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Start early  Begin promoting the event at least 1-2
months before the event date to ensure
maximum attendance.
Social media marketing  Create excitement around the event by
using social media platforms, such as
Facebook, WhatsApp to post event
teasers, images, and videos.
 Create engaging posts about the four
tasks: Hack rank, Innovative Idea,
Electrical, and Electronic, along with
the online workshops that will be
conducted to teach the software used
in the final day competition.
 Share photos and videos of past
successful events, as well as
testimonials from previous
Email marketing  Use email marketing to reach out to
potential attendees and partners.
Create a visually appealing email with
all the event details, including date,
time, location, and speakers, and
encourage them to register for the
University resources  Use the university website & Notice
boards to promote the event.
 update each department's noticeboards
with the event's poster and place a
promotional poster near the canteen to
increase awareness about the event.
Utilize influencers  Invite industry experts to collaborate
with us for the workshops and the
evaluation of the final day
 Share the post mansion about the
industry expertise details.
Encourage attendees  Encourage attendees to invite their
colleagues and friends to the event.
Provide them with social media
shareable links.
Collaborations with other Societies  Collaborate with engineering societies
in other universities to promote the
event. These societies can be
contacted through email or social
media platforms. Provide them with
information about the event and ask
them to share the event details with
their members and students.
Follow-up  Send follow-up emails and posts after
each workshop and final event to
thank attendees, request feedback, and
provide resources, such as slides and
presentations, to keep them engaged.

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