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Pre-Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation of

Wild Dump Sites in City of Ankara, Republic

of Turkiye

<3RD Field Investigation Plan>

2023. 07. 05
I Overview of the investigation

A. Investigation Summary
❍ (Title) Pre-Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation of Wild Dump Sites in City of
Ankara, Republic of Turkiye
❍ (Purpose)
§ Start Report
- Introduce the task and share the task progress schedule
- Announcement of the results of 1st field investigation
- Announcement of opinions of 1st advisory meeting
- Check pre-shared work contents and future detailed schedule
- Discuss other collaboration plans
§ Investigation of Waste properties, LFG measurement, and leachate analysis
- Pre-meeting with Ankara City and a local company before surveying the Wild
dump sites
- Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites Waste property investigation
- Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites LFG measurement
- Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites Leachate analysis
❍ (Investigation Area) Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites
❍ (Investigation Period) 2023.07.15.(Sat) ~ 2023.07.27.(Thu), 13days
❍ (Personnel Composition)

NO. NAME Activity Plan

- Project Management, Supervision of waste
1 Park joo young property investigation, LFG measurement,
leachate analysis, etc.
- Supervision of waste property investigation,
2 Kim dong huk
LFG measurement, leachate analysis, etc.
II Detailed Plan

A. Main Plan

1. Local Company Contract

❍ Visit Local Company

- Date: 7/16, 7/21

- Location: ALMER GRUOP

- Participation: ALMER GROUP, CHEIL

- Consultation

· Consultation on details and plans, such as waste property investigation, LFG

measurement, leachate analysis, etc.
· Consultation on future detailed schedule
· Confirm task role division
· Discuss other collaboration plans

2. Initiation reporting
❍ Visit Department of Urban Aesthetics, Ankara City

- Date: 7/17

- Location: Ankara City Hall

- Participation: Ankara City, CHEIL, ALMER

- Content

· Introduce the task and share the task progress schedule

· Announcement of implementation plans such as waste property investigation,
LFG measurement, leachate analysis, etc.
· Announcement of the results of 1st field investigation
· Announcement of opinions of 1st advisory meeting
· Check pre-shared work contents and future detailed schedule
· Discuss other collaboration plans
3. Investigation of site
❍ Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites Waste property investigation, LFG measurement,
Leachate analysis

- Date: 7/18~7/26

- Location: Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl

- Participation: Ankara City, CHEIL, Local company

- Content

· Investigation of waste characteristics and consultation on details of LFG measurement

· Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites Waste property investigation
· Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites LFG measurement
· Akyurt, Cubuk, Polatl Wild dump sites Leachate analysis
B. Daily activity plan

일 시 내 용 비 고


11:35 ~ 17:10 SEOUL(Depart) → ISTANBUL(Stopover)
21:00 ~ 22:10 ISTANBUL(Stopover) → ANKARA(Arrival)
7.16.(Sun.) Day 2 : ANKARA

09:00 ~ 18:00 Initiation report and site investigation preparation -

7.17.(Mon.) Day 3 : ANKARA

09:00 ~ 12:00 Initiation report and 1st on-site investigation result report
With Ankara city
On-site investigation (waste properties, LFG, leachate,
13:00 ~ 18:00
etc.) Consultation on execution plan
7.18.(Tue.) Day 4 : ANKARA
Cubuk Wild dump site LFG measurement location With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 18:00
selection and gas pipe installation supervision local interpreter
7.19.(Wed.) Day 5 : ANKARA
Aykurt Wild dump site LFG measurement location With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 18:00
selection and gas pipe installation supervision local interpreter
7.20.(Thu.) Day 6 : ANKARA
Polatlı Wild dump site LFG measurement location With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 18:00
selection and gas pipe installation supervision local interpreter
7.21.(Fri.) Day 7 : ANKARA
Consultation on testing and analysis of local With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 18:00
companies and visits to confirm facilities local interpreter
7.24.(Mon.) Day 10 : ANKARA
Cubuk/Aykurt Wild dump site waste property investigation, With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 18:00
LFG measurement, leachate sampling local interpreter
7.25.(Tue.) Day 11 : ANKARA
Polatlı Wild dump site waste property investigation, With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 17:00
LFG measurement, leachate sampling local interpreter
7.26.(Wed.) Day 12 : ANKARA
With Ankara city
09:00 ~ 15:00 WRAP-UP Meeting
local interpreter
20:50 ~ 22:00 ANKARA(Depart) → ISTANBUL(Stopover)
01:50 ~ 17:40(+1) ISTANBUL(Stopover) → SEOUL(Arrival)
C. Output

산출물 제출시기 주요 내용
Ÿ Survey overview including investigation
period, purpose, and schedule
10 days before Ÿ Plans and objectives of major activities
Field Investigation Plan
Investigation Ÿ List of stakeholders
Ÿ Key contents of consultation
Ÿ Other matters required for investigation

Ÿ Task schedule
Ÿ Comprehensive contents of investigation plan
Within 3 weeks of Ÿ Results by summary of activities and future plans
Field investigation result
completion of Ÿ Stakeholders and Communication Channel
investigation Confirmation Items
Ÿ Conducting a preliminary feasibility study
considering local conditions

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