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Name: __________________________________________________________

Pre-Assessment Questions.

1. What is erosion?
2. What is sedimentation?
3. What are some potential drawbacks from erosion and sedimentation?
4. What regulations do we have concerning erosion and sedimentation?
5. What are BMPs?
6. Georgia is divided into major land resource areas. In which area do you reside? Include your land area
and your county. *This is on page 62 of the GSWCC link listed above.*If you are not in Georgia, list
where you are located and attempt to find your land resource area. If you need help, post in the “Ask
the Instructor” discussion thread on D2L.
7. What is the purpose of a construction exit?
8. A silt fence is a type of sediment barrier.
a. What is their purpose?
b. How must they be installed?
c. How should they be maintained?


Site Name


Residential or
Weather during
Most current rain
Detailed description of the site:

Refer to the Field Guide and Report Card for visuals, instructions, and leading questions that will assist
you in grading your construction site.
1. Construction exit
2. Sediment Barriers
3. Temporary Sediment Traps/Filters
4. Temporary Sediment Basins Enter a letter grade A-F in each
5. Storm Drain Outlet Protection box, based on the field guide.
6. Soil Cover Enter a NA for items that are
not present.
7. Encroachment on Stream Buffer
8. Sediment Contained on Site
9. Stream Color Before & After Rain
10. Pavement Clear of Sediment Total grade will be based on the
Total Grade grades in 1-10. If you have 3 As,
3 Bs, 3 Cs, and 1 F, then a B- or
C+ might be appropriate.

1. Write a Detailed review of your itemized grade. Include WHY you gave that site each grade in the
boxes above.

2. Reflect on positives and negatives of site. Look at the big picture here – are most of the practices well-
maintained, or are the majority in disrepair? Why do you think certain parts are done better than others?

3. At least FOUR photos (with captions) of the site:

Site Name


Residential or
Weather during
Most current rain
Detailed description of the site:

Refer to the Field Guide and Report Card for visuals, instructions, and leading questions that will assist
you in grading your construction site.
1. Construction exit
2. Sediment Barriers Enter a letter grade A-F in each
3. Temporary Sediment Traps/Filters box, based on the field guide.
4. Temporary Sediment Basins Enter a NA for items that are
5. Storm Drain Outlet Protection not present.
6. Soil Cover
7. Encroachment on Stream Buffer
8. Sediment Contained on Site Total grade will be based on the
9. Stream Color Before & After Rain grades in 1-10. If you have 3 As,
10. Pavement Clear of Sediment 3 Bs, 3 Cs, and 1 F, then a B- or
Total Grade C+ might be appropriate.

1. Write a Detailed review of your itemized grade. Include WHY you gave that site each grade in the
boxes above.

2. Reflect on positives and negatives of site. Look at the big picture here – are most of the practices well-
maintained, or are the majority in disrepair? Why do you think certain parts are done better than others?

3. At least FOUR photos (with captions) of the site:

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