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Part A

Nursing Theory

The nursing theory that has influenced my values and goals is Jean Watson's Theory of Human
Caring. The theory focuses on health promotion, restoring health, treatment of various illnesses,
and caring for the sick. According to (CITATION), Watson's theory systematically evaluates
professional nursing practices and how healthcare experts behave. Additionally, Watson states
that a caring environment will promote healing compared to medications alone. Thus, clinicians
should endeavor to create and maintain an environment that focuses on care. The theory has
influenced my values and goals of becoming a certified nurse because I believe caring is
foundational to the human experience. The nursing career provides an ideal opportunity to care
for patients in different healthcare settings. I have always wanted to participate in the healing
journeys of my patients. The application of Watson's theory grants me this wish allowing me to
make healthy changes in the patient's lives. Although technological advancements and modern
medicine help in curing diseases, this theory advocates for the incorporation of care to achieve
true healing. This strategy aligns with my goals of being actively involved in the care routine of
various patients. Thus, Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring has had a significant impact on
my goals and values.

Excellent Nursing Practices

Nurses apply Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring in various ways to implement excellent
nursing practices. Watson developed the concept of 10 Caritas processes to assist nurses in their
practice. The principles of Watson's healing process include embracing, inspiring, trusting,
nurturing, forgiving, deepening, balancing, and ministering. The former encourages nurses to
practice love and approach others with kindness. Healthcare professionals use the inspirational
principle to motivate others by giving them hope and faith. Additionally, nurses apply the theory
by being sensitive to other people and nurturing their belief systems through personal growth.
Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring also advocates for loving relationships, and nurses apply
this knowledge to foster useful associations in healthcare. These processes allow nurses to serve
as caregivers, which helps patients in the healing process. Thus, Watson's theory helps nurses
enhance their practice.

Professional Practice Nursing Theory

Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring applies to my professional practice of becoming a nurse.
The theory provides a model for comprehensive care, which is useful in my profession. Hence,
nurses should embrace both care and medical approach to achieve the best patient outcomes. I
understand that hard skills are indispensable in my nursing practice. I also know the value of
modern medicine in improving healthcare. The theory will allow me to go beyond the intent of
curing patients. Instead, I will aim to heal and provide the patient with true care. Additionally,
the core tenets of Watson's theory advocate for nurses to be present and practice empathy. This
principle will help me communicate with patients to understand the efficacy of various care
routines. Overall, the application of this theory in my profession will deepen my care capacity,
which will improve patient outcomes through care.

Part D

Agencies Functional Differences

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) play a crucial role in the United States healthcare system. The former is a government
agency that was established in 1906 (CITATION). The FDA is responsible for regulating the
development of new drugs. It works to protect the public by assuring drugs are safe, effective,
and secure. Additionally, the FDA speeds up innovations that make medications safe and
effective. The agency also provides correct, science-based information about various drugs to the
general public, which allows them to make informed decisions. The Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services is also a federal agency that manages insurance coverage for Americans. It
oversees various programs, including Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid,
and Medicare. Additionally, the agency creates health and safety guidelines that healthcare
facilities should follow in the US. Thus, the two agencies provide useful healthcare resources to

Influence on Professional Practice

The FDA and CMS operations influence my professional nursing practice operations. The Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the medications that healthcare professionals should
administer. Hence, all the drugs that I administer should be FDA-approved to align with federal
laws. Besides, the information provided by the FDA is useful when deciding on the right
prescription and drug dosages. It also helps in understanding the side effects and contradictions
of various drugs. Thus, I can feel confident in my practice knowing that I am prescribing safe
and approved drugs. CMS influences my professional practice by providing useful data on health
insurance programs. The agency offers information about the patient's health plans to eliminate
fraud or abuse instances in the US healthcare system. Besides, it encourages me to adhere to the
quality care standards set by CMS. Thus, the two regulatory agencies influence my practice.

Nurses' Role as a Patient Advocate

Patient advocacy is a key part of the nursing practice. The practice allows nurses to interact and
share useful information with patients, which improves care standards. Hence, if a patient request
to use an alternative therapy, I will take up my role as an advocate to educate them on the
appropriate care plans. I understand that all patients have the right to autonomy. Patients have the
right to know the facts about specific treatments and play a role in accepting or refusing a
particular intervention. Hence, I will embrace an advocacy role to promote patient safety. I will
advise the patients on the benefits and risks of the alternative therapy compared to the prescribed
course of treatment. I will also share information about FDA approvals regarding the two
treatment plans. Hence, nursing advocacy will provide the patient with useful information to
make an informed decision regarding the appropriate treatment option.

Part E
Purpose of the Nurse Practice Act in Indiana

The Nurse Practice Act in Indiana sets the laws that regulate the nursing industry within the
state. The Act directs all nurses to conduct their practice within the parameter of the set laws.
These guidelines must be upheld by licensed nurses and other medical practitioners in Indiana.
Additionally, the Nurse Practice Act in Indiana highlights the compliance requirements for
professional nurses. For instance, nurses are advised to assess patients in a systematic and
organized way. The rules also encourage nurses to initiate actions that improve patient outcomes.
Furthermore, they motivate clinicians to seek educational resources to improve their current
knowledge about effective health interventions. These standards help to prevent harm to patients
and maintain quality care. The Nurse Practice Act in Indiana impacts my practice by determining
the professional standards that I should maintain to continue serving as a nurse. I must maintain
competency in my practice by avoiding illegal activities or drug addiction, which could
jeopardize my goal of becoming a certified nurse. The penalties for violation of the Nurse
Practice Act include permanent revocation of license, suspension, and placement on probation.
Hence, I must adhere to the guidelines to avoid repercussions that could affect my nursing

Scope of Practice

The scope of practice for RN in Indiana acts as a guidepost for best practices and professional
nursing activities. Nurses are required to follow specific procedures, processes, and actions in
their professional practice in Indiana. For instance, RNs are allowed to open their own practices
and treat patients. However, the law requires these clinicians to have a collaborative agreement
with certified doctors to prescribe the drugs. Registered Nurses are also required to perform
various functions, such as assessing health conditions, deriving nursing diagnoses, and
delegating tasks that help in implementing the nursing regimen. Professional nursing also
involves the maintenance of health, the development of the nursing care plan, and the evaluation
of nursing practices. RNs in Indiana accept accountability for practicing within the state's legal
scope. Hence, Indiana state has laws that set parameters for nursing practices.

Rules for Effective Delegation

Indiana State has defined laws that provide provisions for effective delegation. (CITATION)
delegation involves assigning tasks related to patient care to unlicensed individuals while
retaining accountability for the results. The RN is allowed to assign tasks by considering the
stability of the patient and the complexity of the task. Besides, they are allowed to delegate tasks
based on the qualifications of the personnel. However, registered nurses in Indiana cannot
delegate tasks associated with making nursing judgments. These decisions should be made by a
qualified and certified professional within the field. Improper delegation can influence patient
care negatively, which could expose the RN to legal action. Hence, the RN should make these
nursing judgments since they are qualified and have the necessary knowledge to make the
appropriate decisions.

Part H

Leadership Qualities
The leadership qualities that represent excellence in nursing are critical thinking, effective
communication, integrity, and collaboration. Nursing involves making vital decisions based on
various factors. Critical thinking skills are useful when nurses face complex situations. Effective
communication allows leaders to articulate their expectations and seek clarification from other
staff members. The lives of patients depend on decisions made by clinicians, which makes
communication essential within a healthcare facility. Integrity reflects in the professional
practice of nursing leaders. This leadership trait allows clinicians to make honest decisions that
align with their ethical framework. Integrity promotes healthy relationships between clinicians
and patients, which improves care outcomes. Collaboration and team-building skills are also vital
for leaders. These traits allow nurses to work together with other healthcare professionals, which
improves patient outcomes. Besides, it prevents conflicts within the healthcare facility. Overall,
these four qualities contribute to better outcomes in nursing.

Demonstration of Nursing Leadership Qualities

Leadership qualities are vital to nurses' role as a leader at the bedside and within an
interdisciplinary team. Critical thinking skills are crucial to bedside nurses as they make
decisions that could impact patient care. For instance, they should implement strategies to
prevent falls from hospital beds. Effective communication helps bedside nurses to talk to
patients, which helps them understand how they can improve care services. Integrity allows
bedside nurses to respect patients and uphold ethical standards in care delivery. Collaboration
enables nurses to work with other healthcare professionals to enhance safety within hospital
wards. Leadership qualities are also crucial to nurses' role in multidisciplinary teams. Critical
thinking allows leaders to develop innovative solutions that enhance the team's performance.
Communication skills are essential for nurses to create meaningful engagements in
multidisciplinary teams and share ideas on the best ways to improve care. Integrity allows nurses
to execute their professional responsibilities within interdisciplinary teams. Collaboration is vital
in these teams by allowing nurses to work together for the benefit of the patients. These qualities
help to reduce conflicts while also improving the performance of interdisciplinary teams.

Work Environment

The work environment impacts nurse leadership, decision-making, and professional development
in various ways. A healthy work environment supports nurse leadership, which helps the
professionals to implement their preferred care practices and ideals. For instance, a healthy
environment fosters communication and collaboration among care professionals, which improves
patient outcomes. Conversely, a toxic work environment creates stress for leaders in any nursing
unit. This environment makes it challenging for leaders to implement their preferred policies.
The work environment also affects decision-making within healthcare facilities. A healthy work
environment simplifies the decision-making process within a hospital and makes subordinates
responsive to these decisions. Thus, leaders can easily make decisions that will improve
performance and care quality. On the contrary, a toxic environment affects decision-making.
This setting creates a repellant culture, making it difficult to make or implement any decision.
The work environment also affects professional development among healthcare workers.
Professionals in a healthy environment are likely to be motivated to offer the best care services.
Besides, this environment encourages healthcare workers to advance their knowledge of care
interventions through learning and training, leading to professional growth. However, toxic
environments affect the clinician's morale. Thus, they lack the drive and motivation to improve
patient care practices. Thus, the work environment influences the performance of healthcare

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