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GHC Community Essays

Please write a brief essay in response to each of the following questions. We read your essays to
get to know you as a person and to learn about the ideas and interests that motivate you. We want
to hear your genuine voice throughout the essays; this is the time to think carefully about the
values, passions, and experiences that have shaped you as an individual and why you would be a
good fit in the Global Health Corps community.

1. Why do you want to be a GHC fellow? (200 words maximum)

Essay 1: *

0/200 minimum words: 5

2. Think of a time when you did not reach a project or assignment goal in a job, internship, or
volunteering role. What was the goal, why did you fail to achieve it, and what did you learn from
that experience? (300 words maximum)

Essay 2: *

0/300 minimum words: 5

3. Describe a time when you identified a social problem and took action to make a change. What
did you do and what did you learn? (250 words maximum)

Essay 3: *
0/250 minimum words: 5

4. Describe a time when you experienced, witnessed, or learned about an injustice related to a
factor like race, culture, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexual orientation. Please
give an example of how this has impacted your actions. (350 words maximum)

Essay 4: *

0/350 minimum words: 5


Recommendation Form
As part of your application, you are required to have one reference complete a GHC
Recommendation Form on your behalf. Please submit the name and email address of a
current or former supervisor who will act as your reference. If you have never had a
supervisor for any paid or volunteer work, you may choose a professor who can speak to your

To add a reference:

 Return to the main menu in the application portal

 Click Add or Edit Recommendation Requests
 Enter the contact information for your reference

You are responsible for making sure your reference submits the Recommendation Form by
11:59PM EST on January 15, 2018. This time is equivalent to 6:59AM CAT and 7:59AM
EAT on January 16, 2018.  Applications without a Recommendation Form will not be

Position Selection and Essays

You may apply for up to three positions but must apply for at least one. Descriptions of each
open position are available at
position/. Please review the position descriptions to ensure you meet the desired experience,
qualifications, and eligibility for the position(s) you select.

Make sure to select the correct position(s) based on the position codes noted on the
website. The order in which you list the positions below does not matter. You will be evaluated
for each position you select independently of your other position selections. Each essay will be
reviewed by both the GHC team and the placement organization. As such, each essay should be
tailored specifically to the position to which you are applying, like a cover letter; do NOT copy
and paste an identical essay for each position.

Why are you applying for this particular position, and what skills or experiences qualify
you for this position? (Maximum 200 words each) 

Fellowship Position Selection 1: *

Placement essay response (200 words): *

0/200 minimum words: 5

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