Settimana 5

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In this lesson we have learnt vocabulary relating to our house.

We've practiced describing our

house; we've seen what each room is called, some furniture and a number of common household
appliances. We've also practised using adjectives.

¿Cómo es tu apartamento? (What's your apartment like?)

 La casa (house)
 El piso (flat)
 La puerta (door)
 La ventana ( window)
 El cuarto de baño (bathroom)
 El salón (living room)
 La sala de estar (living room)
 La cocina (kitchen)
 El comedor (dining room)
 El despacho (office)
 El dormitorio (bedroom)
 La habitación (room)
 El balcón (balcony)
 El pasillo (corridor)
 El suelo (floor)

Remember that to ask where a room is we use the verb estar.

 ¿Dónde está la cocina? (Where is the kitchen?)

We have also practised vocabulary describing everyday activities:

 Cocinar (cook)
 Ducharse (have a shower)
 Almorzar (have lunch)
 Cenar (dine)
 Dormir (sleep)
 Descansar en el sofá  (rest on the couch)
 Trabajar (work)
 Ver la tele (watch TV)

And some objects that we can find at home:

 El reloj (watch)
 La estantería (shelf)
 Las flores (flowers)
 El sillón (armchair)
 El sofá (couch)
 La lámpara (lamp)
 El cuadro (painting)
 La televisión (TV set)
 El florero (flower vase)
 La cama (bed)
 La mesa (table)
 La silla (chair)
 El perchero (rack)
 La lavadora (washing-machine)
 El microondas (microwave oven)
 La nevera (fridge)
 El horno (oven)
 El fogón (stove)
 Las cortinas (curtains)
 La alfombra (carpet)
 El libro (book)
 La planta (plant)

We have also learnt that when we want to indicate location we use the following words:

 Encima de... (above)

 Debajo de... (under)
 Delante de… (in fron of)
 Detrás de… (behind)
 A la izquierda … (on the left)
 A la derecha … (on the right)
 Entre … y …. (between … and …)
 Al lado de… (next to)
 Al fondo (at the back)
 Dentro de (inside)
 Fuera de (outside)

We have seen how to differentiate between grande (big) and pequeño (small) and that when “de”
an “el” appear together they change to an only word “del” (that translates into “of” of “from”,
depending on the context).

And we have seen some new words: cotidiano (daily), hacer (to do), puedes (present tense of
poder -can-), compartido (shared), además (furthermore), bonito (nice), amplio (wide), desayuno
(breakfast), piragua (canoe), chico (boy), señor (man), venimos (present tense of venir -to
come-),cine (cinema), estilográfica (fountain pen).

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