Trading As A Game..the Need To Focus, and Why She Keeps Notebooks

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Trading Titans:

Trading as a game.

The need to focus, and why she

keeps notebooks

By Allen Sykora

time periods because she feels she 1993, both managing money and

inda Bradford Raschke sees
certain parallels between can better control risk and use running commercial hedging pro-
trading and sports, such as higher leverage. grams in the metals markets.
recognizing that every trade can- Raschke is a highly regarded Daily trading activity by
not be a winner, forgetting about trader who was featured in Jack Raschke and LBRGroup are post-
the previous day regardless of the Schwager’s book, “The New ed in an Internet chat room,
outcome and keeping mistakes to which can be accessed at www.lbr-
a minimum. So in addition to One of her pieces of “We have fun and make market
advising novice traders to study
classical technical analysis, she also advice for market commentary,” said Raschke. “It’s
our version of being on the trad-
suggests they read sports psycholo-
gy books.
newcomers is to forget ing floor upstairs.”
Still other pointers for begin- the previous trading Raschke began her career as a
ning traders include patience while market-maker on the floor of the
developing a trading methodology,
day as each new Pacific Coast Stock Exchange and
recording thoughts and ideas in a day begins. has also worked on the floor of the
journal, using common sense and Philadelphia Stock Exchange. She
being content to wait until condi- now trades from her home in
tions look right before putting on Market Wizards.” Wellington, Fla., spending as
a trade rather than feeling pressure She mostly trades her own much time as possible in a barn
to capture profits every day. account, as she has done for the with her horses just 100 feet from
As for style, Raschke’s own last two decades. She trades about her office.
trading is based on closely moni- 85% futures and 15% equities, One of her pieces of advice for
toring the price action and watch- with an occasional foray into equi- market newcomers is to forget the
ing for basic chart formations. ty options. She has been a previous trading day as each new
And she tends to favor shorter Commodity Trading Advisor since day begins, similar to the manner

June 2003 33

in which a football player forgets 150. If you just keep playing the check out.
about the last game each time he game long enough, you’ll be in the “When you write stuff down, it
steps on the gridiron. right spot at the time just enough goes to a different part of the
“You have to put behind you times. Just don’t go making big brain,” she said. “I really think it
what happened yesterday,” she mistakes. makes a difference.
said. “If it was a good day, forget “If they really want to work on “I’ve got hundreds of notebooks
about it. If it was a bad day, forget that psychology side of the game, I’ve collected over the years. I
about it. all they need to do is go down to never go back and read them, but
the bookstore and get a bunch of I think writing things down helps
Sports analogies $15 books on sports psychology. a lot.”
“It’s very analogous to football. That’s some of the best stuff out
You might make a bunch of plays there.
and only make two yards. But “You have to be a fighter... “A lot of people try to
you’re always setting everything up Don’t ever get discouraged,
in case there’s that opening. because every big trader out there out-think the market.
“The winning baseball team has had challenging moments.” They try and
isn’t going to go out and have a Besides a certain amount of
track record of winning 90% of competitiveness, aspiring traders intellectualize and
their games. On balance, you have
to achieve some type of consisten-
also need “single-mindedness, a lot
of focus and concentration, and a
try to get too smart.”
cy, but you’re not going to win fairly long time horizon,” said
every game. Raschke. She suggested novices get a
“There are a lot of analogies “You have to be willing to sit foundation in classical technical
with sports and the markets. You there day after day, week after analysis by reading the works of
week, without having any huge the noted authors from the early
successes right away. part of the 20th century, such as
“Understand it probably takes Charles Dow, Richard Wyckoff
two or three years before you can and R.D. Schabacker. Their ideas
figure out what you’re doing, get a were formulated before computers,
comfort and confidence level, and but have stood the test of time,
have familiarity with the markets. she explained.
You have to have some patience.” Raschke also advised market
For one thing, a market new- newcomers to “use common
comer has to figure out what type sense.”
of trader he or she will be. “Learn to trust yourself and
“They have to find out if they have confidence in your own
can’t sit there and win a tennis want to do spread trading, long- methods,” she said. “A lot of peo-
match if you’re thinking about the term trend-following, system trad- ple try to out-think the market.
score all of the time. You have to ing, short-term scalping... There They try and intellectualize and
be focusing just on that shot. are a lot of different ways to skin a try to get too smart.
“The person who is going to cat out there.” “They try to figure out all these
win the match is going to be the scenarios. You shouldn’t think too
person who makes the least Write it down much during the trading day. You
amount of mistakes. And that’s Raschke encouraged newcomers to should just watch and see what the
what a lot of trading comes down the markets to keep a journal, as market is doing. Don’t try to out-
to – simply not making mistakes. she did when she began trading. smart the market – or that is going
Everybody makes some mistakes, Aspiring traders might record their to backfire on you.
but you need to minimize your patterns of behavior, observations “Keep it real simple.”
mistakes. or tips from other traders, notes She also cautioned traders not
“You don’t have to be a genius. from books they read and trading to think they have to rack up a big
You don’t have to have an IQ of ideas that they might want to profit every day.

34 Trader’s Source

“If the market is not doing After college, she wanted to higher in the first hour? Is there a
much, don’t try to force anything become a stockbroker. “But key swing high or swing low that
out of it,” she said. “People don’t nobody wants to hire a 21-year- the market is looking to take out
realize you don’t have to go out old fresh out of school, who is or test?
there and make money every sin- green behind the ears.” “How are our market leaders
gle day. She ended up getting a job in doing? If you’re watching the
“If you can capitalize and put San Francisco as a financial analyst S&Ps, for example, you might
together three great days a month, for Crown Zellerbach, a paper want to keep an eye on Microsoft
you can make a good living – as company. The company’s head- and IBM.
long as you don’t do anything stu- quarters happened to be a half “If I’m trading the index
pid on those other days. A lot of it block away from the Pacific Coast futures, there is a lot of pattern
is timing the market – watching it, Stock Exchange. recognition, in terms of watching
getting a feel and waiting for your The exchange opens at 6:30 overbought and oversold tick read-
spot.” a.m. Pacific time, so it would ings.
She characterized trading mar- coincide with the opening of the “That’s the core of what I do.”
kets as a streaky business. New York Stock Exchange. “Over the years, with my chart-
“You learn on the trading floor Security was more lax then, she ing, I’ve gravitated toward looking
recalled, so she began at very traditional chart patterns –
hanging out on the trad- bull flags, bear flags and signs of
ing floor early in the distribution. On my charts, I’ll
morning before she went always keep a 20-period exponen-
to her regular job. She tial moving average for a basic ref-
became a friend of a erence point of where the market
trader who eventually is trending.
backed her. “You can sit there and play all
When asked to out- kinds of little tricks with oscilla-
line her trading methods, tors if you want. But any oscillator
Raschke pointed out that is going to highlight what’s there
during the first 10 years on the bar charts, anyway.”
that maybe 90% of your year of her career, she traded without Raschke added she watches to
might come in only three up-to-the-minute charts. see if a market is starting to con-
months,” she continued. “When “We all subscribed to daily solidate or whether it might be
things are really good, take advan- charting services and would draw reaching the end of a consolida-
tage of them. We used to have an them in on the close,” she said. tion period.
expression on the floor, ‘Take the “But intraday, you didn’t have the “Once the range tightens down,
cookies when they pass the plate computers and tools that so many you’re ready to break out and have
around.’” people have nowadays. a pickup in volatility and perhaps
Raschke’s involvement in the “So I do a lot of watching the have a little trending…Then you
markets began when she was price action. You learn to watch have to understand how to set up
attending Occidental College, a support levels, resistance levels, trades differently, so - at the very
private school in Los Angeles. opening gaps, how the market is least – you’re not standing in front
“I’d always been interested in trending during the day, whether of that type of move and you find
the markets, thinking like every there is heavy volume. It’s real ways to jump on board.”
other fool out there that it’s a great basic, traditional stuff. Much of her trading, she
way to make a lot of money by explained, “comes down to being
your own hand,” she said with a Think in terms of concepts able to look at price action relative
laugh. “A fund was set up by an “We learned to think in terms of to something else – relative to
anonymous donor, and 12 stu- concepts. Are we testing yesterday’s itself, relative to other markets or
dents were nominated to a board high, or are we trading above yes- indices, signs of relative strength
of directors. So we traded stocks terday’s close? Are we trading and signs of relative weakness.”
our senior year.” above today’s opening? Are we Later, she added: “Price is the

June 2003 35

best indicator above and beyond “As a general rule of thumb, the ket and you keep your skills
anything else out there. That’s my more volatile a market is, the good,” she said. “But it’s more for
number-one motto. Price is your shorter the time frame you can the satisfaction of doing it. I don’t
indicator today, in the here and trade it,” she explained. “The less think I’ve ever made huge money
now. What is the market doing volatility, the more you want to in wheat or cocoa or anything like
right now? step out on your time horizon.” that.”
“I’m not interested in where it’s Raschke estimated she does
going to be tomorrow or a week 90% of her trading in the S&P Hobbies a plus
from now. Don’t ever get into try- futures on a day-trading basis. In Raschke said she considers it
ing to determine valuation levels. bonds, she might be in a market important for traders to devote
That’s a trap. To me, current price for one to three days. themselves to a hobby during their
is everything.” “I would say the majority of my non-trading hours in order to take
Raschke explained that she trades in other markets tend to last their minds off the markets. Her
tends to look for trends or the two to three days,” she said. passion is horses.
beginning of breakouts rather than She feels that shorter time peri- “That’s what keeps me sane,”
trying to figure out where a rever- ods enable her to better utilize risk she said with a laugh.
sal will occur. control and use higher leverage. She keeps five horses and two
“I’m more interested in which “You can have tighter stop ponies on her acreage. She has a
direction the impulse is moving,” placement,” she said. “You’re look- riding ring and her community has
ing at smaller, more well-defined a number of bridle trails.
support and resistance levels. Years ago, she rode horses in
“As a general rule of “If you’re trading on a longer cross-country endurance events.
thumb, the more time frame, you have to give the Now, she focuses on “dressage,”
market more room – and I don’t which she compares to “figure skat-
volatile a market is, the think you can use as much lever- ing on horseback.” She explained,
shorter the time frame age that way.” “You try to get the horses to be
She trades exclusively on tech- supple and well-gymnasticized with
you can trade it.” nical factors, paying no attention classical gaits and movements. You
to fundamentals. try to get the horses prancing with
she explained. “Which direction is the riders sitting up there looking
Follow the money like they’re doing nothing.”
the market moving with the great-
est momentum? “I figure there are people out there Horses have crowded out her
“I’d rather see it tip its hand who are much bigger than I am other hobbies. She once played ten-
and see it break, then jump on and have much better resources nis a couple of times a week and
board…on the first little pause, as and ability to interpret that type of figured she was one month from
opposed to picking exactly where information,” she said. “They’re earning a black belt in Tae Kwon
it’s going to turn.” the ones making the market move. Do.
Reversals are difficult to fore- I’m just trying to follow the “You need to have some type of
cast, she continued. money flows.” sport or discipline outside of the
“I don’t think you can do that Raschke has been trading S&P markets that you can try to
very well,” she said. “You can on a futures since the first day they improve on, so you can get your
short-term basis, of course, with were listed. This remains one of mind off the markets,” she said.
overbought and oversold levels. her favorite markets, as she has A former piano player, she
But in the big picture, I don’t had a background in stocks since added, “It doesn’t have to be a
think you can say how far a partic- her early days as a floor trader. physical sport. It can be painting or
ular market is going to go.” She also likes bonds and curren- playing the piano. But you have to
The length of time that cies. have something else to work on
Raschke will hold a trade depends “I trade the other stuff – like and try to master to bring a bal-
largely on the volatility of a mar- coffee, sugar, grains and energies – ance in your life. You can’t spend
ket, although she tends to favor because it keeps me fresh, so you every hour trying to figure out the
short-term time periods overall. don’t get too attached to one mar- markets.”

36 Trader’s Source

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