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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer

on Yield Quality and Nutrient
Content in Broccoli
a a b
Funda Yoldas , Safak Ceylan , Bulent Yagmur &
Nilgun Mordogan
Ege University, Odemis Technical Training College ,
Izmir, Turkey
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science
Department , Izmir, Turkey
Published online: 16 Jun 2008.

To cite this article: Funda Yoldas , Safak Ceylan , Bulent Yagmur & Nilgun Mordogan
(2008) Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield Quality and Nutrient Content in Broccoli,
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31:7, 1333-1343, DOI: 10.1080/01904160802135118

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Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31: 1333–1343, 2008
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0190-4167 print / 1532-4087 online
DOI: 10.1080/01904160802135118

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield Quality

and Nutrient Content in Broccoli

Funda Yoldas,1 Safak Ceylan,1 Bulent Yagmur,2 and Nilgun Mordogan2

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Ege University, Odemis Technical Training College, Izmir, Turkey
Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Department, Izmir, Turkey


This study was conducted to determine the effects of nitrogen (N) doses on yield, quality,
and nutrient content in broccoli heads. Treatments consisted of 0, 150, 300, 450, and
600 kg N ha−1 . Nitrogen rates significantly increased yield, average weight of main and
secondary heads, and the diameter in broccoli compared to control. The highest total
yield (34631 kg ha−1 ) was obtained at 300 kg N ha−1 . At harvest, the highest amount
of the total N in broccoli heads was measured at 450 kg N ha−1 application. Potassium
(K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) content increased with
increases in nitrogen treatments but, phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn),
boron (B), and sodium (Na) contents were not influenced. Also, removed nutrients by
broccoli head were highest at 300 kg ha−1 N rate.

Keywords: Broccoli, nitrogen doses, yield, quality, nutrient, removed nutrient


Broccoli is high in food value and is found in the most efficient group of
vegetables from the standpoint of food production. Also, broccoli has been
shown to be effective in protecting against some cancers (Anonymous, 2002;
Yoldas, 2003; Yoldas and Esiyok, 2004). Broccoli production in Turkey has
expanded considerably in recent years. According to the statistics, Turkeys’
broccoli production is approximately 6500 tons (Anonymous, 2005).
Nitrogen (N) has a high influence on plant growth and development.
Nitrogen is an important element for economic vegetable production, and is

Received 9 March 2007; accepted 29 February 2008.

Address correspondence to Funda Yoldas, Ege University, Odemis Technical Training
College, 35750, Odemis, Izmir, Turkey. E-mail:

1334 F. Yoldas et al.

especially required for successful production when grown in poor mineral soils.
The extra N is thought to reduce overall risk associated with crop production.
Nitrogen management strategies should be used on vegetable farms to mini-
mize the N that would be lost to the environment. Temperature, N, and water
are the most important environmental factors for yield and quality of broccoli.
Nitrogen applications increased broccoli yield and quality (Beverly et al., 1986;
Godin, 1995; Sanchez et al., 1996; Castellanos et al., 1999; Rooster et al., 1999;
Babic and Elkner, 2000; Belec et al., 2001). In some research, 120–270 kg ha−1
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N was recommended for 10-15 t ha−1 marketable broccoli (Letey et al., 1983;
Default and Waters, 1985; Sanchez et al., 1996), 140 kg ha−1 N was recom-
mended for 10 t ha−1 marketable broccoli, and 350 kg ha−1 N treatments were
recommended for 20 t ha−1 (Beverly et al., 1986).
The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate broccoli yield and yield
components according to different nitrogen rates, (ii) to find effects of nitrogen
doses on nutrient content in heads, and (iii) to determine amounts of nutrients
removed by broccoli heads.


This research was conducted during the winter growing season at Odemis Tech-
nical Training College of Ege University. Marathon variety was used as a test
crop. The experiment was designed in a randomized complete-block factorial
design with three replications. The experimental design included unfertilized
control plots. Seeds were sown in pots which had included 105 mL torf. They
were transplanted 50 cm apart between plants and 70 cm apart in rows (Yoldas,
2003), when they became optimum size for planting.
The experimental area was dripped with disc harrow. Each plot area was
3.5 m2 and contained 10 plants. Marketable parts of broccoli were collected
from February 10th to March 7th. Fertilizer treatments included five N rates at
0, 150, 300, 450, and 600 kg ha−1 . Nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the form
of ammonium nitrate (26%), 1/3 at sowing, 1/3 at 20 d after sowing, and other
at after cutting main heads. Additionally, to all plots 150 kg ha−1 P2 O5 and
150 kg ha−1 K2 O were applied, as triple superphosphate and potassium sulfate
respectively. In experiment, all cultural practices were done when necessary
(Vural et al., 2000).
Broccoli heads of marketable size were harvested from each plot: yield
(kg ha−1 ), main head yield (kg ha−1 ), secondary head of yield (kg ha−1 ), average
weight of main head (g), average weight of secondary head (g), number of
secondary head per plant (number), weight of secondary head per plant (g),
diameter of head (cm), and length of head (cm) were determined.
Broccoli heads were dried and total N was determined by Kjeldahl method
(Kacar, 1972), phosphorus (P) (Lott et al., 1956), potassium (K), calcium (Ca),
sodium (Na) (Kacar, 1972), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc
Effects of Fertilizer on Yield and Nutrients in Broccoli 1335

Table 1
Physical and chemical properties of experimental soil in the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm

Value Value

Characteristics 0–20 cm 20–40 cm Characteristics 0–20 cm 20–40 cm

pH 7.13 7.33 Available P ppm 13 12.3
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Total salt %
0.03 0.03 Available K ppm 90 70
CaCO3 %
0.33 0.25 Available Ca ppm 3246 2951
Sand %
79.44 73.44 Available Mg ppm 120 117
Clay %
4.56 2.56 Available Na ppm 10 10
Loam %
16.00 24.00 Available Fe ppm 15.71 24.52
Texture Loamy- Loamy- Available Cu ppm 1.80 1.80
sand sand
Organic matter % 1.23 0.89 Available Zn ppm 1.26 0.88
Total N % 0.07 0.04 Available Mn ppm 10.20 3.71

(Zn), manganese (Mn) (Kacar, 1972; Slawin, 1968), and boron (B) (Baron,
1954) were also determined.
All data were analyzed statistically with TARIST package program
(Acıkgoz et al., 1994).


Properties of soil samples are given Table 1. The soil was a loamy sand, neutral
pH, and low in organic matter. Total N and available K contents of the soil
were low. Available P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu values were sufficient.

Yield and Yield Components

Yield and some yield characteristics are presented in Table 2. The nitrogen
application significantly increased the total yield, yield of main and secondary
heads (P < 0.01). The highest total and secondary head yield were obtained
from 300 kg ha−1 doses (34631 kg ha−1 and 20753 kg ha−1 , respectively). But,
the highest yield of main head was obtained from 150 kg ha−1 dose. The yield
of main head, secondary head, and total yield were increased by treatments
compared with control (34%, 25%, and 28%, respectively). But, total yield de-
creased with excessive N applications. Similar results were obtained by Zebarth
et al. (1995), Babic and Elkner (2000), Belec et al. (2001).
Since excess mineral nitrogen may delay the time taken to reach commer-
cial maturity and the fact that the crops did not respond to more 120 kg N ha−1 ,
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Table 2
The effects of N rates on yield and yield components (total yield (TY, kg ha−1 ), main head yield (Mhy, kg ha−1 ),
secondary head of yield (Shy, kg ha−1 ), average weight of main head (Awh, g), average weight of secondary head
(Awsh, g), number of secondary head per plant (Nsh), weight of secondary head per plant (Wsh, g), diameter of head
(Dh, cm), length of head (Lh, cm) of broccoli

Rates TY Mhy Shy Awh Awsh Nsh Wsh Dh Lh

kg ha−1 kg ha−1 kg ha−1 kg ha−1 (g) (g) (number) (g) (cm) (cm)

Control 27157de 10653.3c 16503.7bc 372.87c 79.13a 7.30b 577.63bc 12.73c 10.90
150 32845b 14306.3a 18539.1b 500.72a 70.00ab 9.27a 648.87b 17.63a 12.83
300 34631a 13877.3a 20753.4a 485.71a 73.37a 9.90a 726.37a 15.40b 11.47
450 29654c 13309.7a 16254.3c 465.84a 59.70bc 9.53a 568.90c 15.43b 11.93
600 27915d 12097.7b 15817.1c 423.42b 55.19c 10.03a 553.60c 14.77b 11.97
LSD 1819.7∗∗ 1061.4∗∗ 2121.5∗∗ 37.16∗∗ 9.69∗∗ 1.21∗∗ 71.94∗∗ 1.23∗∗ ns

a,b,c,d; average which is shown with different letters in the same column, is between differences are significant.
: The difference is significant at the P < 0.01 level; ns: No significant difference.
Effects of Fertilizer on Yield and Nutrients in Broccoli 1337

it could be implied that higher rates of N may cause nitrate leaching or luxury
N uptake (Maurao and Brito, 2001).
But, Castellanos et al. (1999) has reported the highest marketable yield of
broccoli was obtained from 400 kg N ha−1 . Our findings, in regards to yield,
are in agreement with observations made by many researchers (Yoldas, 2003,
14.6-18.6 t ha−1 ; Rutowska, 2000, 18.8–19.3 t ha−1 ; Mihov and Antonova,
2000, 15–19.4 t ha−1 ; Kunicki et al., 1999, 11–16.6 t ha−1 ; Albarracin et al.,
1995, 20 t ha−1 ).
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Average weight of main and secondary head, number of secondary head

per plant, weight of secondary head per plant, and diameter of head, which
are the important quality criterion, were significantly increased by nitrogen
rates (P < 0.01). The highest weight of head and diameter of head values were
determined for 150 kg N ha−1 treatment (500.72 g, 17.63 cm, respectively)
(Table 2). Similar results have been reported by Dellacecca et al. 1994. However,
Griffith and Carling (1991), Kunicki et al. (1999), and Callens et al. (2000) found
smaller head diameters than ours. Head diameter was found 16.2–16.3 cm by
Albarracin et al. (1995).
Toivonen et al. (1994) applied N at six rates of ranges from 0 to 625 kg
ha−1 . They found the optimal marketable head size at rate of 125–250 kg N
ha−1 . Thompson et al. (2002) reported that the important quality criterion of
broccoli is highly responsive to N fertilizer inputs. Excessive N inputs can result
in decreased quality from hollow stem (Stivers et al., 1993). Those results were
parallel with our results. Number of secondary head per plant and its weight
were changed by an increase of N doses (Table 2).
Increasing N rates significantly increased head diameter compared to the
control. The highest value was recorded when the N-rate was raised from
0 to 150 kg N ha−1 . It again decreased with increasing doses. There was no
significant effect of N rate on length of head.

Mineral Contents of Broccoli Head

Mineral contents of broccoli head are given in Table 3. The N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe,
and Zn contents in broccoli head were significantly affected by N treatments
(P ≤ 0.01).
In this study, it was determined that maximum N content in the heads were
obtained by 450 kg N ha−1 applied. Potassium, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn contents
were reached maximum at 600 kg N ha−1 dose. But, except K, contents of other
element were statistically the same. Contents of P, Cu, Mn, B, and Na in head
were not significantly affected by N rates.
McCance and Widdowson (1991) reported that 100 g fresh broccoli con-
tained 0.71 g total N, 87 mg P, 370 mg K, 56 mg Ca, 22 mg Mg , 8 mg Na,
1.7 mg Fe, 0.02 mg Cu, 0.6 mg Zn, 0.2 mg Mn; however, Vural et al. (2000)
reported that 100 g fresh broccoli contains 114 mg Ca, 48 mg P, and 1.15 mg
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Table 3
The effects of nitrogen rates on macro and micro element contents in head of broccoli

kg ha−1 % ppm

Rates N P K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn Mn B Na

Control 3.06c 0.43 2.10b 0.91b 0.20c 100.17c 5.21 36.91c 35.88 20.62 220.03
150 3.62bc 0.46 2.20b 0.96ab 0.21bc 109.21bc 5.20 40.40c 37.14 20.83 220.22
300 4.09b 0.48 2.32ab 0.99a 0.23ab 125.11ab 5.21 49.26bc 37.32 20.85 220.19
450 5.08a 0.44 2.17b 0.99a 0.23ab 128.87a 5.21 61.01ab 34.27 20.87 220.13
600 4.82a 0.41 2.60a 1.01a 0.25a 134.61a 5.21 62.12a 34.05 20.67 220.16
LSD 0.69∗∗ ns 0.30∗∗ 0.05∗∗ 0.03∗∗ 17.29∗∗ ns 12.35∗∗ ns ns ns

a,b,c,d; average which is shown with different letters in the same column, is between differences are significant.
: The difference is significant at the P < 0.01 level; ns: No significant difference.
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Table 4
The effects of nitrogen rates on removed nutrients amount by heads

kg ha−1 g ha−1

kg ha−1 Rates N P K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn Mn B Na

Control 83,10b 11,68 57,03 24,71 5,43b 272,03 141,49 100,24 97,44 56,00 59,75
150 118,90ab 15,11 72,26 31,53 6,90ab 358,70 170,79 132,69 121,99 68,42 72,33
300 141,64a 16,62 80,34 34,28 7,97a 433,27 180,43 170,59 129,24 72,21 76,25
450 150,64a 13,05 64,35 29,36 6,82ab 382,15 154,50 180,92 101,62 61,89 65,28
600 134,55a 11,45 72,58 28,19 6,98ab 375,76 145,44 173,41 95,05 57,70 61,46
LSD 42.21∗ ns ns ns 1.59∗ ns ns ns ns ns ns

a,b,c,d; average which is shown with different letters in the same column, is between differences are significant.

: The difference is significant at the P < 0.05 level; ns: No significant difference.

1340 F. Yoldas et al.

Fe. Green mulch treatments were increased yield and also concentrations of B,
barium (Ba), chloride (Cl), Cu, K, Mg, Mn, N, P, selenium (Se), and Zn in plant
(Magnusson, 2000).

Removed Minerals by Yield (Broccoli Head)

Amount of removed minerals by broccoli head were increased by N treatments

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compared with control (Table 4). These increases were statistically significant
for N and Mg (P < 0.05).
The highest amount of N and Mg removed was achieved at the rate of
450 kg N ha−1 and 300 kg N ha−1 doses, respectively. But, differences between
150 and 450 kg N ha−1 doses were not found to be significant.
Rincon et al. (1999) have shown that removed total quantity of N, P, K, Ca,
and Mg by crop were 243.9, 28.7, 240.9, 221.3, and 23.0 kg ha−1 , respectively.
Of which, the head contributed 41.9%, 50.9%, and 32.3% (N, P, and K).
It was determined that the amount of removed minerals by broccoli head
were highest at the 300 kg N ha−1 dose, at which maximum total yield was also


According to the results, increasing the application dose of nitrogen increased

the yield. The highest yield was obtained from supplying 300 kg N ha−1 . There-
fore, 300 kg N ha−1 application can be recommended for broccoli under these
conditions. In broccoli head, N, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn contents, which are the
important for healthy nutrition, increased with increases in nitrogen doses.


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