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Name: Jesús Samuel Araujo Mundo Tuition: al03026518

Course name: English level lll Teacher's name: Edgar Ricardo

Dorantes Vertiz
Module: 3 Modern Life Stories Activity: Activity 15 My favorite thing
to watch!
Date: November 19 of 2022
 Tecmilenio University. (2022). Activity 15 My favorite thing to watch!
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My favorite movie

The film takes place in a city in America, which is about the successful life of a
doctor surgeon named Steven Strange, how hos life is perfect and he has
everything he wants, until he has a serious car accident and he´s serious injured in
his body, for which he can´t continue operating, in search of a cure, he traveled to
another country and accidentally finds some sorcerers who helps him recover his
mobility, becoming a superhero.

I identify with Wong because he is a very relaxed and self-confident person,

although he is also a bit absent-minded, as well as having a good sense of humor.

It is an action film, fantasy and a bit of humor.

I recommend this movie because it is entertaining, it has adventure, love, fantasy

and interesting theory.

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