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15 Time Wasting Activities You Must Eliminate From Your Life

In this article, we will be talking all about time-wasting activities, understanding what

time stealers are, common time wasters and how to overcome them .

In recent times, the art of time management has become a skill that a lot of people particularly

young people and those in the working class, struggle with.

The average person in our world complains that 24 hours seems to no longer be enough. Due to

the inability of people to efficiently and judiciously manage this precious resource called time,

many have become victims of unpleasant situations.

Lost opportunities, failures of diverse kinds, and the emotions of regret seem to now be the

order of the day. Here is a popular question most folks like to ask,  “what are time-wasting

activities and how to overcome them?”

Time-wasting activities, looters, or whatever fancy name you can give, are activities of any

kind that bring you to a point where you successfully waste or mismanage your time.

Time stealers are very common activities that most of us are culprits of practicing daily. In

fact, due to how frequently they are being practiced, most time-wasting activities have become

subconscious acts that have become ingrained into our beings.

It is therefore of utmost importance that these habits are first recognized before they can be

dealt with.

No matter how terrible the situation might seem, there is definitely, the light at the end of the

tunnel if this happens to be your predicament.

What are the top 15 time wasters? In this article, I’ll be introducing you to the top 15 time-

wasting activities that you must make efforts to get rid of.
1.  Inability To Say No And Being Available For Everything

The crazy thing about having 24 hours in a day is that everything and anything scrambles for

your attention. Your Tv at home wants your attention. Your mobile phone and social media

apps also want your attention.

The same goes for your friends, family, your boss at work, and even your own body. They all

need and want your attention. If you even check properly you might realize that most of these

things screaming for your attention are not very relevant and important at that very moment.

Now, imagine you begin to give each of them that attention that they all badly desire. Here’s

what’s going to happen.

You’re going to close and open your eyes and realize that 24 hours is all gone! If that happens,

you’d probably have not gotten all your important tasks and responsibilities done which also

means that you stand a chance of losing your job, valuable opportunities, and relationships.

So what do we do in such a situation? Learn to Say No! You have got to learn that not

everything is valuable enough to deserve our attention especially on days when there’s so

much to do!

Giving your attention to anything and everything is one very bad habit that you must get rid of

if you’ll be productive in life because the most productive people are very conscious about

how they spend every minute of their life.

So, if you’re going to be as productive as they are, you’ll need to avoid letting everything get

your attention.

2.  Doing Everything Yourself

At first, this might not look like one of the many time-wasting activities. You might even

mistake it for competence and efficiency but if you look hard enough, you’ll realize that you

have been wasting your time.

As we grow, we begin to handle higher and more responsibilities in addition to the ones that

lie in our hands.

Choosing to handle all those responsibilities all by yourself especially when there are

available pairs of hands is choosing to waste your time and choosing to deal with exhaustion.

As I said, you might even think that you are being productive and hardworking but believe me,

it isn’t. If you learn to delegate those responsibilities, you’d have time to handle the ones on

your hands better and still find time to deal with more important matters!

Imagine all the time you could have saved if you had just let someone else get the job! You are
bound to waste more time and resources and also be less efficient in the execution of your
tasks and responsibilities if you keep doing things all by yourself.

3.  Aiming For Perfection

I’ll shed light on all time-wasting activities but I must discuss extensively this one using

relatable experiences. Let’s start with a friend’s experience.

This friend of mine wanted to launch his first brand on the 3rd of march but ended up

launching months later.

Why? His brand was a startup and he felt he did not have enough products to launch his brand

and so he decided to stall a little while hop in that he’d get enough money to acquire more


The products never came and he launched months later (November). Till today, he still regrets

wasting that much when more could have been done and achieved.

In a bid to want everything to look sleek, spic and span, we end up wasting time unnecessarily.

Your strive for perfection can be a limitation in your growth journey.

Why? Because the time that can be used in making gradual and consistent improvements will

be used in gathering resources just so that the first step can be perfect and mind-blowing.
I used to make these mistakes daily until I corrected them. I love working, creating, and

building my ideas from the scratch in what my mind recognizes as a perfect work environment

or condition.

A perfect work environment/ condition for me means loud, slow music, food, coffee, stationery

of every form, access to date, and of course, solitude! Weird, I know but it always does the

magic for me.

So, many times I’d end up procrastinating or not working at all if even one of those items were

not available. It not only wasted my time but also made me unproductive and incompetent.

Our ideas of perfection are diverse but they all share mutual negative side effects which are a
waste of time and resources and also slow growth. Learn to avoid this time-waster like a
plague. You’d be doing yourself a whole lot of good.

4.  Comparing Yourself To Others

Of all time-wasting activities, this one messes with your mental health and emotional stability

the most! Comparison, they say is a thief of joy and I cannot agree more.

It puts you in a situation where you compare someone’s success reel with your behind-the-

scenes progress. Once you began to play the comparison game, you begin to lose focus of the

vision, of the big picture, of the reason why you decided to make efforts to become successful.

And so instead of channeling your energy, time, and resources into taking the necessary steps,

you begin to waste time just complaining and talking about how everyone seems to be having

fast and smooth lives while you struggle daily.

I played the comparison game in a season of my life where I was very depressed. Do you know

how much time I wasted? Coupled with the depression, I’d spend reasonable time sulking and

sometimes crying because I thought everyone was making progress and I wasn’t.
All the work I should have got done just kept piling up and piling up. Just like other time-

wasting activities, it made me lose several opportunities. I eventually recovered and got back

on my feet but the time I lost could never be recovered.

If there’s any other reason why you should avoid time-wasting activities especially this one,

it’s because of the damage it does to your mental health and how much it messes with your


5.  Lacking A System, Routine, Or Action Plan

Lacking a routine or a plan revolves around a lot of things. It refers to an absence of a

mechanism that allows you to get things done, like a system of operations that guides you and

helps you channel your energy and time properly.

This includes the use of a to-do list, schedules, and deadlines. Without the latter, you end up

wasting time trying to figure out what to do first and when to do it which would have been

avoided if you had made a plan!

Planning saves you the time of not knowing what to do or from doing the right thing at the

wrong time. Of all time-wasting activities that I have come across, this one leaves you

incapacitated until it is dealt with. If you are currently struggling with this, I have created a

detailed guide on how to effectively plan your day and be productive .

Failure to handle this will leave you with productivity, incompetence, and irresponsibility.

This time-waster also falls among the many time-wasting activities in the workplace that

should be avoided.

Why? Because you stand to leave a lot of important stuff undone and that could get you in

serious trouble with your employer.

It also ruins your reputation because people know that giving a man who doesn’t have a plan, a

job would be throwing hard-earned money into the gutter.

Please, avoid this time-waster the same way you’d avoid getting an F in a course.

6.  Multi-Tasking

Ever seen someone riding a bike that doesn’t move forward? That’s what multitasking does to

you. You get to put in the time, energy, and valuable resources, and it leaves you with little or

no results at all, almost like going in a circle.

Multi-tasking is a big time waster because you get to spend longer time on a job that can take

less if you focus on just that one and so you end up juggling three tasks at never getting the

desired results

I have made several unnecessary mistakes when I used to multi-task consistently. I once tried

cooking, cleaning the house, and working on a project all at once. You don’t need to guess


Dinner got burnt and ruined, I spent more time cleaning the house, and I never got to finish the

project. Imagine if I had picked one of those activities and focused on that one till the end.

Dinner would never have gotten messed up and I would have finished the cleaning and the

project. All that time I wasted would have been used to make progress.

So you see, multitasking gives you setbacks, delays, and wasted efforts and resources. What

other reasons do you need to begin to avoid this time-waster? None, I guess.

7.  Postponing Harder Tasks

I am a regular culprit of doing this and boy, it can be so limiting! Sometimes out of fear and

probably laziness, we tend to keep postponing the harder jobs instead of starting them at the

very instance.

It’s being scared of dealing with the reality that you have to get that task done and over with.
It’s alright to want to start with the simpler ones first but when you fail to begin the process of

working out the more complex ones, you end up postponing it over and over again thereby

wasting time.

The time that could be used to take on newer jobs, tasks, and responsibilities would be spent

on the consistent postponement of just one or two difficult tasks.

Which sounds reasonable and more realistic? Do you spend two weeks of hard work on a

difficult project or spending three months without starting while you continue to postpone it?

Always keep in mind that mulling or brooding over that task isn’t going to get the job done.
The earlier you face it, the better.

8.  Giving Excuses

Nothing wastes your time like a pile of reasons why you shouldn’t get the job done.

Sometimes, you’d find the habit of giving excuses walking alongside perfectionism.

Excuses like, “I’m not ready yet, I don’t have enough time” and others are the many reasons

why some of us remain lazy and unproductive. Most people who give excuses are also

consistent or habitual procrastinators.

If you have a bad habit of giving excuses, you’ll always have an excuse for your incompetence

and poor time management.

I like to think of excuses as lies that we like to tell and believe ourselves. The time we spend

making excuses if invested can take you halfway across that project! All that ever comes out

of time-wasting activities like making excuses are abandoned tasks and projects and of course,

more excuses.

I believe that if you can come up with excuses to avoid working then you should also be able
to come up with strategic ways of doing your job!
9.  Disorganization/Distractions

What are time stealers? Time stealers are habitual things that we practice that waste our time

without us even realizing it. One of such time stealers is distractions.

In our time and age, it is very easy to get distracted and most times we get distracted and do

not even know. Distractions most times, leave you with the time that you can’t account for.

Notice that every time you get distracted, you can’t either remember or point out what you

spent that time doing exactly.

You can get distracted by even the smallest things; a strong thought, loud music, or places, the

beep of a notification on your mobile phone, and lots more.

At some point, getting distracted can be a choice. Most of us do not set or create boundaries

that can help us deal with this time waster.

We carelessly leave our defenses down and end up spending the entire day doing the flimsiest

things and leaving the important stuff out.  Curbing distractions will cost you three things;

discipline, getting your priorities right, and more discipline.

For example, I work with my phone and if you use the internet a lot, you’ll know that it gets

very easy to get distracted out there.

So, to deal with that, I freeze all my social media apps, any app that can get me distracted

basically, and leave out the ones that will help out while I work.

Do I still get distracted at the end of the day? Sometimes yes. But it reduces the rate at which I

do get distracted. Distractions will always be everywhere. Remember and always keep in mind

that getting distracted is a choice to a very large extent.

10.  Indecisiveness
Making decisions sometimes can be quite hectic and might require time. However, when taking

decisions taken longer time than they should, then there’s a problem.

Every day and at every point of our lives, we are faced with making decisions some of which

are simple, others complex.

Decisions like what to eat, what to wear are usually simple to make especially when there is

not enough but on some days making those decisions can be such a chore!

In my family, we sometimes spend an average of 20 to 30 minutes just arguing about what to

make for dinner. All that time could be saved if some kind of planning was done ahead of


Yes! Planning can be a great help in helping you reduce the fate at which you waste your time.

If you learn to plan what you eat or even make a schedule for what you wear, you could end up

saving your time and improving your skill at time management.

I once arrived at an interview hall late because picking what to wear took a lot of time and that

was due to my poor planning and preparation skills.

As little as this time waster might seem, it can mess with your day and also deprive you of

life-changing opportunities, and that my friend can be very hazardous to your growth as a


11.  Unproductive Screen Time

Here’s an interesting fact I found online at

“During the past year, computer and mobile screen usage drastically increased on a global


A staggering 76% of the population between 16 and 24 are spending more time on their

phones, while 45% have increased the amount of time they spend on their laptops.
And it’s not just phones and laptops that are the digital culprits: 34% of the population are

spending more time watching TV, while 22% have increased their tablet usage.”

The above paragraph is proof of how much time people spend on their phones, laptops, TVs,

and more! However, in this context, we’re not looking at just how much people spend on their

mobile gadgets.

We’re looking at how much unproductive time they spend on it. Most people use their mobile

gadgets for very important stuff. I use mine for work purposes and research.

However, there are times when we end up spending more necessary time on those gadgets

especially on your mobile phone which can become a serious time-consuming agent.

If you check properly, you’ll discover that you spend a lot of time on your phone doing

unproductive things. That time if directed into something more profitable could prove to be a

more valuable investment of your time.

Unfortunately we most times, end up doing the direct opposite.

Among the many time-wasting activities that I am familiar with, this one happens to be very

common among young people.

Sometimes we cling and use our phones for the flimsiest reasons of reasons. That time spent

on having random and unprofitable conversations on social media can be invested in something


This time-wasting habit steals your time in micro-units until you realize that you spent the

entire day doing nothing result in less.

12.  Talking More And Doing Less

This habit is common among lazy folks. People who tend to talk without any action backing

their words will never get any work done.

The time they could use in putting in the needed efforts for their growth and improvement,

would be spent talking about their plans and building castles in the air.

One of the reasons why this is a very unhealthy habit is that it not only wastes your time but

also creates a bad impression about you in the eyes of people.

People will never take your words seriously because they know that there will be no action to

back them up.

To be honest, I was once like this. Whenever I had a job to do, you’d find me talking about the

many steps and procedures that I’d use to get the job done but at the end of the day, there’d be

nothing to show for it.

Consequences? I spent more time doing something than was required. It took a lot of discipline

to eventually get rid of this time waster and sincerely, it was also a bit of a struggle.

But the advantage of dealing with this time-waster is that it boosts your competence and

productivity by a mile. It also affects your self-confidence especially when you know that

you’re now a person who’d keep to his words.

13.  Complaining

Here’s my opinion about complainers. I like to think of complainers as blind people. Because

their pessimistic approach to life and their blaming game blinds them from seeing the truth and

also opportunities. Any of the time-wasting activities highlighted above should be avoided

including this one.

Complainers are also consistent at giving and making excuses. And making excuses requires

energy and time. Since complaining is an act that doesn’t get you any closer to achieving your

goals, then it will waste your time.

I once had a classmate in college who complained about literally everything from quiz

questions to the teacher’s method of teaching. While I invested my time in research and

learning, he invested his in complaining.

Soon enough, he had piles of undone assignments, and soon enough, he failed woefully. That’s

what Complaining does, it keeps you from making progress and also blinds you from the

pending disaster that looms right in front of you.

Like I said earlier, some time-wasting activities can metamorphose due to consistent practice

to a point where it becomes a subconscious activity and so whenever an unpleasant situation

pops up, the first thing that comes to mind is to complain.

I agree that all time-wasting activities can affect our productivity a lot but none does it like

the habit of complaining. Make solid efforts to be rid of this habit called complaining.

14.  Inefficient Learning/Implementing New Systems

This is one time stealer that doesn’t only waste your time but also your efforts. Inefficient

learning is most times caused by poor learning techniques or methods.

One of such methods is what we know as cramming. Imagine reading a book on self-discipline

and let’s say the reason for your doing that is to imbibe new principles that will help you

become more disciplined. If you decided to learn those principles by cramming, here’s what

you’re going to experience.

After cramming from that book, you’re most likely to forget 90% of what you’ve read, or

you’d probably never practice what Is in the book.

The same also goes for poor learning styles like the use of mnemonics or highlighting. They

all leave you with wasted efforts, energy, and time hence the reason why they fall into this list

of time-wasting activities.
This time stealer also happens to be among the list of the most common time wasters for

15.  Deciding On Trivial Tasks And Not Prioritizing Important Tasks

I learned from a wise man that a man who fails to set the right priorities is bound to waste

resources and that includes time. Having priorities is not enough. Having the right ones in a

scale of preference format is what will give you the results you see.

Priorities are part of the many factors that guide the day-to-day activities of people. It not only

shows them the reason why they do the things they do but also points out how important those

priorities are.

The essence of priorities is to help you channel your energy into the tasks that have the highest

urgency done quickly so that the next set of tasks can be dealt with also.

Now, it becomes foolish to begin to deal with the assignments of less importance before the

ones in high demand and urgency. It’s like choosing to drive a car before turning it on.

Why this particular act will waste your time is that at the end of the day, you’ll be forced to go

back to working on the more important projects first and that means the time you spent on the

less important tasks would be lost for good.

And trust me, nothing sucks like having to divide your energy into something that doesn’t

work at the end of the day.

You must note this about time-wasting activities. It is one thing to know that you are wasting

your time and it is another thing to the ability to point out what exactly wastes your time.

Sometimes, even after discovering how these time-wasting activities affect us negatively, it

becomes a bit of a challenge to get rid of them.

For You! 
However, you can find the answers you need in this article; 15 Time management tips for

successful people you need.

One of the ways to deal with time-wasting activities is by exposing your mind to information

that can give you insight that can help you deal with the menace of Time stealers. One of such

materials has been made available on this  link our very own transformational worksheets.  

Dealing and becoming an expert in managing time is a process that will require you to put in

consistent efforts. Your unwavering determination will also be needed as breaking out of the

grip of time stealers can be generally overwhelming.

In all, never forget that the reason why time must be managed is to bring you to a point in your

life where you become prosperous, confident, and successful!

At the end of the day, your success and well-being all depend on one very important factor;

5 Toxic Traits That Are Wasting Your Life Without Realizing

Life is too short, that’s a common saying. It is too short for you to stock up  toxic traits in
yourself,  breakdown, and then waste life. But sometimes, we don’t even realize what we’re
doing until it’s too late.

By the time we are nearing the end of our lives, we start to regret things we didn’t do because

of the destructive traits we had.

We make big dreams that end up not coming to fruition because we had routines and thoughts,

and attributes that could have been avoided.

I recommend that you review these five toxic traits examples, check if there are toxic traits in

you, and see if you are wasting your life without realizing it.

And once you learn to recognize these toxic traits in yourself, you can do well to avoid them

and start living your life correctly and working towards fulfilling your dreams. Roll up your

sleeves. We have work to do…

1. You’re Not Taking Risks

Not taking risks ranks high on the toxic traits list as it is a sign that you are wasting your life.

Life is all about risks.

Most of the things we embark on have risks, starting that business, resigning from that job,

asking for a raise, heck, even childbirth comes with risks. If we decide we don’t want to take

risks, we’d be like stagnant water, not moving.

See, the thing about risks is that they are factors that help us make decisions. Say, for

instance, I want to switch careers, what are the risks involved? I may not get a job

immediately; it would be a whole lot harder than I thought, I might fail within my first year in

that new role, etc.

So, I decide not to switch careers; I don’t grow as an individual, I start to resent my current

position because it’s not what I want, I don’t get promoted cause my head is no longer in that

job role, I quit.

Do you see how toxic this is? I’m wasting my life and throwing away attractive opportunities

because I don’t want to take that risk.

Of course, there’s always going to be an element of fear, but you shouldn’t let that come

between you and your happiness.

Weigh your pros against your cons, make calculated risks, understand the calculated risks

involved in the decisions you’re about to make, but don’t let them destroy what plans you

already have for yourself.

Don’t remain in one spot all your life out of fear; after a while, you’ll see that you’re going

backward, and it is a sign that there is a toxic trait in you which you must erase.

So, take that risk, calculated risks which shows your chances of reaching a positive outcome is
higher. It is okay to be afraid that it would fail, but what if you succeed? Think about that
when making your decision. This could be a toxic traits in you.

2.  You’re Not Opening Up To The Buds Of Change

The challenges life takes you through is to make you grow- We all face challenges in life,

different challenges for different people.

It could come in the form of a loved one’s death, financial setback, loss of a job, the business

not going well, illness, etc. It can be tough to maintain a positive attitude when these

challenges come, but we have to keep that attitude and take on that challenge head-on.

If you choose to let the negativity eat you up, if you refuse to grow through these problems,

you would end up doing yourself a great disservice. I understand it is hard to pull through, to

get back up when life beats you down, but you have to.

Remember the saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? Well, that’s a valid

statement. When you let fear override you, you do not open up to the inevitable changes that

are bound to happen; you don’t learn from these challenges you encountered, you don’t grow.

Let me give an illustration, I have a friend who has a significant love for soccer, but he is

utterly horrible at it, can’t pass a ball on saving his life, gets picked last or not at all during

matches; you get the drift.

Now, this ordinarily should have made him give up on soccer, and it did, but just the playing

part. He started to watch more, learn the game from the outside, know tactics, names, coaches,

favorite teams, rules of the game, etc. Today, he scouts for potential players for a significant

club in Italy.
Playing football was a significant challenge for him but didn’t hinder him; he took this

challenge by the horn, faced it squarely, and turned it into a successful endeavor.

If he hadn’t opened himself up, accepted that this was a problem, and then worked on it, he

wouldn’t have grown, he could have let it discourage him, and it could have eaten him up


In essence, I’m saying that you should not close yourself off to changes because they’d come,
and it’s a constant thing; whatever challenges you face should be a way to help you grow, and
an opportunity to get rid of those toxic behaviors that are wasting your life away.

3.  Not Prioritising Your Mental And Inner Wellness

With the way the world is now, everyone is so caught up in one problem or the other; need to
pay bills, need to meet a deadline, need to get to that height before we say we’re successful,
but most times most of us fail to see how these things take a toll on our mental and inner

We are so busy trying to get to that place or solve that issue that we forget to take care of

ourselves, and one day we crash.

Have you ever gone blank in the middle of something? Like you can’t seem to remember or

understand what is happening or what you were doing at that moment? That’s a sign for you to

take a break; a sign that there are toxic traits in you; you’re suffering.

But we shouldn’t have to wait for these signs. We should  prioritize our mental health , do
what makes us remain sane and calm, take a break, delegate jobs when they become too much
for you to handle, ask for help when you need it, talk to someone, read a book outside your
field, rest your brain from all that overthinking, or get away from those toxic behaviors that
are gradually wasting your life.

We don’t even know that there are certain things we do that are slowly killing our mental and

inner wellness, the toxic traits in us, and the sad part is we don’t realize it. Ignoring the toxic

traits in yourself is a sign that you are wasting your life.

Your mental and inner health should come first because eventually, things would go haywire if

you don’t take care of them. Please, sit down, take notice, do an internal inventory, table out
the things that reduce your mental and inner wellness, table out habits that could help improve

them, and then work in line with these habits.

Make your mental and inner wellness your priority, get rid of those toxic traits in your life,

and watch how your life becomes a whole lot easier to live.

4.  You Are Limiting Yourself

Constantly putting yourself down with negativity: One of the toxic traits in yourself is

negativity. I’m guilty of this. I am 100% guilty of putting myself down.

It is funny how much more hurtful it is to continually discourage and degrade yourself than

when someone else does it. You limit yourself when you do this.

Imagine you want to take on a task, but then you start bringing up petty reasons as to why you

won’t succeed in that task, you end up not performing.

You’ve not only brought yourself to a new low, but you’ve also limited yourself and the things

you can do just by giving in to the toxic traits in yourself which you refused to fight.

Let’s use a work setting to show toxic trait examples. You are given a new task, one that could

potentially lead to a promotion and a raise, but you’ve never done that type of thing before, at

least not in practice.

So, you start telling yourself, “Nah, I can’t do this, never done this before, I won’t succeed,

why don’t I just pass it on to Joe here, so at least I don’t mess up the company’s name…”

Why? Why have you done that to yourself?

You studied this; you were given time to work on it, so why would you limit yourself like this?

You only know A, so A is what you’d stick to; the rest of the alphabets are not needed.

But you know B and C and D may be even R, but because you’ve never gone beyond A, nope,

you’re not going to take it on.

Do you see how you have severely limited yourself, bringing in all that negativity in your life

and work because you feel you can’t do it when you haven’t even tried?

That’s not fair to you; that’s toxic behavior that you need to “remove” quickly. You may be

wondering how to not waste your life, or how to stop wasting your life if you have noticed

some toxic traits in yourself.

You can take a cue from me. Learn to override that negativity when you notice yourself doing


I do it all the time when I’m about to take on a new task, something I’ve never really tried

before. I read up on it, then start telling myself, “child, you know you know this, you know

you’re going to ace it, come on, child, let’s see you kick ass!” And before you know it, I’m all


I’ve successfully gotten rid of the negative talks that were trying to set in, I’ve opened myself

up to other opportunities and shown people that I am not limited to one thing.

So, do this too, watch how your life improves for the better. This won’t be easy but with

consistent positive declaration  and hard work, you’ll be able to achieve this.

Whatever you tell yourself becomes a reality, so always be conscious of what you think and
say. That’s why you shouldn’t fuel the toxic traits in you by drowning in self-doubt and
negative words.

5.  You Are Allowing Your Past To Stifle Your Future

“No amount of guilt can change the past; no amount of anxiety can predict the future.” Why do

we find it so easy to dwell on the past? Something that has happened before, we keep bringing

it up, thinking about it, asking ourselves why?

Why can’t we get it into our heads that it has happened already? Move on already. We give

sentimental value to the past that it stifles the future. The past has already happened, they are

memories, and we should not let it cloud our plans for tomorrow.
Just because something didn’t work out in the past doesn’t mean it would also fail in the

future. Don’t be scared to try again.

That you got married, and it didn’t work out, doesn’t mean you won’t get married ever again in

the future, so why throw away that second chance at love.

The first attempt at starting a business failed doesn’t mean you are not cut out to be a business

owner, sit down and go over what you did, learn your mistakes, and try again.

Just because you dropped out of college doesn’t mean you’re too old to go back and get a

degree; get it and make yourself proud.

You see, if we let the happenings of our past direct our future, we’d go nowhere and make no

positive changes in our lives.

We would be stuck in one position, building up resentments, and even start discouraging

others too. It would help if you did not let the past stifle the future; it is an unhealthy trait to

live with.

It does you no good. So, decide to start that thing you’re scared of because of how it went

down in the past. Be confident that it would go well in the future.


If these toxic traits listed above have a hold on your life, do not let that discourage you. Now
that you are familiar with it, you can change your life for the better.

Sometimes or most times, our thoughts are the hindrances to our success, so do well to start

today and change the pattern of your thoughts.

Learn to speak positively, do away with discouraging words, and reassure yourself that you

can do it.
I’d advise you to get a journal where you write down your daily achievements, this could serve

as an encouragement journal, just to prove to yourself that you and you will succeed, all you

need to do is get rid of those barriers that were holding you back.

Never allow any form of toxic behavior into your life. Your life is very precious and with

toxic traits in it, you will only end up wasting your time.

Your time is of value to you, and you should ensure that you pay attention to the habits you


Avoiding the toxic traits in this article is key to knowing how to stop wasting your life. In

fact, it would not be wrong to say they are signs that you are wasting your life.

Look into yourself, and be honest, are there toxic traits that you find in yourself that you’d

like to do away with? You can still grab The AfamUche Self-development Journal (Here:  The

Life Compass Workbook) and Planner (Here:  Goal Chaser) now.

The Ultimate Guide For Creating A Life That You’ll Love

This workbook will show you how to find the right direction in  becoming the best version of

yourself, expose you to the right questions, prompts, and exercises to living your most

fulfilled life. It will teach you on  loving yourself wholly, embracing the hidden parts of your,

showing up fully, and taking charge of your growth irrespective of your insecurities, limiting

beliefs, challenges, set back, failures, and obstacles that you encounter.  

Life can be a really interesting and adventurous journey, but at the same time staying sane

through the highs and lows, finding the right direction, knowing the next step to take, finding

the real you, up-leveling your life,  taking care of yourself and taking charge of your growth

can be really difficult with the phases we encounter.

And trust me; I know that feeling of unfulfillment. I have been in a state of rut, stuck,

overwhelmed, confused, not knowing the next step to take, what to make out of my life, with

my fears, challenges, mistake, and the fright of uncertainty constantly creeping in.

It was one of the most daunting periods of my life where I constantly wondered the direction

to go in or the next step to take, I struggled to come to terms with my value and self-worth. I

gave little to myself, constantly sought for external validation, I was limited by the pain of the

past, negative talk, and compared myself.

And I know a lot of you struggle with this, you may be finding it difficult to know the

direction or next step to take with all that you’ve experienced and so it becomes difficult for

you to grow into your best self or create a life that you’ll love.

But I want you to know that life isn’t trying to break you down but rather it’s trying to break

you open and every version of you forged through this process is worthy and valuable.

Through the struggle of weakness, I want you to know that you are stronger than the stories of

unworthiness in your head, you are more resilient than the pain of your past, you are more

powerful than the forces that try to challenge and throw you off balance.

Do not let the darkness you have seen become you, let them serve as symbols of your

resilience and strength and if you do not know how to go about this, The Life Compass has

been created to walk you through.

I was able to take charge of my life, claim and stand in my power, grow, heal, discover my

passion, tend to myself and create a fulfilling life where I am totally at peace with myself and

you can do the same, you can gain more clarity, healing, happiness, self-trust and rest all with

the help of The Life Compass workbook.

The Life Compass will enable you to break free from the sphere of self-judgment and make

space for self-acceptance and self-belief. It will enable you to release the fear of failure as you

make space for exploration, it will enable you to create space to celebrate all you’ve worked

for, eliminate feelings of unworthiness, encourage self-validation, enable you to own your

story and move forward towards your growth.

This is a life-changing resource that will up-level your life and walk you out of a confusing

state as you create a life you love. There is so much constantly happening around that it’s so

easy to get your mind cluttered with fear, self-doubt, anxiety, and limitations.

The Life Compass was perfectly designed and put together as an empowering tool, that will

guide and direct you through the struggle to stay on track, be balanced, accept change, take

charge of your fears, navigate through the challenges, find your power and scale through life.
If you have ever believed that you are not enough, belittled your accomplishments, felt like a

fraud, resisted praise, failed yourself, attributed your success to external factors, this is a self-

love tool that will direct you in creating room for what you deserve.

It will enable you to set and honor your boundaries, validate your needs, enable you to engage

in positive supportive self-talk, and build your self-worth.

With This Product You’ll Be Able To;

✦ Stand in your power.

✦ Dig within yourself.

✦ Tend to yourself.
✦ Give yourself permission to succeed.

✦ Get in tune with yourself.

✦ Explore your fears.

✦ Break the chains of self-sabotage.

✦ Reconnect with yourself.

✦ Recondition your mind.

✦ Examine the emotions you are experiencing.

✦ Know what you are prioritizing.

✦ Evaluate how you are spending your energy.

✦ Know whether you are showing up authentically.

>>Here’s what’s included<<

Interactive self-care activities and tools

100 Reflection questions + journaling prompts

Positive affirmations and quotes

Wellness Calendar

Minimalistic design layout

But wait… That’s not all! If you order now, you will also get these awesome bonuses…

Ultimate Purge Checklist

The self-improvement purge checklist will serve as a blueprint on the simple and basic

activities you need to constantly adopt to grow vehemently.

This checklist will enable you to flush out and purge every toxic energy. It will enable you to

get rid of negative emotions, or experiences such as anger, anxiety, fear, and limitations that

can have a profound effect on your quality of life.

There are days where you simply need to vent out, cleanse yourself, and release certain

emotions for greater well-being and more productive life; and on such days this is a go-

to! (Valued at $10, yours is free!)

This purge checklist can serve various purposes like;

✦ Tackle your emotions.

✦ Check-in with yourself after a stressful day.

✦ Or just for general self-improvement.

Mood Tracker

The mood tracker is an additional resource that will enable you to monitor the patterns in your

life and identify the negative triggers that you need to avoid and this is really important to

your mental wellness and stability. Understating the reoccurrence or sequence of certain
emotions will enlighten you on the various steps you need to take.  (Valued at $7, yours is


With this mood tracker you’ll be able to;

✦ Spot red flags in your emotions.

✦ Help you build a deeper connection with yourself.

✦ Increase mindfulness.

✦ Understand your emotions.

✦ Recognize your triggers.  

Badges Of Wisdom Printables

Life is all about learning, when you stop learning, you die.
Learners are earners! Once you can deduce the lesson life is trying to teach you through

several challenges, circumstances, and phase, you immediately rise above your current state.

Life is a learning stage, every event in our life has something to teach us. The more you can

learn and understand, the better your mind will be developed.  (Valued at $7, yours is free!)

With this printable you’ll be able to;

✦ Keep track of the lessons you learn from several situations.

✦ Change your perspective.

✦ Improve yourself better.

✦ Grow as a person and develop your knowledge.  

Manifestation Mantra

You ultimately attract and receive the things that you put into the world either by thoughts,

declarations, visualizations, and inscriptions. Each thought you cultivate influences your
energy, your energy manifests into your experience and your thoughts and energy create your


This manifestation mantra will enable you to manifest anything you want to develop and

cultivate by continual declaration, visualization, and hard work.  (Valued at $7, yours is free!)

Ready To Create That Fulfilling Life?

Get Your Workbook Now For Just $27


It’s so easy to be everything, to be everybody, and to lose track of yourself or to shrink at the

expense of others; the Life Compass will direct you in letting go and eliminating the things

that no longer serve you and whoever is not conducive to your mental space. It will enable you

to stand tall in your power and up-level your life.

Holding space and taking charge of your mental state is a necessity to survival, so, do not

hesitate to invest in your wellness journey; to strike a perfect balance between your mental and

physical wellness. The Life Compass and will enable you to take charge of your growth and

create a life that you’ll love. So what are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions

What differentiates this Workbook from the other resources out there?

The Life Compass Workbook is an empowering self-improvement resource that is different

from the host of Workbooks out there, the exercises, prompts and questions have been

carefully combined from years of my personal growth, mistakes and lessons.

Breaking has taught me to see and appreciate the beauty in re-building and I have been able to

grow into my highest self from a point of limitation to taking charge of my life and there is no

better person to prepare you for a journey than the person who has walked a thousand-mile in

those shoes.

These exercises are unique and have been clearly complied from the host of resources that I

created or stormed across in the early period of my self-improvement journey and I do not

want you to go through the hassle and delay of getting these resources from scattered sources

hence I have taken my time to combine a valuable resource of all the prompts, exercises, deep

questions, valuable direction you need to take full control of your life.

What special benefit will I be getting by purchasing this Workbook?

Throughout the journey of survival we are exposed to several phases, challenges, obstacles, we

hold on to things that we need to release and things that are toxic for our well-being.

The Life Compass Workbook will give you a proper scan of your life, enable you to reset,

reboot, make vital changes and pull yourself out of a slump with the several life-changing

questions and self-development exercises.

The Workbook will enable you pursue your self-growth journey, allow you nurture your higher

self, make room for growth by outlining the exercises and activities you need to attempt in

order to forgive yourself, be mindful, develop healthy self-care routine, build up your self-

esteem, and enable you look after your mental stability.

Also, if you choose to purchase the Workbook right now you have so many bonuses to claim

that will enable you to improve yourself with ease and increase the quality of your life.

What areas of my life will be positively impacted?

We constantly keep evolving with each phase, challenge and obstacle that Life exposes us to

hence it is vital that we look and invest into all areas of our lives be it mentally, emotionally,

physically and this is what the Life Compass Workbook has been created for to positively

impact every area of your life.

How will I receive this workbook?

Check-out for this workbook is through Gumroad, our secure e-goods check-out partner. Once

you purchase, you will be taken straight to the links to download the guide and worksheets.

You will also receive an email with your receipt and a link to your account. If you do not
receive this email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. If you have any issues

at all, please email

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Check out  Best Value Copy . They have really good prices and you can’t beat having it

delivered to you.

What format does this download come in?

These worksheets are in Portable Document Format (PDF). This is a universal document

format for digital files, and most newer computers and devices have PDF readers automatically

installed. These PDF readers (also called Document Viewers) will automatically open your

file. If you have an older computer or you aren’t sure if your computer has a PDF reader,

download a free PDF reader here for viewing your eBook.

What kind of paper do you recommend to avoid bleed-through?

When printing double-sided, regular printer paper can show some bleed-through. If this

bothers you, I would recommend getting paper that is around 28-32lbs (105-120gsm). The

average printer paper is 20lbs (75gsm).

Note: You will not be getting a physical copy as shown above, you will be getting a PDF

digital version that you can download and either print yourself, or fill out right on your


If you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly at


Are there refunds?

Because this is an informational product, there are no refunds. You can check out my full

refund policy here for more details.

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