PD I Study Guide

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Approaching to the clinical encounter (first ppt)

Recognize the different approach to a clinical encounter: patient-centered, and clinician-centered,

Identify the disease/illness distinction model.
Recognize the structure and sequence of the clinical encounter

Interviewing, Communication, and Interpersonal Skills (second ppt)

Active or attentive listening
Guided questioning
Empathic responses
Empowering the patient
Appropriate verbal communication
Appropriate nonverbal communication

Components of comprehensive History and physical

Chief complaint, HPI (OLDCHARTS)
Past Medical History: Medical History (current and prior)
Surgical history
Medications (prescription, OTC, herbal, supplements)
Allergies to drugs or foods and environmental (can also be placed as a medical condition under MH)
Health maintenance/Immunizations
Recent hospitalizations
Family History
Social Hx

General survey, Vital signs, pain (third ppt)

Constitutional symptoms.
Orthostatic Blood Pressure, etc

Regional physical examination:

Skin, hair, and nails (A&P and examination techniques, recognize primary lesions).
Head and neck: A&P, examination techniques, otoscopy, fundoscopy, cranial nerves, etc
Thorax and lungs: A&P, examination tecniques, breath sounds
CV/PVS: A&P, examination techniques, JVD technique and rationale. Peripheral pulses.
Abdomen: A&P, examination techniques, etc
MSK: A&P, examination techniques.
Nervous system: A&P, examination techniques.

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