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Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 54 (2023) S115–S116
Letter to the Editor

Mental wellbeing among radiology professionals. Challenges,

Resilience, and Strengths
Dear Editor, chine, procedure, and diagnosis are human beings with emo-
tional needs that require care and consideration. The dissemi-
The last few years have represented real challenges in the nation of this reflection can have positive and lasting effects.
mental health of health workers. In this sense, burnout stands To conclude, we leave a message of optimism by emphasiz-
out as a problem that afflicts healthcare providers around the ing the strengths and learning that can be extracted from the
world [1]. difficulties and we encourage radiology professionals to remain
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout attentive and motivated in achieving care for their mental well-
as a syndrome caused by chronic stress in the workplace, which being.
is not managed successfully and which is expressed through the
sensation of loss of energy or fatigue, pessimism about work as
well as a reduction in professional efficacy [2]. Declaration of interests
The members of the radiology service are not the exception The Authors of this article declare that they have no conflicts
to the psychological burden of medical care, which in emergent of interest of any kind and this work does not have any source
situations can be overcome. The COVID-19 pandemic is an of financing.
example of how the psyche can be negatively affected in radio-
diagnosis services, highlighting, for example, the fear of conta- Diego Sebastián Andrade Mora∗
gion itself or that of loved ones or the fear of isolation. Factors Central University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
that have been shown to have a strong influence on work and
training performance [3]. Stalin Santiago Celi Simbaña
In addition to the suspicions regarding personal and physical Medical Specialties Center “Comité del Pueblo” Ecuadorian
protection involved in handling patients and radiological expo- Institute of Social Security, Quito, Ecuador
sure, some have to do with meeting financial needs, and that has Katherine Patricia Celi Simbaña
an unquestionable influence on the psychological well-being of Indoamerica University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Quito,
workers [4]. Ecuador
The capacity for resilience that workers have been able ∗
to develop autonomously despite difficulties is remarkable, Corresponding author at: Iquique N14-121 and Sodiro.
and it accounts for the inherent strength of human beings to 170136 Quito-Ecuador.
face adversity. However, silently, those critical issues related E-mail address: (D.S.
to psychological well-being run the risk of lacking sufficient Andrade Mora)
public and institutional consideration. Therefore, it is of the
utmost importance that the psychological impact of burnout References
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S116 Letter to the Editor / Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 54 (2023) S115–S116

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