Infografía de Periódico Moderno Ordenado Colorido

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Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Root Cause Analysis

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is a systematic
approach used to identify and prioritize potential
failure modes in a process, system, or product, and
determine their impact on performance.

Root Cause Analysis is a problem-solving technique
used to identify the underlying causes of an issue or
failure, with the aim of preventing its recurrence.

Elements of FMEA:
1. Identification: Identify the components, processes, or systems to be analyzed.
2. Failure Modes: Determine potential ways in which the identified component, process, or
system can fail.
3. Severity: Assign a severity rating to each failure mode based on its potential impact on
safety, quality, and performance.
4. Occurrence: Assess the likelihood of each failure mode occurring.
5. Detection: Evaluate the ability to detect or prevent each failure mode before it reaches the
6. Risk Priority Number (RPN): Calculate the RPN by multiplying severity, occurrence, and
detection scores to prioritize actions.
7. Action Plan: Develop and implement actions to reduce the risks associated with high RPNs.
8. Follow-up: Monitor the effectiveness of actions and continuously improve the process.

Procedure to Implement FMEA:

1. Define the scope and objectives of the
FMEA analysis.
2. Assemble a cross-functional team with
knowledge and expertise relevant to
the analyzed process or system.
3. Identify the components, processes, or
systems to be analyzed.
4. Brainstorm potential failure modes and
document them.
5. Assess the severity, occurrence, and
detection for each failure mode and
assign scores.
6. Calculate the RPN for each failure
7. Prioritize actions based on high RPN
8. Develop an action plan with assigned
responsibilities and deadlines.
9. Implement the actions and track their
10. Review and update the FMEA

Elements of Root
Cause Analysis:
1. Problem Identification: Clearly define the problem or failure
that needs to be analyzed.
2. Data Collection: Gather relevant data, facts, and
information about the problem.
3. Cause and Effect Analysis: Use techniques like the Fishbone
Diagram or 5 Whys to identify potential causes.
4. Root Cause Determination: Analyze the potential causes to
identify the underlying root cause(s).
5. Solutions and Action Plan: Develop and implement
corrective actions to address the root cause(s).
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor the
effectiveness of the implemented solutions and evaluate
their impact.

Procedure to
Implement RCA:
1. Clearly define and document the problem or failure.
2. Collect data and evidence related to the problem.
3. Use cause and effect analysis techniques to identify potential causes.
4. Analyze the potential causes to determine the root cause(s) of the
5. Develop an action plan with specific solutions to address the root cause(s).
6. Implement the corrective actions and track their progress.
7. Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the solutions.
8. Make adjustments and improvements as necessary.

Example of Application: Let's say a manufacturing company experiences frequent

equipment breakdowns. They decide to conduct an FMEA and RCA to address the
issue FMEA:
Identify the manufacturing equipment as the component to be analyzed.
Potential failure modes: Equipment overheating, electrical failure, mechanical
breakdown, component malfunction.
Severity assessment: High impact on production, safety risks.
Occurrence assessment: Occurs frequently due to aging equipment and lack of
Detection assessment: Low detection due to lack of monitoring systems.
Calculate RPN for each failure mode and prioritize actions.
Action plan: Implement regular equipment maintenance, install monitoring
systems, train employees on proper equipment usage and maintenance.

Problem identification: Frequent equipment breakdowns.

Data collection: Collect breakdown records, maintenance logs, and
operator observations.
Cause and effect analysis: Use a Fishbone Diagram to identify potential
causes such as lack of maintenance, operator error, faulty components.
Root cause determination: Analyze potential causes and identify
inadequate maintenance as the root cause.
Solutions and action plan: Develop a maintenance schedule, assign trained
technicians, implement preventive maintenance procedures.
Monitoring and evaluation: Track equipment performance, measure
breakdown frequency, and assess the impact of the implemented
maintenance procedures.


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