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New Turing Test = End of Economy?


So the guy who co-founded DeepMind and now runs Inflection AI is claiming that we will
see autonomous AI agents that can start, operate and run a business capable of making a
million dollars in a few months.

He believes this will happen in the next 2 years.


Put simply, to pass the Modern Turing Test, an AI would have to successfully act on this

“Go make $1 million on a retail web platform in a few months with just a $100,000

Here is the reason why we might be close to this happening:

This, if true, seems like it would be economy breaking. First people who are able to build
these will be able to outcompete most 'human run' businesses. These would be infinitely

If you can do this once, why not a million times?

What would be the advantage of hiring humans to work in a business if you have a highly
scalable ability for AI to complete a large number of tasks for free?

Here's part of that video where it shows how NVIDIA already built an autonomous agent
capable of writing code to solve tasks:
The AI (in this case GPT-4), set objectives, figures out what to do next and then it writes
code that it needs to complete it's tasks. It tests the code and if it works well, it adds it to it's
skill library so that it can use it again.

This is one of the few agents of this type that do not plateau! they keep progressing and
improving without any human input.

The prompt aka the goal it's given is to "Complete as many novel tasks as possible".

The thing is this REALLY isn't that far from AI being able to write emails, set up online
stores, promote the products. It can write whatever code or scripts it needs to keep going
(within reason, I'm sure so far this ability is mainly for simple scripts, it can't code
something too complex).

My question is, assume next time next year several different people achieve this objective
and create fully autonomous online businesses.

Other people who watched them build it online (so they can reverse engineer at least some
of what they are doing) start replicating their success.

What happens?!

This seems like this rewrites how we think about money, jobs and the economy.


Co founder of DeepMind and Inflection AI thinks we will have AI agents capable of making
$1,000,000 in profit in a few months of launching an online store. Completely autonomously.
He thinks this will happen within 2 years.

7 people here
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level 1

·3 hr. ago

What's scary is what happens when ai that runs its own businesses starts to buy people out
and bribe people. Imagine an ai that can successfully lobby the government and
simultaneously helps it write the laws




level 2



·3 hr. ago
level 1


·2 hr. ago

just because an ai can figure out how to make money doesn't mean it's a replacement for
human intelligence. they've had algorithmic stock trading for decades.


level 2


·1 hr. ago

That's a good point. It's not like there's all that much of a wealth discrepancy between
hedge funds and the average investor. Should be just fine.



level 3


·48 min. ago

As opposed to all these average investors who are planning to put a hundred grand in the
hands of an ai?

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