42 Staff Responsibility Procedure

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DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.

HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 1 of 6

Staff Responsibility Procedures

0 March 03, 2019


REV ISSUE DATE Mohamed El-Sherbiny Sherief El-Kably Sherief El-Kably
DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.0
HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 2 of 6

 Introduction

In organizing for an effective safety management system, one of the principles is that employees
have roles and responsibilities for adhering to the safety policy in the performance of their tasks.

HAC safety management system provides the essential resources to implement and control the
Management system.

 Managing Director

 The prime responsibility and the aim are to develop new business for the company to ensure the
growth and progress of the company.
 The prime responsibility and the aim for ensuring that the safety management system will be
implemented and continually implementing.

 He has to work as a high level sales person for bringing new clients for the company.

 It will be the duty to introduce the company to new potential clients and customers.

 He needs to ensure that the company is making adequate profits.

 He has the responsibility to maintain the effective relationships with the clients by nurturing the

 He needs to oversee the process of recruiting and retaining of the employees of the company to
ensure that the standard of a company never deteriorates.

 It will be the responsibility and duty to report to the board of directors about the vital information on
the company’s overall performance.

 HSE Director
 Prepare training programs related to OSHA, NFPA rules & regulations
 Provide support and training materials for location Safety Coordinators.
 Contribute written submissions to support communication newsletters.
 Work jointly and collaboratively with Operations to improve operational efficiencies and reduce
Health and Safety related costs.
 Develop an accident investigation program to prevent recurrence of incidents and to ensure
Information on incidents is shared adequately across all locations. Revise procedures as
 Conduct (or coordinate) on-site reviews and audits of operations for all locations.
DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.0
HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 3 of 6

 Direct implementation of strategies to effectively resolve Health and Safety issues.

 Actively participate in the scheduling of safety meetings across HAC markets to review safety
Performance and policies.
 Create and maintain a culture reflective of a commitment to an illness and injury -free workplace.
 Provide regular written reports, as well as other production-related results and updates to of the
Senior management team periodically to appraise the team of issues or as requested by the team.
 Stay abreast of current and emerging technical and professional aspects of this position.
 Develop and provide technical and administrative direction on all safety and health policies and
programs which bear critical importance to overall corporate objectives, operations and profitability
of the various divisions.
 Oversee and enforce compliance with all OSHA & NFPA Regulations pertaining to company
operations while maintaining awareness of OSHA & NFPA amendments and make recommendations
for their implementation.
 Review internal safety policies and practices to ensure they are current and appropriate; conduct
hazard and risk assessments and develop new or, where necessary, make recommendations to senior
management to amend safety policies and procedures.
 Create a work environment which reflects a commitment to protecting the health and safety of

 Project Manager

The Project Manager is accountable for the implementation of the Health, Safety and Environment Plan
and for all HSE aspects.

His responsibilities are:

 To ensure that the HSE Plan and its interpretation are understood by all senior staff.
 To ensure that adequate arrangements are made in regard to fulfilling the HSE Plan.
 To ensure that Safety performance is monitored.
 To attend and contribute to the Safety meetings held in the client’s premises
 To regularly review the effectiveness of the HSE Plan and bring to the attention of the Managing Director
changes and modifications that may be necessary.
 To regularly review the effectiveness of the personnel under his control to whom various responsibilities for
different aspects of HSE have been assigned.
DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.0
HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 4 of 6

 Site HSE Manager

The Site Manager’s responsibility is to ensure the implementation of the HSE Plan at the work site. He
is accountable to the Project Manager for the implementation of the HSE Plan and for all aspects of

His responsibilities are:

 To ensure that that the HSE Plan and its interpretation are understood by the Senior Staff and the employees at
 To ensure adequate arrangements are made in regard of fulfilling the HSE Plan.
 To ensure that the Safety performance is monitored.
 To advise on remedial actions to maintain high safety standards.
 To regularly review the effectiveness of the personnel under his control to whom responsibilities for various
aspects of HSE have been assigned.
 To review the authorized proposals with regards to emergency procedures and contingency planning.
 To ensure interchange of ideas and good communication by chairing the weekly site safety meetings with
 To attend and contribute to the Safety meetings held in the client’s premises.
 To ensure that client’s Safety Policy and Standards are understood and integrated in his HAC'S Safety Plan.

 Safety Officer

The Safety Officer is responsible for supporting the implementation of the HSE Plan and for advising
the Site Manager on a day to day basis on its implementation. His responsibilities are:

 To ensure that the HSE Plan and its interpretation are understood by all the employees at site.
 To advise the management and all employees on all matters related to HSE.
 Inspect all places of work to ensure that safe systems of work are being employed in accordance with current
legislation and submit an inspection report.
 To advise on remedial action to maintain high standards.
 Investigate accidents, report and make recommendations to avoid recurrence.
 To submit a weekly safety report with accident and near miss statistic.
 To ensure that written instructions on safety emergency procedures are maintained up to date and complete.
 To attend various safety meetings, including monthly safety meeting and those conducted by the Owner, to
ensure sufficient and effective interchange of information on HSE.
 To conduct mock exercises and ensure personnel awareness of the HSE Plan and standards.
DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.0
HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 5 of 6

 Site Engineers
All engineers are responsible and accountable for the implementation of the HSE Plan within their areas
of responsibility as directed by the Site Manager and to attend the Site safety weekly meetings. Their
responsibilities include the following:

 To ensure that the Site Supervisors are aware of their responsibilities towards HSE.
 To ensure that the Site Supervisors are conversant with the arrangements affecting their particular are of work.
 To ensure that the Site Supervisors are encouraged to adopt safe working practices and implement the Safety
regulations at all time.
 To report on steps taken to achieve the objectives of the HSE Plan.
 To propose and recommend to the Site manger methods to ensure effective and correct application of the HSE
 To implement and operate these methods in their area of responsibility.
 To ensure adequate monitoring of site activities.
 To attend the Safety Meetings.
 To ensure interchange of ideas and good communication with the Site Supervisors.

 Site Supervisors

The Site Supervisors are responsible for the day to day implementation of the HSE Plan and
arrangements for each individual task/work activity and to attend the Site Safety Weekly meetings.
Their responsibilities include:

 To ensure that their subordinates are aware of the safety rules and Regulations.
 To ensure that their subordinates are conversant with the arrangements affecting their particular areas.
 To ensure that their subordinates are encouraged to adopt safe working practices and implement safety
regulations at all time.
 To report on steps taken to achieve the objectives of the HSE Plan.
 To ensure that safe system of work under his control are prepared and implemented.
 To monitor work activities, report to management potential hazards, unsafe practices and accidents / incidents.
 To attend weekly safety site meetings.
 To ensure good communication with the Engineers and subordinates.
 To ensure that employees working under their authority understand the safety, standing and emergency
instruction and the operating and emergency procedures.
 Hold daily Safety toolbox Meetings explaining the tasks, associated hazards and the controls for each
DOC. # HAC-HSE-PR-01. P 42.0
HSE Procedures
Rev. 0
Edition 01
Date: 03/03/2019
Staff Responsibility Procedures
Page 6 of 6

 Employees

It is the duty of every employee to take responsible care for the safety of him and others who may be
affected by his acts or omissions at work. The responsibilities of the employees are:

 To take care in the performance of their duty to prevent injury of themselves and others working with them
and damage to the client property.
 To understand potential hazards and their likely effects.
 To report any accident / incident immediately as it occurs to their Supervisor.
 To report unsafe conditions and practices to their Supervisor.
 To wear and make use of P.P.E. as directed by their Supervisor.
 To take care of their P.P.E. and avoid its abuse.
 To ensure good communication with their Supervisor and suggest ways of eliminating hazards.
 To ensure that they comply with Safety, standing and emergency procedures when working in a live Plant.
 To avoid improvisation and short cuts which entail unnecessary risk.
 To report defects in equipment.

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