Writing Successful Writing Intermediate V Evans

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Virginia Evans inte Virginia Evans books Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing in 2000 Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire AG19 GHW. Tel: (0048) 1635 817 363 — Fax: (0048) 1695 817 463, email: inquiries @expresspublishing.co.uk. INTERNET hip: www expresspublishing.co.uk. ‘© Viginia Evans, 2000 Design & Illustration © Express Publishing, 2000 ‘Colour lustrations: Nathan ‘Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of transmitted in any form, or by any ‘means, electronic, photocopying or olherwise, without the prior vwritien permission ofthe Publishers 'SBN 1.90812650-1 Acknowledgements ‘Author's Acknowledgements: We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their sklls to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Sean Todd (Editor in Chief), Androw Wright (senior ecitor), Anna Miler (editorial assistant), Mary Stevenson (senior production Controle), the Express design team, Tony Boyle (recording producer) and Erica Thompson, Anne Whitman, Steven Gibbs and Sally Pierce for thei support and patience. We would also Ike to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments, ‘and feedback influenced postvely the production af the book. Photograph Acknowledgements (© Reuters for photographs on p. 48 ‘© Audio Visual for photographs on pages: 78, 81, 107 While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will bbe pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Contents Part A Guidelines for Writing Part B Letter Writing .. LETTERS {Informal Letters Format Letters .. Semi-formal Letter Transactional Letlers.. ARTICLES - STORIES ~ NEWS REPORTS - REVIEWS Descrinfions Describing People Describing Places} Describing Objects Describing Festivals/Events/€etebrations + Narratives & New Reparis First-person Narcative AL Third-person Narratives .. 120 News Reports . ~ Reviews 1b Reviews... + DISCURSIVE WRITING = Discusive essays, 13 “For ond Against” Essays 140: Opinion Essays ... 4b Providing Solutions to Problems ‘Mc Letters to the Edita > Reponis 15. Assessment & Proposal Reports ‘+ REVISION AND EXTENSION SECTIO APPENDIX ¢ tinking Words .. APPENDIX It Opening & Closing Remarks for Letters/Uselu! Yocabular APPENDIX II Rules for Punctuation yo NIT] Port A Guidelines for Writing TYPES OF COMPOSITION When you write a composition you need ta understand the type of writing required, Your piece of writing can be in the form of a fetter, an article for a magazines newspaper ora report LETTERS are written to a person (e.g. your pen triand, a newspaper etitor, etc) oF a {group of people (e.g. the students’ society, the local football club, etc) for a specific reason (e.9. to give advice, to make a complaint etc). They include: Informal leters to people you know wel, writen in a personal chatty style. Formal letters to managers/offcials ete, written in a polite formal style. ‘Semi-formal letters to people you do not know well or people you know but you ‘want to sound polite and respectful e.g. a teacher of yours, your pen friend's parents, etc, written in polite and respectil sty. ARTICLES are found in magazines and newspapers. The following can be found in the form of an article’ Descriptions of people, places, buildings, objects, festivals, ceremonies etc. Narratives about real or imaginary events which happened in the past. They can be ‘writen in the first person (first-oerson narratives) when the writer is the main ‘character of the story or in the third person (thid-person narratives) when the writer is desoribing events which happened to another person or group of people. © News reports about current/recent events (2.9. fires, accidents, etc) written in ‘impersonal tye. News reports present facts objectively and unemationaly © Reviews ciscussing a film, TV programme, book, restaurant, etc and recommending itor not tothe reader © Discursive essays about arguments conceming particular subjects, They include: “For and Against” essays which present the pros and cons on a specific topic Opinion Essays which present the writer's personal opinion on.a speci topic Providing Solutions to Problems which discuss a problem and its causes, making suggestions and mentioning the expected results and consequences © Letters to the Editor which present the writer's personal opinion on a specific topic or the writer's suggestions on a spectic problem REPORTS are formal pieces of wring and have a specific format and features. They include: © Assessment reports discussing the suitabilty of a person, place, plan, eto for a particular purpose, job, etc © Proposals reports discussing suggestions or decisions about future actions. 1 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of ing they are from (1-7). fo >| fel =] [_] third person narrative {5[J informal letter formal letter |_| description of a person [_] first person narrative (71 description of a festival [_] description of a place Dear Sir/Madam, nT am wring to complain about the sence | recehed during a vst: to your restaurart on Bth Noveber. Frotly, | had booked a table for eight rot ready ard It wae half an hour before we were seated | @ 4s the last band played their final song, | fett sad that the festival was about to end, All the fun moments ofthe week passed through ‘My mind in a spit second. Dancing to the beat of the ‘music, looked at my tiend and said, “I can't wait unt next year’s Jazz Festival!" Dear Aunt: Carol Im sony about ot replying to your letter soorer bub Ive been extremely busy. Guess what! | finally Found a position as rurgery school teache in Brighton Isn't. that wonderful? oe ® eddie is tal, sim and attractive, with long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She likes wearing smart clothes and always looks good. Unit 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing When I opened my eyes, bright sunlight was streaming through my ©,, bedroom window. As I was about to get out of bed, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen downstairs. ‘Aruba is a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea. It is only 29 kilometres off the north coast of Venezuele. With its white sandy beaches and clear blue waters, ‘Auuba is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday. It was a bright, sunny moming when jill Wilson waved goodbye to her mother. “Have nice day at school ~ and be careful!” called Mrs Wilson, The birds were singing as fil stopped on the old wooden bridge to look down at the ducks on the water below. 2 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing (1-7) they are from. (117 proposal report [2] for and against essay [_] review [J essay providing solutions to problems S]_] assessment report [6]_| news report (7 =| [| opinion essay [=| | ® our people were kiled and eleven were seriously injured when two | planes collided on the runway at Leland Airport early this morning. | ae tn ttn © 4) in all, | believe thot newspopers play on important role in | cour lives, They keep us informed about world news as well as providing interesting reading moterial | To begin with, one of the main advantages of studying abroad is that ‘you have the chance to lean another \anquage. Moreover, you experience a different cultire and way of life. Secale eats) © is canis aceon and Micha) J Fox Ms M Timms, Personnel Manager From: MrT Brown, Senior Assistant ‘Subject: Assessment of Robert Durkan, Date: 18th February, 20... Introduction The purpose ofthis repo isto assess the suitability of Robert Dunkan for the postion ‘of Seles Manager for our shop in Brunwick, oS aapeen nines ® Fissty, att bocks of fas should be provided with large rubbish bins. In addition to this, residents should be allowed to throw out. theis rubbish only at night. This would result in | reducing the amount of rubbish in the streets during the day Neagle AOS is perfect as the voice of Stuart Litte, With the use of computer animation, ‘Stuart looks more lke a teal mouse than a cartoon mouse, convincing Viewers that he is a ——_ > miniature actor. “S* ‘The combination of computer animation and live action is superb, Nat Recommendation | believe that the course of action proposed above will attract more customers to the White Dove Restaurant. Not only will the Italian seafood and vegetarian dishes draw | more people to the restaurant, but [| the live music will also. greatly improve the restaurant's atmosphere. Apne pecan Din need i ines for Writing To plan your composition you need to understand the rubric ie. the composition instructions. Read the rubric careully and underine the key words/phrases which will help you decide what you will write about. Key words/phrases indicate: ‘the imaginary situation you will wits about (e.g, You are @ reparter to write about a fire which broke out lastnight...) This can also suggest who you are (e.g, a reporter), what has happened (e.g. fre broke out), etc. the Imaginary reader who is going to read your piece of writing (e.g. the manager of the company you work for has asked you to write ..). This will help you decide on the writing style Le. the appropriate style of language - formalnformal, etc you should use. the type of writing (e.g. a letter, an article describing an event you attanded, etc) the specific topics you should include in your answer (e.g. describe the place and comment on its good and bad points) Study the example below. 1 2 ‘You work for a travel magazine. Your editor has asked you to 2 7 write an article discussing the pros and cons of air travel, including factors such as cost and convenience, FF Sivation 2 eader Is typeof writing la specie topics Read the rubric below and match the numbers to the following hheadings: * reader © specific topics © situation © ope of writing 1 2 ‘Your best friend is spending the surnmer in your county and needs 4 vite a letter advising him where to go and what to do and teling him approximately how much money he should bring Read the rubric and circle the correct answers to the questions that follow. You work in a local tourist office. The manager has asked you to write ‘a report on a new restaurant which fas just opened in your town, Write your report describing the restaurant, the food and the service there and commenting on its good and bad points. ‘Who is going to read your piece of writing? ‘What is the situation? ‘What type of composition should you write? ‘What specific topics should you include? 5 a) Read the rubric and runderline the key words, then answer the questions, You are a-writer for an international English-language magazine. Your editor has asked you for a short article about a famous person from the twentieth century that you admire. Write your article about the person, describing bisiher personality as well as | the reasons you acmire him her. What type of composition is this? A atthird person narrative B a formal letter C a descriptive article D areview Who is going to read your composition? A. your best friend B your editor Unil 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing 3 Which of the following statements are true? Circle. BRAINSTORMING FOR IDEAS: A You should write about a \Write down any ideas, words and phrases that you can think of whioh relate famous person you have met to the specific tapies of your composition. B You mus! describe hishher Group your ideas, crossing out any irrelevant ones, and put them into @ logical order. personality, © Check that your ideas are relevant fo the topc(s) in the rubric, C_ You should give reasons why you admire this person. D_ Your article should be about a famous artist or sciemtst of the eighteenth century. © why you admire the person... © personality E. You may include your on © Iooks and appearance © hobbies and interests feelings about the person. Which of the following topics must you include? Circle 6 a) Read the rubric in Ex. Sa) again and tick the topies that you should include in your article. b) Look at the words/phrases below and say which topic from above they are linked to. A. Theadvantages and disadvantages helped those in need © entire life was devoted to others of being famous. «© selffess # donated money to charity B Personal qualities and © compassionate © patient characteristics, © courageous Information about the person's family background D_ Reasons why you admire himfher fh. LAURIE TAR LAYOUT, OF NOE CONOR ‘Your ideas should be organised into paragraphs. The layout of most types Cf writing consists of three parts: an introduction, a mai body and 2 b) Which of the two people ‘conclusion. below would not be suitable bleeodnesies for your article? Why? ‘The introduction, Le. the frst paragraph, is a short paragraph whose purpose — is to give the reader a general idea of the subject of the composition. It Johann Strauss, should attract the reader's attention so that helshe wants fo continue reading, TE Main Body The main body usually consists of two or more paragraphs and its purpose is to develop points related to the subject of the composition, The number Of paragraphs and the way you general comments and feelings about the person B personal qualities ofthe person background information and achievements of the person - | . ‘TOPIC SENTENCES & 8 Read the article and label the paragraphs with the headings below. ‘SIIPPORTING SENTENCES ‘Then answer questions 1-3. . ; © Main body paragraphs should # final commensifelings begin with topic sentences. A © ‘personal qualities mntence introduces or © ‘reasons you admire her summarises the main top ofthe © person’s name and reason you chose her paragraph and gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph will be g _Theperson I admire most from the twentieth Para 1 secon : century is Mother Teresa. { regard her as one e ie rab oeorics pooncee E of the kindest and most caring people the Saarsedcitiarinee soa world has ever known. reasons, justifications and/or Mother Teresa was a selfless person. She evidence to support the topic devoted all of her time to others and never put Para sentence. her own needs first. She was also very courageous and never thought about the risks she was taking when looking after people who vope |. There are many dis- sentence |" advantages to air travel. were sick or dying. [ Firstly, plane fares are What I admire most about Mother Teresa spire ign Fox exernple, = are her achievements, Her entire life was ie reteset, = devoted to charity work. For example, in 1952 Para [ereral, | tran, you wil elntely pay = she opened a centre in Calcutta for the seteres|™| Jess than you would if you terminally ill, where patients could be cared . traveled by plane, Moreover, for and die with dignity. She also won many =~ being on a plane for hours awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in can be tring. 1979, She donated the money from her awards to fund other centres. Even though Mother Teresa is no longer with us, these centres still operate, offering help to those in need. I admire Mother Teresa not only because a she was a generous and kind-hearted person, Para4 9 Read the article in Ex. 8 again, but also because her accomplishments have... underline the topic sentences in influenced people all over the world. It is the main body paragraphs and hardly surprising that since her death in 1997 tag enters eee aes she has been regarded as a true saint. 1 There are good reasons why I 1 Whois the article about? admire Mother Teresa so much. 2 What justifications are given to support the statement that “Mother 2 Mother Teresa was a truly self ‘Teresa was a selfless person”? sacrificing person. Unit 1 Parl A Guidelines tor Writing 10 a) Match the topic sentences to the paragraphs. There is one extra topic sentence that you do not need to use, 1 Forone thing, there are far too many cars on the roads 2. There are many arguments in favour of banning cars from city centres 3. However, a city centre without traffic does have its disadvantages. | In the first place, it would help to reduce pollution This means that the city centre would be @ healthier | place to live and work in. Furthermore, it would be | easier for pedestrians to walk around the contre | ‘without having to cross busy roads, | For one thing, shop owners would lose business as customers might find it inconvenient to travel fo the city centre by public transport. Moreover, for those ‘ho live inthe city centre, life would become quite ulffcult as they would not be able to park theit cars near their homes, b) © Which part of the composition do these paragraphs belong to — the introduction, the main body or the conclusion? ‘© What do you think the topic ofthis composition is? ‘© What type of composition are the extracts from? 11 Read the topic sentence in bold, then choose the most suitable supporting sentences (A - D) to complete the paragraph. On the other hand, there are arguments in favour of tourism, A Firstly, tourism can help reduce unemployment in an area because of the jobs it provides for local people. B Furthermore, tourism can spoil the natural beauty of an area. C What is more, the profits from tourism can be used to improve roads, hospitals and schools, D_In addition, restaurants and souvenir shops overcharge customers. 12 Read the topic sentences below and think of appropriate supporting sentences to complete each paragraph, as in the example, eg, Catherine isa very pretty teenager. She is rll and stim with dark skin ane long curly hair She usualy wears Jeans and T-shirts 1 My father is a handsome man. 2 Nivole is a very sociable person. 13> Read the paragraphs below and think of appropriate topic seatences to complete them, First of all, it is cheaper than buying designer clothes which can be very expensive. What is more, ifyou make your own clothes, you can design them exactly the way you want them. To begin with, medical research can be very expensive. Moreover, such research can take years to show successful results. Last but not least, lots of time is often wasted on experiments which do not work, Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing BE LINKING WORDS AND PHRASES: «Linking words/phrases make your writing more interesting tothe reader, and easier to understand * Some linking words (e.g. and, because, but, $0, since, ete) can join two short sentences into one langer sentence. e.g He is clever. He is hard-working. He's clever and hard-working. ‘Ann is happy. She passed her exams. = ‘Annis happy because she passed her exams. © Some linking words/phrases (e.g. In adafton, What is more, However, On the other hand, etc) show how ideas are related either between two sentences or two paragraohs. 91! have vitten to you tree times already. | sill have not received a reply from you. | have written to you three tmes already. However, | til have not received a reply from you. frst { Firstly the employees who delvered the cooker were extremely rude complaint } and careless. While installing the appliance they made a ‘considerable mess, then they left without tidying the kitchen up. Eel, secon compiaint Furthermore, after they had gone, | noticed that the cooker was badly seratched and the operating instructions were missing, Linking words/phrases can be used to: show time: when, whenever, before, wile, as soon as, etc list points or show sequence: firs), to start with, next, rally, etc add more points: futherrnore, moreover, n akon and, aso, whats more, ec show cause or effect: because, since, as a resul, s0, consequently, etc give examples: for instance, for example, such as, especial, etc show contrast: however, on the other hand, despite, though, etc introduce @ conclusion: all in all, to conclude, to sum up, finaly, ete (lor more examples see Appendix ) 14 Circle the correct linking words/phrases, as in the example, 1 Mobile phones are expensive(bub)so they are very convenient 2 She is very generous and shares everything, Since/On the other hand, she can be moody at times 3° Growing your own vegetables is cheaper than buying them. Even though/What is more, home- grown vegetables are usually tastier. ‘Many young people are taught computer skills at school, Despite/As a result, they have a better chance of finding a job admire Jackie because/therefore she has found happiness in both her professional and private life, Air travel is the most expensive form of ‘transport. All in all/However, it is the fastest, 15. Read the extract and fill in the correct linking words from the list below. for example, what is more, as a result, om the other hand Watching films at the cinema has many advantages. To begin with, modern cinemas are usually equipped with the latest technology, 1) . films have better pietore and sound quality. 2). , you can see all the latest films as soon as they are released. 3. senene» Boing 10 the cinema has certain drawbacks. 4) » the price of a ticket can be expensive and cinemas are often crowded, especially at weekends 16 Choose the correct linking word/ phrase to join the sentences. 1. Simon failed the exam. He had not studied enough, (since, while) 2- Ordering take-away food is very convenient. It can be rather expensive, talthough, such as) .. 3. Aaron wanted to g0 to the football match, His mother wouldn't let him, (but, therefore) Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing 4. Adventure holidays can be very tiring. They can be quite dangerous. (but, and) .. = os 5 It started getting cold. I pur on a jumper. (50, as) 6 The hairdresser said it was perfectly safe. The chemicals in the dye made my hair turn green, (even though, also) 17 Replace the linking words/phrases in bold with synonymous ones from the list below. despite, as, even though, such as, therefore While I was walking home I saw an accident. He was born in Poland so he can’t be Spanish, 3 Your mechanic took three days to fix my car, in spite of the fact that it required only minor repairs. 4 There are many places to visit in Rome like the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon, 5 Although Rachel is allergic to dogs, she Joves them. WRITING TECHNIQUES There are a variety of writing techniques you can use to make your composition more interesting to the reader. To begin or end your essay you can: — address the reader directly ie. wite as if you were speaking to him/her, eg. You oan imagine what te would be ke without water. — use direct speech to give somebody's exact words, a quotation froma famous person or someone who has influenced your life, a proverb or a saying (i.e. a well-known phrase). In all cases itis necessary to use quotation marks. eg. Afterall, “An anole a day keeps the doctor away.” —_ use a rhetorical question ie. a question that does not expect a reply. .g. What would modem society be like without computers? © You can start a narrative by setting the scene i.e, by using the ‘senses to describe the weather, atmosphere, surroundings and also to create mystery and suspense. 2g. twas a cold winter's nigh. The wind was blowing hard as Jack was walking down the dark empty street. © You can also use a variety of adjectives, adverts and verbs to make your composition mare attractive to the reader. eg. "Hold ont” Helen screamed to Bob as she desperately tried to help him get out ofthe freezing water. 18 Read the foll beginnings and endings and identify which writing technique(s) the writer has used in each, 1 Why are people so obsessed with the weather? In my opinion, the climate plays 2 major role in the way we behave, 2 Lam sure that most of you, at some point in your lives, have considered starting your own business. However, I doubt that ‘many of you have actually done so. 3 Itwasa dark, stormy night, Frank ‘was alone in the wooden cabin at the top of the snow-covered mountain, The wind was howling and Frank was afraid, Suddenly, there was a strange seratching at the door. 4 Mason woke up to the sound of rain drumming on the rooftop, Exhausted from the previous day, he slowly got out of bed and made himself a cup of coffee and some breakfast. He decided to callin sick as he felt too weak to go to work. 5 All in all, adolescence can be a difficult time. But as George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life is not meant to be easy; but take courage, it can be delightful.” tt Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing 19 a) Match the beginnings to the endings. What types of writing are the extracts from? [AT] ttwas an autumn ‘morning. Marianne, . , til in her pyjamas, turned on har laptop and sat atthe kitchen table. Thinking of the amount of work she had t0 do, she sighed. “How am | ever going to get this done?” B] ‘most of you have been influenced by an adver ‘buy things they don't need. [CT] Mi Norton is our Chemisty teacher. 1 never t i . forget the first time we met ‘him. He was in the school lab ‘wearing a long, white coat, and he was about {o1mix two very strange-ooking liquids. “Keep back, lads,” he said. "Ti '8 avery dangerous experiment.” vee oa 1 Allin al, even though Mfr Norton looks lke a mad scientist, he is one of the ‘anes and most understanding teachers Ive ever had, | am sure thatf you had ‘met him, you would agree with me, a ‘Well, | suppose what they Twas mand he wis tasted but happy 2a fae "ieay bid canes te am: so tout eset a5 Shusuned cette 3 IMconctusion, | think that advertising should be controled so that consumers, af not misled and persuaded to purchase goods they don't need. Aer al, a Alan H. Mayer, an American advertising executive, sald, “The is at : , “The best ad is a 1 B Suddenly Jack heard someone { ) Inwhich extract(s) has each of these writing techniques been used? © quotation ¢ proverbysaying ¢ addressing the reader... directly © direct speech 20 Read the extracts and replace the words in bold with synonymous ones from the most extraordinary, impressive, huge, comfortable \a The interior of the hotel is very } 1) nice. It has a 2) big reception | area with 3) nice leather chairs | and sofas for the guests. The 4) | { ! nicest feature, however, is the marble fountain which was constructed at the beginning of the century. ‘paused, crept, whispering, peered ft ) 1) saying, “At last Ive found | you” He 2) stopped atthe 10p of thestuirsand3}) Tooke down nto the dark hallway. Just then, a young boy 4) came out ofthe shadows. Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing P--iis ‘The wating style you should use depends on the type of compostion you are wring, the situation and the intended reader. Therefore, you should not use the same style of wrting for every composition. The two main types of wing style are formal andl informal. However, not ll styles of writing fall under these categories. For example, in a letter to Somebody you do nat know very ‘wollor in an article fora student's magazine, te siyle used is neither formal nor informal, but @ blend of he two, known as semisformal FORMAL STYLE is characterised by: © formal expressions, advanced vocabulary, longer sentences eg. Taking everything into consideration, it can be said that the facilities offered are of poor quality. © formal inking words/phrases (Le. However, Nevertheless, In addition, Consequenty, etc} e.g-Mobile phones are extremely useful for people who travel frequent. However, they can be dangerous. © no.use of short forms (ie. m, there's.) .g.! would be grateful. instead of 0 be grateful.) © impersonal tone, ie. use ofthe passive, no description of feelings eg._Late this evening, 20-year-old Tim McCormack was pulled {0 safety after being trapped under debris for more than ten hours. © factual presentation ofthe information eg. he Town Hall, constructed in the late 1800s, was seriously damaged by fie in 1909. INFORMAL STYLE is characterised by: © everydayiooloquial expressions, vocabulary and idioms, eg.! thought Fd drop you a line. Thanks @ milion ., eto © frequent use of short forms eg./ wont be able to come to your pary ae Ill be away on a business trip. informal phrasal verbs e.g. Lucy takes after her father. She's. © simple linking words/phrases (Le. but, so, because, and, etc) eg. rains alot here, 80 you'd better take an umbrella with you. © shorter sentences 2g, Thanks alot forthe invitation. Pd love to come. © personal tone Le. use of rst person (We) €.9.1've got great news. ve found a new job. © descriptive tone i.e. use of adjctives/adverbs et for vivid description e.g.lt was a bitterly cold winter moming. Or cmv ‘SEMI-FORMAL STYLE is characterised by: © (ess formal language © [ess frequent use of short forms, formal linking words/phrases or the passive © respectful, pote tone Compare: Formal: ! would be grateful it you ‘could reply at your eerliast convenience, ‘Semi-formal: {ook fonvard to 21. Use phrases from the list to fill in the blanks in the sentences, as in the example. Then, say which are written in formal and which in informal style. assess the suitability, porcelain- white skin, were seriously injured, crop by, am entitled to, point in favour of, with flying colours, won't be able 1o make it, to my ‘mind, don't miss it 1 The purpose of this report is to _ assess the suitability. of Robert Hulson for the position of Assistant Manager. = formal style 2 Tbelieve I. sof fal refund. 3 Wel, Tve got to go now. _ when you arrive in town. 4A i - of working from home is that one can plan one’s own working schedule STW drivers sn Unil 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing 6 Guess what! I passed all my exams 7 With its long, black hair, beautiful blue eyes and E Suddenly, the door opened. it was the most exquisite doll Mary had ever seen. Tracey stared in horror os the Bre sev os living abroad dak figre in the doorway is something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. raised is cams over its head, 9 cron! Het it’s going tobe a box-office hit! 10 I'mreally sorry, but I seta wer a sentneisnnnen 10 YOUF graduation party, @ Dear Mr and Mrs Smith, I'm writing ta thank you for the kindness you showed ‘me 22 Read the extracts below and answer the questions that follow, during my stay with jou and Jour family in March. ES - ‘A. Which is better, classical or pop music? Some people! believe that classical music is superior. However, T a) What type of writing is each believe that both types of music offer something extract from? different to the world of entertainment. b) Which extracts vse: short forms? factual presentation of the information? 3. everyday expressions, idioms and informal phrasal verbs? formal expressions, advanced vocabulary and longer sentences formal linking words! C Anyway, that's my news phrases? B | would be grateful if you for row. | hope you're could attend to this matter enjoying the holidays ao it ee soon 08 possble. | hope rach ae | am Write back 29 Whatsulea wring shoud you to hear from you soon 00n and let me row how use inthe following situations: regarding the outcome of you're getting on. Write F (for formal), $ (for the situation. Love, = semi-formal) or I (for informal), Yours sincerely, Harry Why? Motthew Drake a aletter of complaint to the manager of a department store E The rescue team began ther b_anarticle fora teen magazine on the D_ The purpose of this report search for the lost skiers at {atest trends in clothes is to assess the suitability of dawn, The missing fay was ¢ aletter to your friend asking him for Fairfa rie ers. located a few hours later by @ advice on which university to attend Bee oe te search helicopter, and they for the firm's annual spring ‘vere Kod to safety, Noone was @_ anews report about an accident that party. injured, but they were taken to happened in your town hospital sufering from the cold € alletter to a former teacher of yours thanking him for his advice 14 Unit 1 Port A Guidelines for Writing / i 24 The extracts below are written in the wrong style, Replace the words/phrases in bold with more suitable ones from each list. the slightest, reached, collapsed, firstly, what is more, was not A. 1) Bor starters, the ironing board 2) wasn’t high enough, For example, when [ unfolded it, it only 3) came up 16 my waist. 4) And then, whenever 1 put 8) a little bit of pressure on the board, it 6) fell down, L've met, also, realy love, dull moment, in common B 11) am enjoying myself immensely at university. 2) I have had the opportunity to meet many intezesting people and there is never a 3) stiortage of activities on campus. 4) In addition to this, my roommate, Becky, is a wonderful person. We have so much $) to share that I feel as if I've known her all my life. vihat is more, however, full of comical scenes, extremely realist, computer: generated images € The script is simple and straightforward 1) but itis 2) really funny. 3) Another thing is, all the 4) things made by the computer are 5) lifelike and the characters are truly convincing, EDITING YOUR ESSAY. You should always edit your piece of writing before handing itin In order todo this, you should make sure: © you have used complete sentences and thatthe words are in the correct ‘order (ie. subject, verb, objec, et), you have used the correct grammar (e.g. past tenses for narratives), ‘you do not repeat the same words, phrases, expressions, etc. there are no spelling errors. you have used the correct punctuation. (e.g, commas, fll stops, question ‘marks, etc) [See also Appendix Il) ‘© you have indented the paragraphs (.e. have begun the first line of each paragraph further in from the margin), 25 Read the extract and label the underlined mistakes using the following key: $ (for spelling), P (for punctuation), WW (for wrong word) or G (for grammar). Then correct the mistakes, as in the example. ts + “H's Bene wean a 1YIts a party invitation,” said Sue as she tore open the envelope. Paula, her sister, came 2) runing into the living room and squealed with excitement when she saw the white card, “It's from Danny,” she cried. Both girls knew that Danny 3) made the 4) better birthday parties in the neighbourhood. He and his family had moved there from 5) america two ‘years before. His father was 26) suecesstull lawyer, so they lived in the nicest part of town, Danny had invited the girls to his party the previous year, but they hada’t gone, They both had had the flu and they were 7) such il that they had fad to stay in bed. They were very disappointed that they 8) hadn't been able go to the party This time, though, would be different. 26 Put the foltowing steps into the correct order. [AT] Brainstorm for ideas and group them into main topics, Read the rubric carefully and underline the key words, Identify the type of writing, the situation, the intended reader and the style of writing, [CL] Edit your essay correcting any spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc errors, (D1_] Write your essay in the correct style, using appropriate linking ‘words/phrases to joia your ideas and various writing fechniques to make your piece of writing interesting. E]_] Plan the layout of your essay. Make sure you have a separate paragraph for each main topic, Write a topic sentence for each main body paragraph. 5 16 UNIT] Port 8 Letter Writing ‘TYPES OF LETTERS ‘There are various types of letters, such as: © letters of application * letters of complaint * ‘letters to the editor ete. The typeof letter you should write depends on the reason for wring (ie. to give your news, to invite somebody to a paty, etc to make a complaint, to apply for ajob, etc). Depending on the rubric, you may be asked to wrt a etter for more than one reason (le, to give your news and ask for advice.) The most common reasons for writing a letter are: © glving/asking about news © congratulating someone © givinglasking for advice *® inviting someone Givinglasking for information accepting/refusing an invitation apologising for something © making suggestions oto © thanking someone 1 Read the extracts (A-F) and decide what type of letter each is from (1-6). Which key words helped you decide? Underline them, | really hope you can come | {D] I received your leaflet in the post. I am very to my party. I'm sure we'll interested in the course and would be grateful if have a wonderful time. you could give me some more information, Tm writing to. ask you what you (Ed Lave ere mncr unetl | think I should do about Robert. I'd be grateful if you could consider really like your advice as he’s been .. ‘my application. I ook forward to ee = | | hearing from you. I'm having a fantastic time on holiday. I went | sailing yesterday and I'm going to take part in a diving competition this afternoon, I can’t wait! 1 am writing to complain about the dishwasher which I purchased from your a ~~~ | company last Monday. 1T_Jletter of application AT Jletter asking for information [21_letter giving news ([SL_ letter of complaint [3] letter of invitation Getter asking for advice LAYOUT OF LETTERS: Alletters should include the foliowing: 4) an appropriate greeting (e.g. Dea Sir/Madam, Dear Aunt Clare, Dear Mrs Baker, etc) ) an introduction, in which you write your opening remarks (e.g. Hi! How are you?) and reason(s) for writing (e.g, !'m just writing to congratulate you on passing your exams, Im wnting t apologise for .., We were tiled to hear that... was sony to heer. etc) +e) @main body, in which you write about the specific topics of the etter in detail 4) a conclusion, in which you write your closing remarks (e.g. Please forgive me — it won't happen again, | promise; Looking forward to seeing you .!, Please write soon, Take carl, Can’ wait to hear from you, Fd better signoff now, Tat’ all fr now; and ¢) an appropriate ending (e.g. Yours flthtully + your ful name, Lots of love + your fist name}. 2 The paragraphs in the letter below are in jumbled order. Put them into the correct order, then identify the type of letter. |A|_] Unfortunately, I won’t | be able to come as be at | a seminar in Berlin that | week, It’s a pity I'l miss | your big day, but I promise tomake it up toyou, | nee) See ee (BI) Anyway, thanks agnin | | for the invitation. T | \ wish you both al] the | bestfor the future. | | Love, | Margaret Dear Rachel, | T'mwriting to thank you | very much forthe invitation | fo your wedding, I’m really | happy the two of you are | finally tying the knot. | Unit 1 Port B Letter Writing a) WRITING STYLE IN LETTERS ‘The writing style you should use (i.e. informal, formal or semi-formal), depends on who you ate writing to, More specifically: when you are writing to someone you know well (Le. a close relative, your best trend, etc.) you should use informal style, when you are writing to someone you do not know, or to someone who is in authonty (ce. the manager of a hotel, a doctor, etc) you should use formal style. when you are writing to someone you do not know very well, or someone you want to be polite and respectiul to (i.e. a friend's parents, ‘your teacher, ec) you should use semi-ormal styl. (See Appendix il for examples of each style} (CHARACTERISTICS OF: INFORMAL LETTERS address & date ie, your address in the top, right-hand corner, followed by the date. greeting {¢.g, Dear John, Dear Mum, etc) informal language (e.g. 1've been meaning to write to you for ages; Don't wony; By the way; ltwas a piece of cake; 't pick you up: We can give ita ty, etc) ‘ending (e.g, Yours/Love/Best wishesiRegards/etc + your frst name) FORMAL LETTERS address & date .@, your address as well as the recipient's address, Your address in the top, right-hand comer, followed by the date. The recipient's position, the name and address of the company, organisation, etc on the left- hand side. greeting (e.g. Dear Mrs Davis — when you know the person's name — Dear SiriMadam — when you do not know the person's name) formal language (e.g. am writing with regard to your acvertisement | would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience; The product ‘which was delivered, proved to be faut; etc) ‘ending (@.g. Yours sincerely faithtuly + your ful name) Note: when you begin with Dear MriMrs/Ms Marcus, you should end with Yours sincerely + your full name. When you begin with ear SiriMadam, you should end with Yours faithfully + your fut name. 9 10 u 2 13 oT 18 ©) SEMI-FORMAL LETTERS * address & date ie. your address in the top right- hand comer, followed by the date ° greeting ice. Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + person's surname (eg. Dear Mrs Marcus) © semisormal language © ending (6.9, Regards/Best wishesfetc + your first name or full name) 3 Mark the phrases as F (for Formal) or I (for Informal). would also appreciate some information about .. Well, Fmust go now .. Please accept my sincere apologies, You are cordial to attend. Tam writing in response to your advertisement. ‘Thanks for the invitation to your dinner party .. Tam writing (0 express my strong dissatisfaction with look forward to meeting you in person Justa quick note to tell yor Tam writing to bring to your attention the . Please do not hesitate to contaet me Tm so sonry to hear you're having problems with ... Write back soon ... We regret to inform you that... Twor't take no for an answer . wited 1 Unil 1 Port B Letter Writing Read the situation below and answer the questions that follow. This is your last year at school and you are unsure of what course to take at university. You have decided to write a letter t0..... asking for advice. a) What style should you use if you are writing to: A a friend? B your former teacher? C a careers advisor? b) First mateh the beginnings and endings and then say which of the people in part a) each letter is addressed to. Hil How are you? I'm writing because I've no idea which course to take at Unversity next year. | realy need your advice! ‘hope this eter finds you wel Lam wrting to ask you for some advice about ‘which course to take at university next year. 3. Dear Sir/Madam, {1am writing to enue whether you can advise me on which course to for next year at university ‘A. Thank you for taking the time t read this eter. look foward to hearing Best wishes, Pr Amy Milton BI would’e extremely grateful you could adkise me on in advance for your kind cooperation, what to do. Thank you Yours tatty, Witon ‘Amy Mion c [hat you tink | should do? Pease wits back soon antl me. Amy 5 a) Read the pairs of expressions (1-10) and the letters which follow, then choose the most suitable expression to complete each gap. 1) Hi — just quick note / Tam writing 2) thank you very much / say thanks a lot 3) all your help / your kind assistance 4) getting ready / preparations 8) Your contribution / What you did 18 6) played a big part | ‘was very important 7) making sure / ensuring 8) occasion / whole thing 9) went so well / was such a success 10) tell you how much I appreciate / thank you enough for Dear Gavin, e » 2 3 Becky Jones b) Which letter is informal, and which letter is semi-formal? What type of letter are they? Unit} Part B Letter Wriling 6 Match the beginnings to the endings, then identify what type of letter each pair is from. Finally, say whether each pair has been written in formal or informal style. (JAR hty (ey 2 | would greatly appreciate it if you (wou ty ape you could provide me with some 3. Thanks alot for your invitation. ‘We'd love to come ... 4 I can't tell you how sorry i am that | ruined ... 5 | am wilting to draw your attention tothe tebe treatment received from... ed pf dy fe ‘A Once agin, keto say how very sony am about... B enclose my CV and would be glad to attend an interview at your earliest convenience. C Welt, that's all for now. Write back and tell me what you've been up to. 1D Let me know if you want us to bring anything to the party. See you on ‘the big day! E ook forward to ecg the nfrmaton i could reply as Seon as posse, "son WOU be rate you F | ingist on a writen apology. | trust this matter wil receive your immediate attention 7 Read the rubrics below and answer the questions. You have seen an advertisement in the local newspaper for a teaching job. Write a letter to the headmaster of the school, applying for the job. friend you haven't seen for ‘months is getting married in the summer and has invited you to the wedding. Write a. fetter accepting the invitation, ‘You have just returned from a trip to South America. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her all about it. You are the secretary of a Janguiage school and have received a letter from someone interested in learning French. ‘Write a letter in reply, informing the person about the courses offered at your school You recently bought a box of your favourite breakfast cereal. ‘On opening it, you found that the box was half empty and the remaining contents were no longer fresh, Write a letter to the manager of the cereal company complaining about it Your cousin has recently won fist prize in a short story competition. Write a letter congratulating them on thelr success. What type of letier should you write for each rubric? Who is going to read your leter? What style should you use in each letter? How would you begin and end each letter? Can you suggest appropriate opening and closing remarks for each leer? fn 20 UNIT 2 tntormat tener E11 Read questions 1 to 3, then listen to the cassette and choose the correct answers, Finally, use your answers (0 talk about Monique's letter. 1 Whois Monique writing to? 2 ‘A acomplete stranger B someone she knows well What is her main reason for writing? A. to tell Jackie some good news B to apologise for not writing sooner 3. Which of these statements are true? Tick (V). In her letter to Jackie, Monique... A mentions her future plans B invites Jackie to visit her 1D complains about Jackie’s last letter [1 E asks Jackie to reply soon F sends her regards to Jackie's parents € promises to write soon Informal letters are sent to people you know well (e.9.tiends, relatives, etc) about your recent news, persanal problems, information you need, eto. They are written in ‘an informal style with a chatty, personal tone. ‘+ -Aninformal eter should consist: 4) an informal greeting (Oear Ken/Aunt Joaniete) b) an introduction in which you write your opening remarks (Le. asking about your friend's heaith, etc) and mention your reason for wating 8.9. Hil How are you? I thought 'd write and let you know that. ©) amain body in which you write the main subjects) ofthe letter in deta starting ‘anew paragraph for each topic; 4) & conclusion in which you write your closing remarks 29, Thats all my news for now. White back soon ..; €) an informal ending (¢.9. Lots of fove/Best wishesietc + your frst name). Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. You recently moved to a big city and have decided to wrte to a friend from your old neighbourhood. Write a letter describing life in your new city and your feelings about the change. 1 Who is going to read your letter? © heavy traffic (ueyutve) 2. Whereis this person now? © constant noise from cars 3 Where are you now? © ugly grey buildings 4 Why are you writing the letter? © plenty of sports facilities 5) What topics should your letter include? © wide choice of things to do 6 How will you begin aad end the © huge crowds leer? good public transport system 7 Which of the following are positive © large modem shops aspects of life ina big city? Which are § negative? © lots of cafés, cinemas, ete (postive) Make sentences using the prompts above and the phrases in the boxes on the right, as in the example. Paragraph 1 ‘opening remarks/reasonis) for writing ieee. Poragraphs 2-3 -4* development of the subject(s} Conclusion _ Final Paragraph losing remarks * The number of main body paragraphs may vary, depencing on the rubric Likes =” Like living here because. What [like most is that there is/are .. ‘The best thing is that there isare ~ + Dislikes \/ Thate/ean't stand Tcan't get used to Unfortunately, there isfare... eg. What 1 like most is that there are lots of cafés and cinemas. I can’t stand the constant noise fn the cars ‘nit 2 Informal Leters: 9 What can you do in a big city? What can’t you do? Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the examples. You can use your own ideas. — go for a walk in the fields — make lots of new friends — go shopping in huge — do lots of different things shopping centres — walk home safely at night | — get around easily eg. You can’t go fora walkin the fields You can go shopping in huge shopping centres 10 Match the feelings to the reasons, then make sentences, as in he example 1 homesick a the city never sleeps 2 pleased b- there's more crime in the city 3 unsafe | D820 | there are always new things to do 4° disgusted as d_ I miss my friends and my od neighbourhood 5 excited € there's rubbish everywhere eg. 1d I feel homesick because I miss my friends and my old neighbourhood. 3 a) Read the letter and underline the correct tenses in bold. Then, label the paragraphs with the headings below. © opening remarks(reason(s) for seriting rier’ feelings about the change © closing remarks — © fein he new city Dear Sharon, Para How are you? Sorry 1) I'm taking/'ve taken so long to pening vemarks write, but I've been busy settling in. Anyway, | thought reason(s) for 2)1'd dropit've dropped you a line to let you know how wing 1'm getting on here, Birmingham is a realy exciting city with millions of things to do. There's so much to choose from, I sometimes, find it hard to make up my mind where to go! Although I sill 3) didn’t get/ haven't got used tothe trafic, the noise and the huge crowds, | think it’ a great city ike tving here now, but | sometimes feel homesick as 1 miss lots of things about Gowri. 4) never! don't forget the beautiful countryside and the old stone cottages. Para Living inthe city means I can’t go for long walks by the sea, ther. Most ofall, | miss my friends — especially you, of ‘course! We always 5) had/were having such a great time together, 6) haven't didn’t we? ‘Well, that’s all my news for now. Pease write back and let me know what 7) you were/you've been up to since! Para 4 8) heardhhave heard from you last. Say “hi” to Tom and... Joanna, too. | promise I'l come back and visit all of you as soon as I ca. = Lois of love, Angela Para 2 Main Body b) Underline the topic sentences in the main body parageaphs, then suggest other appro- priate ones. 4 Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example, ‘© streets are crowded — Isoon got | cused to it (even though) ‘© Iots of things to do — heavy traffic makes it difficult to got around however) plenty of sports centres — expensive to join (although) — eg, Even though the siteets are crowded. 1 soon got used t it "6 not many shops — you can find almost everything you need (but) few buses and trainy — always: arrive on time (nevertheless) ‘nO restaurants — a few inns that serve delicious homemade food (although) eg. There aren't many shops, but you can find almost everything you need. a Unit 2 informal Letters / OPENING/CLOSING REMARKS 2 ‘© Opening remarks in informal letters may include: 2) questions/wishes about recent events, the person's health, ete ) athank you tothe person for tein ast latter, comments about their news ©) an apology fora delay in writinglreplying 4) the reason why you are writing ‘© Closing remarks in informal letters may include: €) the reason why you must end the letter 4) greetings to the person's familyfriends 9) wishes, a promise (e.g. to write again soon), an invitation, ato hi) a request to the person to reply soon a Match sentences 1-8 to points a-h in the box above. Hello — how are you? I hope you're feeling better 1 was sorry to hear that you aren't going to. Tl write as soon as I can and let you know about .. Please write soon and tell me all your news, ‘Well, that’s all my news, I'd better end now, because The reason I'm writing isto ask you it Give my best wishes to your parents Sorry P’ve taken so long to put pen to paper, but COOCOOSE INFORMAL STYLE \When witing friendly letters, yu normaly use informal syle. Informal writing is characterised by the use of: everyday vocabulary (e.g. / had a great time} colloquial expressions/idioms (e.g. drop me a fine) phrasal verbs (e.g. get on, seta in) short forms (e.g. can’, don’ I'm, I) © Which of the following sentences are written in informal style? T'm writing to see how you're getting on in your new flat. formal | look forward to receiving a prompt reply. Give your sister a big hug from me. What are you up to this summer? We're having a fantastic time here a the casnp. Would it be possible for you to attend the club's annual meeting next month? You'd never believe how well I've been getting on at school. 7 Some phrases in the following extracts are written in the wrong style. Read them and correct the mistakes using the words/phrases in the lists. cages, drop you a line, let you know, really sony row are your 1) 1 apologise for the face a teaven't written for 2) considerable time, but ve been 3) extremely busy. Anyway, | thought vd 4) communicate with you briefly | to Spinform you that rve just passed | ty ng test! | Dear Bob, can't nait to hear, lots of love, thats all {for nov, write soon, you've been up to Well 6)! have no further news at present. Please 7) reply promptly — 1 8)am anxious to learn what 9) your recent activities have been. Take care 10} Yours sincerely, Karen B Suggest opening and closing remarks for the letters below, as. in the example. 1 congratulate a friend on passing histher exams 2 invite a friend to your birthday party 3 apologise to your friend because you couldn’t go to his/her birthday party 4 ask your friend for advice on how to lose weight eg. 1 Opening remarks: Hi, how's everything going? I've {just heard that you passed all your exams. Congratulations! Closing remarks: Well, Fd bewer go and do some work! Once again, well done! Write soon. Unit 2 Informal Letters 10 Q Correct the mistakes, as in the example, Congratulations Yee passing your driving test ..on. Write and tel’ me how it’s like in BATS. coon I still can’t get used to wake up so early in the morning. - I thought I'd write and ask you to give me an advice. Thope that everything will turn up all right. . Sorry I haven't written from ages, but Pe beett BUSY, cao Write me a line and tell me all your news... a Tm writing to apologise about not coming t0 Your WEAdINg. wrnnonn I look forward to hear from you soon ~ Don’t you think my news are exciting? MAIN BODY PARAGRAPHS In informal letters you usually talk about more than one topic. The rubric gives you information about the subject of the letter and ‘often tells you specific topics which you must write about. - e.g, You ‘have just passed an important test or ‘examination. Write a letter * telling a pen friend about your success and describing your plans for the future, ‘These topics wil be discussed in the main body of your feter. You should begin a new paragraph for each topic. Para 1: Opening remarks Para 2: Tel friend about success Para 3: Describe plans for future Pata 4: Closing remarks | B_ You have recently moved into a new house. Write a letter to your friend 10 Read the rubrics below, How many main body paragraphs would cach letter have? What would each paragraph be about? A. You are about to visit a friend in another country and you are not sure what clothes to take with you or how to get to their house. ©.8, to main body paragraphs | © Your uncle hes invited you to attend his weding in @ month's tine Para 2 ~ ask about clothes to take with you Para 3 — ask how to get to friend's house Gescribing your new house and inviting him/her to spend a weekend with you, Write a letter thanking him for the invit should buy as a wedding present. jon and asking him what you D_ You've got two tickets for a week's cruise in the Mediterranean. Write a Jetter to your friend, inviting him/her to join you, giving details of which places you are going to visit and suggestions as t0 what he/she will need to take with himyher. B Your cousin is moving to your city. He/She wants to attend the same school as you. Write a letter to himvher, describing your school, teachers and timetable, and mentioning extra activites the school offers. Lecterns ec Useful expressions for making suggestions * I think Iyoujwe should .. + How do you feel about +. ing..? + Perhaps Hlyoutwe could... © How about +. ing .? + What do you think about + + Why don't Iyoulve...? Would you lke melus to ..? Would you lke 0.2 11. Use the prompts below and expressions from the table above to make suggestions, come / dinner / my house / next Monday spend | weekend / in / mountains go shopping Jin / city centre visit /art gallery / while /be /in London B Unil 2 Informal Lellers 12 Look at the town map and, with a partner, suggest where and when ‘you could meet and what you could do there. eg. A: What about meeting atthe Fairview Museum at noon? B: That's a good idea. We could admire the focal ar. FAIRVIEW ODEON = pping Centre CINEMA atin Sa 13 a) Read the following rubric and answer the questions, AAtriend of yours, who has been living in another country for some time, is going to visit you for a week. Write a letter suggesting what you might do together and what sights you might vist 1 Where would you take your friend? 2 What is the most popular attraction in your cityltown? 3. Are there any bazaars, outdoor markets, fairs, restaurants, ete which are worth visiting? 4 What kind of traditional dishes would you suggest your friend should try? ) Use your answers from questions 1 to 4 and appropriate expressions to write the main body paragraphs of this letter. ASKING FOR ADVICE To ask for advice, you can use phrases such as: Do you think | should ..2, Should ...2, What do you think {should do? ‘Do you have any idea about ...?, I'd like to know what you think about ... Can you think of anything that. | was wondering if you .. : What would you advise meto..? ete 14 a) Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. You want to go on holiday in the summer but don’t have enough money. Write a letter to a friend asking for his/her advice about ways to earn extra money. 1 Why are you writing the letter? 2. Who is going to read your letter? 4 3. How many paragraphs should you include in the main body? 4) Which phrases would you use to ask for advice? b) Read the letter and under- line the phrases that Mary uses to ask for advice. Dear Pam, Sorry that | haven't written for ‘ages, but I've been very busy studying ¥'m writing because ' realy lke your advice about a problem | have. ‘My friends and | have decided to g0 away on holiday in the summer, but I don’t have enough money. | was wondering if you had any ideas about earning some extra cash, if | don’t save up enough money by August, Pll have to go away with Mum and Dad instead. Can you think of anything that would help me to ‘make some money quickly? ILknow that you always have lots of great ideas! What would you advise me to do? Please write back as son as you can. Lots of love, bee Mary ‘An informal leter giving advice should offer sympathy and encouragement, as well as specific advice with reasons. Each piece of advice is written in a separate paragraph. ® Opening remarks — | wes sony to hear that. ‘Cheer upiDon't worry too much. Don't let it get you down. ‘fm only too glad to help. Unit 2 informal Letiers © Giving advice — Jf | were youtin your positon, Fa would. You should/shouldn't ... I would(n'p might be @ good idea (lor you) to... (think) the best thing would be (for you) to... Why don't your... ? Have you thought offabout .. (+ sng)? ‘Another good idea is Result — 1 you do this, you would .. $0 that ‘you could}would Closing remarks — hope that this/my advice helps. Let's hope that things get better) that everything turns out al right Let me know what happens. 15 Match tie problems to the advice, then make sentences, 1 can’t stop eating junk food every day. P'm overweight, [-] I haven't got any friends. Cm lonely. Pm very bad at Maths. F'm going to fail my exam. haven't got much money. [can’t go out with my friends, argued with my friend. He/ She won't talk to me now. Talk to your teacher. You will get extra help. Join a gym. You will lose weight. eg. Apologise to him/Rer. You'll be friends again, Join a club. You will meet new people. Get a parttime job, You will earn some money. Why don’t you join a gym? If you do this, youl lose weight 16 a) Read Pam’s reply and replace phrases 1-6 with phrases A-F. TIA] I'd be happy D] how things go B| Don’t let it get you down E) if | were you, I'd C| How about F | Perhaps you could also Dear Mary, Thanks very much for your letter, and of course 1) ’m only too glad to help. Here are a few things you can try to earn all the money you need. First of al, 2) | think you should get a Saturday job, 3) Have you thought of trying to get one in a local shop so that you can be close to home? This will mean that you won’t have te travel so far on Saturdays. 4) Another good idea is to get a job babysitting. Why don’t you ask your neighbours? My only advice is not to get very young children, because they need all your attention. ! hope my advice helps. 5) Don’t give up if you can’t find a job immediatel Write and let me know 6) what happens, 7 Yours, Par \ b) What advice does Pam give to Mary? What other advice could you give to Mary? How else could you start and end the leter? 17 Read the rubric, underline the key words, and answer the questions. Your pen frierc has written you a letter asking for advice on how to improve his/her eating habits and get fit. Write a letter offering advice, What is the reason for writing? Who is going to read your letter? How many paragraphs should you include in the main boxy? What opening and closing remarks should you write in your fetter? Mateh the advice in column A to the results in cofumn B, Then, use appropriate expressions to make sentences, as in the example. A B 1 join a gym — exercise regularly a follow balanced diet, won't put 2. trynottoeatsomuch junk food, on weight sweets, ete b_ body won't become lazy 3. eat plenty of fish, fruit and ¢ body won't store so mech sugar vegetables and fat 4 don't go everywhere by car/bus d_soon get in shape and feel fitter eg. Id If 1 were you, I would join a gym and exercise regularly. This will mean that you' soon get in shape and fee! fitter. 18 Read the rubricin Ex. 17 again, then write your letter (120-180 words). Use the letter in Ex. 16 as a model, as well as your answers from Ex. 17. UNIT 3 Format Letters {1 a) Read the questions below, then listen to the beginnings and endings of 6 1. Whyhas the letter been written? three letters and tick the correct box for each letter. Leter1 Letter? Letter3 A. to apply for a job Ou oO B toask for information Oo oO C to make a complaint b) Listen again ana tick the correct boxes for each letter. How does the letter begin’? Letter 1 Letter 2. Letter 3 A Dear Advertiser B Dear Sir/Madam © Dear Mr Williams voces Which of the following expressions have been used in the opening/closing remarks? A. With reference to your advertisement ... 1 am writing to apply fr the position... 1am writing to express my dissatisfaction ‘my B € D Took forward to heating from you E_[ must insist on a full refund .. F Thank you in advance . How does the letter end? A: Yours faithfully 60... ceeeseeeceeeeee oO B Lots of love oO C Yours sincerely Forral letters are normally sent to people in an oficial position or people you don't know well (e.g. Director of Studies, Personne! Manager, etc). They are written in a formal style with a polit, impersonal tone. © You can write a formal letter to apply for a job/course, make a complaint, give/ request official information, ete. © A formal letter should consist of: ) a formal greeting (¢.9. Dear Sir/Madam - when you do not know the person's name; Dear Ms Green - when you know the person's name) b) an introduction in which you write your opening remarks and mention your reason(s) for writing e.g. !am wring to apply forthe position of.) (©) @ main body in which you write about the main subjects) of the letter in detail, starting a new paragraph for each topic; ‘@) conclusion in which you write your closing remarks .g. ! 100k forward to hearing from you as soar as possible ..; €) a formal ending (Yours faithtully - when you do not know the person's name; Yours sincerely wien you know the person's name; + your fullname). Introduction | | Paragraph 1 opening temarks/ reasonis) tor writing Main Body Paragraphs 2 - 3 «| development of subjects) | Conclusion Final Paragraph | closing remarks | * the number of main body paragraphs may vary, Gepending on ihe nisi: | Unit 3 Formal Letiers LETTERS OF APPLICATION ‘When you write @ letter apalying for a job or a course, you should include the following information: A) inthe opening remarks/reason(s) for writing * the name of the job/course, where and when you saw it advertised. e.g, ... the postion of manager advertised in yesterday's Herald, B) in the main body paragraphs (paras 23-4) ‘age, present job andlor studies (@.g. 1am a nineteen-year-old university student) ‘© uaifcations (e.g. have @ BA in French.) experience (e.g. ! have been working as 2 waiter fr the last two years.) + skils and personal qualities that are suitable for the job/course 8. fam a good and careful driver. | consider myself tobe mature and responsible. ©) inthe closing remarks ‘© anyother important information (.e. when you are available for interview, Where and when you can be contacted, references you can send, 2 remark that you hope your application wil be considered, etc) ‘e.g. | wil be available for interview in September. J enclase references fom my last two employers. 1 ook forward to hearing from you. You usually use: the present simple to describe sklls/personal qualities ‘eg. 1 am a patient and reliable parson. the past simple to talk about past experiences eg. I left schoo! in 1994. | worked for General Motors for four years. the present perfect to tak about recent work/studles e.g. Ihave been working for LTYU for two years. | have recently fhished secondary school. 2 Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions. You saw this advertisement in a local newspaper and have decided to apply for the job. i f George's Primary School is looking for a jj sine. ange ‘and experienced schoolteacher to in usin September. Must be 2 good and keen on sports. ae Please apply in writing to Mrs gin of qualifications, skils and previous coe Ee saying why you think you are suitable . Closing date 12th May. BE Write your letter of application. Do not write any addresses. 1 Whoisgoing to read your letter? 4 Why are you writing this letter? 2 Do you know this person at all? $ How should you begin and end 3- What style should you use? the letter? Choose A to C. ind regards, Steve ae C | pear Mrs Hunter, _— Yours sincerely, Steven Davies 6 Which ofthe following points should you include in your letter? Tick (7) A. your favourite subjects at [] school B your qualifications your present and previous jobs D a description of your appearance E your personal qualities F your plans for the summer Oo oo [ 7. What do you think the successful candidate should be? A patient Dats B enthusiastic hard-working € athletic F fair 8 What experience would someone need for this kind of job? A. experience with children B experience in public relations 9 What qualifications would someone need to apply for this job? A adriving licence BA in Education a degree in Media Studies a certificate in gymnastics a diploma in interior design mooe a Unit 3 Formal Letters 2B 3 Read the Jetter and label the paragraphs with the headings below. Say what qualifications, experience and personal qualities Steven has. Do you think he will get the job? © closing remarks @ personal qualities ® agelpresent jobiqualifcations © opening remarksireason(s) for writing ® experience Dear Mrs Hunter, Para 1 With reference to your advertisement in Thursday's edition of the Daily Star, ! am interested in applying for the position of primary school teacher. Tam 28 years old and currently teaching in Margate. I have a BSc degree awarded by Glasgow University in 1997. I completed my certificate in Education at Preston Teacher Training College in 1998. I have been working for Margate Education Department since 1999. During this time, I have enjoyed teaching a variety of subjects, including English, General Science and Games. T consider myself to be punctual, hard-working and fair. 1 enjoy working with children and have good organisational sills. T enclose a reference from my present employer. I would be grateful if you would consider my application. ! am available for interview any weekday ‘moming. 100k forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Steven Davies Steven Davies Para 2 Para 3 Main Body Para 4 Para 5 Conclusion 4 Read the letter again and find formal expressions to match the informal ones in the table, as in the example. Informal Style Formal Style ‘About your advert. With reference to your advertisement. want to apply for. 1 got my teaching certificate. Pe had a job in 1 think Fm always on time .. like working with kids ‘There’s a note from my boss Pd lke it if you hired me ar free to talk to you Drop me a line sometime 2. Atthe moment, I... 3 Aiter leaving high schoo}, . 5 Fill in the correct form of the verbs im the list. study, be a member, graduate, Join, attend, award 1. graduated from Lancers University in 1998 with a first class degree in Physical Education, courses at Southfield College. os Art at the Schoo! of Fine Art in Paris, 4 Tam keen on sports. 1. Barton football eluh three months ago. si of the local orchestra, where I play the violin. 6 Iwas . a grade A in Maths. FORMAL STYLE Formal style is characterised by the use ot © advanced vocabulary e.g. / am unting to enquire whether (not: Hraneto-asie © formal linking words/phrases (consequently, however, therefore, for this reason) e.g. Ihave worked as a primary ‘Schoo! teacher for ton years and therefore have experience working with children. © passive voice e.g, I:can be contacted .. (not: Yorreamcontactme...) © polite forms without contractions ©. | would be grate I. | would appreciate Rif you could... would like to apply. (not:-He-the=) Colloguial expressions, phrasal verbs, idioms and short forms are not used in formal styl.

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