FD 1023 Grassley

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Authorized for public release by Ranking Member Grassley/Chairman Comer UNCLASSIFIED Case Agent Name: Field Office /Division: ee aan, (06/30/2020 ing yourself (do not include the CHS): Telephonic Date of Report: (06/30/2020 ‘Substantive Case File Number ‘Check here if additional reporting is in Echo No ‘Source Reportin: ‘On June 26, 2020, CHS hl: reported the following: is ives in Kyiv, Ue In late 2015 or 2016, during the ‘Obama/Biden administration, CHS wos fst introduced to officals ot Utreine natural gas business Burtewne Holdings ("Burisma) throug} \leksandr Ostopenko (alternate transliteration - Alexander Ostapenko; for full deneicater PeNKO, see attachment: to V MMMM Serial 212, 2 FD-1023 by CHS senalized on 3/2/2018). CHS and Ostapenko traveled to Ukraine and went to Burisme's office that was located 20 minutes away from the City Center. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Burisma's interest in purchasing @ US-based oil end ges business, for purposes of merging it with Burisma for purposes of conducting an IPO in the US. Buriema was wiling to purchase a US-based entity for $20-30 millon, At this meeting was CHS, CHS's former business partner| (an USPER| r= telephone, Ostapenko, Burisma's CFO, Vadim Pojarskil (email Vodyr IB. karina Ziochevsky (the daughter to Burisrra's CEO and founder Mykola Ziocheveky) and her husband (FNU INU). The conversation was in Russian, and thus ‘not participate therein During the meeting, Pojarskii asked CHS whether CHS was aware of Burisma's Board of Directors. CHS replied “no", and Pojarskii advised the board members included: 1) the former President or Prime Minister of Poland; and, 2) Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden. Pojarskit s2id Burisma hired the former President or Prime Minister of Poland to leverage his contacts in Europe for prospective oll and gas deals, and they hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems" (CHS was certain Pojarskii provided no further/specific details about what that meant) CHS asked why they (Burisma) needed to get CHS's assistance regarding the purchase/merger of 2 US-based ‘company when Biden was on their board. Pojarskii replied that Hunter Biden was not smart, and they wanted to ‘get additional counsel. The group then had 2 general conversation about whether the purchase/merger with 9 US ‘Company would be 2 good business decision. ‘Meeting with CHS, Ostapenko, and Mykels Zlechevsky in Vienna, Austria in 2016. Approximately one or Page 1 of 4 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION] [ro-1023 UNCLASSIFIED Authorized for public release by Ranking Member Grassley/Chairman Comer UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ‘CHS REPORTING DOCUMENT two months after the aforementioned Burisms meeting in Ukraine, CHS traveled to Vienne, Austris with Ostapenko are ener tuith Mykola Zlochevsky at an outside cofiee shop. The trio continued to talk about the feasibility of a ret ening 2 US-based enty. CHS recalled this meeting took place zrouné the time Joe Biden made cpt statement about (former) Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin being corrurt, and that he shoul be aoe ated om office. CHS told Zlochevsky that due to Shokin's investigation into Burisma, which was made roe ft this time, ie would have @ substantial negetive impact on Burisma's prospective IPO in the United Sates. Bee chcy replied something to the effect of, "Don't worry Hunter will take care ofall of those Issues through his Jad." CHS dig not ask any further questions about what that specifically meant, CHS asked Zlochevsky why Burisma would pay $20-30 milion to buy 2 US company for IPO purposes when it ce eee cheaper to just form 2 new US-entity, or purchase a corporate shell that was already listed of £0 conse clochevsky resporded that Hunter Biden advised Burisma i could raise much more capital f murisms cxchen dk; o orger US-based business that already had 2 history in the US oll and gas sectos, CHS resatied Pchevsky mentioned some US-based gas business(es) in Texas, the names of which CHS did Not recat aac re ios flocheveky Re would be problematic to raise capital in the US given Shokir's investigation Into Ce aaa dy in the US would invest In @ company that wes the subject of 2 criminal investigation, CHS arteted ie would best if Burisma simply Wigate the matter in Ukraine, and pay some atiorey $20,000 Sesser cold he/Bursma WOUIG likely lose the trial because he could not show that Surisms was noecent: cece vety So laughed ot CHs's number of $50,000 (not beceuse ofthe small amourt. but because the rumber ciety a nd said thet “cost 5 (milion) to pay one Biden, and 5 (milion) to another Biden.” CHS noted Caer nis time, K wes unclear to CHS whether these alleged payments were already made, its told Zlochevaky that any such payments to the Bidens would complicate matters, and Bursa should hire ee oe vical US oll and gas advisors” because the Bidens have no experience with that business sector semewciy made some comment that although Hunter Biden "was stupid, and his (Zlocheysky/s) dog we loch inchevsky needec to Keep hunter Biden (on te Board) “so everything wil be okay.” CHS inquired Fe ech dch or Joe Biden tod Zlochevsky he should retain Hunter Biden; Zlochevsky replied, “They both ener ae erated ChiS's opinion that Zlechevsky was making a mistake and he shoul fire Hunter Biden and oi cae Spokin's investigation directly so that the matter will remain an issue in Ukraine, and net turn in to some cee nal matter, Ziocnevsky responded something to the effect of, "Don't worry, tis thing wil go aay sree CHS replies that, notwithstanding Shokin's investigation, it was stil a bad decision for Barisras Se spend 2ayN2, srition te buy a US business, and that CHS cidn’t want to be involved withthe Biden matter. ochetsoy See argos thet he apprecated CHS's advice, but that “its too late to change his decision * CHS understood this to Tran that Zlochevsky had already had paid the Bidens, presumably to “deal with Shokin.” ‘Subsequent Telephone Calls Between CHS and Zlochevsky. 2016/2017 Telephone Call. Shortly after the 2016 US election and during President Trump's trasition period, CHS participated in 2 conference call with ‘Ostapenko and Ziochevsky. CHS inquired whether Ziochevsky was happy with the US election results. Zlochevsky replied that he was ‘not happy Trump won the election. CHS asked Zlochevsky whether he was concerned about ‘Burisme's involvement with the Bidens. Ziochevsky stated he didn’t Zlochevsly the Bidens ord he was “pushed to pay” them. (CHS explained the Russian term Ziocheysky S04 "0 explain the payments was “poluchili” \(tronsliterated by the CHS), which literally translates to “got it" or "received SP PE sed in Russicn-criminal-elang for being “orcad oF coerced to pay.” Zlochevsky stated shel Nee already been fired, and no investigation was ‘currently going on, and that nobody would fing out about his financial area ee the Bicers, CHS then stated, I hope you have some back-up (proof for your words (nemely, S38 Zlochevsky was “forcec” to pay the Bidens). Zlochevsky replied he has many text messages and “recordings” that Zieh a erence te rake such payments (See below, subsequent CHS reporting on 6/28/2020). CH told Fr a ee scld make certan that he should retain those recordings. Ziechevske asked whether t would Zlochevsly ea) aiference whether he voluntarily made such payments, or ifhe was “forced” to make them. rane any (aa ced CHS whether CHS could provide any assistance in Ukraine (with the Poroshenko regime) i roc ety ere to happen to Zlochevsky in the future. CHS replied that CHS didn’t went to get Involved In any — oxo wge on 9:0 AMM see foregoing, and stated the cat! took place during ‘At that time, CHS stated that Zlochevsky crea aeced Hunter Biden, but the topic was not relevant to Burisma's interest in acquiring a US-bacod aecofcum business for $50-$100 milion. At this te CHS also reported aforementioned Vadym Pozharsky! aes Fase ota [FEDERAL BUREAU OF HWESTIONTION UNCLASSIFIED Authorized for public release by Ranking Member Grassley/Chairman Comer UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ‘CHS REPORTING DOCUMENT (alternate transiteration Vadim Pojarskil) was assigned by Burisma to manage the acquisition, and he was planning to travel to Washington, D.C. in March, 2017.) 2049 Telephone Call. After the aforementioned 2016 telephone call, CHS had no interactions with Zrochevsky/Bursima whatsoever, until 2019. In 2019, CHS met with Ostapenko in Loncon to discuss various Easiness matters (which had nothing to do with Zlochevsky, Burisma, or the gas/oil industry; CHS noted that CHS"s meeting with Ostapenko took place at 2 "Russian coffee house near Knightsbridge Street located near Harrods department store," and that Ostapenko's fiancé lives in London). At some point during this meeting, Getepenko advised CHS he was going to call Zlochevsky. At this time, CHS understood Zlechevsky wes living ‘Somewhere in Europe (NFI). During the call, Zlochevsky asked CHS and/or Ostapenko i they read the recent news Feports about the ‘nvestigations into the Bidens and Bursima, and Zlochevsky okingly asked CHS if CHS was an ctrocle” (aue te CHS's prior advice that Ziochevsky should not pay the Bidens and instead to hire an attorney to litigate the allegations concerning Shokin's investigation). CHS mentioned Ziochersky might have difficulty ‘explaining susp cicus wire transfers that may evidence any (ilist) payments te the Bidens. Zlochevsky responded he did not send any funds directly to the “Big Guy” (which CHS understood was a reference to Joe Biden). CHS ae.ed Zlochevsky How many companies/bank accounts Zlochevsky controls; Ziocrevsky responded it would take Sham Cinvestigeters) 10 years to find the records (Le. ilicit payments to Joe Biden). CHS told Zlochevsky if he ever sreded help in the future and wanted to speak to somebody in the US government about that matter, thet CHS ‘could introduce him to someone. Regarding the seemingly open and unsolicited admissions by Pojarski! and Zlochevsky sbout the purpose for their retention of Hunte’ Biden, and the “forced” payments Ziochevsky made to the Bidens, CHS explained it is very Common for business men in post-Soviet countries to brag or show-off. Additionally, itis extremely common for Businesses in Russia and Ukraine to make "bribe" payments to various government officials, CHS noted that in Corporate budgets for other Russian and Ukrainian businesses which CHS has inspected in the past, CHS observed budget-line-items in Russian called "Podmazat” (transliterated by CHS) , which literally translates to “oil, lubricate, ‘or make things run smoothly,” which companies routinely use to account for anticipated brite payments. As such, Given the pervasive necessity to bribe government officials in Ukraine and Russia, CHS did not perceive Pojarski's orzlocheveky's statements to be unusuel, self-serving, or pretextual. Additionally, regarding important business freetings, it & alse common in Ukraine and Russia for persons to make covert recordings. However, CHS has only net Zlochevsky in person on one occasion and has spoken to him only twice on the telephone; as such, CHS is not ‘able to provide any further opinion as to the veracity of Ziochevsky’s aforementioned statements. & ws ‘On June 28, 2020, CHS provided the following supplemental reporting: smentioned reporting that Zlochevsky said - "he has many text messages and ‘recordings* that show he wes coerced to make such payments” ~ CHS darified Zlochevsky said he had a total of "17 Fecordings” invelving the Bidens; two of the recordings included Joe Biden, and the remaining 15 recordings only Included Hunter Biden. CHS reiterated thet, per Zlochevsky, these recordings evidence Zlochevsky wes somehow jens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired. Zlochevsky stated he ‘coerced into paying the Bide hae two "documents (which CHS understood to be wire transfer statements, bank records, etc.), that evidence ‘some payment(s) to the Bidens were made, presumably in exchange for Shokin's firing. Regarding CHS's afore Regarding aforementioned Oleksandr Ostapenko (alternate speling, Alexander Ostapenke), who originally IMtoduced CHS into this matter, Ostapenko currently "works in some office for the administration of President Zelensky (NFI)-, and also works for Valery Vavilov, who is the founder/CEO of cryptocurrency and blockchein technology business BitFury. ‘Synopsis: Summary of CHS's meeting with executives of Burisma Holdings FD-1023 L Page 3 of 4 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION | UNCLASSIFIED Authorized for public release by Ranking Member Grassley/Chairman Comer UNCLASSIFIED FD-1023 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION CHS REPORTING DOCUMENT ‘SEGNATURE =: ‘Submitted By’ ‘tt 20a 2020 35.2008 2700 First Level Approved By| oe 90 an0 6-27.08 FD-1023 Page 4 0f 4 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNCLASSIFIED

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