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Kathleen Mucci
SLA 400-76

Living my life with purpose has always been something that lingers in the back of my

mind. I can’t say that I am one of those people that have always known what their calling in life

is. Some people are great educators that make a difference in the lives of children and some

people are passionate about saving the planet. Finding my way has been a journey that has taken

me through many ups and downs. At the end of the day, helping people in need is what comes

naturally to me. I want to be remembered for having a big heart that loves deeply with my whole

being and is always trying to right the wrong that I see in the world.

When thinking about the work that I have been called to, I would say that I have always

known that I wanted to be a mother. It is in that nurturing side that the vocation of helping the

less fortunate and advocating for those that can’t advocate for themselves was born. For

example, children are innocent souls that are not asked to be born into this world. It hurts my

heart when I think of children who may go to bed hungry at night or do not have clean clothes to

go to school in. This vocation is about living a life that one can feel good about in knowing that

they did what they could for those who needed help.

In the Laborem Exercens, Pope John Paul II talks about the idea of work being the

mission of all people. “The Church is convinced that work is a fundamental dimension of man's

existence on earth” (Paul, 2003). He speaks about how workers should be involved in all aspects

of work. “And work means any activity by man. Work is one of the characteristics that

distinguish man from the rest of creatures” (Paul, 2003). His idea that work is good for people

ties into my work ethic and values of work being essential to a fulfilling life. In both jobs that I

have right now, I am called to be of assistance. At the University, helping people daily to

navigate the complexity of attending college ties into the common good by working together to

achieve their goals. In the profession of Real Estate, being a source of information for those who

are unsure of the process is a part of the job that is most rewarding. Unsure homebuyers are so

grateful for assistance to calm their fears and help them achieve their dream of home ownership.

My work right now is not something that will be measured on a grand scale but will be a

contributing factor in easing the pressure of people’s daily lives.

The reference in the Encyclical Letter LAUDATO SI’ to our common home as being our

earth was very interesting to me. One does not always think about all the other people in the

world that we share this planet with. Low-income areas are some of the hardest hit by pollution.

“Both everyday experience and scientific research show that the gravest effects of all attacks on

the environment are suffered by the poorest” (Francis,2015). We all have a responsibility to take

care of our planet just as we do our own home. Letting only a few people worry about the planet

while we live our lives in disregard seems ridiculous when you look at the big picture. The

vocation of helping those in need, especially children addresses our environmental concern by

educating them on the needs of being a socially responsible person. Saint Joseph is refenced in

the text as being a protector. He was a hardworking man who loved his family and would do

anything to protect them. “That is why he was proclaimed custodian of the universal Church. He

too can teach us how to show care; he can inspire us to work with generosity and tenderness in

protecting this world which God has entrusted to us” (Francis, 2015). Leading by example is

something that I feel is very important. For example, show others that recycling is important by

being someone who recycles. By having an overall concern for how we live on the earth and how

each of us has our own environmental footprint is a good lesson for all.

My intended profession that I am leaning towards is assistance with the mental health of

people specifically in relation to the business field. Taking the stigma away from mental health

is something that is necessary for the world. The high stress that all people feel day to day is

something that needs to be addressed. Too many people are taking their own lives. By combining

my majors of business administration with behavioral health, I feel I will have a good

background to address these issues. This ties into issue of ensuring a safe and inclusive work


While reflecting on my life and what drives me, I concluded that my family sustains my

deepest soul. Everything I do is with them in mind. No matter what disaster or pandemic is

ahead, the love and care that I feel for them will never cease. If nothing else, the pandemic has

shown us that material possessions mean nothing in the big picture. Taking care of your loved

ones as well as yourself will lead you to heaven.

The legacy that I hope to create is a legacy of service to others. Jesus was called the

suffering servant. He called us to “see” God in all people. I hope to inspire others to “see” God

and to do their part to help change the world for the better. “Man is the image of God partly

through the mandate received from his Creator to subdue, to dominate, the earth. In carrying out

this mandate, man, every human being, reflects the very action of the Creator of the universe”


In conclusion, working towards the common good is something that I feel I do daily.

Advocating for people who do not have a voice to advocate for themselves is something that

hope to accomplish with my life. No matter what role I will play in the future, I will keep others

in mind in all that I do.


Paul, J. (2003). Laborem exercens: Encyclical letter on human work. Catholic Truth Society.

Pope Francis. 2015. Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home [Encyclical]. Sep 21, 2015

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