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Submitted to State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember

In partial fulfilment of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree
of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd)
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
English Language Department

Afidatul Khasanah
NIM : T20156084


Faculty Of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
JUNE 2019 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

      

Alloh does not charge a soul exception (with that within) its capacity...

(Q.S. Al- Baqarah : 286)

iv — — — — —

v — — — — —


This thesis is dedicated to:

my beloved parents, Siti Bariroh and Baedlowi

My lovely brother, M. Nur Riffa’i

Thank you for praying, struggling, loving, advising, caring,

suggesting, and motivating until the last of the thesis.

I do expect this thesis can make them proud of me. — — — — —


ِ ‫س ِم هللاِ ال َر ْح َم ِن ال َر ِح‬
ْ ِ‫ب‬

In the name of Alloh, the most gracious and the most merciful, all praises

and thanks to Alloh SWT, who has given His blessing and help so that the writer

can finish this thesis.

The writer would like to express his gratitude and appreciation to the

honorable people who give their help, encouragement, and countless contribution

to the writer in the process of the study:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Babun Suharto SE. MM, as the rector of IAIN Jember.

2. Dr. Hj. Mukniah, M.Pd.I., as the dean of faculty tarbiyah and teacher training

Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember who had given permission to do

this research.

3. Asy’ari, M.Pd.I as the dean of English Department Institut Agama Islam

Negeri (IAIN) for giving the writer permission to write this thesis.

4. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Khusnurridlo, M.Pd as the advisor, thank you for your

patience, guidance, and suggestions.

5. Mukhammad Farid, M.Pd as the headmaster of Sekolah Alam Genteng

Banyuwangi, and the English teacher of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi

who have helped the writer in doing the research.

6. The students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi who cooperate during the


vi — — — — —

7. People who get involved in writer’s life, her beloved parent, everlasting

friends, and my lovely PBI2 for uncountable love, support, help, prayer,

understanding and everything that they give to the writer.

The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, she accepts every suggestion, criticism, and comment from the readers.

She hopes that this thesis gives contribution and be useful for the improvement of

the English teaching learning process.

The writer

vii — — — — —


Afidatul Khasanah, 2019: Exploring the inhibition factors in applying full English
speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi.

Spoken language is often considered as one of the most difficult aspects of

language learning. For most foreign language learners, English speaking is not
easy thing to be undertaken. Indeed, many learners find it difficult to express
themselves in spoken language. Each student has own inhibition to speak English.
Anxiety, shyness, lack of motivation, lack of confidence, fear of making mistake
are common role faced by learners. And also linguistic factors such as lack of
vocabulary, lack of grammar understanding, and incorrect pronounciation are
prevent them to speak English.
The research questions are: 1) what are the linguistic factors that inhibit in
applying full English speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng
Banyuwangi ? 2) what are the non-linguistic factors that inhibit in applying full
English speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi ?
The research objective of this research are: 1) to find out the linguistic
factors that inhibit in applying full full English speaking among students of
Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi, 2) to find out the non-linguistic factors that
inhibit in applying full full English speaking among students of Sekolah Alam
Genteng Banyuwangi
This research was categorized as survey research with the descriptive
quantitative approach. It involved 7th , 8th , and 9th grade students of Sekolah Alam
Genteng Banyuwangi as the participants totally 45 students. The questionnare was
used to collected the data about inhibiting factors in applying full English
Based on the questionnare distributed to 45 students of Sekolah Alam
Genteng Banyuwangi, it reveals that linguistic factors that inhibited are lack of
grammar understanding, lack of vocabulary, and incorrect pronounciation. that
Linguistic factors becomes the dominant factor affecting the students in applying
full English speaking. In terms of linguistic factors, lack of grammar is the
dominant factors that inhibited students to speak English totally 60,88%. The
cause of their lack of understanding grammar was mainly caused by their lack of
speaking practice grammatically. Whereas, in term of non-linguistic factors that
inhibited are lack of motivation, anxiety, shyness, lack of confidence, and fear
making mistake. Lack of motivation is the most common factors that inhibited
students to speak English totally 58,2%. Teacher need to be conscious that they
also have a significant impact on students’ motivation in learning process.

viii — — — — —



Cover ....................................................................................................... i

Approval .................................................................................................... ii

Ratification ............................................................................................... iii

Motto ....................................................................................................... iv

Dedication ................................................................................................ v

Acknowledgement..................................................................................... vi

Abstract ..................................................................................................... viii

Table of content......................................................................................... ix

List of Tables............................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................ 1

A. Background of the Research ......................................................... 1

B. Research Question ......................................................................... 5

C. Research Objective ........................................................................ 6

D. Significance of the Research ......................................................... 6

E. Research Limitation ...................................................................... 7

F. Operational Definition .................................................................. 7

G. Research Methodology .................................................................. 8

ix — — — — —

1. Research Design ........................................................................ 8

2. Population and Sample .............................................................. 10

3. Technique of Data Collection ................................................... 11

4. Data Analysis ............................................................................ 14

H. Systematic of Thesis...................................................................... 14

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................. 16

A. Previous Research ........................................................................ 12

B. Theoritical Framework .................................................................. 20

1. English Speaking ..................................................................... 20

a. Definition of speaking ....................................................... 20

b. Microskill of speaking ....................................................... 21

c. Components of speaking ................................................... 23

2. Inhibition factors in English speaking ..................................... 25

a. Inhibition ........................................................................... 25

b. Inhibition factors in English speaking ............................... 27

1) Non-linguistic factors .................................................. 27

2) Linguistic factors ......................................................... 34

CHAPTER III FINDING AND DISCUSSION .................................... 40

A. Research Object Description ......................................................... 40

B. Data Display .................................................................................. 40

C. Data Analysis ................................................................................ 50 — — — — —

D. Discussion ..................................................................................... 66

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION ............................................................. 71

A. Conclusion .................................................................................... 71

B. Suggestions ................................................................................... 73

REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 74


xi — — — — —


No Description page.

1. 1 An overview of population .................................................................. 10

1. 2 The value of Reliability Coefficient ..................................................... 14
1. 3 Research Maping.................................................................................. 15
2. 1 Similarities and differences in previous research................................. 19
3. 1 Respondents Draft ................................................................................ 41
3. 2 The result of instrument validity .......................................................... 43
3. 3 The result of reliability (X1) ................................................................ 44
3. 4 The result of reliability (X2) ................................................................ 44
3. 5 The result of reliability (Y) .................................................................. 45
3. 6 Scoring of each Questionnare items ..................................................... 45
3. 7 Data Score of Non-linguistic Factors ................................................... 46
3. 8 Data Score of Linguistic factors ........................................................... 47
3. 9 Data Score of Applying full English Speaking .................................... 48
3. 10 Descriptive statistic test of anxiety .................................................... 50
3. 11 Descriptive statistic test of fear making mistake................................ 53
3. 12 Descriptive statistic test of lack confidence ....................................... 55
3. 13 Descriptive statistic test of Lack Motivation ..................................... 57
3. 14 Descriptive statistic test of Shyness ................................................... 58
3. 15 Descriptive statistic test of lack Understanding Grammar ................. 60
3. 16 Descriptive statistic test of Lack Vocabulary .................................... 62
3. 17 Descriptive statistic test of Incorrect Pronounciation ........................ 64

xii — — — — —



A. Background of the Research

English speaking is the dominant language speaking by many people

around the world because it is the lingua franca used for international

communication in all aspects of human life such as economic, culture,

business, politic, administration, science, and academia.1 There are many

countries which set down English as the primary language despite their local

language. It is called English as a second language. The importance of

English makes the goverment in many countries considers to use English as

the primary language. It offers benefits for all people and especially for

students’ future.

Speaking English for students has some benefits. Students can have

more opportunities when they use English wisely. Students who speak

English have a big opportunity to study not only in their country but also in

English speaking country. Besides of that, Students can know the culture of

the country through English. Hence, some of the moslem scientist asserted

that learning English speaking is really needed. Lutfi quote from “Ketika

Nabi di Kota” by Dr. Nizar Abazhah about the excellence of learning foreign

language. It stated that “Barangsiapa mempelajari bahasa asing suatu

David Crystal, English As a Global language,(Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2003) 46 — — — — —


bangsa maka ia akan selamat dari tipu daya mereka”. Hence, It was a smart

decision for the Asians to use English as an additional language.

Indonesia is one of many countries including English in the curriculum

of education. English has been taught and received serious attention in all

levels of education. All of the students of Elementary School, Junior high

School, Senior High School and Vocational High School must pursue an

English lesson. Although some remote districts in Indonesia do not know

English. The students’ difficulties are because of this language is not their

primary language. And this system makes students have to study harder about

English. Another factor which might make them learn English easily its about

lack of time allocation for English lesson. English is a compulsary lesson

which is given just once in a week. So, it makes the process of language

learning is not effective. It will impact their examination.

English is one of lessons which are included in national examination.

The goverment stated that English is a required lesson in national

examination. It was stated in:

“Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2013

Tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun
2005 Tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan”
ketentuan pasal 70 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dihapus serta ayat (4)
diubah sehingga pasal 70 berbunyi sebagai berikut:
(1) dihapus
(2) Dihapus
(3) Pada jenjang SMP/MTs/SMPLB, atau bentuk lain yang
sederajat. Ujian Nasional mencakup pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia,
Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alama (IPA).2

Permendiknas, Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 Tentang
Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 Tentang Standar Nasional
3.pdf. (12 February 2019) 14.00 am — — — — —


It stated that English is one of the lessons which is considered as a

requirement to graduate. The fact is that, most of the students have difficulties

in understanding English.3 So, the teacher has to big effort to teach English

for the students because students must master the four English skill at the

same time.

There are four skills in English. Those are listening, speaking, reading

and writting. In the process of teaching and learning, the four English skill

are simultaniously performed. Normally, learners in an EFL context do not

use the language in authentic situations, accordingly they possess inability in

communicating appropriately and correctly.4 However, the most essential

skill to communicate in English is ability to speak.

Speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that other

poeple can make sense of them.5 It means that the listeners must know what

the speaker means. English speaking is not easy to be undertaken. English

speaking learners requires more than knowing the grammatical and semantic

rules. Apart of these Burnkart explains that:

Language learners need to have three areas of knowledge involved

within speaking namely (1) mechanics of language elements
(pronounciation, grammar, vocabulary) which emphasize on use of
right words in the right order with the correct pronunciation, (2) the
function of language that deals with speaking performance in the
form of transaction and interaction (e.g. knowing how to change
information and giving the clarity of essential message), (3) the

Samira Al Hosni, “Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learners”, in International
Journal on Studies in English language and Literature Vol 2, Issue 6, (____2014).
Thanyalak Oradee, “Developing Speaking Skill Using Three Communicative Activities
(Discussion, Problem Solving and role playing)” in International Journal of Social Science and
Humanity, Vol 2, 6 (____2012), 533.
Lynne cameron, Teaching English To Young Learners (cambridge university press: cambridge,
2001) 40. — — — — —


sociocultural norms (such as turn taking, rate of speeh, length of

pauses between speakers, relative roles of participants,
understanding how to take into account who is speaking to whom,
in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason)6

In general, there are some difficulties in speaking among students.

Dealing with this, Samira al Hosni asserted in his article about speaking

difficulties encountered by young EFL learners. Samira asserted that EFL

learners still face many difficulties. She says that many studies indicate that

oral language development has largerly been neglected in the classroom and

most of the time. Oral language in the classroom is used more by teacher than

students. And also other factors occur while they would like to speak English.

This research revealed that the main speaking difficulties are linguistic

difficulties, mother tongue use and inhibition.7

Inhibition is the first problem faced by learners in speaking English. It

is mentioned by the Penny Ur statements in her book that learners are often

inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign language. 8 Fear of making

mistakes and shyness are the common problems faced by students. It can not

be ignored that most learners do not have any confidence to speak up without

fear. That case happened in many schools in Indonesia.

Sekolah Alam is one of school in banyuwangi which applied islamic

boarding school system. This is a unique school in Banyuwangi which settled

down the curriculum 2013 but established the Islamic boarding system. In

Hendra Heriansyah, “speaking problems faced by the English department students Of syiah kuala
university”, Lingua Didaktika Vol 6, 1(Desember 2012), 37.
Samira Al Hosni, “Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learners”, in International
Journal on Studies in English language and Literature Vol 2, Issue 6, (____2014) 28.
Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching: Practice And Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2009) 121. — — — — —


Islamic boarding system, all of the students must live in the school, boarding

house a system to build their disciplines. The specialty of this school is a

regulation of using foreign language. All of the teacher use English or arabic

language in delivering the lessons. It makes the students learn fastly how to

communicate using foreign language.

Although there is a rule to use English everyday, there are some

students who experienced difficulties to speak English. From the preliminary

research, it is known that there are some inhibition that prevent them to speak

English. Students are unable to speak English because they lack of

vocabulary items and grammar structure. They also fear of making mistakes

while speaking English. Students also think that making mistakes in speaking

English in front of their classmates is very embarrasing. So, the students

prefer not to speak English to avoid such situation.

To know and understand more about the students’ problems above, the

researcher did a research entitled “Exploring the Inhibiting Factors in

applying full English speaking among Students of Sekolah Alam Genteng


B. Research Question

Based on the background research above, the researcher will investigate

the problems that were used as the focus of the research is:

1. What are the linguistic factors that inhibit in applying full English

speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi? — — — — —


2. What are the non-linguistic factors that inhibit in applying full English

speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi?

C. Research Objective

The research objective of this research is to answer the research

questions formulated above, that is:

1. To find out the linguistic factors that inhibit in applying full English

speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi.

2. To find out the non linguistic factors that inhibit in applying full English

speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi.

D. Significance Of The Research

The result of this research is expected to be used theoretically and


1. Theoretically

The result of this research is expected to give contribution in terms

of knowledge and reference especially in English education. Moreover, the

most important significance is for overcoming and improving the future

English teacher qualification especially for English speaking proficiency.

2. Practically

The result of this research is expected to make the students aware

about the inhibition factors to speak English of themselves. Therefore, by

knowing and understanding inhibition factors to speak English, then those — — — — —


inhibition factors will be solved by the students themselves and the


E. Research Limitation

At this point, the researcher focuses on exploring the inhibiting factors in

applying full English speaking among students of Sekolah Alam in the

seventh, eighth, and ninth grade.

F. Operational Definition

Operational Definition are used to interpreting the contents. Therefore,

the researcher need to explain the definition of the variable that supports the

title of this proposal.

1. English Speaking

Speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that

other people can make sense of them. A speaker needs to find the most

appropriate words and the correct grammar to convey meaning accurately

and precisely, and needs to organize the discourse so that a listener will

understand. English speaking is the use of English language with the

correct grammar to convey meaning accurately and precisely, and needs to

organize the discourse so that a listener will understand. — — — — —


2. Inhibiting Factors

Inhibition is a feeling of embarrasment or worry that prevents you

from saying or doing what you want. Inhibiting factors is factor that

caused people to feel of embarrasment or worry to do something.

So, it can be inferred that the meaning of exploring inhibition factors in

applying full English speaking among students are feeling of embarrasment

or worry to speak in the foreign language in order to share understandings

with other people.

G. Research Methodology

Research methodolgy describes some aspects in methodology

including research design, population and sample, technique and instrument

of data collection, data analysis to explore the inhibiting factors in applying

full English speaking among students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi.

1. Research Design

This research concern on exploring the inhibiting factors in

applying full English speaking among students. In this research, survey

research is employed to find out the inhibiting of speaking English. Survey

research is one of components in nonexperimental quantitative research.

Ary stressed that in nonexperimental research, the researcher identifies

variables and may look for relationship among them but does not

manipulate the variables. Major forms of nonexperimental research are — — — — —


relationship studies including ex post facto, correlational research, and

survey research.9

Survey research is used in this research because the aim of this

research is to find out the students opinion toward inhibiting factors in

speaking English issue. Dealing with this Ary states that in survey

research, investigators ask questions about people’ belief, opinions,

characteristic, and behavior. Surveys permit the researcher to summarize

the characteristics of different groups or to measure their attitudes and

opinion toward some issue. Survey research typically does not make

causal inferences but rather describes the distributions of variable in a

specified group.10

Survey is classified according to their focus and scope ( census or

sample survey) or according to the time form for data collection

(longitudinal and cross sectional survey). A survey that covers the entire

population of interest is reffered to as a census. A census of intangible is

one of categories which deals with pupil interest, pupil achievement or

aspiration, pupil opinion, or parents’ attitudes toward school. A census of

tangible will be more difficult because this census deals with constructs

that are not directly observable but must be inferred from indirect
measures. This is in line with this research, because the aim of this

Donald Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education 8 th Edition, (Canada: Nelson
Education Ltd, 2010), 26
Ibid., 372
Ibid.,574 — — — — —


research are exploring the inhibiting factors in applying full English

speaking among students.

2. Population and sample

a. Population

Population is defined as all members of any well defined class

of people, events, or objects.12 In line with this, Sugiyono gives an

understanding of the population, namely the generalization area consist

of object or subject that have certain qualities and characteristic set by

the researcher to be studied and the conclusions draw. So, the

population area is not only people, but also objects and another natural

objects. 13

It can be conclude that population is defined all member are

consist of object or subject which have certain qualities and

characteristic set by researchers to be studied. The subject of this

research are all of students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi.The

subjects are devided into three classes as follow:

Table 1.1
an overview of population

Class Students
VII 19 Students
VIII 15 Students
IX 15 Students
Total 49 Students

Sugiyono, Metode penelitian pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2017)117 — — — — —


b. Sample

The small group that is observed is called a sample. The

researcher need technique to defined the sample through sampling.

Sampling is indispensable to the researcher. Sampling comes to your

aid by enabling you to research a portion of the population rather than

the intire population. In this case, the researcher used probability

sampling. Probability sampling is defined as the kind of sampling in

which every element in the population has an equal chance of being

selected. In this research, the researcher took stratified sampling.

In stratified sampling, you first identify the strata of interest and

then randomly draw a spicified number of subjects of each stratum.14

So the researcher took the students in three classes in amount of 45

students. It is consist of 15 students in seventh class, 15 students in

eight class, and 15 students in ninth class.

3. Technique of Data Collection

Instrument is implementation or a piece of appartus used by the

researcher in collecting the data15. The Instruments of data collection used

by the researcher were distributing questionare. The following are the

explanation of questionare, validity of the instrument, and also reliability

of the instrument.

Ary, Introduction to Research,153.
Suharsini Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,
2006), 149. — — — — —


a. Questionnare

Once the overall research question has been determined, the

next task is to construct an instrument that will provide the desired

information. Because survey data consist of people’s responses to

individual questions, it is essential to start with good question. In this

research, the researcher used closed-ended question.

Close-ended questions are used when there are great number of

possible answer which prepared by the researcher. The researcher use

the likert scale to measure opinions, behaviour and perceptions. Likert

scales are great for digging down deep into one specific topic to find

out (in greater detail) what people think about it.

b. Validity of the Instruments

Attention should be given to the validity of the questionares that

is, whether they are really measuring what they are supposed to

measure. Validity is a measure that shows the validity of a research

instrument. Instruments are valid if the instrument can use to measure

what you want to measure. To measure the validity of the instrument,

researchers used a formula korelasi product moment or Korelasi

Pearson, are:16

rxy =
√{𝑛⅀𝑋 − (⅀𝑋)2 }{𝑛⅀𝑌2 − (⅀𝑌)²}

Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: CV Alfabeta,2003), 213. — — — — —



rxy = correlation coefficient

n = the number of respondents

X = score for each item

Y = score of all items of the questionnare

c. Reliability of the Instruments

Reliability is the degree of consistency with which it measures

whetever it is measuring. A reliable instrument is that an instrument

when used several times to measure the same object will produce the

same data. The researcher only distribute the questionnare in one time.

Dealing with that, the reliability of this instrument using the Cronbach

Alpha formula:17

𝑘 ⅀ơ𝑏²
r = {𝑘−1} {1 − 𝑉𝑡²


r = instrument reliability

k = number of questions

⅀ơb² = number of item variants

Vt² = total variant

An instrument has a high level if the value of reliability r > 0,6.

Anas Sudjono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo,2008), 365. — — — — —


Table 1.2

The value of Reliability Coefficient

No. Reliability Coefficient Category

1 0,800 - 1,000 Very High
2 0,600 – 0,799 High
3 0,400 – 0,599 Fair
4 0,200 – 0,399 Low
5 0,00 – 0,199 Very Low
4. Data Analysis

Survey do not require complex statistical analysis. Data analysis may

simply consist of determining the frequencies and precentages of

responses for the questions of the research.18 Statistic descriptive are used

in this research to find out mean, median, and mode value. After that,the

researcher determining the frequencies of the data using index formula

which calculate each categories as follow19:

P = ∑ 𝐶 × 100%


P :The symbol of percentage

∑𝑥 : The total amount of calculating each categories and scoring each


∑𝑐 : The total amount of ideal score

Ary, Introduction to Research, 411.
Sugiyono, Metode penelitian pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2017), 136-137. — — — — —


H. Systematic of Thesis
Systematic of thesis is a summary of the contents that aims to
understand the whole of the existing discussion. This research consist of 4
chapters and each chapter have several sub- chapter that related to one
other.Here will be explained briefly what the every chapter consist of:
Chapter 1 Introduction. In this chapter consist of background of the research,
problem research, research objective, significance of the research, research
limitation, definition of key term, and research methodolgy.
Chapter II Related of review. In this chapter consist of previous research and
Chapter III Finding and Discussion. In this chapter discuss the result of the
data collection and data analysis.
Chapter IV Conclusion. In this chapter consist of conclusion and suggestion.

Table 1.3
Research Mapping

Exploring The Inhibiting Factors In Applying Full English Speaking Among

StudentsOf Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi

Sample Preliminary Research Researcher

made the
Distributed the questionnare

Validated the questionnare

Analysed the questionnare

Disscusion and conclusion — — — — —



A. Previous Research

There are several studies that related to this research, they are:

1. The first was the qualitative research entitled Exploring Students Problem

in Applying Full English Speaking Area at English Research Program Of

Khairun University.20 The research was conducted by Ahmaddin Tuguis

(2017). The research explored the students problem in applying full

English speaking area. The data collection method is used interview

only. The research was conducted in English Research Program of

Khairun University and the participant are the students of English

Research Program in third, fifth, and seventh semester. Then there were

12 informant consist of 4 students at the third semester, 5 students at fifth

semester, and 3 students at seventh semester. It was found that the English

students problem in applying full English speaking area are badly affected

by some causal factors. In affective factors, the students have some

difficulty because of reluctance, anxiety, nerveousness, shyness, no-self

confidence, etc. In the sociocultural factors, the English students get the

problem because of little practice of their speaking and mother tongue

used. Other factors that affect the students problems are environment,

discipline/punishment, learning community and also school system.

Ahmaddin Tuguis, “Exploring Students Problem in Applying Full English Speaking Area at
English Research Program Of Khairun University”, (thesis, Khairun University, Ternate, 2017)

16 — — — — —


The second was the survey research entitled Factors Affecting The

Students’ Reluctance To Speak Eglish In Classroom Interaction. 21 The

research was conducted by Pipit Nugraha (2017). The research

investigated the factors affecting the students’ reluctance to speak English

in the classroom interaction. The data collection method used interview

and questionare. The research was conducted in English Education

Department of IAIN Tulungagung in the Academic Year 2016/2017 and

the participants are the students of the second semester. Then there were

203 respondents as the subject research were give the questionnare and 10

informats consisting of 3 males and 7 females. It was found that the

psychological factors, linguistic factors, and sociocultural factors are

factors that affect the student’s reluctance to speak English in the

classroom interaction. Based on the questionnare distributed to 203

students of English Department reveals that psychological factors becomes

the dominant factor affecting the students’ reluctance to speak English in

the classroom interaction since it was choosen by 99 of 203 students or

48,8%. In the second place, there was linguistic factors which has 42,8%

or being choosen by 87 of 203 students. The last, sociocultural factor

which was only choosen by 17 of 203 students or 8,4%.

2. The third, was the qualitative research entitled Affective Issues In

Speaking Among English And Accounting Department Students.22 This

Pipit Nugraha, Factors Affecting The Students’ Reluctance To Speak Eglish In Classroom
Interaction”, (thesis, IAIN Tulungagung, Tulungagung, 2017)
Sifaul Lathifah, “Affective Issues In Speaking Faced By English And Accounting Department
Students”, (thesis, Semarang State University, Semarang, 2015) — — — — —


research was conducted by Syfaul Lathifah (2015). The research

investigated the affective issues in English speaking that were among

English and Accounting departments students and it cause. The main goal

of the research was to find out the similarities and differences of the

affective issues that were among students of the two departments of

Semarang Sate University in the academic year 2014-2015. In this

research, fourty students in the two department consisted of three males

and thirty seven females were being analyzed. A descriptive qualitative

was used to elaborate the result of data analysis derived from the students’

responses towards the interview and the class observation. In terms of

findings, the research revealed that lack of self confidence, fear of making

mistake, and anxiety as affective issues in English speaking among the

students in the two department. These issues were commonly caused by

internal and external side of the students. The external cause other’s

reaction towards one mistake and specific condition that someone

experiences while doing speaking. Moreover, student’s negative thought

about other’s perception toward them, ability, personality, become the

internal causes that affected students in speaking English. — — — — —


Table 2.1
Similarities and differences
previous research and this research
No Researchers’ Similarities Differences
name and the title
1 Ahmaddin Tuguis 1. Both 1. The subject of the previous
thesis, entitled researchers research is differents
Exploring Students explore the 2. The previous research find out
Problem in difficulties in the whole problems in speaking
Applying Full applying full English, while in this research,
English Speaking English the researchers focus on
Area at English speaking inhibition.
Research Program 2. Using the 3. The reasearcher use survey
Of Khairun interview to research while in the previous
University. (2017). gain the research used qualitative
information research
2 Pipit Nugraha 1. Both of the 1. The subject and the object of the
thesis, entitiled researchers research is different
Factors Affecting discuss about 2. The researchers focus on
The Students’ factors that applying full English speaking
Reluctance To hinder to while Pipit Nugraha only
Speak Eglish In speak focused on Speaking Eglish In
Classroom English Classroom Interaction
Interaction: 2017 2. Both of the 3. The researchers only focus on
research use the inhibition while Pipit
survey Nugraha focus on three factors
research area

3 Syfaul Lathifah 1. Both of the 1. The researchers focus on

thesis, entitled researchers inhibition factors of the students
Affective Issues In focus on while the previous research
Speaking Among affective focus on the affective issues in
English And factors speaking
Accounting 2. The researcher use survey
Department method while the previous
Students. 2015 research use qualitiative
3. The subject research are
different. The previous research
compared two department while
in this research only focus on
the selected school
While this research has some differentiation with those research above.

The goal of this research is to find out the linguistic or non-linguistic factors — — — — —


which inhibited to speak English. Survey research is used to elaborate the

data analysis result derived from the students responses towards the


B. Theoritical Framework

1. English Speaking

a. Definition of speaking

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing, receiving, and processing information. The

information can be shared using both verbal and non-verbal

communication in a variety of contexts in which it occurs based

collective experiences, the physical environment and the purpose for


Furthermore, cameron stated that speaking is the active use of

language to express meaning so that other people can make sense of

them. to speak in the foreign language in order to share understandings

with other people requires attention to precise details of the language. A

speaker needs to find the most appropriate words and the correct

grammar to convey meaning accurately and precisely, and needs to

organise the discourse so that a listener will understand.24

In addition Kayi says that speaking is the process of building and

sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal in variety of

Sitti Hadijah, “ Investigating The Problems Of English Speaking Of The Students Of Islamic
Boarding School Program At Stain Samarinda”, Dinamika Ilmu Vol 14, 2(Desember,2014), 241.
Cameron, Teaching English, 40-41. — — — — —


context.25 speaking is not only about how to speak using the correct

grammar but also speaking is about how to express ideas to another.

It can be inferred that English speaking is the use of English

language with the correct grammar to convey meaning accurately and

precisely, and needs to organize the discourse so that a listener will

understand. Of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and

writing), speaking seems intuitively the most important. People who

know a language are reffered to as “speakers” of that language, as if

speaking included all other kinds of knowing. And many if not most

foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak.26

The mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many

second language of foreign learners. Consequently, learners often

evaluate their succes in language learning as well as the effectiveness of

their English course on the basis of how much they feel and they have

improved in their spoken language proficiency.27 It states that, speaking

is the priority skill must be mastered before another skill. Speaking skill

is needed for all the second language or foreign learners to evaluate their

success in language learning.

b. Microskill of speaking

Speaking English fluently and accuracy is really hard for many non

English speaking people especially for students. Speaker must know

Hayriye Kayi, “Teaching Speaking: Activities to promote Speaking in a Second Language”, The
Internet TESL Journal Vol. XII, 11(November, 2006).
Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching, 121.
Jack C. Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking from theory to practice, (Cambridge
Universit Press :Cambridge, 2008),19. — — — — —


about the microskill in speaking to be able to communicate well. Then,

Brown lists 16 points of microskills in speaking. They are:

1) Produce chuncks of language of different lengths

2) Orally produce differences among the English phonemes and

alloporic variants

3) Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed

positions, rhythmic structure, and intonational contours.

4) produce reduced forms of words and phrases.

5) Use an edaquate number of lexical units (words) in order to

accomplish pragmatic purposes.

6) Produce fluent speech in different rates of delivery.

7) Monitor your own oral production and use various strategic devices-

pauses, fillers, self corrections, backtracking, to enhance the clarity

of the message.

8) Use grammatical word classes (noun, verbs, etc), systems (e.g.,

tense, agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and

elliptical forms.

9) Produce speech in natural constituents in appropriate phrase, pause

groups, breath groups and sentences.

10) Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

11) Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

12) Accomplish appropriately communicative functions according to

situations, participants and goals. — — — — —


13) Use appropriate registers, implicature, pragmantic conventions, and

othe sociolinguistic features in face to face conversations.

14) Convey links and connections between events and communicate

such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplification.

15) Use facial features, kinesics, body language, and othe nonverbal cues

along with verbal language to convey meanings.

16) Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as

emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for

interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for helps, and

accurately assessing how well your interocutor is understanding you.

c. Components of Speaking

In speaking skill, the component is used to complete the skill. Here

are components of language influence speaking ability:28

1) Pronounciation

Understanding the features of pronouncation helps learners

understand when they listen to the language. It also helps them to

produce the language more accurately, though learners do not

necesarily need to pronounce English perfectly, just well enough for

other people to understand them. It means, it will create

misunderstanding toward listener invited to speak and the messages

will be conveyed, will lose and difficult to be comprehended.

Hadfield, Introduction to Teaching English, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 15. — — — — —


The fact, some students are able to acquire reasonable

pronounciation without overt pronounciation teaching should not

blind us to the benefits of a focus on pronounciation in the lesson.

Pronounciation teaching not only makes students aware of different

sounds and sounds features, but can also improve their speaking

immesurabely. Concentrating on sounds, showing where they are

made in the mouth, making students aware of where words should be

stressed. All these things give them extra information about spoken

English and help them achieve the goal of improved comprehension

and intellegibility.29

2) Grammar

Grammar is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in

conversation. According to Hadfield, grammar is a description of the

language system. It show us how to order words into sentences, how

we combine them and how we change the form of meaning. The

unity of grammar also learns the correct way to gain expertise in a

language oral and written form. Someone who mastering grammar

will know how to arrange word in sentences, the correct tenses, will

be used, etc. So that, grammar is one of components to create a good


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 4th Edition (England: Pearson
Education Limited, 2001), 248.
Hadifield, Introduction to teaching English, 18. — — — — —


3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary can be presented in dialogues and reading passages

where the new words appear in context and in combination with

other words. Mastering vocabulary will help us to be a good

speakers and listeners because we can arrange the sentences when

we have a lot of vocabularies.

2. Inhibition Factors in English Speaking

a. Inhibition

Based on the Oxford Dictionary, inhibition have some meaning

those are:31

1) prevent something from happening

2) make somebody nervous or embarrassed so that they are unable to

do something

3) feeling of being unable to behave naturally

It can be concluded that inhibition means a mental process that prevents

people want to do something or want to say something.

Tuan and Mai observed that the first problem in speaking English

as a foreign language to be inhibition. They stressed that unlike reading,

writing, or listening. Inhibition is the the first problem among learners

in speaking English. Shyness causes learners to be afraid of saying

anything in an unfamiliar language in the classroom; they are nerveous

of making mistakes or are simply just shy of the attraction of their

Oxford learners pocket dictionary, (Oxford :Oxford University Press, 2008), 228. — — — — —


speech. Students are full of fear or disapproval of what they might say

by their peers or of being embarrassed wherever they go because of

something they might have said in the classroom.

Most of the times, learners’ minds are blank and that one would

hear learners grumbling about not thinking of anything to say, this is

because they have no reason or purpose to express themselves beyond

their classrooms. Learners might have nothing or that they have less to

express, maybe because the topic chosen by the teacher that day is not

interesting to them and there might be little they know about the topic.

Many students find it hard to answer when the teacher asks them to say

something in a language which is not their mother tongue as they might

have few ideas on what to say, which terminology to use or how to use

the language rules appropriately.32

Penny also clarified unlike reading, writing and listening activities,

speaking requires some degree of real time exposure to an audience.

Learners are often inhibited about trying to say things in a foreign

language in the classroom; worried about making mistakes, fearful of

criticism of losing face; or simply shy of the attention that their speech

attracts.33 It states that resources of inhibition is the individualist of the

learners itself. It is called psychological factors. Human psychology

plays a significant role in every learning situation and speaking English.

David Nkengbeza, Africa Zulu, & Hendrina S.S. Silunga, “ challenges in using spoken English
by grade six learners at a school in ononkali circuit in namibia” International journal of English
language teaching Vol 6, 6(August 2018) 13.
Penny Ur, A Course In Language Teaching, 121. — — — — —


b. Inhibiting factors in English speaking

1) Non-linguistic Factors

a) Lack of motivation

With regards to the issue of motivation in learning, Nunan

stresses that motivation is important to notice. It can affect students

reluctance to speak in English. In this sense, motivation is a key

consideration in determining the preparedness of learners to

communicate.34. It is also stated in the Yuan article that motivation

is an inner drive, impulse, emotion or desire that moves one to a

particular action. It’s known to all that proper motivation will draw

learners’ attentions and arise their interests to learn, thus they are

more likely to succeed in language learning. Attitude is also a very

important affective factor in language learning success. Only those

learners with positive attitude will make efforts to find and use a

variety of learning strategies. High motivation and positive

attitudes might encourage learners to participate more in the class

activities and oral practices, which in turn results in greater success

in their language proficiency and competence in language speaking


Because motivation is so important in language learning,

teachers should pay more attention to make activities and materials

exciting, stimulating, and interesting to learners to enhance their

David Nunan, Second language teaching and learning, (USA :Heinle Publisher, 1991) 201. — — — — —


motivation. In addition, the teacher should be very sensitive to

attitudes students bring to language learning, helping reverse any

negative attitudes and inculcate positive attitudes toward the target

culture, the language, and the language learning process.35

(1) Causes of lack motivation

Dealing with this issue, gardner in Nunan elaborates the

causes of the students’ lack of motivation, such as: uninspired

teaching, boredom, lack of perceived relevance of materials and

lack of knowledge about the goals of the instructional program.

These four, very often become sources of students motivation.

For example, unispired teaching affects students motivation to

learn. In this context, a monotonous teaching, in many cases,

reduces the students motivation due to their feeling of boredom.

This shows that paying attention to those four factors is vital.36

In response to the issue of motivation, In Juhana article

stated that lack of motivation in learning causes students

hesitation to speak English in the classroom. He says that the

background of the situation is the students are not motivated by

the teachers towards the communication in English.37

Motivation certainly lays a very crucial role in learning and

Guo Minghe & Wang Yuan, “Affective Factors in Oral English Teaching and Learning”,
Journal Higher Education of Social Science Vol 5, 3(October 2013), 58.
David Nunan, Second language teaching, 202.
Juhana, “Psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in English class (a case
research in a senior high school in south tangerang, banten, indonesia)”, Journal of educational and
practice Vol 3, 12(___2012) 101. — — — — —


teaching a foreign language. The students who are motivated

help their teacher in understanding teaching materials and can

learn better. Teachers need to be conscious that they also have a

significant impact on students’ motivation in learning process.

Establishing an effort to cover students’ motivation, they

should cater for the difference of personality types in the same


b) Fear of Making Mistake

As argued by many theorists, fear of mistake becomes on of

the main factors if the students reluctance to speak in English in the

classroom.39 With respect to the fear of making mistake issue, Aftat

adds that this fear is linked to the issue of correction and negative

evaluation. In addition, this is also much influenced by the students

fear of being laughed by other students or being criticized by the

teacher. As a result, students commonly stop participating in the

speaking activity. Therefore it is important for teacher to convince

their students that making mistakes is not a wrong or bad thing

because students can learn from their mistakes.

(1) Cause of fear making mistake

The primary reason of fear making mistake is that students

are afraid of looking foolish in front of other people and they

are concerned about how other will see them. In addition the
Isna Humaera, “Inhibition in Speaking Performance”, Journal Of The Association For Arabic
And English Vol 1, 1(September, 2015), 36.
David Nunan, Second language teaching, 203. — — — — —


students feel afraid of the idea of making mistakes as they are

worried that their friends will laugh at them and receive

negative evaluations from their peers if they make mistake in

English. Students fear of making mistakes in speaking English

has common issue especially in an EFL context like in

Indonesia. Most of EFL students are afraid to try and to speak

in a foreign language they learn. In this context, students do

not want to look foolish in front of the class. In some other

cases they also worry about how they will sound, and are

scared of sounding silly and so on.40

c) Shyness

Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at

some time when they are required to speak in English class. This

indicates that shyness could be a source of problem in students

learning activities in the classroom especially in the class of

speaking. Therefore, paying attention on this aspect also quite

important in order to help the students do their best in their

speaking performance in the classroom. In line with this, baldwin

further explains that speaking in front of people is one of the more

common phobias that students encounter and feeling of shyness

makes their mind go blank or that they will forget what to say.41

Nugraha, Factors Affecting The Students’ Reluctance, 25.
Humaera, Inhibition in Speaking Performance, 36. — — — — —


(1) Causes of Shyness

With regard to the cause of shyness, Robby argues that

some shy learners are caused by their nature that they are very

quiet. In this case, the students are not very confident and tend

to be shy because most of them find it very intimidating when

speaking English in front of their friends and teacher. In

addition, most of English students feel shy when they speak the

language. Because they think they will make mistake when they

talk. They are also afraid of being laughed at by their peers.42

d) Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension, and

nerveousness associated with the situation of learning a foreign

language. Further, among other affective variables, anxiety stands

out as one of the main blocking factors for effective language

learning. In other words, anxiety influences students in learning


The fact that anxiety plays an important role in students

learning is also shared by other researchers. He believe that anxiety

about speaking a certain language can affect students performance.

It can influence the quality of oral language production and make

individuals appears less fluent than they really are. This

explanation suggest that teacher should make an attempt to create a

Juhana, Psychological factors that hinder students from speaking in English, 101. — — — — —


learning atmosphere which gives students more comfortable

situations in their learning activity.

(1) Causes of anxiety

Regarding the cause of anxiety, Horwitz, Michael, and

Cope based on their finding research, found out three main

causes of students anxiety i.e communication apprehension

refers to the students ability to communicate in the target

language. Their low ability in his aspect causes anxious feeling

among many students. The second cause which is test anxiety

deals with students fear of being tested. The last cause has to do

with other students evaluation. In this case, other students

evaluation causes anxiety among students themselves.

In addition, fear of being evaluated by their teachers is also

another affecting students anxiety. All these show that

understanding students better and being skillful in managing

classroom should be part of teachers concern. To reduce this

anxiety feeling, teachers need to ay attention to each students’

strenghts and weaknesses do that they can create a learning

method which accomodates all students in the classroom.43

e) Lack of Confidence

It is commonly understood that students lack of confidence

usually occurs when students realize that their conversation

Eliana.K, Horwirtz, Michael.B, & Joan Cope, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety” The
Modern Language Journal Vol 70, 2(February 2009), 127. — — — — —


partners have not understood them or when they do not understand

other speakers. In this situation, they would rather keep silent while

others do talking showing that the students are lack of confidence

to communicate. In response to this, Nunan says that students who

lack of confidence about themselves and their English necessarily

suffer from communication apprehension. This shows that building

students confidence is an important part of teachers focus


(1) Causes of lack confidence

The main cause of lack confidence is their low ability in

English speaking. In this case, many students think that their

English is bad and feel that they can not speak English well. The

other cuase of students lack of confidence also deals with the

lack of encouragement from the teacher.45 In this context, many

teachers do not think that convincing students that they are able

to speak English is important. As Brown adds, students find the

learning demotivating rather than motivating. This suggest that

encouragement becomes a vital thing in order to build the

students confidence. Therefore, giving students encouragement

and showing that they will be able to communicate well in

English plays a role in students success of learning.

Nunan, Second language teaching and learning, 203.
Douglas.H. Brown, Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy,
(englewood cliffs: prentice hall, 2001), 15. — — — — —


2) Linguistic factors

Linguistic factors are one of inhibiting factors to speak English.

Commonly, learners have difficulties in memorizing vocabulary,

how to use the correct pronounciation, and also the use of

grammatical pattern when they speak. Here are some linguistic

factors that inhibit students to speak English:

a) Lack of Vocabulary

The acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for

successful second language use. Without an extensive

vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions

we may have learned for comprehensible communication. also,

in contrast with the development of other aspects of a second

language, particularly pronounciation, vocabulary acquisition

does not seem to be slowed down by age. In fact, vocabulary

seems to be become easier asone matures, because one has a

richer knowledge of the world on which to draw. In addition, the

more one’s vocabulary develops, the easier it is to add new

words. These day then, the consensus of opinion seems to be

that the development of a rich vocabulary is an important

element in the acquisition of a second language.46

Lack of vocabulary knowledge could lead to students

difficulties in English reception and production and becomes an

David Nunan, Second language teaching and learning, (USA :Heinle Publisher, 1991), 116. — — — — —


obstacle for them to express their ides in English. Vocabulary is

the basic for speaking or conversational skill. In this case, the

more words students know, the more they can say and

understand things presented both oral and written.

(1) Causes of lack vocabulary

An online book published by Texas Education Agency

reveals the obstacle among students to develop their

vocabulary ability as follow:

The size of the task. The number of words that students need

to learn is exceedingly large.

(a) The differences between spoken English and written

“literate” English. The vocabulary of written English,

particularly the “literate” English that students encounter

in textbooks and other school materials, differs greatly

from that of spoken, especially conversational English.

Both of English language learners and English as the first

language learners may have limited exposure to literate

English outside of school.

(b) The limitation of sources of information about words.

The sources of information about words that redily

available to students (dictionaries, word parts, and

context) pose their own problems. Each can be difficult

to use, unimvormative, or even misleading. — — — — —


(c) The complexity of word knowledge. knowing a word

involves much more than knowing its dictionary

definition. and simply memorizing a dictionary definition

does not guarantee the ability to use a word in reading or

writing. Adding to the complexity is the fact that

different kinds of word

b) Lack of Grammar Understanding

It is argued so far that learning grammar cannot be

separated from learning a foreign language. In fact, learning

foreign language becomes difficult since the target language has

different system from the native language. When someone

learns a foreign language, he often faces interference when

applying to speak English. There are such different structure of

their mother tongue into the foreign language.

Due to the different grammar between the mother tongue

and foreign language, it is very often that students find such

obstacle to speak English. As it is known , efficient

communication can not take place without correct grammar.

Grammar provides students with the structure they need in order

to organize and put their messages and ideas across. In this — — — — —


sense, they will not be able to convey their ideas to their full

extension without a good command of underlying grammar. 47

(1) Causes of Lack of Grammar Understanding

In terms of the cause of lack of Understanding of

Grammatical patterns, Erikson in the pipit thesis states that

the teaching of grammar is static and less communicative.

This situation causes boring and cumbersome situations of

learning for students. In addition, students inability to use

grammar correctly is also caused by the so far teaching of

grammar conducted. He states that teachers very often

teach grammar in isolation. As a result, students do not

have opportunity to apply the grammar knowledge in

actual discourse or conversation. This condition suggets

that teachers way of teaching grammar becomes necessary

to be noticed since it will influence students achievement

in grammar competence.48

c) Incorrect Pronounciation

It is stated that correct and clear pronounciations are

important in language learning because good pronounciation

makes the communication easier to understand. Being unable to

pronounce well can cause the students to be poorly perceived

and understood by others. This indicates that paying attention in

Savage, K. L., Bitterlin, and Price, D, GrammarMatters Teaching Grammar in Adult ESL
Programs, (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2010), 26.
Nugraha, Factors Affecting The Students’ Reluctance, 29. — — — — —


the linguistic aspect is also important because students low

ability in pronounciation can also become obstacle for the

students to speak.

In many cases, especially in EFL class, most students do not

have self confidence to speak because they do not know how to

pronounce a certain word well. They are also afraid of being an

object of their peers evaluation. This condition becomes an

obstacle for them to speak in English class. It is common for

students to feel uneasy when they hear themselves speak with

the rythm of a second language. Although the unesiness is

usually unconscious, it can be a major barrier to improve

clearness in the second language. All these show that allowing

students to practice pronouncing words more in the class is also

worth considering.49

(1) Causes of Incorrect Pronounciation

The incorrect pronounciation is often caused by the lack

of sound similirity between English and the students native

language. In this situation, students wish that they could

speak English fluently but most of them think that English is

too challenging for them to master.

Regarding this, some experts view incorrect

pronounciation has been caused by instructional goal and the

Ibid,. 30. — — — — —


teacher himself and the teaching and learning in this area

which is still inappropriate. Varrasarin says that

pronounciation is an area that some teachers avoid or are

reluctant to teach because the teachers find it difficult to

teach due to their low ability in pronounciation area. This

means that a good command in English pronounciation

should also be the focus of the teachers profesional

development so that they can become a good model for their


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (China : Pearson Education Limited, 2007), 205. — — — — —



A. Research Object Description

Sekolah Alam is one of school in Banyuwangi which applied Islamic

boarding school system. This is a unique school in Banyuwangi which settled

down the curriculum 2013 but established the islamic boarding system.SMP

Alam was established by Mr. Farid, S.Ag and Mr. Suyanto Khoirul. I. S.Pd in

2015. It is located in Villa Alam Asri Jl. Kh. Imam Bahri, desa Jenesari,

Genteng, Banyuwangi.

There are 11 teachers who help teaching and learning process and

almost 80 students in SMP Alam. This school had a program back to nature.

Most of teaching learning process was undertaken in the nature. Teacher used

several method to teach them with the easy ways. Mind maping are the best

way to make them understand what the material is. There were several

programs which are related to the nature and Islamic program. So, they will

get the general education with the Islamic education.50

B. Data Display

1. Sampling Technique

As presented in chapter I, the researcher took the population of VII,

VIII, IX grade students totalling of 45 students. In this research, the

Document Review, 2019.

40 — — — — —


researcher took sampling through stratified sampling..51 So the researcher

took the students in three classes in amount of 45 students. It is consist of

15 students in seventh class, 15 students in eighth class, and 15 students in

ninth class. Here are the name of the students as the respondent which

presented in the table below:

Table 3.1
Respondents Draft
No Name Class
1 2 3 4
1 Abdul Rasyid F
2 Abdurrahman fahmi M
3 Ach. Afif Muhajir M
4 Adi Slamet Prasetyo M
5 Ahmad Shifak M
6 Ahmad Taufiq M
7 Alfian Fikro M
8 Almasa Zarin M
9 Almun Almidzar M
10 Annisa Almaghfiroh F
11 Annisa Billah F
12 Anwar Abdul Halim M
13 Nabilatul Fany F
14 M. Robith Fajril M
15 Fillah Attaqi Qalbi M
16 Sela Komsiyah ningrum F
17 Abiyudha Aly Farizi M
18 Ahmad Zaidatul Hairi F
19 Amelia Farchatus Shafira F
20 Ghulam Taqy M
21 Barirotun Nafisah F
22 Salwa May Adristi F
23 Ikbal Maulana VIII M
24 Andre Saputra IX M

Suharsini Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,
2006), 149. — — — — —


1 2 4
25 Anas Jabir M
26 Moh. Farijal M
27 Lucky Firdaus M
28 Desta Nuraulia F
29 Nur Ahmad alif M
30 M. Sabilul M
31 Achmad Rizky Purnomo M
32 Ahmad Syauqy M
33 Alfathoni Maulana M
34 Ayuningsih F
35 Cholisah F
36 M. Lucky Hermawan M
37 Mirza Iqbal yusuf M
38 Mar’atus Solikha F
39 Siti Aisyah F
40 Nazriyah Shofi F
41 Novita Sari F
42 Siti Maesaroh F
43 Syahidah Qurratu’aini F
44 Moh. Zainul Hasan M
45 Nanang Yusuf IX M
Source : Document review 2019

2. Validity and reliability of the instrument

Attention should be given to the validity of the questionares that is,

whether they are really measuring what they are supposed to measure.

Instruments are valid if the instrument can use to measure what you want

to measure.52 To measure the validity of the instrument, researchers used a

formula korelasi product moment or Korelasi Pearson. The researcher

used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) to calculate the
data. We need to correlate (r ) from the output of the SPSS with (r
) to know the data valid or not as follow:

Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: CV Alfabeta,2003), 213. — — — — —


rhitung > r tabel means the data are valid

r hitung < r tabel means the data are not valid

We need to determine the r tabel with the calculating degree of fredom as


df (degree of fredom) = N-2

N means total of the question. The question that researcher made are 24.

So degree of freedom this data are 45-2 = 43. Regarding to the r tabel with

the significance degree 5% or 0,05 the degree of fredom 43 are 0,294. So

we found the result of the instruments as follow:

Table 3.2
The result of instrument validity
1 2 3 4 5
1 0,474 0,294 VALID
2 0,432 0,294 VALID
3 0,54 0,294 VALID
4 0,318 0,294 VALID
5 0,736 0,294 VALID
LINGUISTIC 6 0,736 0,294 VALID
FACTORS 7 0,632 0,294 VALID
(X1) 8 0,457 0,294 VALID
9 0,647 0,294 VALID
10 0,686 0,294 VALID
11 0,523 0,294 VALID
12 0,518 0,294 VALID
13 0,382 0,294 VALID
14 0,387 0,294 VALID
NON- 15 0,565 0,294 VALID
16 0,633 0,294 VALID
(X2) 17 0,654 0,294 VALID
18 0,495 0,294 VALID — — — — —


2 3 4 5
19 0,45 0,294 VALID
20 0,423 0,294 VALID
21 0,649 0,294 VALID
FULL 22 0,73 0,294 VALID
SPEAKING (Y) 23 0,715 0,294 VALID
24 0,792 0,294 VALID
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019

Regarding to the table above, it can be seen that r hitung > r table (0,294).

It means the instruments of this research was valid. It can be conclude that

all the variable X1, X2, and Y was valid. So, this instrument can be used

to find the data and processing the data.

Reliability also needed in testing the instruments. In this research

cronbach alpha formula was used to determine the reliability of the

instrument. If the instruments have cronbach alpha > 0,60, the instruments

was reliable. The following are the result of reliability:

Table 3.3
The result of Reliability (X1)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach'sAlpha N of Items
,802 12
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019
Regarding to the data above, It showed that the degree of cronbach

alpha’s 0,802> 0,60. So, it means that the non-linguistic factors variable

was reliable.

Table 3.4
The result of Reliability (X2)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,620 8 — — — — —


Regarding to the data above, It showed that the degree of

cronbach alpha’s 0,620> 0,60. So, it means that the linguistic

factors variable was reliable.

Table 3.5
The result of Reliability (Y)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
,692 4
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019

Regarding to the data above, It shows that the degree of

cronbach alpha’s 0,692 > 0,60. So, it means that full English

speaking variable was reliable.

3. Data Score

Data score is the calcalculation responds which was gotten from the

respondents. In this research, each response in every item used likert scale.

Here are scoring for each questionnare items:

Table 3.6
scoring of each questionnare items
Source : Sugiyono book, 2019

Here are the result of the data score about linguistic factors which have

gotten: — — — — —


Table 3.7
Data Score about linguistic Factors
No. Linguistic Factors
Resp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 2 3
1 4 2 4 3 4 5 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 35
2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 4 1 28
3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 2 4 1 28
4 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 29
5 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 5 5 5 2 5 2 36
6 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 4 1 2 27
7 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 42
8 1 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 5 4 4 1 42
9 3 2 4 1 5 4 3 5 4 5 4 2 5 42
10 4 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 1 42
11 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 2 24
12 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 5 3 29
13 1 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 24
14 4 2 3 5 3 3 3 2 4 4 2 3 3 38
15 4 3 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 1 36
16 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20
17 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 21
18 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 20
19 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 24
20 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 4 3 2 2 30
21 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 34
22 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 27
23 1 1 3 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 3 1 1 42
24 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 40
25 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 40
26 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 40
27 1 2 4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 2 1 1 28
28 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 2 2 4 1 1 33
29 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 2 4 3 1 1 24
30 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 17
31 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 20
32 3 3 4 5 3 2 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 38
33 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 5 2 2 1 1 29
34 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 25
35 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 32
36 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 5 1 5 2 5 3 31 — — — — —


1 2 3
37 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 40
38 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 17
39 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 20
40 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 27
41 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 29
42 1 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 5 3 2 1 39
43 3 2 4 1 5 4 2 5 3 5 3 2 5 39
44 4 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 2 1 36
45 1 3 2 2 3 1 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 28
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019

Here are the result of the data score about linguistic factors which

have gotten as follow:

Table 3.8
Data Score about linguistic Factors
No. Linguistic Factors
Resp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3
1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 18
2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 11
3 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 15
4 2 4 3 5 5 3 2 25
5 5 2 5 5 1 2 4 26
6 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 17
7 4 3 2 4 2 1 2 20
8 3 3 4 2 2 4 1 20
9 3 5 3 4 2 5 2 29
10 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 20
11 3 5 2 2 3 3 3 23
12 4 3 5 3 2 3 3 26
13 1 3 5 3 2 3 3 21
14 4 3 3 2 2 3 4 24
15 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 19
16 3 2 3 2 3 3 4 22
17 5 1 2 2 1 4 4 20
18 5 1 2 1 3 4 3 20
19 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 22
20 4 1 1 1 3 1 3 19
21 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 19 — — — — —


1 2 3
22 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 21
23 3 4 3 5 4 4 4 28
24 2 2 3 2 4 3 2 21
25 3 4 3 3 2 1 3 22
26 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 27
27 2 2 3 2 2 4 5 21
28 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 27
29 2 3 4 1 1 3 3 18
30 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 12
31 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 17
32 5 3 3 4 4 2 2 25
33 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 12
34 2 4 3 4 2 4 1 21
35 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 23
36 5 2 5 5 1 2 4 27
37 2 4 4 4 2 3 3 25
38 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 12
39 3 2 2 2 1 3 5 19
40 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 18
41 4 3 2 4 2 1 2 20
42 4 3 4 2 2 4 2 22
43 3 5 3 1 2 5 2 26
44 3 3 3 2 1 2 4 19
45 5 5 2 2 3 2 4 23
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019

Here are the result of the data score about applying full English

speaking which have gotten as follow:

Table 3.9
Data Score about applying full English speaking
No Applying full English speaking Total
1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 4
2 1 1 1 1 4
3 2 1 1 1 5
4 4 3 3 3 13
5 3 4 3 2 12
6 3 2 3 1 9 — — — — —


1 2 3
7 4 2 1 2 9
8 3 2 2 2 9
9 4 3 3 3 13
10 2 2 3 3 10
11 2 3 3 3 11
12 3 4 4 4 15
13 3 2 3 3 11
14 2 3 3 3 11
15 2 3 3 4 12
16 2 3 3 4 12
17 2 1 4 4 11
18 3 2 3 3 11
19 3 3 4 4 14
20 2 3 2 2 9
21 2 3 2 3 10
22 2 3 3 2 10
23 4 5 4 4 17
24 2 3 3 3 11
25 2 3 2 2 9
26 4 3 3 3 13
27 3 2 4 4 13
28 4 4 3 4 15
29 2 2 2 2 8
30 1 1 2 1 5
31 2 2 2 3 9
32 2 3 2 5 12
33 2 1 2 1 6
34 4 2 3 2 11
35 5 2 3 2 12
36 5 1 2 4 12
37 3 2 4 3 12
38 1 1 2 1 5
39 2 1 4 4 11
40 2 3 3 2 10
41 3 2 2 2 9
42 2 2 4 2 10
43 2 2 4 2 10
44 2 2 2 3 9
45 2 3 2 4 11
Source: Primary data processed in SPSS, 2019 — — — — —


C. Data Analysis.

1. Descriptive analyisis of non-linguistic factors in applying full English


There are five categories regarding non-linguistic factors that

inhibited students to speak English. Here, the result of the fifth

linguistic factors were showed by the table as follow:

a. Anxiety

Table 3.10
Descriptive statistic test of anxiety
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
1 0 0 7 15,6 11 24,4 9 20 18 40 2,16 2 1
2 0 0 6 13,3 13 28,9 18 40 8 18,4 2,38 2 2
3 0 0 13 28,9 12 26, 7 14 31,1 6 13,3 2, 71 3 2
4 4 8,9 8 17,8 16 35,6 13 28,9 4 8,9 2,89 3 3
To find out the frequency of anxiety faced by students, we need to calculate each

categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 1 = 5
4 X 8 = 32
3 X 13 = 39
2 X 14 = 28
1 X 9 = 9+
Total 113
Total Score :
113 100% = 50%
Regarding to the table above about anxiety, Questionnare

number 1 (Q1) showed that there is no student always afraid of

being criticized with the precentage 0% , 7 students are often afraid

of being criticized with the percentage 15,6%, 11 students are

sometimes afraid of being criticized with the percentage 24,4%,9 — — — — —


students are seldom afraid of being criticized with the percentage

20%, and 18 students are never afraid of being criticized with the

percentage 40%. In the table above also shows that the mean of Q1

is 2,16 , the median is 2, and the mode is 2. So, it means that most of

students are seldom of being criticized by teacher or their friends

while speaking English.

Questionnare number 2 (Q2) showed that there is no student

always pounding when the teacher ask to speak English with the

precentage 0% , 6 students are often pounding when the teacher ask

to speak English with the precentage 13,3%, 13 students are

sometimes pounding when the teacher ask to speak English with the

precentage 28,9%, 18 students are seldom pounding when the

teacher ask to speak English with the precentage 40%, and 18

students are never pounding when the teacher ask to speak English

with the percentage 40%. In the table above also shows that the

mean value of Q2 is 2,38, the median is 2 and the mode is 2. So, it

means that students are seldom pounding when the teacher ask to

speak English.

Questionnare number 3 (Q3) showed that there is no student

always nervous to speak English in front of their friends with the

precentage 0% , 13 students are often nervous to speak English in

front of their friends with the precentage 13,3%, 12 students are

sometimes nervous to speak English in front of their friends with the — — — — —


precentage 26,7%, 14 students are seldom nervous to speak English

in front of their friends with the precentage 31,1%, and 6 students

are never nervous to speak English in front of their friends with the

percentage 13,3%. In the table above also showed that the mean

value of Q3 is 2,71, the median is 3, and the mode is 2. So, it means

that students are seldom pounding when the teacher ask to speak


Questionnare number 4 (Q4) showed that there are 4 students

always going to blank when speaking English with the precentage

8,9% , 8 students often going to blank when speaking English with

the precentage 17,8%, 16 students sometimes going to blank when

speaking English with the precentage 35,6%, 13 students are seldom

going to blank when speaking English with the precentage 28,9%,

and 4 students are never going to blank when seaking English with

the percentage 8,9%. In the table above also shows that the mean

value of Q4 is 2,89, the median is 3, and the mode is 3. So, it means

that students are sometimes going to blank what they are going to

say when speaking English.

based on the index formula above, it shows 50% students feel

anxiety. It means that sometimes anxiety is the inhibiting factors in

applying full English speaking. — — — — —


b. Fear of making mistake

table 3.12
Descriptive statistic test of fear making mistake
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
5 3 6, 7 8 17,8 12 26, 7 9 20 13 28,9 2,53 3 1
6 2 4,4 9 20 13 28,9 7 15,6 14 31,1 2,51 3 1
7 2 4,4 2 4,4 14 31,1 11 24,4 16 35,6 2,18 3 1
To find out the frequency fear of making mistake faced by students, we need to
calculate each categories use index formula as follow:
Criteria Respondents
5 X 3 = 15
4 X 6 = 24
3 X 13 = 39
2 X 9 = 18
1 X 14 = 14 +
Total 110
Total Score :
110 100% = 48,8%
Regarding to the table above about fear making mistake,

Questionnare number 5 (Q5) showed that there are 3 students are

always afraid of negative comments when do some mistake with the

precentage 6, 7% , 8 students are often afraid of negative comments

when do some mistake with the percentage 17,8%, 12 students are

sometimes afraid of negative comments when do some mistake with

the percentage 26,7%, 9 students are seldom afraid of negative

comments when do some mistake with the percentage 20%, and 13

students are never afraid of negative comments when do some

mistake with the percentage 28,9%. In the table above also shows

that the mean value of Q5 is 2,16, and the median is 2, and the mode — — — — —


is 1. So, it means that most of students are never being afraid of

negative comments when do some mistake in speaking English.

Questionnare number 6 (Q6) showed that there are 2 students

are always afraid of being laughed when do some mistake with the

precentage 4,4% , 9 students are often afraid of being laughed when

do some mistake with the percentage 20%, 13 students are

sometimes afraid of being laughed when do some mistake with the

percentage 28,9%, 7 students are afraid of being laughed when do

some mistake with the percentage 15,6%, and 14 students who is

never afraid of being laughed when do some mistake with the

percentage 31,1%. In the table above also shows that the mean value

of Q6 is 2,53, the median is 3, and the mode is 1. So, it means that

most of students are never being afraid of being laughed when do

some mistake in speaking English.

Questionnare number 7 (Q7) showed that 2 students always

don’t want to look foolish when do some mistake with the

precentage 4,4% , 2 students often don’t want to look foolish when

do some mistake with the percentage 4,4%, 14 students sometimes

don’t want to look foolish when do some mistake with the

percentage 31,1%, 11 students seldom don’t want to look foolish

when do some mistake with the percentage 24,4%, and 16 students

never want to look foolish when do some mistake with the

percentage 35,6%. In the table above also showed that the median — — — — —


value of Q7 is 2,18, the median is 3, and the mode is 1.So, it means

that most of students never want to look foolish when do some

mistake in speaking English.

Based on the index formula above, it showed 48,8% students

fear of making mistake. It means that sometimes anxiety is the

inhibiting factors in applying full English speaking.

c. Lack of Confidence

Table 3.13
Descriptive statistic test of lack confidence
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % M Me Mo
8 7 15,6 6 13,3 16 35,6 13 28,9 3 6, 7 3 3 3
9 2 4,4 8 17,8 13 28,9 15 33,3 7 15,6 2 3 2
To find out the frequently lack of confidents faced by students, we need to
calculate each categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 5 = 25
4 X 7 = 28
3 X 14 = 42
2 X 14 = 28
1 X 5 = 5 +
Total 128
Total Score :
128 100% = 56,8%
Regarding to the table above about lack confident,

Questionnare number 8 (Q8) showed that there are 7 students who

always think their English is bad with the precentage 15,6% , 6

students often think their English is bad with the percentage 13,3%,

16 students sometimes think their English is bad with the percentage

35,6%,13 students seldom think their English is bad with the — — — — —


percentage 28,9%, and 3 students never think their English is bad

with the percentage 6,7%. In the table above also showed that the

mean value of Q8 is 3, the median is 3 , and the mode is 3. So, it

means that most of students are sometimes not confident to speak

English because their English is bad.

Questionnare number 9 (Q9) showed that 2 students are

always less confident to speak in fornt of their friends with the

precentage 4,4% , 8 students are often less confident to speak in

front of their friends with the percentage 17,4%, 13 students are

sometimes less confident to speak in front of their friends with the

percentage 28,9%,15 students are seldom less confident to speak in

front of their friends with the percentage 33,3%, and 7 students who

never have less confident to speak in front of their friends with the

percentage 15,6%. In the table above also shows that the mean value

of Q9 is 2,62, the median is 3 , and the mode is 2. So, it means that

most of students are seldom less confidence to speak English in front

of their friends and teacher.

based on the index formula above, it shows 56,8% students

fear of making mistake. It means that sometimes less confident is the

inhibition factors in applying full English speaking. — — — — —


d. Lack of Motivation

Table 3.14
Descriptive statistic test of lack motivation
Always Often Sometimes Seldom never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
10 9 20 8 17,8 8 17,8 20 44,4 0 0 3,13 3 2
11 0 0 8 17,8 16 35,6 17 37,8 4 8,9 2,62 3 2
To find out the frequently lack of motivation faced by students, we need to
calculate each categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 5 = 25
4 X 8 = 32
3 X 12 = 36
2 X 18 = 36
1 X 2 = 2 +
Total 131
Total Score :
131 100% = 58,2%
Regarding to the table above about lack motivation,

Questionnare number 10 (Q10) showed that there are 9 students

always motivated by teacher with the precentage 20% , 8 students

often motivated by teacher with the percentage 17,8%, 8 students

sometimes motivated by teacher with the percentage 17,8%, 20

students seldom motivated by teacher with the percentage 44,4%,

and there is no student never motivated by teacher with the

percentage 0%. In the table above also showed that the mean value

of Q10 is 3,13 , the median is 3 , and the mode is 2. So, it means that

most of students are sometimes motivated by teacher.

Questionnare number 11 (Q11) showed that there are 9

students always motivated by teacher with the precentage 20% , 8 — — — — —


students often motivated by teacher with the percentage 17,8%, 8

students sometimes motivated by teachers with the percentage

17,8%, 20 students seldom motivated by teachers with the

percentage 44,4%, and there is no students never motivated by

teachers with the percentage 0%. In the table above also shows that

the mean value of Q11 is 3,13 , the media value is 3 , and the mode

is 2. So, it means that most of students sometimes motivated by


Based on the index formula above, it shows 58,2% students

lack of motivation. It means that sometimes lack motivation is the

inhibiting factors in applying full English speaking.

e. Shyness

Table 3.6
Descriptive statistic test of shyness
Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
12 3 6, 7 8 17,8 4 8,9 9 20 21 46, 7 2,18 2 1
13 2 4,4 0 0 12 26, 7 11 24,4 20 44,4 1,96 2 1
To find out the frequently shyness faced by students, we need to calculate each
categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 3 = 15
4 X 4 = 16
3 X 9 = 27
2 X 10 = 20
1 X 21 = 21 +
Total 99
Total Score :
99 100% = 44%
225 — — — — —


Regarding to the table above about shyness, Questionnare

number 12 (Q12) shows that there are 3 students always feel shy to

speak English in front of friends and teacher with the precentage

6,7% , 8 students often feel shy to speak English in front of friends

and teacher with the percentage 17,8%, 4 students sometimes feel

shy to speak English in front of friends and teacher with the

percentage 8,9%, 9 students seldom feel shy to speak English in

front of friends and teacher with the percentage 20%, and 21

students never feel shy to speak English in front of friends and

teacher with the percentage 46,7%. In the table above also shows

that the mean value of Q12 is 2,18 , the median is 2, and the mode is

1. So, it means that most of students are never shy to speak English

in front of friends and teacher.

Questionnare number 13 (Q13) shows that there are 2

students always feel shy when their English are understandable with

the precentage 4,4% , there is no students often feel shy when their

English are understandable with the percentage 0%, 12 students

sometimes feel shy when their English are understandable with the

percentage 26, 7%, 11 students seldom feel shy when their English

are understandable with the percentage 24,4%, and 20 students never

feel shy when their English are understandable with the percentage

44,4%. In the table above also shows that the mean value of Q13 is — — — — —


1,96 , the median is 2, the mode is 1. So, it means that most of

students are never feel shy when their English are understandable.

Based on the index formula above, it shows 44% students

shyness. It means that sometimes shyness is the inhibition factors in

applying full English speaking.

2. Descriptive analyisis of linguistic factors in applying full English


There are five categories regarding the linguistic factors that inhibit

students to speak English. Here, the result of the third linguistic factors

will be shown by the table as follow:

a. Lack of Grammar Understanding

table 3.6
Descriptive statistic test of grammar understanding
Always Often Sometimes Seldom never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
14 7 15,6 6 13,3 19 42,2 10 22,2 3 6, 7 3,09 3 3
15 4 8,9 7 15,6 14 31,1 11 24,4 9 20 2,69 3 3
To find out the frequently lack grammar faced by students, we need to
calculate each categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 7 = 35
4 X 7 = 28
3 X 16 = 48
2 X 10 = 20
1 X 6 = 6 +
Total 137
Total Score :
137 X 100% = 60,88%
Regarding to the table above about lack of understanding

grammar, Questionnare number 13 (Q13) showed that there are 7 — — — — —


students are always difficult to use the correct grammar with the

precentage 15,6% , 6 students are often difficult to use the correct

grammar with the percentage 13,3%, 19 students are sometimes

difficult to use the correct grammar with the percentage 42,2%, 10

students are seldom difficult to use the correct grammar with the

percentage 22,2%, and 3 students are never difficult to use the correct

grammar with the percentage 6,7%. In the table above also showed

that the mean value of Q13 is 3, the median is 3, and the mode is 3.

So, it means that most of students are sometimes difficult to use the

correct grammar while speaking English.

Questionnare number 15 (Q15) showed that 4 students always

use the correct grammar while speaking English with the precentage

8,9% , 7 students often use the correct grammar while speaking

English with the percentage 15,6%, 14 students sometimes use the

correct grammar while speaking English with the percentage 31,1%,

11 students seldom use the correct grammar while speaking English

with the percentage 24,4%, and 9 students never use the correct

grammar while speaking English with the percentage 20%. In the

table above also showed that the mean value of Q15 is 2,69 , the

median is 3, and the mode is 3. So, it means that most of students

sometimes use the correct grammar while speaking English. — — — — —


Based on the index formula above, it shows 60,88% students

are lack of understanding grammar. It means that grammar is the

inhibition factors in applying full English speaking.

b. Lack of Vocabulary

Table 3.6
Descriptive statistic test of lack vocabulary
Always often Sometimes Seldom never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
16 4 8,9 5 11,1 17 37,8 13 28,9 6 13,3 2, 73 3 3
17 5 11,1 7 15,6 8 17,8 16 35,6 9 20 2,62 2 2
18 1 2,2 5 11,1 8 17,8 18 40 13 28,9 2,18 2 2
To find out the frequently lack vocabulary faced by students, we need to calculate
each categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 5 = 25
4 X 6 = 24
3 X 11 = 33
2 X 15 = 30
1 X 8 = 8 +
Total 120
Total Score :
130 X 100% = 53,3%
Regarding to the table above about lack vocabulary, Questionnare

number 16 (Q13) showed that 4 students always prefer to be silent

with the precentage 8,9% , 5 students often prefer to be silent with the

percentage 11,1%, 17 students sometimes prefer to be silent with the

percentage 37,8%, 13 students seldom prefer to be silent with the

percentage 28,9%, and 6 students are never be silent with the

percentage 13,3%. In the table above also shows that the mean value

of Q16 is 2, 73 , the median is 3 , and the mode value is 3. So, it — — — — —


means that most of students are sometimes prefer to be silent if do not

know what they have to say.

Questionnare number 17 (Q17) showed that 5 students always

get upset when do not know what the teacher say with the precentage

11,1% , 7 students often get upset when do not know what the teacher

say with the percentage 15,6%, 8 students sometimes get upset when

do not know what the teacher say with the percentage 17,8%, 16

students seldom get upset when do not know what the teacher say with

the percentage 35,6%, and 9 students never get upset when do not

know what the teacher say with the percentage 20%. In the table

above also showed that the mean value of Q17 is 2, 62 , the median is

2, and the mode value is 2. So, it means that most of students seldom

get upset when do not know what the teacher or their friends saying.

Questionnare number 18 (Q18) showed that 1 student always do

not have edaquate vocabulary while speaking English with the

precentage 2,2% , 5 students often do not have edaquate vocabulary

while speaking English with the percentage 11,1%, 8 students

sometimes do not have edaquate vocabulary while speaking English

with the percentage 17,8%, 18 students do not have edaquate

vocabulary while speaking English with the percentage 40%, and 13

students never have edaquate vocabulary while speaking English with

the percentage 28,9%. In the table above also shows that the mean

value of Q18 is 2,18 the median is 2, ande the mode value is 2. So, it — — — — —


means that most of students seldom do not have edaquate vocabulary

while speaking English.

Based on the index formula above, it shows 53,33% students

are lack of vocabulary. It means that sometimes lack of vocabulary is

the inhibiting factors in applying full English speaking.

c. Incorrect Pronounciation

Table 3.6
Descriptive statistic test of incorrect pronounciation
Always Often Sometimes Seldom never Note
No F % F % F % F % F % Mean Me Mo
16 3 6, 7 8 17,8 18 40 9 20 7 15,6 2, 73 3 3
17 2 4,4 10 2,2 12 26, 7 13 28,9 8 17,8 2,62 2 2
To find out the frequently lack pronounciation faced by students, we need to
calculate each categories use index formula as follow:

Criteria Respondents
5 X 3 = 15
4 X 9 = 36
3 X 15 = 45
2 X 11 = 22
1 X 7 = 7 +
Total 125
Total Score :
125 X 100% = 56%

Regarding to the table above about lack pronounciation,

Questionnare number 19 (Q19) shows that 3 students always think

their pronounciation can not be understood with the precentage 6, 7%,

8 students often think their pronounciation ca not be understood with

the percentage 17,8%, 18 students sometimes think their

pronounciation ca not be understood with the percentage 40%, 9

students seldom think their pronounciation ca not be understood with — — — — —


the percentage 20%, and 7 students never think their pronounciation

ca not be understood with the percentage 15,6%. In the table above

also showed that the mean value of Q19 is 2,73 , the median is 3, and

the mode is 3.So, it means that most of students sometimes think their

pronounciation can not be understood by teacher and friends.

Questionnare number 20 (Q20) shows that there are 2

students always have difficulties in pronouncing English word with

the precentage 4,4% , 10 students often have difficulties in

pronouncing English word the percentage 20,2%, 12 students

sometimes have difficulties in pronouncing English word with the

percentage 26, 7%, 13 students seldom have difficulties in

pronouncing English word with the percentage 28,9%, and 8

students never have difficulties in pronouncing English word with

the percentage 17,8%. In the table above also shows that the mean

value is 2,62 , the median is 2, and the mode is 2. So, it means that

most of students seldom have difficulties in pronouncing English

word correctly.

Based on the index formula above, it shows 56,6% students are

incorrect pronounciation. It means that sometimes pronounciation is

the inhibition factors in applying full English speaking. — — — — —


D. Discussion

Regarding with those data, the researcher found that there are two main

factors that inhibited students to speak English. The factors are linguistic

factors and non-linguistic factors. There arefive categories in linguistic factor,

they are : anxiety, lack on motivation, lack of confidence, fear of making

mistake and shyness.Then, there are three categories in linguistic factor, they

are: lack of grammar understanding, lack of vocabulary, and lack of


1. Non-linguistic factors that inhibit students to speak English

Lack of motivation is the most frequently factors that inhibit students

to speak English. It calculated using index formula shows that 58,2%

students feel that they lack of motivation. It means that lack of motivation

sometimes are the inhibition factors faced by students to speak English.

They really need of teacher caring in their progress. It will help them to

know how well their English progress as well. It is in line with the Juhana

article which stated that teachers need to be conscious that they also have a

significant impact on students’ motivation in learning process.

Establishing an effort to cover students’ motivation, they should cater for

the difference of personality types in the same classroom.53 Teacher also

have a big role in students goal to speak English. They must know the

personality of each students and also how to treat them.

Humaera, Inhibition in Speaking Performance, 36. — — — — —


Then, the second inhibiting factors to speak English is lack of

confidence. It showed that 56,8% students do not have enough confidence.

It means that lack of confidence sometimes are the inhibition factors faced

by students to speak English. The cause of feeling lack of confidence was

their inability to speak English well. They think that their English was bad

and they had limited knowledge of English. They also had less confidence

to speak in front of their friends. It was caused because some of their

friends mock them when they tried to speak English. So, They prefer not

to speak English to avoid their friends ridicule. In response to this, Nunan

says that students who lack of confidence about themselves and their

English necessarily suffer from communication apprehension. This shows

that building students confidence is an important part of teachers focus

attention.54 It is important for teacher to build their confidence to speak

English. Practicing English frequently also help them to build their


In terms of anxiety, 50% students mentioned that they feel anxious

because they got nervous. They were afraid of being criticized while

speaking English. They were also going to blank about what they were

going to say. Regarding the cause of anxiety, Horwitz, Michael, and Cope

based on their finding research, found out Their low ability in his aspect

causes anxious feeling among many students.55 In this case, they are afraid

Nunan, Second language teaching and learning, 203.
Eliana.K, Horwirtz, Michael.B, & Joan Cope, “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety” The
Modern Language Journal Vol 70, 2(February 2009), 127. — — — — —


of being evaluated by their friends and teacher. That is why they are

nervous when they wanted to speak English.

Regarding fear of making mistake, there was 48,8% frequently

choosen by the students as their hindrance to speak English. Some of them

argue that the cause of their fear making mistake was they are afraid of

being laughed. Eventhough they have tried to speak English as much as

they can. The negative comments from their friends and teacher also

caused them fear of making mistake. Those arguments are relevant to the

Aftat. He adds that this fear is linked to the issue of correction and

negative evaluation. In addition, this is also much influenced by the

students fear of being laughed by other students or being criticized by the

teacher.56 As a result, students commonly stop participating in the speaking

activity. Therefore it is important for teacher to convince their students

that making mistakes is not a wrong or bad thing because students can

learn from their mistakes.

With regard to shyness, only 44% students feel that shyness is the

inhibition factors in aplying full English speaking. They feel shy if their

friends do not know what they are talking about. They also feel shy to

speak English in front of their friends and teacher. In line with this,

Baldwin further explains that speaking in front of people is one of the

more common phobias that students encounter and feeling of shyness

Humaera, Inhibition in Speaking Performance, 36. — — — — —


makes their mind go blank or that they will forget what to say. 57 Therefore,

paying attention on this aspect also quite important in order to help the

students do their best in their speaking.

2. Linguistic factors that inhibited students to speak English

Lack of grammar is the most frequently factors that inhibited to speak

English. It calculated using index formula showed that 60,88% students

feel that they lack of grammar. The causes of their lack of grammar was

mainly caused by their lack of speaking practiced grammatically. They

mentioned that they seldom applied the grammar in speaking. Eventually,

they often did many mistakes in speaking English especially related to

grammatical construction. They also have difficulties to use the correct

grammar while speaking English. They always think about the structure of

sentence before speaking English. Students also confused to construct

words when they must speak spontaneously. It was realted with the

Erikson statement in the Pipit thesis. He states that teachers very often

teach grammar in isolation. As a result, students do not have opportunity

to apply the grammar knowledge in actual discourse or conversation. 58 It

must be consideration for the teacher to find out the way of teaching

grammar simply. Grammar become necessary to be noticed because it will

influence students achievement in grammar competence.

In terms of lack of pronounciation, 56% of students argue that lack of

pronounciation is the inhibition factor to speak English. Most of them

Ibid., 36.
Nugraha, Factors Affecting The Students’ Reluctance, 30. — — — — —


difficult to pronounce English word. They also admit that their speaking

are ussualy difficult to be understood by their friends. In line with this

Gilbert stated in Pipit thesis that being unable to pronounce well can cause

the students to be oorly percieved and understood by others.59 It indicate

that paying attention in the pronounciation is important for the learners.

Students who low ability in pronounciation can also become obstacle to

speak English.

With regard to the lack of vocabulary, there are 53,3% students felt

that lack of vocabulary was the inhibiting factors to speak English. Having

edaquate vocabulary was the main factors. Some of them was getting upset

when they do not know what their teacher and friends saying.

Consequently, they prefer to be silent if they do not know what they have

to say. In line with that an online book published by Texas Education

Agency reveals the obstacle among students to develop their vocabulary

ability is the complexity of word knowledge. Knowing a word involves

much more than knowing its dictionary definition and simply memorizing

a dictionary definition does not guarantee the ability to use a word in

reading or writing.

Ibid., 30. — — — — —



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion of the research.

Conclusion is the summary of the discussion based on the research question.

While, the suggestion is the recommendation based on the result of the research to

encourage students and teacher in applying full English speaking.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing all the data gotten from the questionnare, the researcher

conclude that:

1. There are some non-linguistic factors that inhibit students in applying full

English speaking. 58,2% students feel that they lack of motivation.Then,

56,8% students do not have enough confidence.. In terms of anxiety, 50%

students mentioned that they feel anxious because they got nervous. There

are 48,8% frequently choosen by the students as their hindrance to speak

English. With regard to shyness, only 44% students feel that shyness is the


2. There are some linguistic factors that inhibit students in applying full

English speaking. 60,88% students feel that they lack of grammar. In

terms of lack of pronounciation, 56% of students argue that lack of

pronounciation is the inhibition factor to speak English. 53,3% Having an

edaquate vocabulary are the main factors.

71 — — — — —


B. Suggestion

1. Teacher of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi

Teacher should have strategy to make students motivated. Be a friend

but not a philosopher.give the concrete examples when you speak to

them. There are some games and also strategy that appropriate for

students. Teacher can use board race game to make the students easily

understand the grammar. Teacher must convince the students that

racticing English is one way to enhance their speaking ability. In addition,

teacher should give warm feedback (comments or corrections) to the

students when they do mistakes while speaking English. Consequently,

they will learn from their mistakes previously and correct it for better

speaking in next time.

2. Students of Sekolah Alam Genteng Banyuwangi

As the language learners, the students should keep their great

motivation to improve their speaking ability. They should have more in

practicing sepaking English to imrove their speaking ability. They also

must use the correct grammar and pronounciation in speaking English.

They have to be sure that being active help them to enhance their

speaking ability. Students also must believe that having mistakes in

speaking is not a great matter since they are still in the process of

learning. — — — — —


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EXPLORING THE Inhibition 1. Linguistic a. Lack of Respondents 1. Approach and 1. What Are the Linguistic
INHIBITION Factors Factors Vocabulary a. Students of kinds of research Factors in Applying
FACTORS IN b. Pronounciation Sekolah Alam a. Quantitative Full English Speaking
APPLYING FULL mistakes Descriptive Among Students of
ENGLISH c. Grammar b. Survey Sekolah Alam Genteng
SPEAKING mistakes Research Banyuwangi?
AMONG 2. Non-linguistic d. Lack of 2. Data Collection 2. What Are the Non-
STUDENTS OF Factors motivation Method: Linguistic Factors in
SEKOLAH ALAM e. Fear of making a. Questionnare Applying Full English
GENTENG mistakes Speaking Among
BANYUWANGI f. Anxiety Students of Sekolah
g. Shyness Alam Genteng
h. Lack of Banyuwangi?

English 1. Definition
Speaking 2. Microskill of
3. Components of
Speaking — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Afidatul Khasanah
T20156084 – Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training
IAIN Jember, Jember

Name :
Class :
Sex (male/female) :
This questionnare intends to explore the students’ inhibition factors in
applying full english speaking. Therefore, through this questionnare the researcher
may know what the students’ inhibition while speaking english. Please read each
one, decide how well it applies to you, and indicate to what extent you do it or not
with each statement. For each item, please give a checklist () in the box tha best
represents how closely the statement applies to you. Give only one checklist in
each item. To change the answer, draw an X in the incorrect response, and then
you have to give a new checklist () in the decided answer.
Always (A) : You always do it when speaking English (100%)
Often (O) : You often do it at least 3 times when speaking English
Sometimes (S) : You sometimes do it when speaking English (50%)
Seldom (SD) : You seldom do it when speaking English (25%)
Never (N) : You never do it when speaking English (0%) — — — — —

No Statement Alternative answer
Non-linguistic factors
1 I am afraid of being criticized by teacher
or my friends while speaking English
2 My heart is pounding when the taecher ask
me to speak English
3 I am nerveous while speaking English in
front of my teacher or my friends
4 I am going to blank about what I am going
to say
5 I am afraid of negative comments when I
do some mistakes in speaking English
6 I am afraid of being laughed when I do
some mistakes in speaking English
7 I don’t want to look foolish in front of my
friends when I do some mistakes in
speaking English
8 I am not confident to speak English
because my English is bad
9 I have less confident to speak in front of
my friends and teacher
10 My teacher not enough motivate me to
speak English
11 My teacher pay close attention about my
English speaking progress
12 I feel shy to speak English in front of my
friends and teacher
13 I feel shy when my friends and teacher do
not know what I say — — — — —

Linguistic factors
14 I have difficulties to use the correct
grammar while speaking English
15 I use the correct grammar while speaking
16 I prefer to be silent if I do not know what I
have to say
17 I get upset when I do not know what my
teacher or my friends saying in English
18 I don’t have edaquate vocabulary when
speaking English
19 my prounounciation can not be understood
by my friends and teacher
20 I have difficulties in pronouncing English
word correctly
21 I use English in daily activities
22 Practicing how to speak English with my
23 Having teacher to correct my English
24 Using English in correct grammar and
pronounciation — — — — — — — — — —
Yayasan Bina Insan Islamy


Banyuwangi Islamic School
NIS : 20 130 0 NSS : 20 2 0525 10 202
Villa Alam Asri, JL KH Imam Bahri Jenisari Genteng Banyuwangi
Telp. (0333)848801, 08124941747


Nomor. 421/51/429.245.200760/2019

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

nama : Mukhamad Farid

jabatan : Kepala Sekolah
unit kerja : SMP MA’HAD ALAM BIS
alamat : JL. KH. Imam Bahri Perum Villa Alam Asri Jenesari

menerangkan dengan sebenarnya bahwa:

nama : Afidatul Khasanah

tempat, tanggal lahir : Banyuwangi, 22 Januari 1996
NIM : T20156084
alamat : Kedungringin, Bangorejo Banyuwangi

yang tersebut di atas telah benar benar mengadakan penelitian untuk

penyusunan skripsi dengan selesai pada siswa kelas VII dan VIII semester
genap tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 di SMP Ma’had ALAM BIS JENESARI

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya agar digunakan

sebagaimana mestinya.

Genteng, 25 Juli 2019

Kepala Sekolah,

Mukhamad Farid, M.Pd — — — — —


Personal Identity
Name : Afidatul Khasanah
Place & date of birth : Banyuwangi, January 22 th 1996
Gender : Female
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesian, Javanesse
Marital Status : Single
Occuptation : Student
Address : Kedungringin 004/003, Temurejo, Bangorejo, banyuwangi
Email :
Father’s Name : Baedlowi
Mother’s Name : Siti Bariroh
Occupation : Farmer
Address : Kedungringin 004/003, Temurejo, Bangorejo,Banyuwangi
Educational Background
Kindergarten : TK Fatmawati (2001-2003)
Primary School : MI Miftahul Huda 2 (2003-2009)
Junior High School : MTs Negeri Sambirejo (2009-2012)
Senior High School : SMK Negeri Darul Ulum Muncar (2012-2015)
University : IAIN Jember (2015-2019)
Working Experience
1. Tentor of TEXAS English Course Jember
2. Teacher of SDN Jember Lor 1

Banyuwangi, 12th 2019

Afidatul Khasanah — — — — — — — — — —

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