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February 2022
© 2022 Damon Brand

Thank you for all the endorsements and messages of support, success and
gratitude. We always love to hear these stories, and we are enjoying
working with you through this magick.

When we launched Empowered Angel Magick at the beginning of February,

it caused some joy, some excitement, and a fair amount of confusion. This
is probably because we gave it away a few days after the monthly
Empowerment PDF was released. But that all seems to have cleared up
now, and people are beginning to see that it’s one of the most important
works we have created.

I did receive quite a few skeptical messages from people asking how such
a simple form of magick could work. It’s a fair question, and I have tried
to imply the answer in what’s gone before, but perhaps it needs to be
stated more plainly. When you join us by paying for your membership,
you are asking us to handle the complexities of this deeper magick. For
us, this magick is far from simple and requires a great deal of dedication.
For you, the complexity is removed. If that makes it feel fake or too simple,
this form of magick is probably not for you. If you can sense the power
behind the simplicity, and if you appreciate having the complexity
removed, I know it can work well for you.

Overall, this has been an extremely positive few weeks, with some near-
miraculous stories. That’s not the case for everyone, of course, and
working with magick can take time, but we can feel how well it’s working,

and it’s a true joy to see how many people are enjoying this with us. I
think it’s fair to say that we’ve never seen so many positive stories. So,
although there was some initial confusion, none of that matters because
people who wanted the magick found it, used it, and sensed its power.
That was wonderful to behold.

Many people told us they loved the new Empowered Angel Magick sigils,
and some asked if they’d be made into a book. Originally, I expected
people to print out their own, and that is, in fact, what’s happened most
of the time. In the poll, a couple of hundred people asked for a hardback
or paperback, but most people are happy using the PDF or printing out
pages as required.

A few people asked if we could convert the PDF to epub, Mobi, and
various other formats. The problem with such conversions is that they are
not reliable. What works on one device won’t always work on another,
and it’s very difficult to maintain a consistent look and quality. Our
solution is to provide the best PDF we can and let you find a way to work
with it as best you can. Many people have printed it out, and some are
happy to use it on a desktop or tablet.

For now, we’ll leave it as a PDF only, and we’ll let the dust settle. In a few
weeks or so, we’ll probably make a hardback and paperback available for
those who want it in physical form. Using it on-screen or with your own
printouts is completely fine.

In the days after we released the new magick, I received hundreds of

private messages with many concerned questions. About ninety-five
percent of the time, those questions were already answered in the book,
so I spent a lot of time guiding people back to the book. Which I don’t like
doing because it sounds impatient and patronising, which is not my style.
But I also remembered that when people receive a lot of magickal
knowledge at once, it can be overwhelming. I am fairly sure that’s what

This got me thinking about the way we communicate and the nature of
questions. Some years ago, we found that the more open we were to
answering questions, the less that people chose to read and explore.
Instead of speculating, pondering, and wondering about magick, they
asked us for answers, which was flattering but counter-productive.
People would ask for answers without even trying to work it out first.

That stopped people from using their intuition and their inner sense of
magickal knowledge.

I love being in touch with you all, and it’s such a pleasure to hear from
you directly, but this month I began to sense that many people are asking
questions without reading, and some are performing the rituals without
having understood what they are for.

My plan was to stop answering questions altogether to ensure members

work on magick directly before seeking help or advice. I’ve modified that
slightly. I want to chat with you directly when I can, but it will only be
occasional, and the way questions are handled is going to change.

You may think that direct help from me, or one of the other Gallery
authors, would be exactly what you need, but it isn’t always the case. One
member of this Patreon wrote to me and very wisely said something along
the lines of, ‘Asking questions without trying to find the answer in your
writings or by experimentation is disempowering.’ I agree. And what
impressed me even more is that she went on to say that she was willing
to make mistakes (rather than hungering for immediate results) and was
loving the whole process. That is how you progress with magick.

I will continue to answer questions in these mid-monthly posts. I’m

happy to answer questions that help us all explore and see where
Empowered Magick can take us. If your question isn’t answered, it’s not
because I don’t care or can’t be bothered answering you. It’s either
because the answer is already right in front of you or because I believe
that finding the answer will be a worthwhile exploration for you.

For further reading, I always guide people to,

where the FAQs and Blog Posts provide all the answers you could need,
and the act of discovering them may help you find out more than you
ever suspected you needed to know.

I hope you continue to see Empowered Magick as the core of your

membership. If you perform magick well, and if you’re patient, you
should get good results. There are so many comments on here attesting to
this, so I feel very confident about how this is developing.

We won’t be offering free books and bonuses every month, and that
should be just fine because it lets you focus on the magick you want to

perform and the changes you want to make. We’re here primarily to share
a direct connection to Empowered Magick.

You'll hear from me again in early March. Please note that the
Empowerment PDF will be made available at some point within the first
two days of each month. You have until the fifth day of the month to
perform the next Empowerment, so there is no rush. In the meantime,
your magick remains fully empowered.

The questions and answers for this month start on the next page.

Kind Regards,
Damon Brand

Questions and Answers – February 2022

To ask a question, send a private message through Patreon or write to I will respond to relevant questions around the
middle of each month, in a PDF like this one, on Patreon.

Q: How can I improve my visualization skills to make this magick work


A: You really don’t need to. I’m not the first to say this, but the moment
you want something, that’s an act of imagination. It doesn’t need to be
visual. Although there are forms of magick that require potent visual
skills, that’s not the case here. And in rituals that do require some
imagination, no great effort is required, and often the act of trying to
imagine is enough.

Q: What’s this month’s bonus?

There isn’t one. The bonuses will come from time to time, according to the
magick we’re working with. We hope that when they come, you’ll love

Q: When’s the next Empowered Magick book coming out? Will it cover
Demons and Genius Spirits?

A: There will be more books, but we aren’t going to talk about what we’re
covering until it’s released, and it may be some time before anything new
is released. Until then, please use Empowered Magick to strengthen and
direct your own rituals, and if you want, explore all the possibilities of
Empowered Angel Magick. It would take many months to even begin
exploring the potential that’s already on offer.

Q: Instead of Empowered Magick, can you create more books with lists
of hundreds of powers, and more Protection Magick?

A: If you want more powers, I think that rather than searching for a new
list of them in one more book, it’s worth using what you already have and

seeing how Empowered Magick can help. And if you need more
protection, the same applies. There are enough protection rituals across
the various books that we don’t feel the need to share more. Combine
those with Empowered Magick, and you should have what you need.

Q: Can I use this magick to help others?

If you want to help others, you can use Empowered Magick to strengthen
any other magick, so choose a ritual that helps others, and perform that
while you are a member of this Patreon. If you are looking for more details
on using Empowered Angel Magick for others, please see this link:

There is some general advice there, but the section on the 72 Angels will
be most useful if you are using Empowered Angel Magick.

Q: While doing the ritual, I saw an afterimage and sensed an energy.

What is this?

A: It can be many things. Sometimes, as you adjust to a different ‘level’ of

being, you experience shifts and sensations. There are many stories of
people seeing light in the sigils, feeling pulling sensations, motion,
emotion, and energy. Others feel nothing. Whatever happens is ok. Don’t
let these sensations or the lack of them concern you.

Q: I’m feeling a little overwhelmed by all this magick. What should I


A: Don’t do as much magick, and don’t feel you have to study or discuss
magick every day. I don’t. There’s no need. I think focussing on your
experience beyond magick and what you want from your actual life is so,
so important. If you’re nothing but an occultist, it’s like staring at yourself
in a mirror forever. Magick is here to help us live, not to make us become
obsessed with occultism. Although magick can be the greatest spiritual
exploration, it is also a tool for making change, and therefore it should be
something you use rather than being something that rules your life. I
don’t walk around with a hammer every day. I don’t talk about my

hammer. I get my hammer out when it’s actually needed to hammer some
nails. It’s the same with magick.

Q: I had bad dreams. Was it caused by the magick?

A: Not directly, but when you make any change in your life, bad dreams
can result. You’re more likely to get nightmares from moving house or
even buying a new kettle than you are from working with this magick.
But if you have dreams about magick itself, and they feel like nightmares,
that might mean you’re thinking about magick too much in the day. As
mentioned above, take a break if you need to. But the magick is inherently
safe, so if you are ever concerned, remember that protection is layered
throughout this process.

Q: A lot of bad things have been happening in the world and in the
occult world. Some people said you’ve accidentally opened a portal
that’s letting in negative energy. Is this true?

A: Well, I’m obviously going to say no, but there are two things to
consider. First, we’ve been working with Empowered Magick for some
time now, in private, then with larger groups, and everything we have
learned shows us that it’s safe. And as for problems in the world, they are
always there. I remember in the eighties feeling like we were on the verge
of nuclear war every day, and that was only one of the fears we were
consumed with. There’s always been war, famine, and disaster, as well as
the fear of imminent tragedy, attack, or conflict. I am not for one second
belittling the real events that are happening right now, which are bringing
misery to so many, but events like these are always happening, and they
have been since the dawn of humanity. None of that could be caused by
The Gallery of Magick working to create beneficial magick for a relatively
small group of people. Influencing world events, as I’ve often said, is
usually beyond the power of occultists unless they have connections to
people who are in power. I would repeat that here and add that if we were
close to people in power, we would do all we could to bring peace. I’ve
been told there are online forums where people say we’ve made a grave
error and that occultists all over the world are suffering as a result of our
actions. This simply doesn’t fit with our extensive experience, or what
we’re seeing and hearing, and what’s conveyed to us through evocation.
Opening world-changing portals by accident is far more Hollywood than

reality. When you look at occultism online, there are always rumours of
psychic battles, organised attacks, and all sorts of imaginary nonsense. So,
I know none of this is true, and I can only hope you don’t buy into these
merry little fictions.

Q: How can we layer rituals to improve their power?

A: These posts on the website should help:

Q: You once posted something about Advanced Angel Magick. Can that
work with the new Empowered Angel Magick?

A: You can read about this here:

That method is clearly quite similar to what you get with Empowered Angel
Magick. So, you could adapt the method using the new sigils, as an
experiment. It is not, however, required. You could say that Empowered
Angel Magick is an expansion of the method described in that post, so you
already have everything you need.

Q: Do we need a daily magick routine?

A: Some people get a lot out of that, and I have at times, but it’s not
required. I get more out of seeing the mystical that reveals itself through
ordinary existence, recognising synchronicity, feeling the strength that
underlies all that I do, and turning to magick rituals and techniques only
when required. If you prefer a daily practice, there are many in the books,
from The Sword Banishing in Magickal Protection (which is loved by
many) through to a longer series of rituals such as those found in Magickal

Q: You once posted about finding 31 new angelic powers by working
with two angels at once. Does that work with Empowered Angel Magick?

A: You can read about that here:

You can use the combinations found in that post. The method is much
simpler when using Empowered Angel Magick. You simply perform two
rituals (one for each Angel). You use the method from Empowered Angel
Magick and seek the same result with each ritual. The two rituals should
be performed on the same day.

Q: You once published a sigil on Valentine’s Day. Why don’t you

release it again?

A: This has nothing to do with Empowered Magick, but I’ll answer it as

it’s the 14th of February today, and this question gets asked every year,
which makes me smile because this sigil has a sort of mythology where
people think it was so powerful we had to hide it away. It’s really not like
that. In short, we feel that many other books, and various rituals,
superseded that sigil. It was ok, but we just think there are better methods
out there now.

Damon Brand, 14th February 2022

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