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Tec de Monterrey
Course: Digital Transformation
Title: Digital Transformation map


By Jorge Inga

Lima- Peru, July 17th, 2023

The strategy

Strategic goal

Description of digital readiness

Our Digital Strategy

Using the elements of a digital transformation map


The strategy:

This project is concerning my entrepreneurship ABC Tech (I will use a fictious name) which I started back
in 2021. It’s still a small business, focused on delivering software development services in Peru’s market.

As the founder and general manager, since the first day, my job has been to define our Mission, Vision as
well as short and long term goals. That’s when strategy definition took place.

From operations point of view (to run the business and seek continuous improvement):

At first, we defined ourselves to be a paperless and technology driven company. That meant we were
born leveraging technologies in all areas which contribute to the operating bottom line, such as
accounting (outsourced), talent management (outsourced), recruiting (outsourced), and IT support

Not only these support services were full remote based but also all employees work from home as well,
using communications tools (whatsapp, zoom, google meet, Teams) to perform their jobs. All collaboration
among support areas of the company were going to be 100% paperless and online.

Looking for better experience for our engineers:

We did not enforce the use of a specific set of tools but leave to the field to decide what was better for
them (bottom – up approach) and make that standard.

Deploying a rapid and practical response with clients (improving experience):

No physical office was leased. Fortunately, even virtual meetings with clients were feasible, and we just
adapt to clients’ standard tools to communicate with them.

Our strategic goal is to grow the company by leveraging business models (outsourcing, low cost, slim
company), service quality (rapid response and service level) and technology.

Description of digital readiness:

We strongly believe that we have a good degree of digital readiness, since our business model is already
defined and working as an outsourcing IT services provider. Our cost structure is also pretty well
optimized as all support services such as accounting, recruiting, IT and Talent management are already
handled by shared service providers. Our business model has been kept simple with a focus in selling
only one kind of service. Finally, we started the company with a lean mindset from a technological point of
view, having all employees working from home, and using communication and collaboration tools.

Our Digital Strategy: (and action plan)

With a current annual revenue of US$400K, and service contracts in ongoing projects (Currently), the
strategy to grow will be based on leveraging with business partners (sellers or executives who bring new
business and opportunity leads- by 3Q 2023), being more actively in social networks as LinkedIn (3Q
2023) and taking advantage of technological tools as Indeed or LinkedIn recruiter (Currently). Also,
seeking to be closer to the client, we will deploy surveys using well-known tools as google surveys (4Q
2023). This should improve customer experience.

Using the elements of a digital transformation map:

By executing the strategy described above, we will be adhered to our Mission (to be a boutique IT service
provider, showing excellence in our services with a more rapid response than the competition, and a high
employee satisfaction index enjoying 10%- attrition rate), our Vision (to keep being a small but high-profit
firm, growing our business by leveraging our business networks and client referrals, developing long-term

client relationships by focusing in listening to clients, giving always a rapid and quality response, and
delivering it with a headcount full of the best engineers in the market).

Also, myself as the GM (in a leadership position) will continue orchestrating all areas of the company with
a special orientation to sales, based on my experience.

If we are able to deliver our Vision described above (3Q-4Q 2023), we should be making a difference
regarding customer experience.

At the same time, by empowering our workforce by letting them decide best technological tools and
frameworks, and have a strong voice from bottom up, we should receive better results from the field, less
attrition, and we shall have the appropriate channel for honest feedback in order to improve our internal

Responsible for action plan: General manager

Date to assess results: end of 1Q 2024.


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