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Cutting Glass 2: A Bit Nippy

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Shantae (Video Games)
Relationship: Risky Boots/Shantae
Character: Shantae (Shantae), Risky Boots
Additional Tags: Nipple Play, Hyper nipples, Nipple Expansion, Masturbation, Lesbian
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Cutting Glass
Stats: Published: 2023-05-31 Words: 2,836 Chapters: 1/1

Cutting Glass 2: A Bit Nippy

by ClutchWizard


Having been found by her enemy, Risky Boots, Shantae wakes up imprisoned on Risky's
island lair. To make matters worse, her nipples are still as ridiculously large as before.
Risky has some plans for her prisoner, plans Shantae might find herself enjoying more than
she wanted.

Shantae’s eyes began to slowly open, her mind groggy from a recent “nap”. The last thing she had
remembered was the wicked pirate Risky Boots digging her out of the snow and giving her a good
knock on the head, sending her straight to unconsciousness. She wondered where she was now, and
why she was upright instead of laying down. A warm, salty odor filled her nostrils, and she could
hear the ocean in the distance. Shantae blinked away her weariness in an attempt to get a good look
at her surroundings, but she still couldn’t see much. Most of her vision was taken up by some
weird, fleshy… thing…

Then she remembered what had exactly happened to her earlier, how the cold of the mountains
provoked some response in her body that made her nipples grow and grow. The shock of the
realization caused her to try and move away in response, but something tugged on her wrists,
refusing to let her go. Looking up, the color drained from her face as she saw her wrists shackled to
a stony wall.

“Great,” she thought. “I’ve been captured by that no good pirate AND my nipples are still
freakishly huge.”

Since she clearly wasn’t going anywhere in the near future, Shantae decided to take a good look at
herself and get an idea of her current situation. Most of her body was as it had always been. Her
clothing revealed much of her deeply tanned skin, which complimented her long, purple locks. She
was fairly curvy, with wide hips, an ample rear, and breasts that were a bit more than a handful.
But attached to those breasts were now the largest, lewdest nipples she had ever set eyes upon (not
that she had seen many). They had swollen much larger ‘round than the boobs they were attached
too, each about as wide as her body, pushing against each other as they fought for space. And
while their thickness was already ridiculous, they were even more unbelievably long. They
extended many yards away from her, and if they were still stiff from the previous cold, they would
have resembled two tall, fleshy trees.

Thankfully, she was in a warm environment, and they had softened considerably since her last time
awake (though they had not shrunk one bit, to Shantae’s disappointment). They currently laid
limply in front of her, drooping onto the ground like two hoses attached to her chest. Looking
around them, the half-genie could see she was under some sort of outdoor shelter. To her back was
a stone wall. A wooden roof sheltered her body, though most of her nipples’ length was left out in
the elements. Supporting the roof corners on the front side were wooden posts, leaving the spaces
to her side and front open-air. She appeared to be held in a clearing within a tropical forest, the
ocean visible far in the distance. Just where in the world could she be?

As if the universe heard her internal question, Shantae heard wicked, feminine laughter and the
crunch of footsteps from out of view. There was no doubt who that was, as the hero had heard that
voice many times on her adventure. It must have been Risky Boots, having clearly taken the
guardian prisoner.

“Well well well! Look who is finally up! Do you know how much of a pain it was to get you here,
brat? My tinkerbats could barely carry those ridiculous teats of yours!” Risky’s voice dripped with
sadistic joy. As she walked into view, Shantae saw the widest malicious grin decorating her face.
Risky was very much enjoying herself and Shantae’s predicament.

“Oh, I feel so bad for them, not!” sharply replied the half-genie girl, shooting the lavender-toned
pirate a vicious glare. “What, you couldn’t carry me yourself? Were you just too lazy, or were you
afraid you’d break a nail?”

Risky just smiled in response, unfazed by Shantae’s rebuttal. She placed one hand confidently on
her wide hips. While Shantae was curvy, Risky was curvy with a capital C. Her tits were an M-cup
at the least, and her trim waist contrasted with hips wider than her shoulders. Risky was also a
woman with plenty of junk in her trunk. Like Shantae, she had long, purple hair, though she usually
hid it within the confines of her large bicorn hat. However, despite her beautiful looks, her evil red
eyes belied her inner wickedness.

“You’ve got quite a bit of spirit, kid, but, as you can see, I’m the one in control here.” Risky
sauntered up next to the helpless Shantae and cradled her chin in one hand. “I’m going to so enjoy
tormenting you~,” she whispered, almost sensually. Shantae was unable to hide her concern at that
statement. What could the pirate be planning?

Shantae steeled her nerves. What she needed now was courage. “What are you going to do?” she
defiantly asked. “And where exactly are we?”

“Why, we’re on my personal island, of course! Every good pirate has a lair!” replied Risky,
releasing Shantae’s head and stepping back. “As for what I’m going to do, how about I

She extended her index finger from her right hand, balling up the rest, and gently placed it down on
one of Shantae’s engorged nipples, prompting an “eep!” from the girl. Then she slowly, but firmly,
slid it down the nipple’s length, smiling at Shantae the entire time. A moan escaped Shantae’s lips,
her nipples still just as sensitive as before, as her knees trembled under her. Then her face flushed
red with embarrassment (and arousal) as she realized what she just did.

“Wow, it really doesn’t take much to get you going, huh?” said Risky. “I figured they would be
sensitive, but I think I could make you cum just from doing this !” She suddenly grasped as much
nipple as she could, squeezing as hard as she could manage.

“ OOHHHHHHHHH !” helplessly moaned Shantae, as an orgasm wracked her body, her eyes
rolling back. Risky was right, and she hated that. Her nipples quickly hardened from the attention,
rising up in front of her with a slight upward curve.

“Why?” she gasped, once she came down from climax. “Why did you do that?” Her mouth hung
open as she breathed heavily, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Isn’t it obvious?” asked the villain, grinning deviously. “You got in my way of getting those
elemental stones, and now I’m going to make you pay by thoroughly humiliating you. By the time
I’m done, you’re going to be a freakish, quivering mess, more nipple than woman!” She squeezed
another handful of nipple flesh, Shantae’s moans mixing in the air with her laughs.

Shantae wasn’t quite sure what Risky meant by the last bit. She thought she already was more
nipple than woman. Risky beckoned somewhere out of view, and from that direction approached
one of Risky’s minions, a tinkerbat. Like the rest, it was a small humanoid, with entirely black skin
only broken by two large, yellow eyes. This one was carrying a large, fancy-looking chest, frosty
mist spilling from its cracks. It set the mysterious container on the ground by Risky and scuttled

Donning a set of thick gloves, Risky crouched down and began to open the chest. “Luckily for me,
since you were indisposed by your current, * ahem* , situation, I was able to nab this !” She
reached into the fog filling the chest and pulled out a large, blue tablet. While Shantae had not
previously seen it, she was confident that it was the Twinkle Stone, the stone of ice she had been
looking to obtain before her troubles on the mountain. Her eyes widened in abject fear as she
realized why Risky had brought it there.

“No, please no!” she cried out. “They’re already too much!”

“Awww, is the genie scared?” Risky cooed mockingly. “What happened to that bold defiance?”
She held up the stone, stroking it like a pet. “I don’t know what you’re so afraid of. It’s not like
you could return to a normal life, anyway. You’re already a bit too far gone!” She knelt under one
of the giant nipples, rising up between them. Shantae could feel the chilly air emanating from the
artifact. “We might as well see JUST HOW FAR YOU CAN GO!” With her sudden exclamation,
Risky shoved the stone right in the space Shantae’s nipples met, the pressure between them
keeping them in place.

Shantae cried out, half in pleasure, half in pain, as her nipples visibly grew longer. The stone was
colder than anything she had ever felt. Snow was nothing compared to it. The icy winds of the
mountain might as well have been a warm summer breeze. It was like having a giant ice cube stuck
between her nips, except ten times icier. She writhed in her shackles as her nipples stretched out
further and further, orgasm assaulting her. They were already nearing the treetops. It was almost
too much for her to take. Aside from the painful chill of the stone, she had never felt as much
pleasure as the sensation of her nipples growing so quickly and intensely. She desperately wanted
to grope them, stroke them, squeeze them. Had she’d been freed right then and there, escape would
be the furthest thing from her mind.

As if reading the young woman’s mind, Risky removed her gloves and began stroking a nipple
with one hand, intensifying Shantae’s moans. She grinned devilishly. Shantae looked forward at
her, unsure whether to plead with her to stop or to beg her to keep going. Then, through her hazy
vision, she saw something odd. She swore she could see Risky’s other hand reaching down under
her pants, jerking up and down. Was she masturbating?! Was she getting off to this?!

The half-genie’s eyes weren’t lying. Risky was enjoying herself more than she had expected. She
vigorously rubbed her clit and shoved her fingers in her wet pussy. Something about Shantae’s
monstrous, lewd nipples reached something inside her, and the sight of them expanding even
longer only intensified that feeling. She panted with exertion as she stroked herself and Shantae
simultaneously. It was just so hot . Her moans joined Shantae’s as she came, her grip on the nipple
tightening as her muscles responded to her climax.

Risky dropped down in a sitting position, catching her breath. She looked up at the ends of her
prisoner’s teats and stared in awe. They had grown to reach twice as high as the trees, which was
very impressive given they weren’t straight up like the trees they had eclipsed. They showed no
signs of slowing down, either.

The captain reflexively touched her own right nipple as she looked on, only to be met with a
surprise. It felt larger than usual, poking through the fabric of her top. Looking down, she saw that
her nipples, indeed, were a bit larger than usual. And they were slowly getting larger. Her heart
skipped a beat. There’s no way Shantae’s condition could have spread to her, right? And even then,
no part of her felt cold in the slightest. In fact, her body was hot and sweaty from a combination of
exertion and her own horniness. Was her trigger different?

Risky began to worry. As she thumbed her nipples through her top, she could feel them gaining
sensitivity with size. She couldn’t end up with nipples like that genie brat’s. She had ambitions!
She was going to rule Sequin Land! She couldn’t do that with nipples larger than the mast of her
own ship! And yet, that very prospect excited a part of her. Seeing her own teats slowly expand
had a very deep appeal to her. Her pussy tingled as she thought about herself attached to nipples
large enough to be seen from miles away. As her excitement swelled, so too did her nipples seem to
increase their rate of growth. The purple fabric of her top began to tear as the stiff points stretched
it to the limit.

“Wait, that’s it!” she thought to herself. “They’re growing because I’m horny as hell!”

Despite herself, she couldn’t help but become even more aroused at the realization. Her nipples
grew even faster, matching the size of her thumbs, and confirming her suspicion. Risky was locked
in a conflict. She could leave, cool down, and continue being a fearsome pirate, now with no
annoying town guardian to get in her way. Or she could indulge her immediate desires and have
some fun, while risking becoming just like Shantae, or even worse.

Shantae’s moans and pleading brought Risky out of her inner debate. “Please… please…” she
mumbled, barely able to get words out between cries of ecstasy. Her teats had only continued
growing as Risky pondered her own condition. They had become so sensitive even the slightest
breeze set her off.

“What? Please stop? Why would I do that?” grinned Risky. Whatever she was going to do with
herself, she had no plans on showing her enemy any mercy.

“Please… rub them more…” uttered Shantae, not even registering Risky’s mocking reply.

Utter shock lay clear on Risky’s face. The brat wanted more? Did she already give up and decide
to just go with it? Whatever the case, it was all Risky needed to hear to make her decision. A small
* shrip * sounded as her nipples finally tore through her top.
“Well, if you insist ,” said the pirate, hardly hiding her own eagerness. She quickly removed her
clothes and clambered onto one of Shantae’s enormous nipples, straddling it like a saddle. She felt
the nipple slowly swelling between her legs, pushing them apart as it gradually grew thicker.
Shantae’s pleading devolved into an indecipherable mess of moans as Risky touched her. Risky
was getting really, really turned on, and her own purple nips made it very clear, growing long and
thick enough to resemble a cow’s teats.

Then, laying stomach-down on the gargantuan rod, Risky began to grind her hips against it. The
fleshy surface grew slick with her fluids as she moved up and down. Splaying out to her sides, her
nipples continued to grow longer and thicker. She closed her eyes, gripping hard on Shantae (who
only moaned louder in response), focusing her full attention on pressing her pussy into the genie’s
sensitive nip.

She continued for many minutes, cumming several times. As for Shantae, she hadn’t stopped
cumming for a while, with a full puddle of her fluids welling up at her feet. Risky finally ceased
her grinding, too tired to continue. She pushed herself up, looking at the progress of her own chest.
Her nipples were practically as long and thick as her arms, stiff and hard from her arousal. It was so
hot, she couldn’t help but smile.

With Shantae continuing to moan and welp behind her, Risky looked up to see the genie’s
progress. The sight was indescribable. Two dark pink towers rose above her, almost touching the
clouds in the sky. She seriously wondered if there was a limit to their growth. She could still feel
them steadily inching outward under her legs.

Risky realized that, as large as they were, Shantae wouldn’t be able to escape even without the
shackles. Climbing down from her perch, the pirate dug through her discarded pants, taking out a
key. Climbing back over the swelling nipple, she walked up Shantae and unlocked her shackles.
Shantae, unable to keep herself stable with the constant climaxes, nor able to hold up the weight of
her massive teats, collapsed to the ground.

There was only one thing on Shantae’s mind. There was only one thing that could be on her mind.
She immediately went to work on her nipples and pussy, trying to squeeze out every ounce of
pleasure from them. Her hips constantly bucked from her orgasms. She was so tired, so exhausted,
but she couldn’t stop.

“Why don’t I help you with that?” said Risky. “And you can help me.” She pulled down Shantae’s
pants and plunged a few fingers in her soaked snatch. While working on that, she presented her
engorged nipples to the genie. Instinct took over the girl and she immediately grabbed onto the
purple shafts, pulling and squeezing them.

“Ohhhh, mmmm, attagirl,” Risky mumbled. The two pleasured each other vigorously, their nipples
still growing and growing, with Risky’s picking up the pace as she sunk further into her depravity.
Their cum mixed together below them, sweat dripping from their skin as they embraced in a deep
kiss. They moaned together, completely lost in their own climaxes.

Minutes became hours. Both grew so large, their nipples became the biggest feature on the island,
four enormous shafts of flesh stretching to the sky. Even when they finally passed out from
exhaustion, their growth refused to abate. Fortunately for the two of them, Risky had an army of
tinkerbats to bring them food, so they could keep going for a very long time.

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