FinanceRitual Dec 2021

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financial magick – December 2021

This magick is offered as a bonus when you join us in December 2021. It works on the
same principle as all Empowered Magick. Please read and understand those
instructions first. Also, make sure you have used the main Connection Ritual for
December 2021 (found in the other PDF) before using this ritual.

Most importantly, you must use this ritual at some point in December 2021 to obtain
the ongoing benefits.

• This ritual, although brief, will improve your financial fortune during the next
six months.

• If you don’t use any financial magick, your financial fortune will improve
anyway, although the changes may be subtle. If you do perform financial
magick, it will be enhanced.

• Everything you need to know will be explained in this document.

Please read the whole document, so you know how to get the most out of this

© 2021 Damon Brand

You will use the sigil found at the end of this document, along with a brief ritual, to
connect to an energy stream that improves your financial fortune.

Occasionally, The Gallery of Magick will choose to create empowered streams of

magick. When we undertake such workings, they can be shared with you. These bonus
opportunities will occur each time we choose to create a specific energy stream.

In this case, we are working to create financial fortune. The energy creation will
continue throughout December 2021 and it is designed to increase financial fortune
during the next six months.

Despite its extreme brevity, you will perform this ritual just once. There is no need to
repeat the ritual or do anything else. If you do choose to work with financial magick,
you will notice that the effects are much more powerful.

The only caveat is that you must perform the magick at some point during December
2021, as that is when we will be creating the energy stream.

As with all magick, the greatest benefits will occur if you make an active intention to
create more financial opportunities, aiming to create a stronger financial position. If,
however, you do nothing at all, you should still find moments of fortune that show
you how this magick is working.

The Financial Ritual, December 2021

The sigil you need appears on the next page. You can look at it whenever you want, as
it is only active when you perform the ritual.

When you perform this ritual, you are making a connection to Empowered Magick
that has been tuned to aspects of financial fortune. You do not need to have any specific
magickal or financial goals in mind. Only know that in performing this ritual, you will
be given access to our shared power.

Find a time to be alone and without disturbance for the duration of the ritual. If you
are disturbed, you are free to repeat the ritual at a later time. There is no harm in
performing it multiple times, but there is no benefit either, so only repeat if you are
unable to complete it for some reason.

Rest your gaze on the central white circle of the sigil. You do not need to stare, and it
is fine if you look at other parts of the sigil, but you do not need to study them. Bring
your focus back to the white circle.

Know that we are with you. Know that the white circle is more than a white circle. It
is light. It is energy. It is a connection that empowers you. Rest your gaze there for
about a minute, and then close your eyes for a few moments. The ritual is complete.

There is nothing else you need to do; there is no need to banish, perform a closing
ceremony, or do anything out of the ordinary.

With this done, perform financial magick if you wish, at any time during the next six
months. Also, notice how your financial fortune increases with extra moments of luck,
intuition, and opportunity. There will always be ups and downs, of course, as there
are for everybody, but overall, you should see things changing for the better.

- Damon Brand


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