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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety College
Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba City, Laguna
Email Address:


Submitted to:


FJP-308 Leading and Managing Change for Organizational Development

Submitted by

Cdt. 3C Muya, Jhanel M

Cdt 3C Sison, Roejlito F
Cdt 3C Solis, Fedijee S
Section- Integrity

June 21, 2023

The Yellow Ribbon Project of Singapore is a national campaign committed to
growing attention, fostering popularity, and selling the successful reintegration of ex-
offenders into society. With the goal of breaking down the stigma surrounding
individuals with criminal records, the venture encourages individuals, employers, and
network groups to offer guidance, possibilities, and resources to assist ex-offenders
in rebuilding their lives and growing to be efficient members of society.

At its center, the Yellow Ribbon Project acknowledges that everybody

deserves a second chance and that the willingness to alternate must be met with
empathy and support rather than judgment and exclusion. By embracing the belief
inside the energy of redemption and rehabilitation, the task seeks to reshape public
perceptions and create a more inclusive and know-how society.

The challenge makes use of a lot of projects and events for the duration of the
12 months to interact with the public, raise prices, and foster a sense of community
involvement. One such initiative is the Yellow Ribbon Run, a spirited occasion that
sees heaps of participants donning yellow shirts and ribbons as they run collectively
in harmony with ex-offenders. This run serves as a powerful symbol of solidarity and
showcases the collective dedication to giving people with a past a chance at a
brighter destiny.

Another remarkable event prepared through the Yellow Ribbon Project is the
Yellow Ribbon Community Art Exhibition. This exhibition brings together ex-
offenders, artists, and the general public to show off innovative expressions of
resilience, wish, and transformation. Through art, testimonies are shared, views are
challenged, and bridges of information are constructed, fostering empathy and
breaking down barriers that frequently prevent the successful reintegration of ex-

The Yellow Ribbon Project also acknowledges the significance of providing

real help to ex-offenders as they navigate their adventure toward reintegrating into
society. To this end, the project collaborates with government corporations, non-
earnings agencies, employers, and volunteers to offer a variety of services. These
consist of employment help, ability education, counseling, and mentoring packages
tailored to the particular wishes of ex-offenders. By equipping them with vital
equipment and aid networks, the mission aims to enhance their possibilities of
securing employment, finding balance, and leading fulfilling lives.

The impact of the Yellow Ribbon Project extends a long way past the
individuals once worried. Through its tasks, the project sparks conversations within
houses, faculties, offices, and communities, tough preconceived notions, and
promotes talk approximately the importance of possibilities. It strives to create a
culture of attractiveness and forgiveness, in which the focus shifts from past
mistakes to the potential for high-quality change and contribution.

The Yellow Ribbon Project has played a significant role in shifting societal
attitudes towards ex-offenders in Singapore. It has progressively eroded the stigma
surrounding individuals with criminal statistics and fostered a more supportive and
inclusive environment. By emphasizing the value of community collaboration and
recognizing the humanity in each person, the project seeks to break the cycle of
reoffending and contribute to the general well-being and concord of society.

As the yellow ribbon continues to flutter as a symbol of hope and

transformation, the Yellow Ribbon Project remains steadfast in its commitment to
creating a society wherein ex-offenders are given the possibility to rebuild their lives,
locate acceptance, and emerge as contributing contributors in their communities. It is
a testimony to the electricity of compassion, information, and second probabilities,
paving the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.


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