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Activity 5.

1.What makes a shrine or site a UNESCO world heritage? Give example.

Because it has a universal value to people,it gives us an oppurtunity to conserve and preserve the
ancient significance. like Rizal Monument, the Rice Terraces of philippine Cordilleras, Kalanay Cave, and

2.Is Moro-Moro an indigenous cultural practices? How is it performed?

No, it is not a indigenous cultural practices, it is a folk drama theater battles between christian and
Moro-Moro performed in village fiestas in the philippines from the spanish colonial.

3.What does this statement mean "archives are the secreation of an organism?

it distinguished from the documents that have been consciously written or created to communicate a
particular message to posterity.

4.Why are record and documetns preserved? Give example of records and documents?

to prolong the usable life of a record and documents. example is the PSA, Birth certificate, Marriage
records to prevent the loss of informational content.

5.Do you believe in kutkot?Why?

No, because why are they digging the grave of a dead person to clean the skeleton body and displaying it
to their house before sending it to a cave where all the sinakot are taken. but I respect their tribe or

6.is the U.S library of congress a library, a museum, an archive, or a lawmaking body?what is its role in
the philippine history?

It is a library, a museum, and an achieve. Its has no role in Philippine History.

7.What is a computer library? are the sources of informationin this library?explain.

it has a academic, educational and a research purposes. Yes, it has an information and easy to access
because you can type to what are you searching for.

8.Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of all activities affecting cultural communities?

the people and cultural communities.

9.Why do we have to protect and conserve the natural cultural history of the nation?

to establish and strengthen cultural institutions.

10. Why is visiting historic sites, shrines, landmarks, and museums important in the study of history?
How has your previous experience of visiting a specific historic landmark or museum helped you in the
understanding of a historical fact or event?

Visiting or seeing it in real life an historic sites, shrines, landmarks, and a museum you can get a better
information and knowledge than in a textbook. Its amazing how can they preserved it after so many


The Philippines Constitution

1.Why is a constitution considered as "the highest expression of the law"?

because it has a rights of the individual and creates the rights of the individual and creates limitations to
government power.

2.How is a constitution made? What processes does it undego before being ratified?

it is written by a constitutional convention which is a body assembled for the express purpose of framing
or writing a constitution. it s submitted to plebiscite for ratification in which the people will decide
whether it is acceptable.

3.How important is the Malolos Republic Constitution with regards to the ideas and provisions that it

its important because malolos republic is the first philippine republic and first democratic government,it
has so many good governance that they created.

4.The separation of Church and States became a topic of debate in the drafting of the Malolos Republic
Constitution. In your opinion, why was this issue controversial at that time?

because some of congress wants to combined the church and states that somebody disapproaved it and
wants it to separate the states and church.

5.The bill of rights is a major article throughout the different constitutions of the country? why is it

it guarantees civil rights, it sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the
federal government to the people or the states.

Agrarian Reform

6.Briefly discuss the history of the land reform program in the philippines.

since the american colonial period the agrarian problem is worsened during that time. it was hard to
claimed the own land of people. many problem arise about the agrarian reform many president had
changed and repuiblic act. In 1988 the government CARP was created to end unfair land ownership
providing aproper documentation to its rightful owners.

7.What are the salient features of each agrarian system?

it has a beneficiaries to a farmer and a dynamic set of economic and technological factors that affect
agricultural practices.

8.How did each system either help our farmers or worsen the agrarian condition?

It face them the burden of risks and losses and forcibly taken their own land.

9.What is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?Research more about its objectives and key

Is an agrarian reform law of the philippines.

Its goals are to provide landowners equality in terms of income and oppurtunities.

The CARP covered all public and private agricultural lands regardless of the crops planted.

10.What is the general condition of the current agrarian system in the philippines?

Poor households, 61 percent are in the agricultural and fishery sectors. Poverty incidence is highest
among the farmers at 41 percent.


11.What is taxation?

Taxation means laying a tax through which the government generates income to defray its expenses.

12. What is the purpose of taxation?

It is to raise funds of government program and services that benefits filipino citizen.

13.How are national taxes similar to and/or different from local taxes?

both are similar but different on collecting taxes, national taxes is collected by Bureau of Internal
Revenue and local taxes are collected by the local government.

14.What are the types of national taxes?

Capital Gains Tax, Documentary Stamp Tax, Donor's Tax, Estate Tax, Income Tax, Percentage Tax, Value-
Added Tax, Excise Tax, Withholding Tax, Expanded Withholding Tax, Final Withholding Tax, Withholding

15.What are the types of local taxes?

Tax on Transfer of Real Property Ownership, Tax on Business of Printing and Publication, Franchise Tax,
Tax on Sand, Gravel, and Other Quarry Resources, Professional Tax, Amusement Tax, Annual Fixed for
Every Delivery Truck or Van of Manufactures, Tax on Business, Fees for Sealing and Licensing of Weights
and Measures, Fishery Rentals,Fees,Charges, Community Tax, Taxes levied by the barangays on stores,
Services Fees, Barangay Clearance.

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