Tales From The Archive

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Tales from the Archive 29

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/43281423.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Original Work, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Kid Icarus Uprising -
Fandom, Darkstalkers (Video Games), Rockman Zero | Mega Man
Zero, Helluva Boss (Web Series), Shantae (Video Games), Sonic the
Hedgehog - All Media Types
Additional Tags: Instant Loss, Vore, Koopa TF, Transformation, petrification, soul vore,
Pantheon TF, Mannequin TF, Slavery, Rape, Hypnosis, roboticization
Language: English
Series: Part 29 of Tales from the Archive
Stats: Published: 2022-11-27 Words: 3,442 Chapters: 1/1

Tales from the Archive 29

by ForbiddenArchive


Some rougher and more crude coffee...


Featuring some of ChaosCroc's girls.

[Super Mario Koopa TF]

"Bwahahaha! Is that truly all you can do? So much for the Princess of the Stars!"

Bowser had won. The Comet Observatory had been raided, and Rosalina was on her knees, with
the Koopa King towering over her. She didn't understand, how could he possibly be this strong..?
There's no way that somebody like him should-

A scream of pure pleasure left her lips, as the Koopa King forced himself upon her. There was no
foreplay, there was no mercy. Just one long spiked shaft shoved straight into her hole. At first, it
was beyond torturous. It was the worst experience she had ever gone through. And then...

It started to feel good. The more the... Her King thrust into her, the more it felt like she should
accept this. She should accept that her King could use her however he pleased. She didn't
understand, but she didn't argue. She just moaned obediently as the mighty Koopa King thrust
deeper and deeper.
The more she accepted her role, the more her skin turned from fleshy to scaly, just like her King.
Her dress was shrinking until it was as tight and compact as a Koopa Shell... because that's exactly
what she was wearing, showing just where she belonged in the Koopa Hierarchy.

And as he blew his load inside her, all she could do was scream in delight. Her King deemed her
worthy to accept her seed, what an honor. She saluted as her midsection bloated, and the last
remnants of her old self washed out of her body alongside the excess of cum drooling down her

Bowser grinned as he pulled out. Of course she'd submit to him. Conquering the stars and making
the power of the Grand Stars his would naturally make her change in turn. "Stand, Koopa! We
have a fortress to make out of this scrapheap!"

Rosalina, despite having just been violated, quickly got up on her feet in response to His
Excellency's wishes. "Yes, your Majesty! Rosalina Koopa will help you turn this scrapheap into
the perfect fortress!"

Thus, the Comet Observatory's tale came to an end... And the Bowser Comet's construction would

[Insta-loss Vore]
"Wahahaha! I'm going to eat you all!"

A wicked villain, a massive lizard with an equally massive pair of lips, was ready to devour
civilians. And to make matters worse, it was clear that he had already been quite succesful in that
regard. On his belly, which he was proud to display to all of his future victims, was a simple tally.
He already had '20' written besides his belly button, and that number only went up as his oversized
tongue wrapped its way around some of the scrumptious civilians.

"Step away from them! You're not going to get away with making them your food!"

The oversized lizard blinked as he looked towards the sound of the voice. Why, that was some
suited heroine propelling right towards him. Great, he always wanted to taste a hero! He opened his
maw as wide as it possibly could, making sure that he could clamp down on her-

Only for the heroine to slam straight into his mouth before he was prepared to chomp down on her.
It was so sudden that he couldn't stop himself from audibly swallowing once she was in his throat,
coughing a little as the outline of a manta ray-like girl slid down his throat and grew visible inside
his belly.

"Stupid jetpack! Let! Me! Ou-"

The heroine, Manta Ray, tried to struggle once she was inside his belly. But that struggle was
shortlived, as the counter on his belly ticked up a single time and her struggles died down. Even a
heroine was nothing compared to the strength of his stomach acid.

He coughed and coughed, before his throat felt just right again. "Aaaah... I'm savoring the next
hero I get to eat." He wasn't too satisfied with that sudden and abrupt meal, but it did give him a
taste for heroes.

Now... To continue devouring these delicious civilians!

[Kid Icarus Uprising Instant Loss]
"Viridi, you have the most disgusting minions. And I thought Medusa had bad taste."

Palutena wasn't in a good mood. All because of Viridi's Forces of Nature invading Skyworld to try
and settle a score. That little brat had no manners, honestly. Which was probably why she had sent
a Mudrone straight to her temple. Honestly, couldn't she have sent that big bunch of rocks instead?
It'd be preferred to something like this!

"Right, no playing games this time. Megalaser!" Palutena shouted as a powerful beam poured forth
from the tip of her staff, aimed straight at the dopey grin on top of the archway-like monster. It
should easily purge it from her temple.

At least that's what she thought. Right before the crystals on its 'shoulders' shone bright red and
reflected the laser right back at her. She didn't have time to put up a reflective barrier either,
causing her to be consumed by the beam...

With the Goddess of Light stunned by her own spell, there was nothing stopping the animated mud
from moving towards her, until she was right under its arch. And from there, the crystals could
work their magic even further.

Palutena let out a powerful moan as her dazed body quickly started to grow the same muddy color
as the Mudrone above her, two crystals poking forth from her shoulders as the rest of her became
nothing but mud as well. "Hail... Nature..." She muttered in a labored tone, all while her face was
left as nothing more than a dopey and muddy grin, just like the Mudrone's own. She was happy to

The Mudrone's grin widened, especially as those crystals on its 'shoulders' started to glow with
light. Transforming the Goddess of Light had made it gain her powers. And as a result, it started to

Only to rise back up, in the form of a muddy seductress with a wicked grin of her own. With a
Goddess as a minion, and her brand new power rushing through her, she could truly make Nature

And to truly make nature rule, she had to make her former boss appreciate the idea of being a
muddy drone like Mudtena…

[Darkstalkers Petrification/Soul Vore]

"My my. You think you're a match for me, kitten?"

Felicia had seen a lot of different opponents as she went through Makai, but she didn't expect to see
a Medusa. Either way, she was ready. Claws barred, grin on her face. "I'm more than a matc-"

But she didn't expect that the snake wouldn't play fair. The Medusa just laughed as her gaze
worked its magic, turning Felicia's body to stone in a matter of moments. All while she slithered
towards her with a wicked smile on her lips. "I thought not. Then again, you're hardly the first to
underestimate me. You really should've gotten out of my sight before anything else."

Felicia wanted to try and break free. But there was no way for her to do so. Especially not as that
wicked serpent shoved her hand straight through her chest, cupping a throbbing orb as she pulled
her hand back. The cat couldn't look around due to her petrified body, but she could feel her soul
leaving her.
No fair... She wanted to... win...

An audible gulp echoed out as the Medusa swallowed her latest prize, before sighing and stretching
as her tail gently wrapped around the stoned kitten and then threw the statue over to the others that
were still in pieces. Those sisters that had fought against her, that succubus, that human with the
red hood, all of them laying in pieces in her domain.

"Not the most filling soul, unfortunately." The Medusa lamented, before laying down amongst the
broken remains of her other meals. All so she could look as unassuming as possible, so that her
victims would underestimate her.

And given the buzzing noise echoing out through her den, it seemed like her next meal was on its
way. Prompting the Medusa to lick her lips, ready to turn another beautiful girl to stone…

[Megaman ZX Pantheon TF]

"What's this thing?"

It had been just another delivery run for Aile. Right before she stumbled across a strange looking
slab with what looked like an eye in the middle. Just holding it was making her feel a little chill run
down her spine... Maybe Giro knew what it was?


The eye in the middle of the slab suddenly turned on, shining a bright ominous red. All while Aile
found herself staring straight at the eye. It was telling her to... raise it into the air...


The activation phrase rung out as the Biometal activated, immediately releasing all of the data and
energy within that quickly formed several clunky looking pieces of armor. Each snapping onto
Aile's body one by one, shutting away more and more of her natural body until she looked like an
outdated one-eyed reploid. Only then did her control over her own body return, her single eye
widening in shock.

"What in the world just happened!? What's going on!?" Naturally she was shocked. She didn't even
know what she had done, nor did she know how she was going to explain it to Giro. She couldn't
just go up to him and tell him that she had played with some weird trinket! She... she...

The red glow returned, and Aile's mind slowly sank as the Biometal took over. "Reploid...
Subdued. Pantheon systems... Online. Scanning... Scanning..." Even though she was speaking, it
was very clear that the girl underneath wasn't in control. The system controlling her didn't even
realize that she wasn't a Reploid, merely seeing a Humanoid like her as its kin from an age long

"...Scanning complete. Era unknown. Prime directive... Find Model W." The newly reborn
Pantheon muttered as she had a new goal. Find the remnants of the Doctor, and then...


[Helluva Boss Mannequin TF]

"What kind of freak hides inside a factory like this? Come on!"
Loona was on a mission. Simple stuff, scout out somebody she had to eliminate. Problem? The guy
had caught a whiff of her and hid himself inside a mannequin factory. So she had to figure out
where exactly he was, amongst all these identical pale mannequins that were just waiting to have
clothes draped on them. It was a real pain.

"Come on out here, then we can just get it over with-"

Just as Loona was about to roar, she was caught off guard. She was shoved in the side, stumbling
straight into an empty chamber. And as soon as she was all the way inside, the doors closed and a
bunch of loud noises started to echo from within.

It was impossible to hear her screams of anger, especially as the steam poured out through the tiny
gap between the two doors. But the culprit was grinning as he watched the doors slowly but surely
open up, as the noises outside of the steam died down.

Standing within the chamber, properly processed by the Mannequin Maker, was Loona. Or rather,
a featureless mannequin version of her. No ears, no holes, nothing. She looked like herself, but
with everything that made her able to express herself besides her limbs having been stripped away.

Just as he liked her. It wasn't the first time that he had turned somebody into a mannequin for him
to enjoy, though he never expected to get a bitch to play with. His last mannequin was a real
model, but she'd be even better than that.

The culprit gently rubbed his hands up against her sexy body, before giggling and lifting her off her
stand. He had a lot of fun planned for her, and he wasn't getting any younger…

[Shantae Slavery]
"H-How much?"

"A hundred rubies. Are you saying that you can't pay your bill, young lady?"

"W-Well, being a half-genie doesn't exactly pay too much. M-Maybe you could put it on my tab?"

Shantae had screwed up. She just wanted to sleep in an inn after dealing with Risky and the Barons
all day, but she forgot that she didn't have a lot of rubies on her. Hopefully that innkeeper wouldn't

"Very well."

Her eyes lit up as he seemed pleased. Phew! Okay, she needed to get back to town, and-


"We'll just have to sell you off so you can pay your debt. Don't worry, you're one of a kind. I'm sure
you can fetch a fine prize."

Shantae trembled as a powerful looking collar was snapped around her neck. A collar that
immediately sapped her strength. She couldn't access her powers, and her ability to move was
heavily restricted. All she could do was stare at the innkeeper as he made her follow him into a
room in the back of the inn.

"Y-You can't just sell me! It's just a hundred rubies!"

"Any customer that cannot pay will have to pay off what they owe by any means necessary. That's
the rules of this town. Now hold still."

She wanted to protest further. She had her rights. But as soon as she tried to say something, a
scream left her lips instead. All while a burning sensation flooded through her, courtesy of the
brand that was being pressed against her asscheek. Tears streamed down her cheeks, even as the
burning rod was pulled away.

"There we are. Now come on, we have to find you a buyer."

The innkeeper, having branded the half-genie as a slave, attached a chain to the collar and guided
the new slave out of his inn. All so he could sell her off to the highest bidder and get his dues.

All while the brand kept on burning away at the half-genie, preparing her for her eternal life in

[Instant Loss Hypnosis]

"Alright, who wants a taste of my fist first? You wanna go, big guy?"

Victory Vixen was in a feisty mood. Not because she was up against baddies that were in her
weight class, but because she just wanted to deal with a couple of idiots. And here were a pair of
idiots. A pint-sized idiot and a big wall of meat, the latter being the one to grab her attention. He'd

The vulpine heroine suddenly snapped to attention, as her mind started to swirl around inside her
mind. W-What was... what... what... were... her... orders..?

"Thanks for that, boss! If she had thrown a punch, she'da clobbered me!" The big guy cried out,
saluting his shorter partner.

"Yeah yeah, you're just lucky you're a good target and that the doctor's hypno gun was as strong as
he said it was. Now keep on pocketing all the jewelry, otherwise we're going to be here all day. I'll
help myself to the goods." The shorter of the two thieves said, grinning while holstering his

As his much larger minion gathered up all the jewelry that they needed to sell off on the black
market, the boss sank his hands into VV's hips and just slammed his cock into her hole. No need to
do any foreplay with a proverbial sex doll.

She didn't really react. Just taking his cock like it was what she was meant to do. Her mind was still
spiraling in a completely mesmerized state, unable to do anything except stand there until she got
her orders. It didn't matter that so many citizens were seeing her get fucked like this, because she
wasn't aware.

It didn't take long for the small guy to blow his load inside her, with him just pushing her to the
ground as he zipped his pants back up. Turns out, a hypnotized bitch isn't a good fuck. "We're
leaving!" He shouted, glaring at the citizens while leaving the store, his minion following right
behind him.

And as VV laid there motionless, still hypnotized and drooling cum from her used hole... The
sound of others unzipping their pants started to fill the store.

She had been filled once already, who said they couldn't use her a little themselves..?

[Sonic Rape]
"This place gets bigger every time I try and get inside. I wonder if Eggman'll realize that bigger
doesn't always mean better?"

Tails Miles Prower, the genius two-tailed fox, was currently sneaking her way in through a secret
passage in Eggmanland. Thanks to a few lessons from Rouge, she had gotten the hang of stealth.
Combine that with her expertise with gadgets, and finding the best route through the mechanical
maze that masqueraded as an amusement park was really easy.

So why did it feel like this long path was a lie? A voice in the back of her head was telling her that
there's no way the Doctor would leave such a giant vulnerability unpatched or unguarded. And yet,
there didn't seem to be anything in her way. Just a bunch of scrapped bots lined all around her, like
that tall chicken bot-


"I knew it was a good idea to hide in the trash chute! Now I've outfoxed a fox!"

Tails' mind was throbbing, so much so that she could barely recognize the chicken that had just
pecked her across the head. It was that idiot, Scratch... How could he have known she'd sneak in
this way?

Not that she got much of a chance to really dwell on it. While she was still stunned, he grabbed
ahold of her tails and slammed a metallic shaft straight through her bodysuit, violating her hidden
and most precious hole.

"How's it feel to get outfoxed, genius? Then again, only a stupid idiot would think to sneak in
through the trash chute!"

Tails writhed and gasped as it didn't take long for her to cum. She wasn't used to this. Nor could
she handle being mocked and taunted by somebody as stupid as Scratch. It made her eyes roll into
the back of her head as the juices ran down her legs...

She didn't get to enjoy her impromptu orgasm either, as she was slammed straight into a trashcan
moments after her womb had been defiled with the secretions from Scratch's shaft. The light
shining in from outside was shut out thanks to the lid, as the only thing she could hear was
Scratch's obnoxious whistling. All while knowing that her remaining time as a Mobian was short-

"The doctor's going to be happy with another loyal chicken under his belt!"

[Sonic Roboticization]
"That's what you get for being too clever, Slutbot! Now you're the stupidest bot in the entire
Eggman Empire!"

"Yup! That's what I get, Master Scratch! How may I serve you? Do you want to use this hole? Or
that hole? Or maybe you'd like to use the holes up top?"

While Tails had been successfully roboticized, Eggman had been too amused with the fact that
Scratch had been the one to beat her. So instead of using the fox's great intellect, he made her enter
the roboticizer so many times that her smarts were on an even lower level than Scratch's, while her
body now looked like a sexier version of his.

"Idiot, you don't offer your holes! I just use them! Like this!" Scratch slapped his personal slutbot
across the ass before shoving his rod into her hole, teaching her how to properly do her job in the

Tails cried out in delight as her Master filled her. "Oh, you're so smart, Master! I'm so stupid,
thinking I should offer things! You should just use me whenever you want!" She really was the
stupidest slut in the whole empire. But that's what she loved to be. Because Scratch used and
abused her just as she was designed to be!

She could barely even remember what she had been before. She just knew she was the stupidest
bot around, and the smartest was her dear Master Scratch. So having him fuck her was a real
privilege. Even somebody stupid like her could be used by the smart robots!

Both idiots cried out in delight as they came together, with Scratch pulling out after blowing his
load. All while a single intelligent thought went off inside his head. "Slutbot! Take me to the one
that taught you how to get into the Doctor's trash chute!"

Tails fell over but saluted, giggling as cum drooled out from her hole. Oh, she was going to make
Master so happy when he saw that bat!

She'd make a great stupid Slutbot, just like her!

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