Szóbeli Angol Érettségire Kérdések

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Szóbeli angol érettségire kérdések

Can you tell me something about your family?

/Who do you live with? Have you got a sister or a brother? What does your sister/brother
do? Where do your grandparents live? Have you got uncles or aunts? Where do they live?/

Do you like watching TV?

What are your favourite programmes?
What do you think of the news/adventure films/quiz shows/detective films?/
How do you spend your free-time?
What are your favourite channels? Why?

Where are you from?

Do you like living in this town/village? Why/why not?
What kinds of shops are there near the place where you live?
Do you live near or far from the centre?
How many inhabitants are there?

What time do you usually get up? … - Why do you get up so early?
How do you spend an ordinary day?
(What do you do in the morning? Where do you have lunch? What do you do in the
afternoon? How often do you go out? Where?/

Do you like watching TV?

What are your favourite programmes?
What do you think of the news/adventure films/quiz shows/detective films?/
How do you spend your free-time?
What are your favourite channels? Why?

How do you see yourself in ten years time?

How about your job/family/children/money?/
What family occasions do you celebrate?
How do you celebrate birthdays?
What is the greatest family festival for you?
How do you celebrate Christmas?
How do you celebrate Easter?

Who does most of the housework in your family?

What do you help your mother with?
What housework do you like / hate most?
What housework do you have to do every week / every day?

What are your hobbies?

What else do you like doing in your spare time?
What other hobbies could you name?
What hobbies do English people like?
Why are you studying English?

How many times do you eat a day? What are these meals?
Where do you have your lunch?
What do you usually have for lunch?
What do English people have for breakfast / lunch?
What does a lunch usually consist of in Hungary?
Have you ever started a slimming diet?

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Do you like it? Why?
Is there a garden / garage around it? What is there in the garden / garage?
Why is it good to have a garden?
Describe your room.

If you could choose, would you go on holiday to the mountains or to the seaside? Why?
Who would you go with?
What would you do there?
Which country would you choose?
Tell me something about your best friend.
Who is your best friend?

How long have you been friends?
What is his/her personality like?
What do you do together?

Describe your daily routine.

What do you like doing in the evenings?
How are your weekends different from your weekdays?
Do you think you have enough free-time?

Do you follow the fashion?

What clothes do men wear? / What clothes do women wear?
What is fashionable for young people today?
What are you wearing now?
Where do you usually buy your clothes?

Do you like going to the cinema?

What sort of films do you like?
What kinds of films can you see at the cinema? Where do you usually like sitting?
Which do you prefer: watching DVD films or going to the cinema? Why?
What is your favourite TV channel?

How often do you go shopping?

What do you buy every day?
What can you buy in a supermarket?
What shops are there in the main street of your town?
What can you buy in a big department store?

What sort of weather do you like most?

Which is your favourite season?
What is the weather like in autumn/winter/summer?
-What do people do in winter/summer?

– Have you ever flown?

- Did you enjoy flying? / Would you like to try it?

- What do passengers have to do before boarding the plane?
- What documents do you need if you go abroad?
- Where do people usually travel by plane?

– Now tell me about your class. How do you get on with your classmates?
- What is the teacher-student relationship like in your school?
- Is your best friend from your class?
- What kind of personality has she/he got?
- What out-of-class activities are you involved in?

– What do you usually do in summer?

- Do you sometimes work during your summer holiday? Why?
- Why is it useful to work during your holidays?
- Is it easy or difficult to get a job for a student? Where can you get information from?
- What kind of jobs are they?

–What do you think of the public transport in Debrecen?

- Which means of transport do you regularly use?
- How can you travel by bus/tram?
- Which vehicle do you like most? Why?

– Tell me something about your favourite family festival.

- How do you usually celebrate it?
- What do you like about it?
- What about Christmas/Easter?
- Do you like birthday parties? Why?

– Explain what you mean by the healthy way of life?

- What does a healthy diet involve?
- How about doing sports?
- Suggest some way of relaxing.

– How do you spend your weekdays?

- What time do you get up / have breakfast / go to school / have lunch / …?

- How much do you study /watch TV a day?
- Describe your weekend. How do you spend your Sunday?

– What are your plans for the summer?

- Are you going to work? Where? / Why?
- Are you going on holiday? Where? / Why?
- What places do you prefer? How about beaches, mountains?
- What activities can you do during your holiday?

– Do you do any sports? What sports do you do?

- How often do you do it?
- What sports do you do on TV?
- Could you tell me some water sports / winter sports / ball games?
- Do you have a favourite sportsman / sportswoman? Who is (s)he?

– Do you like reading? Why?

- How about magazines/ newspapers/ books/ web sites? What are your favourite books….?
- Why do you think reading is not so popular today as was fifty years ago?
- Have you heard about e-books? What do you know about them? Are they free?
- How do you spend your free-times?

– What would you do if you could spend a year in the UK as an exchange student?
- How about school / accommodation / your host family?
- How about the money?
- Would you miss your family or your girlfriend / boyfriend?
- What places would you visit?

– What do you usually do if you catch a cold?

- What medicine do you take?
- Do you see a doctor?
- How does a doctor examine you / people?
- What do you do if you have a toothache?
- How can you keep fit?

– What is your dream-house like?
- Where should it be?
- What rooms should it have?
- What about the colours?
- What furniture should be in it?

– Have you got a favourite film? (If no: choose a film.) What is the title of the film?
- What is it about?
- Why do you like it?
- Who is your favourite actor or actress? What does he/she look like?

– Do you live in Debrecen? (Where do you live?)

- How big is your family? (Do you have any brothers or sisters?)
- Do you spend a lot of time with them? Why? (Who do you spend your free time?)
- What kind of programmes do you have together?

– What do we celebrate at Christmas?

- When and how do you celebrate it? (What family festivals do you celebrate?)
- What kind of food do you eat?
- Did you get anything for Christmas? What?

– What are the most popular sports in Hungary?

- What sports are Hungarians good at?
- Can you tell me the name of a famous Hungarian sportsman/woman?
- What is your favourite sport?

How do you think of your eating habits?

- How often do you eat a day?
- What do you have for breakfast?
- What are your favourite dishes?
- Do you think typical Hungarian dishes are healthy?

– What do you think of the Hungarian road network and the motorways?
- Are you for or against of building more motorways in the country?

- Do you use the public transport?
- Which means of transport do you think the safest / most comfortable?

– Do you prefer summer or winter holidays?

- What do you like doing in winter / summer?
- Do you like staying at home or travelling during your holidays?
- Where do you usually travel? (to a lake, to a river, to the mountains, to abroad?)
- Have you ever been abroad?
- Which countries have you visited so far? / Would you like to go?

– Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?

- Do you like reading? How many books do you read a year?
- How often do you buy newspapers or magazines?
- What papers, magazines do you read?

When were you last ill?

- How did you recover? Did you go to see the doctor? What did (s)he tell you?
- What are the most serious illnesses in Hungary?
- When are people taken to the hospital?

– When do children start their education in Hungary?

- What kind of schools can they go to? (private schools, public schools)
- Would you please introduce your secondary school? ( Talk about the size of it, teachers,
favourite subjects….)
- What are your plans for the future? (Would you like to work or go to university?) (What?)

– What do your parents do?

- Are they satisfied with their job? Why? / Why not?
- What are the most fashionable jobs these days? (Why?)
- Would you like to be a teacher? Why? / Why not?

– What part does music play in your life?

- What kind of music do you like?
- Do you go to concerts / play any musical instruments?

- How about classical music / folk music / jazz?

– Tell me about your family.

- Who is your favourite relative? Why do you like him/her?
- What does (s)he look like? What is his/her personality like? What are his/her hobbies?
- Would you like to get married one day? Do you think it is important? Why?

– Do you like travelling?

- Where did you travel last time? Who did you go with? (family, friends)
- Have you been abroad so far? Where?
- If you had 300.000 Forints where would you like to travel and who would you go with?

– What do you like/dislike about your school?

- What subjects did you study last year? What was your favourite subject and why?
- What are the teachers like here in this secondary school?
- What activities are the students involved in after classes?

– What can you do to avoid illnesses?

- What kind of food should you eat/avoid?
- What sports do you do?
- How about alcohol and smoking? Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol?
- What do you think about drugs?

Do you buy designer clothes or in second-hand shops?

- Do you follow fashion?
- Do you wear expensive clothes or have an own style?

– Name a Hungarian and an English festival.

- When are they?
- How are they celebrated?
- Have you ever taken part in any of them?
– Do adverts influence you?
- Have you ever bought anything because you saw it on TV?
- How do adverts influence people? Do they always tell us the truth?


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