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Mindanao State University

Marantao Community High School

Inudaran, Marantao, Lanao del Sur

Midterm Assessment in Science 7

Name:________________________________ Section:______________ Date:_______________

Part I. Multiple Choice.

Directions: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read each sentence carefully. Choose the best answer of the following
question. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. It is also known as the revolving device.

A. adjustment knob C. objective lens
B. nosepiece D. stage
2. It regulates the amount of light passing through the specimen.
A. arm B. base C. body tube D. diaphragm
3. The following are the mechanical parts of the microscope EXCEPT:
A. arm B. eyepiece C. draw tube D. nosepiece
4. He is known as the father of microscopic anatomy who discovered taste buds and red blood cells.
A. Robert Hooke C. Marcello Marphigi
B. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek D. Robert Koch
5. How many objectives does the microscope have?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
6. What is the function of the mirror?
A. It reflects light up the microscope. C. It refracts light.
B. It captures light from the wall. D. It bends light.
7. Josie is using a compound microscope to examine a drop of pond water. Which objective will she use if she wants to
see the greatest number of organisms in her sample specimen?
A. High power objective
B. Low power objective
C. Oil immersion objective
D. Scanner
8. Plants cannot move like animals do because plant cell has _____.
A. Centriole B. cell wall C. chloroplast D. mitochondria
9. What is the function of chloroplast in plants?
A. It enables the plant to make their own food.
B. It makes the plants rigid and rectangular in shape.
C. It gives the plants its energy needed to make food.
D. It stores food, water and waste products of the plants.
10. Which of the paired organelles are found in plant cell ONLY?
A. Cell wall and cell membrane C. Cell wall and chloroplast
B. Cell wall and nucleus D. Nucleus and mitochondria
11. Which of the following organelle functions for storage of water, food and waste products of the cell?
A. Cell wall B. Chloroplast C. Mitochondria D. Vacuoles
12. It is known as the powerhouse of the cell.
A. Chloroplast B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Vacuoles
13. What organelle gives the plant cell its rectangular shape?
A. Cell wall B. Cell membrane C. Nucleus D. Mitochondria
14. It is a dot-like organelle that produces proteins for the cell.
A. Cell membrane B. Nucleus C. Mitochondria D. Ribosomes
15. What organelles serves as a “highway” of the cell?
A. Cell wall B. Cell membrane C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Vacuoles
10. Which of the following organelles can be found in a plant cell but NOT in an animal cell?
A. Chloroplast B. Mitochondria C. Nucleus D. Vacuole

Directions: Column A are functions of an organelle while Column B are the organelles of a cell. Match the following cell organelles
to its functions. Write your answer on the provided blank.


____1. A jelly-like material where the organelles are found A. Nucleus

____2. Controls all the activities of the cell B. Golgi bodies
____3. Produces energy for the cell C. Lysosomes
____4. Controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell D. Mitochondrion
____5. Contains enzymes which break, download and digest E. Cytoplasm
wasted and worn out cell parts F. Cell membrane
____6. A rigid structure which provides support and G. Chloroplast
protection in plant cells H. Cell wall
____7. Packages useful materials I. Vacuole
____8. A series of canals used to transport materials in cell J. Endoplasmic Reticulum
____9. It allows plants to make their own food. K. Centriole
____10. Holds water, food and waste materials
Activity IV: Let’s CELLebrate!
Directions: Use the diagram to fill in the needed information in the chart. The first has been completed for you as an example.

Label Coined Name Organelle

A #The Powerhouse Mitochondrion

1.) ___________ #The Brain 2.) ___________

3.) ___________ #The Factory 4.) ___________

5.) ___________ 6.) ___________ Plasma Membrane

D #The Organizer 7.)___________

J 8.) ___________ 9). ___________

10.)___________ 11.) ___________ Golgi body

E 12.) ___________ Cytoplasm

13.) ___________ 14.) ___________ Vesicle/Vacuole

15.) ___________ #The Road Smooth ER


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