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Your friend is getting Your friend wants to get Although you have a

very drunk at the party. married. You think he is boyfriend, you just met

Tell her not to drink too young. Tell him what someone new who is

so much. you think he ought to do. attractive to you. Ask

your friend for advice.

Your friend is only 15 Your friend is always in Your friend has been

years old but she wants to need of money. Tell him gaining a lot of weight.

quit school and have a what he needs to do to Tell him what he should

baby. Give her your get his financial problems do about it.

opinion. under control.

You suspect that your Your friend is in this Your friend is having

partner may be cheating country illegally. He is problems with her

on you but you are not having trouble finding teenage child. Tell

certain, Ask a friend what work. Give him some your friend what you would

should you do. advice. do in this situation.

Copied from “Conversation Inspirations” by Nancy Ellen Zelman, 1996.

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