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1. List 10 organizations that you know. Try to cover a range of types (eg sole trader,
charity) and sector (eg primary, quaternary).

2. Identify the main operations of those organizations. Are they always straightforward?
Why is that?

3. Apply the input-output model to an organization that you have studies, for example the
organization that you chose for your CUEGIS essay. How useful is that model?

4. Apply the input-output model to your school; what corresponds to “the input”, “the
process”, and “the output”? What conclusions can you draw from this?

5. Find an organizational chart of an organization showing the relationships between

workers, with levels of hierarchy and chains of command.

6. On that organizational chart, identify the department and the workers responsible for
operations. How are they linked to the workers in the other business functions? What
can you conclude?

7. Consider the continuum between “pure goods” and “pure services”. Place some
examples of products on this continuum.
8. How useful do you find this visual representation between the two extremes?

9. Does the difference between “goods” and “services” really matter? Why/why not?

10. Is it possible to measure sustainability?

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