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Explain how local community education providers can assist in capacity building.

Local community education providers can assist in capacity building by offering educational and
training opportunities to individuals with a disability. This can include offering classes and workshops
specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of people with a disability, such as life skills
classes or vocational training programs.

By providing these opportunities, individuals with a disability can gain new skills, improve their
confidence and self-esteem, and develop a sense of purpose and belonging within their community.
This can also help to break down barriers and reduce stigma around disability, as people with a
disability become more visible and integrated into the wider community.

Provide five types of referred services you might need to assist a client with skills development.

1. Programs and assistance provided for the benefit of the community.

2. Programs and services related to education and learning.

3. Services aimed at helping with money management and financial planning.

4. Services and support for maintaining physical and mental well-being.

5. Job training programs and services.

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