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Basic Rules

1. Personal Hygiene and Appearance

• Good personal hygiene habits will keep the house germs free.

• Bathing - Bathe at least once a day and use deodorant if required.

• Hair - Hair should be tied up neatly.

• Washing of hands - Practise proper hand washing techniques and always

remember to wash her hands before meals, food preparation and after the toilet.
When in doubt, wash your hands as and when needed.

• Nails - To be kept short and clean.

• Dental Health - Brush your teeth twice a day, once in the morning before starting
the day and once at night before bedtime.

• Monthly periods - Change sanitary pads and maintain freshness regularly. These
pads should be properly wrapped up and disposed of in a proper manner.

• Personal towels - Should be changed every week.

• Personal space - Do keep your personal space clean and tidy.

• Dressing - Do dress properly when we go out together. Sleeveless, low cut tops and
shorts are not allowed.

• Note: Do inform us if you have ran out of your daily necessities, we will replenish for

2. Personal belonging

• Do keep your personal belongings in the designated chest of drawers assigned. Do

not leave your personal belongings lying around the house. Cash found lying
around within the house will be deemed as Sir/Mdm’s.

3. Working hours and days off

• Working Hours: 6am to pm, lunch break 1 hour

• Off Days: Sundays (Note, no off days for the first 6 months)

• Be at home before 9pm during your off-day (Off Day hours: 9.30am to 9pm)

• No part-time job outside during your off-day. It is against the law in Singapore

4. No smoking and no consumption of alcohol

5. Be polite and observe proper behaviour

• Always initiate the greeting

• Give firm but polite and clear instructions to children.

• There should be no raised voices, threats or any form of physical abuse. Neither
should there be any verbal abuse. You should not punish the children at all times
but to inform their parents of their being, unless instructions are given.

• No foul language. At all times.

• Try not to talk to men outside

6. Honesty under all circumstances (no white lies)

• No lying

• No stealing. You will be reported to the police.

7. Home Security and Privacy

• Always play your part in keeping the home safe for everyone

• E.g. Keeping the gate locked after entering the house, closing all the house
windows when leaving house to buy food or run errands.

• Do not bring other people into the house

• Do not leave the house without our permission.

• Do inform us when you go out during your off-days.

• Do not make any online purchase and have them delivered to our house.

• Ask for permission before you enter the master bedroom.

8. Usage of Mobile Phone and Internet

• After work hours only

• No phone during working hours, unless it is an emergency (do inform us).

9. Remain contactable and do not go missing

10. Meals and Food

• Let us know if you need more food

• Do not eat our snacks without permission

Employer - Helper Relationship

1. We will treat you like family and respect you. We hope you will do the same.

2. We will reward you for good performance.

3. Do approach us directly and share with us if you encounter any difficulty.

4. Do not compare with other helpers.

5. If you want to send money home, do let us know and we can help you send the money
back home.
6. If there are too many things for you to handle, do let us know and we will work it out with

7. Do talk to us when you are not feeling well, we will take you to see the doctor.

8. Explain nicely if there is any misunderstanding or miscommunication (no arguing or


9. If you make a mistake, do let us know honestly.

10. If you have any financial difficulties and need to send money back home urgently
due to family emergencies, do speak to us first instead of borrowing from money lenders
and DO NOT borrow money from loan sharks.

11. Be responsive to our needs and take initiative.

12. Feel free to give suggestions to improve things.

Housework Related Rules

1. Always exercise care and be meticulous when you are doing any housework.

2. Exercise caution when cleaning the exterior of the windows. Do not clean the exterior of
the window when you are alone. Only perform this task in the presence and under the
supervision of Sir/Mdm.

3. Try to remember our food preferences.

4. Do not be afraid to ask us if you do not know how to do or are unsure of doing anything

5. Do not leave sharp objects and dangerous substances within reach of children.

6. For groceries or household items that are about to finish, note it down so we can buy it or
give you money to replenish it.

7. When grocery shopping, keep receipts or note down the expenses.

8. Chores (Recommended frequency or if deemed necessary, to exercise wisdom and


• Vacuum - Twice a day if we are at home / Once if we are not at home

• Clearing out rubbish and cleaning of the sinks - Every night before bedtime

• Mop - Every day

• Sanitise and clean general surface tops and high contact points (e.g. door knobs) -
Once a week

• Washing of Toilets - 2x a week (e.g. every Wednesday and Friday)

• Changing of bed sheets - Once every 2 weeks

• Sanitising and deep cleaning (including ceiling and standing fans) - twice a month
• Cleaning of windows - Once every 4 months

• Washing of curtains - Once every 6 months

Laundry Rules

1. Check clothes pockets before putting them into the washing machine.

2. Separate light and dark laundry and baby’s laundry and wash them separately (Note: Use
baby’s detergent for baby’s items)

3. Try to wash all the clothes after dinner time (to minimal disruptions) and only when the
washing machine can be minimally a 80% full load (so as not waste electricity)

4. Keep the dry clothes when cooking

5. Do not spoil the clothes by ironing with wrong settings or ironing the wrong parts that is
not supposed to be ironed

6. Fold or hang the clothes, separated by Sir and Mdm and hang. We will keep it in our
wardrobe ourselves.

7. Let us know if any laundry necessities are running out so we can buy and replenish.

Cooking Rules

1. Always wash your hands before touching the food.

2. Observe hygiene at all times.

3. Separate raw meat, vegetable from cooked food.

4. Always keep the food clean and fresh.

5. Beware of fire. Turn off all appliances when they are not in use. Do ensure that there is no
water around the electrical appliance.

6. Keep the kitchen clean at all times. Wash right after cooking.

7. Cook reasonable and correct portion (do not waste food).

8. Preferred Meal Times (if we are at home):

• Breakfast prepared by 730am

• Lunch prepared by 12nn

• Dinner prepared by 6pm

Caring for Baby

1. If you think our baby needs to be disciplined, let us know.

2. Do not hit our baby.

3. Do watch our baby closely when he plays.

4. Do let us know when baby get hurt when you are taking care of him

5. Do not use your phone when caring for the baby

6. Cleaning of baby’s toys and equipment after he falls asleep. Do so quietly without making
loud noises.

• Clean baby's toys every night

• Clean baby’s fence every week

Agreement Between Employer and Helper

1. There are CCTVs in the whole house except for the helper’s rest area.

2. No usage of mobile phone during working hours, except for telecommunication with
Sir/Mdm and emergency calls.

3. If caught using mobile phone inappropriately (e.g. when the child is awake in the house,
sending the child to school), the handphone shall be handed over to Sir/Mdm and only
returned after a period of time.

4. We are a conservative family, please keep a natural hair colour.

5. Employer will check money, parcel, box or things that the helper has to take out from
employer’s house.



Domestic Helper:





Daily Schedule

Time Activity
05.45am Wake up and wash up
06.00am Prepare breakfast for Mam (refer to breakfast menu)
Pack lunch for maam (refer to lunch menu)
Wash water bottle and fill water bottle for Mam
06.30am Eat your breakfast
07.00am Put clothes in the washing machine
Mop and tidy the whole house:
7.30am Baby wakes up
Feed baby

9.00am Prepare breakfast for Sir

10.00am Prepare cloth and warm water to wipe baby
Warm Milk bottle
Feed baby
11.00am Cook Lunch
Clean the kitchen area, kitchen appliances (microwave oven), wash dishes
Serve lunch around 12.30
12.30pm Rest and eat your lunch
1.30pm If baby is awake, check his diaper / feed
Prepare fruits / tea break
3.00pm Clean the kitchen area, kitchen appliances (microwave oven), wash dishes
Look for any dirty spot in the house to clean
4.50pm Prepare for dinner
Refill water bottle (if required)
Wash milk bottles
If Sir or Mam need anything, will let you know (e.g. cook, chit-chat)
Work End. You can shower and sleep

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