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Local Zombie ruins everything

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Shantae (Video Games)
Relationship: Rottytops/Shantae (Shantae)
Character: Shantae (Shantae), Rottytops (Shantae)
Additional Tags: Futanari, Inflation
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-01-04 Words: 2,559 Chapters: 1/1

Local Zombie ruins everything

by thesaltgoeson


Rottytops vs the infinite size of the universe in Shantae's balls

Rottytops was a zombie.

But that wasn’t the only thing Rotty was.

Far from it.

She was Shantae’s self-proclaimed best friend despite the occasional complaints of the former, she
knew Shantae was joking after all, she was the cutest zombie in all of Skull Island.

And she was made of rubber, apparently.

—Holy Guacamole Rotty why would you do that!?

Rottytops was also, currently, impaled from the ass up with a foot long of cock.

Genie cock to be precise.

— Jeez I can see it in your stomach… It feels super nice too, but the shock is overpowering the
pleasure right now… - Oh right, Shantae was talking, Rottytops was barely paying attention as her
asshole made space to accommodate the massive genie schlong that was currently filling it way
more than it should be able to.

— Rottytops I’m serious how are you still… uh… unalive? Is that the right word? - Rottytops
finally let out a sigh as she recovered from jumping into more than a foot full of genie dick ass-
— Frankly, I have no idea. But let’s forget that and let me use you like a trampoline!

— Wait wha-aaaaaaaah theeee fuuuudgeeee!?

Rottytops would use the fact that Shantae’s brain was currently unavailable due to her bouncing on
her cock to reminisce how exactly she got into this spot.

She had gone on her usual trips from Skull Island to Scuddle Town to bother, sorry, to spend time
with her bestest friend in the entire world and arrived at her tower-house-thingy just in time to hear
Shantae cry to Sky about the results of her latest bout against the pirate menace Risky Boots.

— Look I get how you and Risky can get when you’re fighting but what convinced you the best
idea was to start throwing random potions at each other!?

Shantae’s only answer was to keep crying at Sky as the blonde woman sighed. Rottytops could
figure that one of said potions had hit the genie and it was either something bad, embarrassing or a
mixture of both seeing that Shantae looked like she wanted to curl into a ball.

Now the series of events that happened right as Sky left having her faith in humanity, and magical
beings in general, wither a little bit more than usual were a little fuzzy to the currently impaled
zombie girl. She remembered sneaking into Shantae’s room and making her way towards the
genie, but alas she tripped on one of the objects littering the room and dropping the girl’s harem
pants in the process. She remembers Shantae yelling at her, but Rottytops could only focus on the
big pillar of meat that was now hanging between the girl’s legs. She thinks her top was somehow
ripped off in the process of the fall because she can distinctly remember how the dick in front of
started to twitch and grow to almost the size of an arm at the size of her cleavage, Shantae’s blush
was a clear given that even if the girl was mortified One part of her was clearly liking what she was

— I do think there is a jump in logic between me dropping your pants, you almost poking my eyes
off with your super genie dong and me using your hips as a bouncy castle, what do you think

— Agh…

— Yeah, I thought so as well! We really should do thinking together more often, we’re a great

Now a little-known fact about zombies was that their general sense of feeling was incredibly
slower than normal, courtesy of being a reanimated body obviously, but that didn’t necessarily
mean they couldn’t feel anything. Everything just felt a little more subdued and needed more time
to get there, as if the feeling signal was being passed through jelly instead of water, so it came out
weaker and took out longer. Even in someone as active and with a sensory system as sensitive as
Rottytops it meant that she would need a longer time of feeling something to, well, feel it at all.

It did mean, however, that by the time Rotty was starting to feel her ass’s walls spreading open to
accommodate Shantae’s massive girth, the genie girl was reaching the verge of a breakdown.

The half-genie had lived a relatively sheltered life and always maintained an image of innocence
despite being well into her teens. She was goofy, brave and could be read like an open book. She
had several friends and could count on the palm on her hand the amount of enemies she had. The
most hate anyone can remember of her was directed at genuinely evil beings and even then, what
came out of her mouth would’ve fit more in a Saturday morning heroine than a teenager. She didn’t
curse, she rarely badmouthed anyone and being with her just made life feel a bit simpler.
But that didn’t mean Shantae was an idiot.

She was painfully aware that every girl in the spa had a healthy appreciation of how perky her
breasts were and wanted her to whip their asses with her hair, and not in the way that she did
against Risky’s minions. She also knew that the people at the clothing shop had spent a lot more
time than necessary making her wear excessively skimpy outfits until her uncle reminded them that
they were on a schedule, and she settled for her harem pants. And that also included how everyone
had a frankly tiring fascination with her ass, and by that she did mean Everyone. Seriously it was
nice to know she had a great butt, but she’d rather not have a giant scorpion lady from the dessert
staring at her junk while trying to skewer her alive!

And this went right back into her dear friend Rottytops. Probably one of her closest friends despite
her constant attempts to eat her and the annoyingly regular cartoonish betrayals the zombie made to
her in the past. She was her best friend, even outranking Sky and Bolo in some topics because the
blonde girl felt more like an older sister to her and Bolo was… well, Bolo. But currently seeing
said best friend bouncing on her oversized cock without a care in the world was doing things to her,
things she was starting to feel she shouldn’t question as much.

As she said before, Shantae wasn’t unexperienced with hormones despite what her “family
friendly” attitude, as Sky said, would’ve let people to assume. So yes, she was currently clenching
her teeth, feeling blood rush towards her ever-growing member, and stretching Rottytop’s anal
canal as if it were a used stocking.

She felt helpless, her hands balled into fists as she felt the entirety of the zombie’s body rub her
cock up and down in a delirious rhythm. Even with half of her mind going absolutely bonkers
Shantae knew Rottytops wasn’t feeling nowhere near as good as she did, the girl had previously
explained this to her when she lost a super one-sided tickle war to her, so gathering all of her
mental strength Shantae brought her hands to the girl’s hips and shoved her all the way down until
her breasts were pressing on the green skinned girl’s back, making her yelp in surprise!

— Wowzers Shanty, I didn’t know you liked it rough! — Shantae kept the girl in place with her
hands and glared at her — It’s the only way to get you to feel something, you told me yourself!

This was accompanied by a sudden pressure inside of Rotty’s suddenly expanding belly, it wasn’t
her imagination, Shantae’s cock inside her had growth almost two inches out of… anger. Rotty had
to admit that was kind of hot.

— By Death’s baggy pants Shanty! Warn a girl when you’re gonna add extra inches to this thing!
— Shantae wasn’t sure if the magic was giving her the ability to last longer, or if it was just the
fact that her cock was getting as large as she was tall, but she was surprised she hadn’t exploded
yet. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t feeling good or anything, in fact before her sudden growth spurt she
had been close to delirium because of how Good Rottytop’s ass felt, but right now the pleasure was
there but the previous tingling of being about to orgasm had gone further from her, she could still
feel it, she wanted it back, but to do that she’d have to go harder, and she had an idea of how to do
just that.

— Rotty, I want to apologize — Rottytops took the to time to turn her head at Shantae and just,
stare at her, as the genie kept shoving several inches of cock into her bum.

— Really Shanty? You’ve already got like half a foot of cock in me, kinda late to apologize for
getting rough don’t you think? — Shantae shook her head, making her ponytail swing from side to
side — No Rotty, I want to apologize, because now that I lost the chance of my orgasm I kinda get
what you mean when you say it takes you a while to get off. So, to do that, I’m gonna use this
ridiculously fast-growing cock of mine and fuck you through a wall.
Rottytop’s eyes widened, be it from the fact that it had been way too long since she last heard
Shantae talk like that or feeling the half-genie grabbing her arms with her hands, but she soon felt
herself getting pulled into her friend as her ass took the huge insertion of genie-cock all at once,
protruding her stomach upwards in the shape of the cock.

The time to talk must’ve been over for both of them since all that could be heard from either were
pants and hits of flesh against flesh, Rottytop’s eyes had almost rolled to the back of her head as
Shantae could feel the edge she had previously lost coming back as she pivoted into the zombie´s
asshole. Strangely there was a strange tingling she felt around her balls, the same one that she had
experienced before the sudden enlargement of her penis, but she couldn’t concentrate on it at the
moment, she was so, so close to her orgasm. Only a couple of seconds more, only a few more
thrusts, only a few mo-

— Ah — Shantae’s entire body stiffened, even more than it previously was, making Rottytops
snap back from her trance and turn to her in concern, still corked up in her friend’s cock — Shanty?
What do you mean with a-

Rottytops couldn’t even finish her question as Shantae pulled her back into the hilt of her cock, the
genie’s boobs pressing against her back and her arms switching into a pseudo-hug from behind
before Shantae’s balls, for lack of a better word, exploded in her.

Rotty could feel her stomach expand way more than it should’ve been possible and, strangely
enough, felt her skin tingle as it gave in to allow more cum to get shot into it. Taking advantage of
her strangely calm mind she put her feet on Shantae’s balls and could feel them both growing in
size as they pumped her full of semen and clenching continuously as they did so, she could feel the
same tingling on her feet that she felt on her stomach and guessed that it was the same thing that
was stretching her belly that was growing Shantae’s balls into ridiculous sizes.

Now Rottytops could do many things, she could see if Shantae knew anything about this weird
magic that was going on, she could try to get off of her current impalement.

Or alternatively she could also just turn her head and stop Shantae’s moaning with her own mouth.
Because really, it was getting kind of annoying.

Shantae snapped back at the kiss but was unable to reply, both from Rotty invading her mouth with
her tongue and grabbing the genie’s hands to smack her own butt, making her sphincter close on
the cock inside. In response the genie smacked her even harder, but be it from the magic, the
moment, or the mere fact that she didn’t feel that much to begin with, this only made her ass clench
harder on Shantae’s penis.

In the end, Shantae decided to go with her favorite strategy: Whatever.

She didn’t know when her hands went from grabbing Rotty’s arms and instead went to fondle the
zombie’s breasts, she didn’t realize either when own boobs started to grow and nestled the zombie
girl in between, she also didn’t break the kiss she was having with her nor questioned how she
could kiss someone so long without needing to breathe. And most important of all she didn’t bother
to think about how she could do all of this while humping and pumping a sea of whiteness inside of
Rottytop’s ass. The girl kissing her didn’t seem to bother to think about it either. So, with that
Shantae also ignored the creaking sound of wood and melted into pleasure.

Several hours later

— You know, it’s days like these where I wonder if it’s really worth it getting out of bed —
Wrench, ever faithful, remained silent at his master’s suffering, both out of reassurance and well,
he couldn’t talk.

Sky had thought it weird that she hadn’t seen Shantae at the mall, she had pestered her to remind
her about some action figures that would arrive at Scuttle Town this afternoon just in case she
forgot, and lo and behold Shantae wasn’t there, so being the responsible woman she was she made
the line and bought it for her.

Sky shook her head; she really was such a kid.

So, imagine her surprise when she reached Shantae’s house only to be met with green.

A big mass of jiggly Green that looked like it had demolished the side of Shantae’s house from the
inside and now laid on the grass around the genie’s home.

— Wait is that a belly button? That’s a belly? — And indeed, there was a small hole in the mound
of green flesh, somehow this ridiculously large thing was someone’s belly — … I am going to
open this door and be disappointed, I just know it.

Sky opened the door. And sighed.

There laid Shantae and Rottytops with the zombie’s head nested near the genie’s, both still asleep.
Shantae, for whatever reason, was sitting on the largest pair of testicles Sky had ever seen and a
cock that looked more like a tree-trunk corked inside Rottytop’s asshole, somehow it remained
erect even with the girl currently asleep and Sky figured that was the only reason why Rottytops
didn’t just slide out of it, her ass was vacuum sealed around the half-genie’s penis.

Shantae had also gotten a huge boost to her cup size, and it looked like Rotty was using her breasts
as makeshift pillows to remained nestled next to the tanned girl. And she only looked a bit to the
left to deduce that Rotty’s belly had gotten so distended it had literally burst out of Shantae’s wall
and ceiling like a bulldozer.

— I’ll deal with this tomorrow — Sky left the action figure on the floor and closed the door again.
She needed to go to the healer’s tent because her left eye was still twitching and she didn’t think
that was healthy.

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