Maths Stat Practice Final II

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Maths & Stat Practice Final II
DATE  : 
21 Questions

1. What is an outlier?

An exceptional value (either at the high

A B A value we remove from analysis
or low end)

Someone who prefers to leave their feet

C S2   D
outside a tent when camping

2. Assume we take a current data set and modify exactly one value. Which Measure of
Central Tendency must ALWAYS be affected in this case?

A Mean B Mode

C Median D Every other listed answer

3. A positively-skewed distribution has a median of 50. Select the true statement from

A   μ = 50   B   μ < 50  

C   μ > 50   D Every other answer listed

4. A negatively-skewed distribution has a median of 31. Select the true statement from

A   μ = 31   B Every other answer listed

C   μ < 31   D   μ > 31  

5. If a value is declared to be exceptional, it must be several standard deviations greater than

the mean

A False B True

6. Where will a dataset with the following characteristics skew towards: Q1 = 32, Q3=35,
μ = 20   ?

A The close-ended tail B The upper tail

C The lower tail D An open-ended tail

7. μ   is robust to outliers

A True B False

8. The median is robust to outliers

A True B False

9. The mode is robust to outliers

A True B False

10. A standard normal curve is symmetric about the origin and covers a total area exactly
equal to 1

A False B True

11. The upper and lower boundaries for confidence intervals are also known as:

A Confidence limits B Error-debiased limits

C Marginal limits D Estimate limits

12. One of the statements below is false. Select that statement

The mean is weak to outliers because it It is possible to have multi-modal or non-

includes all values modal data

Assuming a population exclusively of

C D The median is robust to outliers
integers, the median is also an integer

13. Select an equation which correctly reflects the relationship between the significance level,
α ,  and confidence level, p

A α=1−p   B α=  

C α= 1−p   D α=p  
14. We increase our odds of making Type I errors when we

A Use chaos mathematics B Avoid Type II errors

C Set high values for p D Set low values for p

15. We increase our odds of making Type II errors when we:

A Switch to a non-decimal basis B Set low values for α 

C Avoid Type I errors D Set high values for α 

16. To you, primary data is data you collect

A Randomly B Normally

C Yourself D Indirectly, that someone else gathered

17. Scatter plots need not

Show either positive, negative or null

A Pass through the origin B

Be composed of scattered unconnected

C Have ruled lines of best fit D
pips, dots, or other markings

18. Histograms are used

A As a stylistic choice B For continuous data

C For categorical data exclusively D For historical data

19. We could get a steeper or lower peak for a normal curve by varying the value of

A α   B ψ  

C μ   D σ  

20. Kurtosis is a measure of whether a plot has

A Too many eigenvalues B A non-normal mean

C Aesthetic appeal D Fat or skinny tails

21. A has minimal kurtosis
B has normal kurtosis
C has heavy kurtosis. In order ABC, they are:

A Leptokurtic, platykurtic and mesokurtic B Platykurtic, mesokurtic and leptokurtic

C Leptokurtic, mesokurtic and platykurtic D Mesokurtic, platykurtic, and leptokurtic

1.a 2.a 3.c 4.c

5.a 6.c 7.b 8.a

9.a 10.b 11.a 12.c

13.a 14.d 15.b 16.c

17.a 18.b 19.d 20.d


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