girl named Sara. Her dream was to be a famous and
professional soccer player. But her mom refused to let her be a soccer player. She wanted
her to be a doctor, like a regular decent girl. Sara refused to give up on her dream and wanted
to join a soccer club, but she needed money to join. She worked after school, and secretly
joined the club.
2. Sara knew that it was really bad for her to keep something from her mom, but she really
loved soccer. One day Sara’s soccer coach told her team that they were going to face one of
the best teams, so they had to practice harder and longer. That was a big problem with Sara
because she had to keep the secret from her mom, so she decided to tell her mom the truth.
3. When her mom found out Sara was lying, she was very disappointed of her, but she
understood and wasn’t mad. Sara and her team practiced harder and longer each day.
Moreover, Sara played with her sister every day in the backyard. Her mom also helped her
by preparing healthy food to keep her body fit.
4. Finally, the day of the big game came. The coach hadn’t told the team that she invited a
very important soccer coach to watch the game. Sara and her team played very hard. They
scored three goals, but they lost. The famous soccer coach was very impressed by how the
team had played; she gave Sara’s team silver medals. Even though she went through a lot,
Sara was happy that she had not given up on her dream.

A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (Score 4.75)
1. In reference to paragraph one, why didn’t Sara’s mom want her to be a soccer player?

2. By referring to paragraph one, explain why Sara worked after school. (1pt)

3. Based on paragraph four, who was invited to the big game? (1pt)

4. Scan the text, then choose the best character trait that describes Sara. (0.75pt)

a. hard-worker b. loser c. lazy

5.Based on the selection, what does each of the following pronouns refer to? (1pt)
1. her (para. 1) _____________ 2. they (para.2) ______________
B. Based on what you have understood from the selection, state whether these
sentences are "True" or "False", then correct the false ones. (2pts)
1. Sara’s mom wanted her daughter to be an engineer. _______
2. Sara’s mom helped her by preparing healthy food. _______
3. Sara’s team scored three goals, and they won the game. _______
4. The coach gave Sara’s team silver medal. _______

C. Use contextual clues to guess the meaning of the words in column A, and then match
the words to their meanings in column B. (2pts.)
Column A Column B
1. famous (para.1) awards
2. refused (para.1) popular- well known
3. disappointed (para.3) upset- frustrated
4. medals (para.4) rejected
D. Determine whether each of the following statements expresses a fact or an opinion.
1. I think everyone should exercise daily. _________________
2. Practicing sports keeps our bodies healthy. ____________________
E. Arrange the following events from (1 to 5) as happened in the story. (1.25pts)

She practiced hardly before the big game.

Sara secretly joined the soccer club.

The coach gave her a silver medal.

Sara decided to tell her mom the truth.

Her team lost the game.

F. Circle the correct form of the verb in brackets. (2pts.)

1. Olympic games (happens, happen) every four years.
2. We (watch, watched) the game on T.V last night.
3. Yesterday, the coach (gives, gave) the players the medals.
4. The coach (trained, trains) the team every day.
Part Two: Writing (score:7\20)
Ronaldo says that the world of sports and exercising made his body better. He believes
that sports benefit his body and keep it fit and balanced.
In a well-organized paragraph of about 80-100 words, write about some benefits of sports.
Provide your paragraph with a catchy title, and use vivid words and connectors.
*Fill in the web organizer below first, then develop it into a well-organized paragraph.
(content:2.5pts/ language and organization:2.5pts/ web 01pt./ Title:0.5 pt. / Tidiness and handwriting :0.5pt)

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Grade: 4 (A, B, C) AKKS Teachers' Names:
Mid-Year Exam Mrs. Amale Issa
Mrs. Huda Zaatar
Part of Answer Key Score
the Q.
Utilize text-related clues to comprehend discourse.
Develop interpretive understanding of printed discourse.
Expand writing skills through guided and semi- guided activities.

I.A Questions Paragraph No

1. Sara's mum wanted her to be a doctor 1 1 pt.

2. Sara needed money to join a soccer club, so she 1

worked after school. 1 pt.
3. A famous soccer coach was invited to the big game. 4 1 pt.
4. Hard-worker
0.75 pt.
5. a. “her” refers to Sara b. “its” refers to trout
1 pt.

I.B.1 False engineer doctor 0.5

I.B.2 True 0.5
I.B.3 False won lost 0.5
I.B.4 True 0.5

I.C.1 Famous ---- popular – well known 0.5

I.C.2 Refused ------ rejected 0.5
I.C.3 Disappointed ---- upset- frustrated 0.5
I.C.4 medals awards 0.5

I.D.1 opinion 0.5

I.D.2 fact 0.5

I.E.1 3,1,5,2,4 0.25 each

I.F.1 happen 0.5

I.F.2 watched 0.5
I.F.3 gave 0.5
I.F.4 trains 0.5

II. A Web organizer and title 1.5

II. B Content and organization 2.5
II. C Language 2.5
II. D Neatness and legible handwriting 0.5

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