MGT 550 Milestone Two

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Development Growth 1

Milestone Two

Jeirel J Ruiz

Development Growth 2

I. Internal Communication

A. Mediums

In order to deliver our communication regarding the lack of development issue, it has been

decided that both emails and memos will be drafted and sent out. These memos and emails are to

address very specific factors that are related to matter at hand. Memos are known to be used in

order to provide news related to company, address a problem, make requests as well as provide

feedback. “The business memorandum, or memo, is used primarily as a formal, physical means

of efficient communication from a department to staff members -- it is almost always for internal

communication and only rarely sent to clients or the public.” The factors related to this matter in

which will be discussed either a memo or email are as follows:

- Lack of Criticism (email)

- Lack of Investors (memo)

- User Experience (email)

- Lack of Development (email)

- Creativity (email)

These emails or memo will serve as a document in which addresses the issue at hand, the

actions that will take place to improve said issue and how we as a company plan to implement

these changes. Sending out memos and/or emails has more impact due to rapid advancement of

technology. While many methods of communications can be impacting, emails and memos

receive more eye contact. For example, “Emails reside in the inbox longer than the phone calls

do. You call, they hang up. You call, they set an appointment. You call, they don’t want you to

waste their time. You email, it passes by their eye. However, they probably won’t delete it right

away. It provides your email to sit in their inbox for a longer period of time with higher chances
Development Growth 3

of them getting back to the email and actually responding to your sales pitch. As a result, emails

provide a better conversion rate. Additionally, an email is non-threatening.” The goal of this, is

to ascend into the future and not perish and being “non-threatening” is more effective long term.

Especially that the decision to send out memos and emails was decided mainly because of the

audience we are trying to target.

B. Audience

Understanding our audience is highly important. Not only are we targeting a specific

audience within our company, but we are also targeting a very specific audience outside of our

organization. Our audience consists of those who are recent graduates or newly employed

whether with us directly or elsewhere. This target audience are the next generation that will lead

organizations further into the future and can easily relate to modern trends and help organizations

transcend into the future. This is important as the goal of this as well as whom we are relaying

this communication to should align. As mentioned in an article, “To start, if you’re being

strategic, you should know something about your audience because you should have picked who

you’re communicating with based on your goals.” As mentioned before, with such advancements

taking place in the technological world the younger audiences are more likely to keep up with the

trends, kind of like a new school versus old school method. That being said, is more likely that

an individual today will receive a phone call either labeled as “potentially spam” and the call be

declined. Whereas an email and/or memo will have the audiences eyes and mind for a bit longer

than normal especially if there is bits and pieces that spark an interest.

C. Message

The following message is for internal purposes only as the changes that will be taking place

will directly have an impact on everyone within the organization and not just any selected group.
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Addressing issues is always concerning as it always leads to “where do we go from here” type of

questions. Currently we are experiencing a lack of development as an overall organization. In

order to improve on this, several changes need to take place. Changes always need to start at the

top, as we need to lead by example. With that being said, departments will be broken down into

smaller segments. Smaller segments means that relationships can be built to be stronger with a

small group rather than a large group. This will allow for more up front conversations and

hopefully more problem solving. The next change, that will be taking place is our unity of

direction. As an organization, we all need to have the same goal in mind however it is proven

that when smaller segments focus on a small piece of the goal, that one piece is nearly perfected

and has a positive impact on the overall goal. Every piece of the puzzle matter. To uphold these

changes, quarterly objectives will be taking place, instead of having reviews once a year they

will be now twice in a year.

D. Needs & Development

Due to all the changes that will be taking place, a large amount of consideration for all of our

employees has taken place. With the changes taking place, new opportunities will become

available for employees to not only further develop themselves as an individual but also allow

them to explore other avenues of the business. This will also allow for individuals to really

understand themselves and how they can contribute to a particular department with their skillset.

Not to mention that courses will become available for individuals to further enhance their skills.

Overall, this will cause for employee turnover to decrease.

E. Support

With the changes in mind, there will be tremendous support that is provided to all employees

in the organization in order to up keep these changes. Trainings, testing, and reviews will be
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taking place regularly prior to the effective date for these changes. This will allow us to start on a

running foot once the changes are implemented. Once the changes are in effect, regular courses

and/or trainings will be available to all individuals to further prepare themselves and stay up to

date. As a reward or motivation, we will be rolling out a new bonus segment as part of their

compensation package. Performances from both an individual and organization perspective will

allow an additional payout once the year has concluded.

F. Conflict

With these changes, there are some potential conflicting sources in which may arise. The

biggest conflict or concern being with staffing. Change as we know, is inevitable. The same way

that there are many individuals that excited for change, there are individuals that are truly

terrified of change. Job security becomes questionable. Some question their abilities to adapt to

the change. Due to this, their may be an increase in resignation during the transition period.

Another conflict is how this change directly impacts our consumers. Consumers get accustomed

to an organization operating in specific ways, when that is altered the confidence consumers

have can potentially go out the window.

Development Growth 6


Blewminds: Leveraging Influencer Communication Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16,

2023, from

Chi, C. (2020, March 31). The 14 management principles every manager needs to know.

HubSpot Blog. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from


Emails vs. phone calls: Which medium provides better leads to sales? THAT! Company. (2019,

November 21). Retrieved March 3, 2023, from


John C. Besley Ellis N. Brandt Professor of Public Relations, & Anthony Dudo

Associate Professor of Advertising and Public Relations. (2022, September 13). What it means to

'know your audience' when communicating about science. The Conversation. Retrieved March 3,

2023, from


LaClair, J. A., & Rao, R. P. (2002, November 1). Helping employees embrace change.

McKinsey & Company. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from


Picincu, A. (2020, October 5). How to properly format for an interoffice memo. Work. Retrieved

March 2, 2023, from

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