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KIT UNIVERSITY, BHUBANESWAR Mid Semester Examination 2019 (Biol LS1001. Time-1.5hr Full marks-20 Answer any four questions including Question No. which is compulsory: The figures in the margin indicate full marks. (x5) . (a) Which is the most significant phase of meiosis? Mention any one characteristic feature of that phase? (b) What made DNA more preferable as genetic material? (c) Why are lysosomes known as Suicidal bags of the cell? (a) What is the role of ATP in metabolic processes? (©) Define sex chromosome and autosomes? (@) Explain the term biodiversity? What are the threats to diversity? 23) (b) What are the postulates of cell theory? Draw a well labelled diagram of a prokaryotic cell (25) (@) Elaborate the term homeostasis with a well-defined example. What is the difference between a totipotent and pluripotent cell? (25) (b) Explain the interphase stage of the cell cycle. How is the process of cytokinesis different in plants and animals? 25) (a) What are the functions of lipids? Explain the process of f oxidation implemented for lipid metabolism? 3) (b) What are the different structural level of protein organization? @5) (a) Explain the terms nucleotides and nucleosides? What are the types of RNA’s and explain importance of mRNA? 5) (b) How stem cells are classified based on their source? What is the difference between adult and embryonie stem cells? 25) . (a) Explain the central dogma of molecular biology? How is genetic code helpful in protein synthesis? (2.5) (b) Explain the process of translation? 25) 2. Explain the Communication Cycle with illustrations on each of its’ leve! a. are physically active b. live on campus c. study more d. spend additional time in the library . Provide the diagram (if any)? [Marks:4+1=5] }. ‘It is false to assume if one can talk, she/ he can communicate.’ Discuss Barriers to Communication in the light of the above statement? [Marks: 5X1=1] . "Physical Space Zones are important in Inter-personal Communication:’ Illustrate each of the zones with the help of the diagram? Give two characteristics each for Downward Flow of Communication and Upward Flow of Communication? [Marks: 3+2=5] . Define Non-Verbal Communication? Discuss various Paralinguistic features that contribute towards effective communication in inter-personal interactions? [Marks: 1+4=5]

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