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Indo-Roman trade: the ceramic evidence &om Egypt



Sourcing studies of the ceramics found at Roman Berenike on the Red Sea of Egypt show
that India or the neighbouring regions supplied m a n y styles and types of pottery.

Key-words: Egypt, Roman, Berenike, ceramics, sourcing studies, trade

Introduction analytical work to refine the source areas of

The Egyptian Red Sea site of Berenike has long these vessels. The pottery is of interest not only
been recognized as a port of foremost impor- for confirming contact between the two regions,
tance for the trade between Egypt, Arabia and but, in conjunction with other classes of arte-
India. Established by Ptolemy in the mid-3rd facts, investigating the nature of this contact
century BC and operational, at differing levels and the traders involved. Because of its con-
through time, until the early 6th century AD, text, in association with well-dated Roman
Berenike’s role in long-distance trade is known material, it also complements the dating evi-
through historical documents, most explicitly dence from the Indian finds. Most, but certainly
from the 1st-century Periplus Maris Erythraei not all, of the sherds come from early Roman
(Casson 1991: 8 ) and the Nicanor archive (0. deposits of either late Augustan or midilate 1st-
Tait P220-304/Tait 1930-64; Fuks 1951). The century AD date; those which occur in late Ro-
former, dated to the mid 1st century, provides man deposits are more difficult to judge since
a detailed practical account of the ports and many of these contexts contain a high propor-
goods in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the tion of residual wares, but evidence from the
western Indian Ocean for traders in Roman beads indicates flourishing contact between
Egypt; while the latter, spanning the period Egypt and Sri Lanka during the late Roman
between 6 BC-AD 68/69, comprises a group of period (Francis in press). More detailed descrip-
receipts from a family shipping firm operating tions of the Berenike sherds, particularly the

between Coptos on the Nile to the Red Sea ports fabrics, can be found elsewhere (Begley &
of Berenike and Myos Hornios (see FIGURE1 Tomber 1999; Tomber & Begley in press). This
for location map). note draws heavily on the evidence from
Excavations undertaken at Berenike since Arikamedu, where both forms (FIGURE 2) and
1994, by Steve Sidebotham and Willeke fabrics are well published (Wheeler et al. 1946;
Wendrich (Sidebotham & Wendrich 1995; 1996; Begley 1996b),although increasingly new evi-
1998; 1999; in press), have provided tangible dence for many ceramic types and interaction
archaeological evidence for Indo-Roman trade between the regions is available from Sri Lanka
from a broad spectrum of artefacts, including (e.g. Coningham & Allchin 1995) and South-
ceramics, glass beads (Francis in press), tex- east Asia (e.g. Ardika & Bellwood 1991).
tiles (Wild &Wild in press), as well as archaeo-
botanical remains (seeds, Cappers 1996: 330-31; Table wares
1998: 311-19; and wood, Vermeeren 1998: 347) Table wares are sparsely represented but in-
and epigraphic evidence from a single Tarnil- clude vessels which are unequivocally Indian
Brahmi graffito (Mahadevan 1996). This note in origin. Included in this category are dishes
concentrates on the pottery, in order to draw with in-turned beaked rims (Wheeler et al. 1946:

attention to the range and quantity of material Type 1/Begley 1996b:Form I),belonging to what
recovered from Berenike with links to India or is commonly known as ‘rouletted’ ware, due
South Asia, and highlights the scope for future to their bands of ‘chattered’ dccoration on the

* Museum of London Specialist Services, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London NZ ED, England
Received i n October 1999, accepted 4 February Znnn, revised 16 May Zoon.
ANTIQUITY74 [znoo): 624-31
z 625

zyxwvutsrqp 0

1. Location map of the region and sites mentioned in the text.

500 1000 1500km.

base (Ardika et al. 1993; Begley 1988). A mini- fourth is in a related one of slightly poorer
mum of six vessels of this type was recovered quality.
from the 1997-8 excavations [FIGURE2.1; FIGURE In South Asia the distribution of rouletted
3). Four of these occur in a nearly inclusion- ware, paralleled by much smaller quantities of
less, micaceous fabric with good quality glossy Wheeler 10, is biased although not restricted
slip that can be equated with Arikamedu Fine to the eastern coast of India and the western
Ware 1, with the remaining two in a coarser, coast of Sri Lanka (see Begley 1996b: figure 1.12;
sandy paste, possibly related to Arikamedu Silva 1985), although recently a more wide-
Coarse Ware 1A. spread distribution is known from Sri Lanka
Another table ware represented at Berenike (Coningham & Allchin 1995). No production
is the small bowl or cup, decorated with bands sites have been located, but Gogte (1997) has
of parallel incised lines, between which stamped proposed the Ganges delta as the source area
animal motifs are sometimes placed [Wheeler for these vessels.
et al. 1946: Type 10/Begley 1996b: Form 5).
While stamps are absent on the two vessels Utilitarian wares
represented by rims at Berenike (e.g. FIGURE This group vastly outnumbers table wares in
2.2), one does bear a shallow depression which quantity, but their source identification is more
may have been intended as a stamp: never- problematic. The most common amongst these
theless, vessels are known in India without are cooking wares which are morphologically
the stamp. In addition to these two vessels, a identical to Indian forms, utilize a similar but
further two are indicated by base and body not identical technology and range of fabrics
sherds. Three of these bowls are i n the clas- and, as a corollary, are distinct from Egyptian
sic Arikamedu Fine Ware 1 fabric, while the forms a n d fabrics. The forms identified at

2. Indian and Indian-style pottery types from Berenike

dian 'Early Historic') and the medieval period.

The vessels are cooking pots with sharply
everted rims and, frequently, carinated shoul-
ders (Wheeler et al. 1946: Type 24; FIGURE 2.3);
casseroles with over-turned rims (Wheeler et
01. 1946: Type 25; FIGIJRE 2.4) and flanged cas-

seroles or lids (Wheeler et al. 1946: Types 28-
29/Begley 199613:Form 17; FIGURE 2.5).Although
comprising a similar range of inclusions, un-
like the finewares, their fabrics cannot be di-
rectly equated with ones present at Arikamedu
(Begley & Tomber 1999: 180) and their wide
distribution means that an origin further afield,

particularly in South Asia, remains a possibility.
Wheeler Types 24, 25, 28/29 excavated at

FIGIJRE3. 'Rouletted' decoration on a Wheeler
Type 1 dish from Berenike.

Berenike occur both at Arikamedu and at nu-

merous other sites in India both during the
period in question (subsumed within the In-
Berenike are related in both fabric and surface
treatment, comprising a sandy paste, frequently
with burnished red slip covering the surfaces
either entirely or in part. The sooted condition
of many vessels leaves no doubt that they were
used over an open fire. Despite being united
by shape and surface treatment, closer exami-
nation of the clays indicates that more than one
as yet unidentified source is represented. Body

FIGIJRE zyxwvutsrqp
4. Paddle-
impressed sherds
f r o m Rerenike.

sherds in similar fabrics, which in rare instances vations, however, are based on the macroscopic
can be associated with these forms, frequently examination of a small sample of assemblages,
exhibit internal wiping marks which result from including ones from Nevasa, Dwarka, Nasik,
organic material. Modern potters are known to Amreli and Nagara, and do not allow a source

use bamboo tools for shaping and scraping area to be suggested for the Berenike vessels.
during the manufacturing process (Saraswati Nevertheless, it is worth observing that the deep
& Behura 1966: 28-31), and it is possible that organic marks on our vessels were not seen on
these marks result from bamboo. Our vessels vessels from these sites, nor from the material
appear better finished than similar forms seen, excavated by Wheeler from Arikamedu.
for example, from sites in Maharashtra and Of the cooking vessels, Type 24 (FWJRE2 . 3 )
Gujarat, and superficially more allied to the is the most cominon, followed by Type 25 (FIG-
better-quality vessels from Arikamedu, despite ~ J R E2.4) and finally Types 28/29 (FIGTJRE 2.5).
fabric differences already noted. These obser- In aggregate they form between 1-9% of non-
628 zyxwvutsrqponm ROBERTA TOMBER

5. Berenike
vessel decorated with
slashed, applied

amphora sherds in large quantified early Ro- its ‘middle’ period dated from the late 2nd to
man deposits. Type 24 was also identified at the 4th century AD; and at Ras Hafun from the
Quseir al-Qadim on the Red Sea coast during 2nd to the 5th century AD; finally, in India the
the late 1970s (e.g. Johnson 1979: plates 22a type is known from the 1st century AD into
(top),25s, 31j), and David Peacock’s new cam- medieval times (Begley & Tomber 1999: 171).
paign at this site promises a much wider range The Berenike fabric is crude and porous with
of Indian-style pottery. Excavation of Roman poorly finished surfaces. At Ras Hafun, where
deposits during the 2000 season included all the type is common, it occurs in a ‘Limestone
three of these coarse-ware forms, in a similar and Vegetal-tempered Red Fabric’ (Smith &
fabric and with wiping marks like those found Wright 1988: 1 2 2 ) , which from published de-
at Berenike (Tomber in press). Future excava- scription alone seems similar to the Berenike

tion will provide further evidence from this site, fabric. The Ras Hafun vessels were examined
which has been identified as the ancient port by B.B. Lal, who equated them with vessels from
of Myos I-Iormos (Bulow-Jacobsen et al. 1994; western India (Henry Wright pers. comm.).
Peacock 1993) and, like Berenike, is mentioned Western India therefore remains the strongest
in the Periplus and Nicanor archive. possible source for the Berenike vessels, al-
Another utilitarian form, Type 38 (FIGURE though more comparison of the fabrics is needed.
2.6), described by Wheeler a s a ‘cup-and-sau- Large vessels externally decorated by grooved
cer’ shaped lid, is sometimes referred to as a paddles constitute another substantial group
lamp. The vessel from Berenike is sooted both - over 40 sherds - of potentially Indian pot-
on the inside and outside, adding little to its tery excavated from Berenike (FIGURE 4). A few
functional interpretation. Like the previous sherds have now also been identified from
forms it has a widespread distribution within Roman contexts at Quseir al-Qadim. The type
India, but closer to Berenike variants have been was sparsely represented from Wheeler’s ex-
recorded by Smith & Wright (1988: 136, figure cavations at Arikamedu, but a total of 874 were
9, i & k) from Ras Hafun in Somalia, and by recovered from the 1991-2 excavations in a
Sedov (1992: figure 3.6-7; 1996: figure 6.11- variety of fabrics, some of which are atypical
1 2 ) from Kan6 in the Yemen, who also notes and therefore probably non-local to Arikamedu
its presence at early Christian sites along the (Begley 1996b: Motif 6; Selvakumar in press).
Nile in Nubia (Sedov 1992: 1 3 4). From a poorly In India the type has a fairly restricted eastern
dated context, the Berenike vessel is likely to distribution where they occur from the 1st cen-
be 1st- or 2nd-century AD; the Kan6 pieces from tury BC: into the 3rd or 4th century AD, are oc-

casionally found in the medieval period and

are produced by modern potters in Mysore,
India, Egypt and sites between could address

this issue. Scientific analysis of pottery in thin

Andra Pradesh, Goa, Kerala, Madras and West section undertaken by Krishnan (Krishnan &
Bengal (Begley 1996b: 202-4; Saraswati & Coningham 1995) has already demonstrated the
Behura 1966: 22). The coarse, sandy fabric of potential of this approach for South Asian
the Berenike sherds corresponds well with those material, and analysis from additional sites may
from Arikamedu, and India is the most likely well allow distinction between fabrics whose

source for them. Nevertheless, other potential aplastic inclusions consist primarily of feld-
sources cannot be entirely ruled out in light of spar a n d iron-rich minerals such as mica,
their presence elsewhere during this period, pyroxenes and amphiboles.
including Tissainaharama in Sri Lanka (H. Nevertheless, the distribution of some coarse
Schenk-Weisshaar pers. comm.) and Southeast and fineware Indian types found at Berenike,
Asia (Begley 1996b: 204 note 10). the rouletted dishes and bowls in Fine Ware 1
A final group of utilitarian vessels from and paddle impressed sherds, is relevant. In

Berenike with applied, thumbed or slashed India both have a heavy bias to the east coast
strips are stylistically less distinct than the and are apparently absent on the Malabar coast
paddle grooved ones and have a more ubiqui- (Begley 1996a: 24), which may point to the east
tous distribution, both in India and beyond, as a major source for goods to Egypt. Although
including sherds in a black fabric from the Gulf hindered by the lack of any identified sites on
(Haerinck et al. 1993). Three vessels from the Malabar coast, and other dated sites from
Berenike are decorated in this manner (cf. the Coromandel coast, Arikamedu is thus far
Wheeler et al. 1946: Type 145; Begley 1996b: the only site in southern India with Mediterra-
Motif l),in one case diagonally slashed rather nean finds known to have been active during
than thumbed (FIGURE 5). They occur in more the Augustan period, the context date for some
than one fabric, some of which can be paral- of the table ware sherds found at Berenike.

leled at Arikamedu, where the type is known Arikamedu may therefore have been the point
from the 1st century BC into the medieval pe- of departure for goods to Egypt (Begley & Tomber:
riod. Since this is a common motif, detailed 170). If goods did indeed travel to the west coast
fabric descriptions are needed before a clear via the east coast their route is as yet unclear,
source area can be suggested for the Berenike although the distribution of Rouletted ware and
sherds. Russet-coated Painted ware may have impli-
cations for this. The latter is relatively com-
Implications mon on the Malabar coast but virtually absent
In his account of the trade between India and on the Coromandel (Begley 1983: 480; Ray 1995:
Egypt, the writer of the Periplus described con- 86) and its distribution - viewed in conjunc-
tact with both the east and west coasts of In- tion with the reversed pattern seen for rouletted
dia, but his emphasis suggested that the west ware - suggests that overland communication
coast was the more important of the two. The between the two coasts was indirect, perhaps
ports of Barbarikon and Barygaza in the north- through central centres such as Uraiyur.
west and the twin ports of MuzirisINelkynda The absence at Berenike of Red Polished ware,
in the southwest on the Malabar coast are there- a type closely associated with northwest In-
fore integral to this discussion, but archaeo- dia, may or may not be significant in assessing
logical evidence from them is lacking. The the role of Barbarikon and Barygaza during this
Periplus also indicated that Western ships did period. Here the botanical remains provide
not sail to the east of India, but instead ex- complimentary evidence which reinforces the
changed goods indirectly via the west coast association between Berenike and southwest
(Casson 1989: 15,21-7; Ray 1995: 103-11; 1996: India, for at Berenike there is an abundance of
3) either by coastal boats or overland. black pepper originating on the Malabar coast
Our lack of precision in sourcing the bulk and an absence of long pepper from the region
of coarse wares excavated at Berenike is a ina- ofBarygaza (Cappers 1998: 311; see also Kajale
jor obstacle in interpreting trade routes between 1990).
India and Egypt for this period. A more detailed To date, the identification of Indian and In-
approach to the study of pottery fabrics from dian-style wares in the Eastern Desert is re-
630 zyxwvutsrqpon
stricted to the Red Sea ports of Berenike and
Myos Hormos. Their absence at other sites in

27j; Mahadevan 1996: 207; Saloman 1991: 734-

6) would suggest that at least some of them were
the Eastern Desert, at the irnperial quarries of Tamil speakers (Begley & Tomber 1999: 170).
Moils Claudianus and Mons Porphyrites, as well At present, the evidence suggests that dur-
as along the main coastal road terminating at ing the period in question south India was of
Berenike, the Via Hadriana, strengthens their main importance to the trade with Egypt. Both
direct association with Indo-Roman trade and the west and east coasts appear to have played
traders. Significantly, three Indian fineware an important role but further evidence, from
sherds have recently been identified amongst both India and Egypt, is needed to refine our
Antiquarian finds from Coptos on the Nile understanding of the routes and mechanisms
(Elaigne 1999; Reinach 1912),tlie main trans- employed, and on-going work at both Berenike
shipment point between the Red Sea and Al- and Myos Hormos has much to contribute to

exandria for Indo-Roman trade. this debate.
The small quantity of finewares recovered

at present, together with their restricted distri- Acknowledgements. It will be clear that this note owes much
bution, may indicate that they were brought to two Berenike reports written by Vimala Begley and myself,
by merchants or sailors for personal use, rather and had her health allowed she would have been an au-
than for commercial purposes (Begley & Tomber thor here. It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I record
my debt to her, although all errors remain my own. I am
1999: 168). This pattern is consistent with tlie also grateful to Prof. V.N. Misra (Deccan College), Dr P.P.
known distribution of Wheeler Types 1and 10 Dandawate (Deccan College Museum), Prof. V.H. Sonawane
elsewhere for, although growing in numbers and Dr K. Krishnan (MS IJniversity of Baroda), and Mr K.
(Coningham & Allchin 1995), apart from the Rajaram and Mrs N. Devi (Pondicherry Museum) for al-
lowing me full access to their collections. I have benefitted
eastern coast of India and its hinterland and greatly from discussions with many colleagues, particu-
the west coast of Sri Lanka where they occur larly Dr R. Coningham (Bradford University), Dr S. Gupta
in large quantities, sherds are rare from sites (Allahahad Museum), Dr K. Krishnan (MS University of
further inland. The greater quantity of coarse Baroda), Dr H. Schenk-Weisshaar (Bonn),Dr V. Selvakumar
wares does not necessarily detract from this (Deccan College), and Prof. H. Wright (University of Michi-
gan). FIC~JKE 1 was prepared by Graham Reed. Finally, I thank
argument, for they too could have been brought Steve Sidebotham (University of Delaware) and Willeke
as personal possessions and would support the Wendrich (University of California, Los Angeles) and their
existence of Indian merchant communities in funding bodies, for inviting me to take part in the Berenike
Egypt, previously hinted at by the written evi- excavations, and David Peacock (University of Southamp-
ton), through whom I became involved in Egyptian archaeol-
dence. If traders from Arikamedu were involved, ogy, initially at Mons Claudianus and more recently Mons
epigraphic evidence from both Arikamedu, Porphyrites (with Valerie Maxfield, University ofExeter) and

Berenike and Myos Hormos (Johnson 1979: plate Quseir al-Qadim.

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