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Beat Blade  Drilled

Max: Weapon Skill Bonus Max: Weapon Skill Bonus
Tests: Melee for a Beat Blade Bonus Tests: Melee Tests when beside an ally with
You are trained to make sharp controlled blows to your Drilled 
opponent’s weapon, creating an opening for an attack or You have been trained to ght shoulder-to-shoulder with
simply impeding an incoming attack. For your Action, other soldiers. Characters with the Drilled Talent count
you can choose to Beat Blade before rolling. Perform a as two combatants when determining Losing Advantage
Melee Test; if successful, the opposing Advantage Pool (page 137).
loses –1 Advantage, and loses a further –1 if you score 6
SL. is Test is not Opposed. is Talent is of no use if Flee!
your opponent has no weapon or has a larger Size than Max: Agility Bonus
you. Tests: Athletics when eeing or when the Quarry in a
Crew Commander When your life is on the line, you are capable of impressive
Max: Initiative bonus bursts of speed. Your Movement Attribute counts as 1
Tests: Ranged Skill tests when ring a weapon with the higher when Fleeing or when you are the Quarry in a
Crewed Flaw pursuit.
A Character with this talent is practised at managing
crews of siege weapons and artillery pieces. e Character Gunner
may make a Challenging (+0) Leadership Test to help Max: Dexterity Bonus
a crew manning a weapon with the Crewed Quality You can reload blackpowder weapons with practiced ease.
within earshot. If the Character passes the Test, the crew You add SL equal to your level in Gunner to any Extended
members may then use the Character’s Ranged Skill Test to reload a blackpowder weapon. Reloading a ranged
when shooting the weapon. weapon during combat also counts as an Assess action.
You gain an extra +1 Advantage when making that Assess
Distract  Test. 
Max: Agility 
Bonus Tests: Athletics to Distract  Rapid Reload 
You are trained in simple movements to distract or startle Max: Dexterity Bonus
your opponent, drawing eyes from your true intent. You can reload ranged weapons with practiced ease.
You may use your Move to perform a Distraction. is You add SL equal to your level in Rapid Reload to any
is resolved by an Opposed Athletics/Cool Test against Extended Test to reload a ranged weapon. Reloading a
your target. If you win, your opponent can generate no ranged weapon during combat also counts as an Assess
Advantage for their Pool until the end of the next Round. action. You gain an extra +1 Advantage when making that
Assess Test. 

Relentless  In addition, you treat your size as being the same as that
Max: One  of your mount for the purposes of resisting Fear and
When you have your mind set on a target, there is nothing Terror caused solely by the size of your opponent, such is
anyone can do to stop you reaching them. e advantage your con dence when mounted.
cost of the Flee from Harm action is reduced to 1. 
Example: Another person on a horse would not cause Fear,
Reversal  but a Daemon or an Undead creature would.
Max: Weapon Skill Bonus
Tests: Melee when defending Shieldsman 
You are used to desperate combats, able to turn even the Max: Strength Bonus
direst circumstances to your advantage. If you win an Tests: Any Test to defend with a shield
Opposed Melee Test, instead of gaining +1 Advantage, You are skilled at using your shield to manoeuvre others
you may take 1 Advantage from the opposing Advantage in combat so you can take advantage of a desperate
Pool and add it to your own. If you do this, you do not situation. When using a Shield to defend, once per turn,
cause any Damage, even if it is your Turn in the Round. you may spend 2 Advantage to either cause Damage
when you are attacked as if it were your Action or to push
Roughrider your opponent 2 yards directly back from yourself and no
Max: Agility Bonus longer count as engaged. 
Tests: Ride Tests when in combat
You are at home in the saddle in even the most di cult of Strike to Injure
circumstances, and know how to get the best out of your Max: 1
mount during con ict. Assuming you have the Ride skill, You are an expert in striking your enemies most vulnerable
you can direct your mount to take an Action, not just a areas. When rolling on a Critical Damage table, make
Move, without a Ride Test. two rolls and choose which result you prefer.

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