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Leads framework engage others:

1. Foster development of others:
By encouraging high standards of nursing practice, providing a secure and moral workplace,
supporting nurses' health and wellbeing, and speaking out on health care issues that concern
both nurses and the general public, ANA advances the profession. The ANA is at the
forefront of efforts to raise the standard of healthcare for everyone. ANA recommends the
following steps under their employee development competency:
a. Delegates tasks with significant responsibility and visibility.
b. Serves as a mentor, encouraging others to grow professionally. • Encourages direct
reporting' decisions and activities.
c. Appropriately makes use of the abilities of others.
d. Fosters employee growth through encouraging feedback.
e. Promotes personal initiative in figuring out how to accomplish big goals.
On the other hand, RNAO establishes interprofessional project teams to foster the
learning and communication as well as states the below listed measures to encourage the
advancement of colleagues in the profession:
a. Encourage rounding to promote nurse-to-nurse and multiprofessional sharing
of expertise.
b. Fostering the creation and dissemination of new knowledge as well as
implementing a continuous-inquiry approach to practice.
c. Drop in at gatherings and public forums to learn about problems, worries, and
what's happening in people's life to encourage relationships and offer support.
d. Do a needs analysis and create a lesson plan for the unit.

2. Contribute to the creation of healthy organization:

In order to make sure that engaging environment is available to others for
contribution to fulfill their expected responsibilities ANA suggests the following
a. Has a participative management style; collaborates effectively with others;
and shares influence and responsibility with direct reports.
b. Is adaptable and skilled at changing their strategy depending on the
c. Considers trade-offs rather than assuming there is one optimal solution.
d. Encourages productive give-and-take in group discussions and gatherings.
e. Refuses to let prestige or power get to his or her head.
While ANA recommends the above measures, RNAO suggests that both organisational
supports and human resources are part of the environment that promotes the expression
of leadership talents. Leaders can contribute to the creation of healthy organization by
adopting the steps listed below:
a. In a climate that encourages professional autonomy and robust networks of collegial
support, an empowered workplace provides access to information, support, resources,
and opportunities for learning and growth.
b. Leaders should be recognizing the importance of nurses in the care of patients and
c. Providing adequate and suitable human and financial resources.
d. Giving the essential information and decision support.
e. Fostering an environment that supports effective and efficient nursing care.

3. Communicate effectively:
RNAO strongly believes in the development and use of cross-cultural communication
using the following methods:
a. Share the work of nursing practice committees on a regular basis through
newsletters, public forums, and web-based technology.
b. Communicate clearly, openly, honestly, and frequently.
c. Listen actively and show that you understand what others are saying.
d. Develop and use cross-cultural communication skills.
e. Communicate with the patient, family, and interprofessional team to determine
needs and changes.
American Nursing Association says that talents related to communication include the
ability to explain ideas clearly and succinctly, both vocally and in writing, as well as to
motivate others. ANA also suggests that a good leader must show adaptability by
listening and communicating well by following the recommendations below:
a. Encourages reciprocity with others in conversations and gatherings.
b. Communicates concepts succinctly and clearly; shares information concerning
actions, plans, and decisions.
c. Avoids unpleasant shocks by clearly presenting critical facts.
d. Uses vivid illustrations and examples to convey topics.

4. Build teams:
During comparison of RNAO model to leads model, RNAO figured out that only 3
capabilities were not addressed in their model, and one of them was building teams.
However, they added that to their latest edition. Under the new edition, RNAO suggests
that following steps to ensure collaboration to achieve goals:
a. Seek and acknowledge broad input.
b. Recognize the legitimacy of other’s interests and discuss how interests are aligned.
c. Explore uncertainties and fears.
d. Give and receive help and assistance.
e. Participate as leaders for nursing on interprofessional teams.
f. Work collaboratively on nursing and interprofessional teams.

On the other side, ANA’s career derailment elements that affect professional success are
specifically addressed in the ANA Leadership curriculum. They include the inability to
form and lead a team, cultivate positive working connections with people, change or
adapt, keep commitments, or finish a task, and lack the depth to manage outside of one's
current function. ANA does not list any specific recommendations to be taken to build a
good team where everyone can cooperate to each their goals.


1. Set direction: RNAO states that by identifying, establishing, and communicating
specific and meaningful goals and outcomes, goal-oriented leaders provide direction
and inspire vision. They also strategically connect decisions with their vision, values,
and available data. They suggest the following measures to set directions and follow
to achieve a common goal:
a. Get nurses involved in creating a vision.
b. Disseminate the change's strategy in open forums and through technology.
c. Provide skill development for new tasks and put an emphasis on team members'
capabilities to increase team confidence in navigating change.
d. Talk about similar attempts that failed to determine what should be done differently.
On the other hand, ANA does not suggest any specific measures to be followed by
leaders to set out directions however, the document describes transformational leadership as the
skills necessary for inspiring and motivating followers to achieve extraordinary results and, in
the process, enhancing their own leadership potential. By attending to needs, empowering the
person, and coordinating aims and objectives from follower/subordinate to leader to
organization, they aid in the growth and development of followers into leaders.
2. Strategically align decisions with vision, values, and evidence: RNAO clearly
describes in the core competency 1.2.3 that nurse leaders maximize the use of and
access to the data and information needed to perform effectively in order to align
decisions with vision, and values of the RNAO. They recommend the leaders to take
the following steps:
A. Explain your beliefs and vision for the company.
B. Details regarding ongoing organizational projects and future intentions.
C. Take part in establishing a vision or common goal.
ANA states under the vision and strategy competency cluster that leaders should
create long-term goals and plans; transforms vision into workable business plans.
They suggest the measures listed below for leaders to follow:
a. Consistently revises plans to account for evolving situations.
b. Converts his or her vision into workable business plans.
c. Creates plans with provisions for unforeseen developments.
d. Effectively combines tactical and strategic planning.
e. Creates plans that strike a balance between short-term organisational
demands and long-term aspirations.

3. Take action to implement decisions:

ANA states that good leaders should utilizes efficient tactics to support organisational
change objectives and get beyond change resistance. They suggest that the following
steps should be taken:
• Incorporates important stakeholders successfully into the planning and execution of
• Modifies management approach to suit evolving circumstances.
• Successfully handles opposition to organisational change from others.
• Adjusts to the organization's shifting external demands.
• Be honest with people about the effects of a planned action or decision.

The Toolkit: Implementation of Best Practice Guidelines, which offers an

evidence-informed process for a systematic, well-planned implementation, is
recommended by the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario.
a. An evaluation of the environment's preparation for implementation is done to see
how it will affect adherence to guidelines.
b. There are sufficient resources to perform the activities connected to all areas of
guideline implementation.
c. Interventions that encourage the adoption of guidelines are chosen. The process
includes evaluation of how using guidelines has affected outcomes.
4. Assess and evaluate:
RNAO states that the nurse leaders set up systems for tracking ongoing
organisational changes and processes. It suggest the following measures to be taken
by nurse leaders achieve this lead:
a. Encourage the use of client outcome and nursing-related performance metrics in
b. Involve frontline personnel in defining best practises and benchmarking.
c. Use data and quality frameworks while making decisions and for monitoring.
d. Establish accountability measures and track the effects of improvements.
e. Examine and document previous organisational accomplishments and setbacks.

According to ANA, competency in nursing practise can be identified, assessed,

and evaluated. Professional leadership competencies can also be established and
assessed, according to ANA. It suggests that the practice of reflective learning
should be followed. ANA does not suggest any specific steps to be followed by
good leaders but states that they should symbolize the ongoing thoughtful
investigation and synthesis of one's own personal strengths and areas for
improvement. These revelations ought to inspire the construction of a detailed
professional development strategy, which might then be included in one's
professional resume. To aid in this element of a person's leadership journey, the
ANA Leadership Institute has created a variety of tools and instruments for
individual 360-degree assessments.

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